370 research outputs found

    A snapshot of the inner dusty regions of a RCrB-type variable

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    R Coronae Borealis variable stars are suspected to sporadically eject optically thick dust clouds causing, when one of them lies on the line-of-sight, a huge brightness decline in visible light. Mid-infrared interferometric observations of RYSgr allowed us to explore the circumstellar regions very close to the central star (~20-40 mas) in order to look for the signature of any heterogeneities. Using the VLTI/MIDI instrument, five dispersed visibility curves were recorded with different projected baselines oriented towards two roughly perpendicular directions. The large spatial frequencies visibility curves exhibit a sinusoidal shape whereas, at shorter spatial frequencies visibility curves follow a Gaussian decrease. These observations are well interpreted with a geometrical model consisting in a central star surrounded by an extended circumstellar envelope in which one bright cloud is embedded. Within this simple geometrical scheme, the inner 110AU dusty environment of RYSgr is dominated at the time of observations by a single dusty cloud which, at 10mic represents ~10% of the total flux of the whole system. The cloud is located at about 100stellar radii from the centre toward the East-North-East direction (or the symmetric direction with respect to centre) within a circumstellar envelope which FWHM is about 120stellar radii. This first detection of a cloud so close to the central star, supports the classical scenario of the RCrB brightness variations in the optical spectral domain

    The expanding dusty bipolar nebula around the nova V1280 Sco

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    V1280 Sco is one of the slowest dust-forming nova ever historically observed. We performed multi-epoch high-spatial resolution observations of the circumstellar dusty environment of V1280 Sco to investigate the level of asymmetry of the ejecta We observed V1280 Sco in 2009, 2010 and 2011 using unprecedented high angular resolution techniques. We used the NACO/VLT adaptive optics system in the J, H and K bands, together with contemporaneous VISIR/VLT mid-IR imaging that resolved the dust envelope of V1280 Sco, and SINFONI/VLT observations secured in 2011. We report the discovery of a dusty hourglass-shaped bipolar nebula. The apparent size of the nebula increased from 0.30" x 0.17" in July 2009 to 0.64" x 0.42" in July 2011. The aspect ratio suggests that the source is seen at high inclination. The central source shines efficiently in the K band and represents more than 56+/-5% of the total flux in 2009, and 87+/-6% in 2011. A mean expansion rate of 0.39+/-0.03 mas per day is inferred from the VISIR observations in the direction of the major axis, which represents a projected upper limit. Assuming that the dust shell expands in that direction as fast as the low-excitation slow ejecta detected in spectroscopy, this yields a lower limit distance to V1280 Sco of 1kpc; however, the systematic errors remain large due to the complex shape and velocity field of the dusty ejecta. The dust seems to reside essentially in the polar caps and no infrared flux is detected in the equatorial regions in the latest dataset. This may imply that the mass-loss was dominantly polar

    An interferometric study of the post-AGB binary 89 Herculis I Spatially resolving the continuum circumstellar environment at optical and near-IR wavelengths with the VLTI, NPOI, IOTA, PTI, and the CHARA Array

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    Binary post-AGB stars are interesting laboratories to study both the evolution of binaries as well as the structure of circumstellar disks. A multiwavelength high angular resolution study of the prototypical object 89 Herculis is performed with the aim of identifying and locating the different emission components seen in the SED. A large interferometric data set, collected over the past decade and covering optical and near-IR wavelengths, is analyzed with simple geometric models. Combining the interferometric constraints with the photometry and the optical spectra, we reassess the energy budget of the post-AGB star and its circumstellar environment. We report the first (direct) detection of a large (35-40%) optical circumstellar flux contribution and spatially resolve its emission region. Given this large amount of reprocessed and/or redistributed optical light, the fitted size of the emission region is rather compact and fits with(in) the inner rim of the circumbinary dust disk. This rim dominates our K band data through thermal emission and is rather compact, emitting significantly already at a radius of twice the orbital separation. We interpret the circumstellar optical flux as due to a scattering process, with the scatterers located in the extremely puffed-up inner rim of the disk and possibly also in a bipolar outflow seen pole-on. A non-LTE gaseous origin in an inner disk cannot be excluded but is considered highly unlikely. This direct detection of a significant amount of circumbinary light at optical wavelengths poses several significant questions regarding our understanding of both post-AGB binaries and the physics in their circumbinary disks. Although the identification of the source of emission/scattering remains inconclusive without further study on this and similar objects, the implications are manifold.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 16 pages, 15 figure

