115 research outputs found

    Multidimensional comparative analysis of transport behaviour of urban residents: the case of Polish cities

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    The aim of the work is to conduct a multidimensional modelling of transport behaviour of residents of cities in Poland. The research was carried out on the basis of the pilot sample survey results conducted by Polish Central Statistical Office in 2014-2015. In the work a correspondence analysis was used to study the transport behaviour of urban residents. In the study the relationship between the frequency of journeys within the city and factors describing them were investigated. The research analysed primarily the interdependence between the intensity of travels made by residents within the city and factors describing these travels, such as structure of travel, destination, time interval of journeys or methods of travel. On this basis, a profound analysis of the transport behaviour of urban residents was carried out. The study results presented in this work can be a useful tool for local authorities in order to forecast the travel behaviour of urban residents

    How Local Authorities are Engaged in Implementation of Projects Related to Passenger and Freight Transport in Order to Reduce Environmental Degradation in the City

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    AbstractThe main aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of urban projects related to passenger and freight transport undertaken by local governments on the reduction of environmental degradation. The authors have presented the survey results conducted among 36 cities with administration county rights in Poland. In addition in the paper the multidimensional comparative analysis, including correspondence analysis, has been applied. This analysis enabled different classes of cities to be obtained related to the passenger and freight transport and targeted at environmental protection projects. The study results quite clearly show that there are no standards in the measurement of urban projects’ efficiency according to their impact on environmental protection and the range of implemented projects in this field depends on the city population size

    The Measurement of Expected and Perceived Service of a Municipal Transport Based on Selected Medium-Sized Cities

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    In the literature four basic postulates of transport are usually mentioned: time, convenience, cost and security of travel. The hierarchy of importance of individual postulates of transport depends on subjective evaluations of urban transport users. In the research carried out within the framework of research work financed from funds for science in 2010-2013 titled ‘Reference Model of City logistics and the quality of Life of Inhabitants’, measured the difference between the expected and perceived quality of urban transport services and defined a hierarchy of evaluated quality criteria. The solution to the problem with too many variables is the ossibility of using factor analysis. This analysis allows the reduction of many interrelated variable

    Sustainable development and innovations- how they work together?

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    Purpose: The main purpose of the paper is the elaboration and verification of a comprehensive proposal for measuring the results achieved by selected global economies in the area of sustainable development and innovation. Approach/Methodology/Design: To compare the results obtained by EU countries the multi-criteria taxonomy methods were used. The basis of empirical research are the indicators used by the European Commission to monitor the progress in the implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development – Agenda 2030 and the indicators used to assess the level of innovation published in European Innovation Scoreboard. Findings: The results of the research can be divided into two parts. In the first one the rankings of EU countries were built separately for each analyzed dimension of sustainable development and the area describing the level of innovation. In the second one the values of taxonomic measures of development were used to divide EU countries into groups characterized by similarity within all considered areas of sustainability. As a result, typological groups were obtained that differed both in number and composition. Practical Implications: The presented results are important for individual countries as well as for organisations as EU, in which internal cohesion is one of the strategic development goals. The results can also used to assess the effects of implementing the assumptions of the "Green Deal" strategy, currently being developed in the EU. Originality/Value: The added value of the paper is the research findings focused on the assessment of development of EU countries in two most important areas of functioning. In the literature, these areas are usually considered separately. In the paper, the authors decided to compare the results in these two areas analysed together and treat them as one of the important development directions of EU countries.peer-reviewe

    Trudności w porozumiewaniu się z pacjentem z afazją w opinii personelu pielęgniarskiego

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    Introduction. Sudden onset of aphasia due to stroke deprives man of communication with the environment, as well as eliminates of family, social and professional life. Difficulties in communication with patients with aphasia are important issues in ensuring the proper care and improve the quality of patients’ life. Therefore, it is important to have the nursing staff knowledge and skills in communication with a patient with aphasia.Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the difficulty of communication with a patient with aphasia, to determine the possibility of communication and the factors contributing to the improvement of the situation of the patient in the opinion of the nursing staff.Material and Methods. The survey was conducted among 100 nurses working on the neurological wards in six specialized hospitals in the Pomerania region, between August 2012 to August 2013. Research material was collected by the author’s questionnaire.Results. Statistical analysis revealed that age, education and work experience of nurses are related to owned by nurses the knowledge and skills to overcome communication difficulties.Conclusion. Better educated nurses with long work experience, often declare their readiness to therapeutic cooperate with patient with aphasia. Most respondents indicated that no therapeutic action by nurses result of external causes that relate to exess duties. (JNNN 2014;3(2):75–80)Wprowadzenie. Nagłe wystąpienie afazji wskutek udaru mózgu pozbawia człowieka komunikacji z otoczeniem, jak też eliminuje z życia rodzinnego, społecznego i zawodowego. Trudności w porozumiewaniu się z pacjentem z afazją stanowią istotny problem w zapewnieniu właściwej opieki i poprawy jakości życia chorych. Dlatego też istotne jest posiadanie przez personel pielęgniarski wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie komunikacji z pacjentem z zaburzeniami mowy o charakterze afazji.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena trudności porozumiewania się z pacjentem z afazją, określenie możliwości komunikacji oraz analiza czynników wpływających na poprawę sytuacji pacjenta w opinii personelu pielęgniarskiego.Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 100 pielęgniarek pracujących na oddziałach neurologii w sześciu specjalistycznych ośrodkach na terenie województwa pomorskiego w okresie od sierpnia 2012 do sierpnia 2013 r. Materiał badawczy zebrano za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety.Wyniki. Analiza statystyczna dowiodła, że wiek, wykształcenie i staż pracy personelu pielęgniarskiego mają związek z posiadaną przez pielęgniarki wiedzą i umiejętnościami pokonywania trudności komunikacyjnych.Wnioski. Pielęgniarki lepiej wykształcone z dłuższym stażem pracy, częściej deklarują chęć współpracy terapeutycznej z pacjentem z afazją. Większość ankietowanych wskazała, że niepodejmowanie działań terapeutycznych przez pielęgniarki wynika z przyczyn zewnętrznych, które dotyczą przeciążenia nadmiarem obowiązków. (PNN 2014;3(2):75–80

