219 research outputs found

    High Resolution Imaging and the Formation of Stars and Planets

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    Understanding the formation of stellar and planetary systems is one of the great challenges of contemporary astrophysics. This thesis describes progress towards understanding these processes, through advancement of techniques to enable high resolution imaging of faint companions and other structures in the immediate environs of young stars. To ensure optimal performance in an era of large segmented telescopes, techniques to precisely cophase the mirror segments are required. In this thesis we propose the Fizeau Interferometric Cophasing of Segmented Mirrors algorithm, and present the results of testing both numerically and through experiment. We help to rectify a lack of observational evidence with which to test brown dwarf evolutionary models, by laying the foundation for an orbital monitoring survey of 19 brown dwarf binary systems and reporting the discovery of an additional 7 low mass companions to intermediate mass stars. We perform a Non-Redundant Masking (NRM) survey targeting the 1\,Myr old Ophiuchus star forming region. Both binary statistics and the relationship between multiplicity and the presence of a circumstellar disk are explored, providing many results similar to those from older regions. This helps frame the time evolution of effects related to dynamical interactions in binary systems, and the timescale of disk dissipation, with profound implications for giant planet formation. In thesis we also present the results of commissioning for the Gemini Planet Imager Non-Redundant Masking mode. These results indicate that the addition of an Extreme Adaptive Optics systems has substantially improved the performance of NRM compared to previous instruments. Finally, the transition disk T Cha is studied with multi-epoch NRM data, showing that the signal previously interpreted as a planetary companion is more likely to be the result of forward scattering from the inclined outer disk

    Factors Affecting Initiation and Retention of Medication-Assisted Recovery (MAR) within a Pilot Pharmacist-Involved Practice Model at a Federally Qualified Healthcare Center (FQHC) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, opioid-related overdose deaths increased. Although Medication-Assisted Treatment or Recovery (MAT or MAR) is available, initiation and retention rates vary. The goal of this study was to evaluate clinical, demographic, and Social Determinant of Health factors affecting MAR initiation, on-time initiation of medications, and successful retention in the program. The secondary goal was to evaluate the impact of a novel interprofessional practice model incorporating pharmacists. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted using electronic health record data from a pilot MAR Program initiated within a California Federally Qualified Healthcare Center. Results: From September 2019 to August 2020, 48 patients enrolled into the program. On-time initiation of medications occurred in 68% of patients and average program retention was 96.4 ± 95.8 days. Patients currently using opioids (p = 0.005) and those receiving supportive medications (p = 0.049) had lower odds of on-time MAR initiation. There were no statistically significant factors associated with successful retention in the program. The number of visits with members of the interprofessional team did not significantly affect on-time initiation or successful retention. Conclusions: Current opioid use and receipt of supportive medications were associated with lower on-time medication initiation. Further studies are warranted to explore additional factors which may affect initiation and retention

    What doesn’t kill you makes you fitter: A systematic review of high-intensity interval exercise for patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

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    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) has gained popularity in recent years for patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Despite potential benefits, concerns remain about the safety of the acute response (during and/or within 24 hours postexercise) to a single session of HIIE for these cohorts. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a systematic review to evaluate the safety of acute HIIE for people with cardiometabolic diseases. Electronic databases were searched for studies published prior to January 2015, which reported the acute responses of patients with cardiometabolic diseases to HIIE (≥80% peak power output or ≥85% peak aerobic power, VO2peak). Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria (n = 156; clinically stable, aged 27–66 years), with 13 adverse responses reported (~8% of individuals). The rate of adverse responses is somewhat higher compared to the previously reported risk during moderate-intensity exercise. Caution must be taken when prescribing HIIE to patients with cardiometabolic disease. Patients who wish to perform HIIE should be clinically stable, have had recent exposure to at least regular moderate-intensity exercise, and have appropriate supervision and monitoring during and after the exercise session

    Scatterometer-Calibrated Stability Verification Method

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    The requirement for scatterometer-combined transmit-receive gain variation knowledge is typically addressed by sampling a portion of the transmit signal, attenuating it with a known-stable attenuation, and coupling it into the receiver chain. This way, the gain variations of the transmit and receive chains are represented by this loop-back calibration signal, and can be subtracted from the received remote radar echo. Certain challenges are presented by this process, such as transmit and receive components that are outside of this loop-back path and are not included in this calibration, as well as the impracticality for measuring the transmit and receive chains stability and post fabrication separately, without the resulting measurement errors from the test set up exceeding the requirement for the flight instrument. To cover the RF stability design challenge, the portions of the scatterometer that are not calibrated by the loop-back, (e.g., attenuators, switches, diplexers, couplers, and coaxial cables) are tightly thermally controlled, and have been characterized over temperature to contribute less than 0.05 dB of calibration error over worst-case thermal variation. To address the verification challenge, including the components that are not calibrated by the loop-back, a stable fiber optic delay line (FODL) was used to delay the transmitted pulse, and to route it into the receiver. In this way, the internal loopback signal amplitude variations can be compared to the full transmit/receive external path, while the flight hardware is in the worst-case thermal environment. The practical delay for implementing the FODL is 100 s. The scatterometer pulse width is 1 ms so a test mode was incorporated early in the design phase to scale the 1 ms pulse at 100-Hz pulse repetition interval (PRI), by a factor of 18, to be a 55 s pulse with 556 s PRI. This scaling maintains the duty cycle, thus maintaining a representative thermal state for the RF components. The FODL consists of an RF-modulated fiber-optic transmitter, 20 km SMF- 28 standard single-mode fiber, and a photodetector. Thermoelectric cooling and insulating packaging are used to achieve high thermal stability of the FODL components. The chassis was insulated with 1-in. (.2.5-cm) thermal isolation foam. Nylon rods support the Micarta plate, onto which are mounted four 5-km fiber spool boxes. A copper plate heat sink was mounted on top of the fiber boxes (with thermal grease layer) and screwed onto the thermoelectric cooler plate. Another thermal isolation layer in the middle separates the fiberoptics chamber from the RF electronics components, which are also mounted on a copper plate that is screwed onto another thermoelectric cooler. The scatterometer subsystem fs overall stability was successfully verified to be calibratable to within 0.1 dB error in thermal vacuum (TVAC) testing with the fiber-optic delay line, while the scatterometer temperature was ramped from 10 to 30 C, which is a much larger temperature range than the worst-case expected seasonal variations