    GI2T/REGAIN spectro-interferometry with a new infrared beam combiner

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    We have built an infrared beam combiner for the GI2T/REGAIN interferometer of the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur. The beam combiner allows us to record spectrally dispersed Michelson interference fringes in the near-infrared J-, H- or K-bands. The beam combiner has the advantage that Michelson interferograms can simultaneously be recorded in about 128 different spectral channels. The tilt of the spectrally dispersed fringes is a measure of the instantaneous optical path difference. We present the optical design of the beam combiner and GI2T/REGAIN observations of the Mira star R Cas with this beam combiner in the spectral range of 2.00 micron - 2.18 micron (observations on 22 and 25 August 1999; variability phase 0.08; V-magnitude approx. 6; seven baselines between 12m and 24m; reference stars Vega and Beta Peg). The spectrograph of the beam combiner consists of an anamorphotic cylindrical lens system, an image plane slit, and a grism. A system of digital signal processors calculates the ensemble average power spectrum of the spectrally dispersed Michelson interferograms and the instantaneous optical path difference error in real time. From the observed R Cas visibilities at baselines 12.0m, 13.8m and 13.9m, a 2.1 micron uniform-disk diameter of 25.3mas +/-3.3mas was derived. The unusually high visibility values at baselines >16m show that the stellar surface of R Cas is more complex than previously assumed. The visibility values at baselines >16m can be explained by high-contrast surface structure on the stellar surface of R Cas or other types of unexpected center-to-limb variations. The R Cas observations were compared with theoretical Mira star models yielding a linear Rosseland radius of 276Rsun +/-66Rsun and an effective temperature of 2685K+/-238K for R Cas at phase 0.08.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, see also http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/speckle, SPIE conf 4006 "Interferometry in Optical Astronomy", in pres

    Near-Infrared Studies of V1280 Sco (Nova Scorpii 2007)

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric results of Nova V1280 Sco which was discovered in outburst in early 2007 February. The large number of spectra obtained of the object leads to one of the most extensive, near-infrared spectral studies of a classical nova. The spectra evolve from a P-Cygni phase to an emission-line phase and at a later stage is dominated by emission from the dust that formed in this nova. A detailed model is computed to identify and study characteristics of the spectral lines. Inferences from the model address the vexing question of which novae have the ability to form dust. It is demonstrated, and strikingly corroborated with observations, that the presence of lines in the early spectra of low-ionization species like Na and Mg - indicative of low temperature conditions - appear to be reliable indicators that dust will form in the ejecta. It is theoretically expected that mass loss during a nova outburst is a sustained process. Spectroscopic evidence for such a sustained mass loss, obtained by tracing the evolution of a P-Cygni feature in the Brackett gamma line, is presented here allowing a lower limit of 25-27 days to be set for the mass-loss duration. Photometric data recording the nova's extended 12 day climb to peak brightness after discovery is used to establish an early fireball expansion and also show that the ejection began well before maximum brightness. The JHK light curves indicate the nova had a fairly strong second outburst around 100 days after the first.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS. The paper contains 8 figures and 4 tables. Few typographical errors were correcte

    V838 Monocerotis: the central star and its environment a decade after outburst

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    Aims. V838 Monocerotis erupted in 2002, brightened in a series of outbursts, and eventually developed a spectacular light echo. A very red star emerged a few months after the outburst. The whole event has been interpreted as the result of a merger. Methods. We obtained near-IR and mid-IR interferometric observations of V838 Mon with the AMBER and MIDI recombiners located at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) array. The MIDI two-beam observations were obtained with the 8m Unit Telescopes between October 2011 and February 2012. The AMBER three-beam observations were obtained with the compact array (B\leqm) in April 2013 and the long array (B\leq140m) in May 2014, using the 1.8m Auxiliary Telescopes. Results. A significant new result is the detection of a compact structure around V838 Mon, as seen from MIDI data. The extension of the structure increases from a FWHM of 25 mas at 8 {\mu}m to 70 mas at 13 {\mu}m. At the adopted distance of D = 6.1 ±\pm 0.6 kpc, the dust is distributed from about 150 to 400 AU around V838 Mon. The MIDI visibilities reveal a flattened structure whose aspect ratio increases with wavelength. The major axis is roughly oriented around a position angle of -10 degrees, which aligns with previous polarimetric studies reported in the literature. This flattening can be interpreted as a relic of the 2002 eruption or by the influence of the currently embedded B3V companion. The AMBER data provide a new diameter for the pseudo-photosphere, which shows that its diameter has decreased by about 40% in 10yrs, reaching a radius R_* = 750 ±\pm 200 R_{\odot} (3.5 ±\pm 1.0 AU). Conclusions. After the 2002 eruption, interpreted as the merging of two stars, it seems that the resulting source is relaxing to a normal state. The nearby environment exhibits an equatorial over-density of dust up to several hundreds of AU.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (2014) Will be set by the publishe