    Experience marketing and the Apple's brand image

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    Dynamiczne przemiany technologiczne, rozwój konsumpcjonizmu oraz paradygmat dwustronnej komunikacji marketingowej spowodowały powstanie nowego typu konsumenta, który stał się znacznie bardziej wymagający względem marki, w porównaniu do tego z lat 90. XX wieku. Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy komunikacji marketingowej pomiędzy konsumentem a gospodarką marketingu doświadczeń na przykładzie marki Apple. Na podstawie obserwacji dowiedziono, że istnieją zależności pomiędzy marką a marketingiem doświadczeń. Podstawą relacji pomiędzy firmą a klientem jest stworzenie odpowiednich emocji w celu łatwiejszego dotarcia do potencjalnych konsumentów.Dynamic technological changes, the development of consumerism and two-way communication resulted in the emergence of a new type of consumer, which has become much more demanding on the brand, in the conduct until the 1990s. The article is an attempt to analyze marketing communication between the consumer and the marketing economy of experiences about the Apple brand. Based on the analysis of empirical material understandable that the relationship between the analyzed brand and experience marketing is available. The basis is included in emotions and relationships in order to more easily reach use in capsules

    Persuasive communication in social campaigns "Wolna Szkoła" : analysis and interpretation

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    Artykuł jest próbą zidentyfikowania technik perswazyjnych w kampaniach społecznych tworzonych przez Sieć Organizacji Społecznej (S.O.S). Dane empiryczne umożliwiające osiągnięcie określonego celu zostały pozyskane poprzez analizę danych zastanych oraz analizę studium przypadku. Wnioski z analiz pokazują charakterystyczne elementy perswazyjne i komunikacyjne stosowane przez organizację w celu zmiany poglądów wśród odbiorców.The article is an attempt to identify persuasive techniques in social campaigns created by the Sieć Organizacji Społecznej (S.O.S). Empirical data enabling the achievement of a specific goal were obtained through the analysis of existing data and the analysis of a case study. The conclusions from the analyzes show the characteristic persuasive and communicative elements used by the organization in order to change the views among the recipients

    Przestrzenno-czasowe modelowanie poziomu życia mieszkańców miast Polski

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    There is scant information on the spatial differentiation of the standard of living in cities. This work has therefore attempted to analyze the spatial differentiation of the standard of living of the populations of towns in a dynamic approach, on the basis of the data from the years 2002–2011. Including time in the spatial differentiation of the standard of living enabled to select the towns in which the improvement in the standard of living is observable, the towns with the steady standard and those in which the standard of living is deteriorating, thanks to the possibility of using the methods of time series analysis.W literaturze przedmiotu stosunkowo mało jest informacji na temat przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu życia w miastach, w szczególności w miastach mniejszych. W pracy podjęto próbę analizy przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu życia mieszkańców miast na prawach powiatu w ujęciu dynamicznym w latach 2002–2011. Uwzględnienie czasu w badaniach przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu życia pozwoliło, dzięki możliwości wykorzystania metod analizy szeregów czasowych, na wyodrębnienie miast, w których można zaobserwować poprawę warunków życia, miast o stałym poziomie oraz tych, dla których następuje pogarszanie się poziomu życia

    Urban Policies and Mobility Trends in Italian Smart Cities

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    This study uses indicators to evaluate the progress made by Italian cities in the smart mobility sector, in order to understand how these cities have approached the new guidelines imposed by the European Union, and how they have implemented the European changes. Specifically, this study analyses the evolution of public transportation systems, using a sample of twenty-two Italian cities for three successive time periods (2005, 2010, and 2015). The outcomes identified are then linked to funding provided for the implementation of projects related to smart mobility in the cities studied, in order to verify possible correlations between the growth of these services and European and national financial investments. The data analysis shows remarkable progress in the field of sustainable mobility, especially between 2010 and 2015 as well as how this progress is linked to significant financial support that favours the realization of projects related to smart mobilit

    The role of sustainable finance in achieving Sustainable Development Goals: does it work?

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    The World Bank and International Monetary Fund reported that the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires an escalation of development finance. The report Scaling Finance for the Sustainable Development Goals highlighted the urgency of the efforts to realize SDGs in encouraging financial innovation to move quickly. Even if the role of finance in achieving SDGs is unquestionable, few scientific studies have addressed these issues. We tried to fill the existing research gap. In this study, we examined the link between sustainable finance and SDGs based on European Union countries belonging to the OECD. We present a new and the original research approach. We assumed that the sustainable finance model plays a fundamental role in implementing SDGs (all SDGs were analysed except for SDG 6 and SDG14, due to lack of statistics were not analysed) and ensuring that social and environmental sustainability are reflected in SDGs. The results of this study show that the more sustainable the finance model, the better the achievement of SDGs in the group of analysed countries. We found a strong link between sustainable finance model and social sustainability (SDG1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 16); environmental sustainability (SDG11, 12, 13, 15) and economic sustainability (SDG8, 9, 17). First published online 3 December 202