    Multi-Modulator for Bandwidth-Efficient Communication

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    A modulator circuit board has recently been developed to be used in conjunction with a vector modulator to generate any of a large number of modulations for bandwidth-efficient radio transmission of digital data signals at rates than can exceed 100 Mb/s. The modulations include quadrature phaseshift keying (QPSK), offset quadrature phase-shift keying (OQPSK), Gaussian minimum-shift keying (GMSK), and octonary phase-shift keying (8PSK) with square-root raised-cosine pulse shaping. The figure is a greatly simplified block diagram showing the relationship between the modulator board and the rest of the transmitter. The role of the modulator board is to encode the incoming data stream and to shape the resulting pulses, which are fed as inputs to the vector modulator. The combination of encoding and pulse shaping in a given application is chosen to maximize the bandwidth efficiency. The modulator board includes gallium arsenide serial-to-parallel converters at its input end. A complementary metal oxide/semiconductor (CMOS) field-programmable gate array (FPGA) performs the coding and modulation computations and utilizes parallel processing in doing so. The results of the parallel computation are combined and converted to pulse waveforms by use of gallium arsenide parallel-to-serial converters integrated with digital-to-analog converters. Without changing the hardware, one can configure the modulator to produce any of the designed combinations of coding and modulation by loading the appropriate bit configuration file into the FPGA

    The positive predictive value of a hyperkalemia diagnosis in automated health care data

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    Our objectives were to determine performance of coded hyperkalemia diagnosis at identifying 1) clinically-evident hyperkalemia and 2) serum potassium ≥ 6 mmol/liter

    Exploring the mental health effects of Universal Credit: a journey of co-production

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    This article offers reflections and experiences of public engagement in a National Institute for Health Research funded study about the mental health effects of Universal Credit. PJ’s poem powerfully illustrates his experiences of Universal Credit (UC). In this article, we outline our approach to public involvement and engagement (PIE) in a mixed-method, multi-site study about the mental health effects of UC funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Public involvement in research is defined by NIHR as ‘an active partnership between members of the public and researchers in the research process’. We view public engagement as a social practice of dialogue and learning between researchers and the public;1 at its heart is the core value of social justice, shaped by wider societal developments towards realising citizen empowerment.2 We adopted the term PIE in preference to the more commonly used patient and public involvement, given that our study involves citizens/people with experience of UC and staff supporting them. Deciding who our relevant ‘publics’ are, and how we meaningfully involve them in the research is evolving over time. Here, we describe and reflect on the ongoing process of PIE in the context of this four-year research project

    Negative emotional responses elicited by the anticipation of pain in others: Psychophysiological evidence

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    Limited evidence is available about factors influencing observers' anticipatory emotional responses to another's pain. We investigated fear and distress towards the threat of pain in others, and the moderating role of observers' psychopathic traits and catastrophizing about their own or others' pain. Thirty-six dyads of healthy participants were randomly assigned to either the role of observer or observed participant. Both participants were instructed that 1 colored slide (blue or yellow) signalled that a pain stimulus could possibly be delivered to the observed participant (=pain signal), whereas no pain stimulus would be delivered when a differently colored slide was presented (=safety signal). Observers' self-reported fear, fear-potentiated startle, and corrugator electromyography activity during pain and safety signals were measured. Furthermore, observers rated the presence of pain after each trial allowing assessment of observers' perceptual sensitivity to others' pain. Results indicated that self-reported fear, fear-potentiated startle, and corrugator electromyography activity were augmented during pain signals compared to safety signals. Moreover, these negative emotional responses were heightened in observers highly catastrophizing about others' pain, but reduced in observers with heightened psychopathic traits. Psychopathic traits were also related with a diminished perceptual sensitivity to others' pain. The results are discussed in light of affective-motivational perspectives on pain. Perspective: This study investigated observers' negative emotional responses in anticipation of pain in another, and the moderating role of observers' psychopathic traits and pain catastrophizing. Knowledge about characteristics influencing observers' emotional response to others' pain may provide insight into why observers engage in particular behaviors when faced with another in pain. © 2012 by the American Pain Society
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