    Mid-infrared interferometry of the massive young stellar object NGC3603 - IRS 9A

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    We present observations and models for one of these MYSO candidates, NGC3603 IRS 9A. Our goal is to investigate with infrared interferometry the structure of IRS 9A on scales as small as 200AU, exploiting the fact that a cluster of O and B stars has blown away much of the obscuring foreground dust and gas. Observations in the N-band were carried out with the MIDI beam combiner attached to the VLTI. Additional interferometric observations which probe the structure of IRS 9A on larger scales were performed with an aperture mask installed in the T-ReCS instrument of Gemini South. The spectral energy distribution (SED) is constrained by the MIDI N-band spectrum and by data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Our efforts to model the structure and SED of IRS 9A range from simple geometrical models of the brightness distribution to one- and two-dimensional radiative transfer computations. The target is resolved by T-ReCS, with an equivalent (elliptical) Gaussian width of 330mas by 280mas (2300 AU by 2000 AU). Despite this fact, a warm compact unresolved component was detected by MIDI which is possibly associated with the inner regions of a flattened dust distribution. Based on our interferometric data, no sign of multiplicity was found on scales between about 200AU and 700AU projected separation. A geometric model consisting of a warm (1000 K) ring (400 AU diameter) and a cool (140 K) large envelope provides a good fit to the data. No single model fitting all visibility and photometric data could be found, with disk models performing better than spherical models. While the data are clearly inconsistent with a spherical dust distribution they are insufficient to prove the existence of a disk but rather hint at a more complex dust distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Similarity-based predictive models: Sensitivity analysis and a biological application with multi-attributes

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    Predictive models based on empirical similarity are instrumental in biology and data science, where the premise is to measure the likeness of one observation with others in the same dataset. Biological datasets often encompass data that can be categorized. When using empirical similarity-based predictive models, two strategies for handling categorical covariates exist. The first strategy retains categorical covariates in their original form, applying distance measures and allocating weights to each covariate. In contrast, the second strategy creates binary variables, representing each variable level independently, and computes similarity measures solely through the Euclidean distance. This study performs a sensitivity analysis of these two strategies using computational simulations, and applies the results to a biological context. We use a linear regression model as a reference point, and consider two methods for estimating the model parameters, alongside exponential and fractional inverse similarity functions. The sensitivity is evaluated by determining the coefficient of variation of the parameter estimators across the three models as a measure of relative variability. Our results suggest that the first strategy excels over the second one in effectively dealing with categorical variables, and offers greater parsimony due to the use of fewer parameters.ANCD -Agenția Națională pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare(UIDB/00013/2020

    Highly precocious activation of reproductive function in autumn-born goats (Capra hircus) by exposure to sexually active bucks

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    Goats are seasonal breeders with the main cue controlling the timing of breeding season being photoperiod. Hence, the season of birth impacts puberty onset: spring-born goats reach puberty in autumn, at 7 mo of age, whereas autumn-born goats reach puberty at 1 yr during the next reproductive season. The aim of this study was to determine whether exposure of autumn-born young females to sexually active males could counteract the delay in puberty onset observed in autumn-born goats. Females exposed to sexually active males (n = 8) reached puberty earlier than isolated females (n = 8), with exposed females ovulating at a mean age of 3.5 mo. To our knowledge, such precocious puberty onset obtained through social stimulation has never been described in the literature. Moreover, those exposed females exhibited estrus behavior for most ovulations. Our results indicate that in goats born out of season, exposure to sexually active bucks is a really efficient approach to induce early puberty, suggesting that social interactions could have a crucial impact on the regulation of pubertal transition