107 research outputs found

    Da periferia ao centro da(o) capital : perfil dos trabalhadores do primeiro complexo cimenteiro do Brasil : São Paulo, 1925-1945

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    Orientador: Michael McDonald HallDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasO exemplar do AEL pertence a Coleção CPDSResumo: A primeira grande fábrica de cimento do país, inaugurada em 1926, no bairro de Perus, em São Paulo, determina o recorte temático desta dissertação. As circunstâncias de sua instalação, a articulação com outros empreendimentos ¿ indústria de cal e transporte ferroviário -, a produção de uma mercadoria fundamental para a expansão urbana ¿ o cimento - e o singular processo de produção/trabalho da fábrica, introduzem a escrita. Entretanto, o enfoque privilegiado e articulador deste trabalho é a reflexão sobre os diversos aspectos da vida dos trabalhadores da fábrica e das pedreiras, onde o momento da produção e da reprodução da força de trabalho se confundem. Meu trabalho é fundamentado, principalmente, em fontes documentais primárias, destacando-se a exposição, cruzamento e análise de dados extraídos de 1500 fichas de trabalhadores. Assim, procuro identificar as condições de vida e de trabalho das primeiras gerações de trabalhadores da fábrica de cimento, entre os anos de 1925 e 1947: migração e imigração, nacionais e estrangeiros, negros e brancos, grau de instrução, salários, estabilidade no emprego, acidentes de trabalho, entre outros. Além de expor inúmeros dados empíricos que revelam mais detalhes daquele rico período da história do Brasil, nesta pesquisa, tem destaque também a conflituosa e ambígua trajetória de criação do primeiro sindicato dos trabalhadores, em 1933, buscando, através dela, problematizar e ilustrar a não menos ambígua e complexa história dos primeiros momentos de instalação do sindicalismo oficial no BrasilAbstract: The first great cement factory of Brazil, inaugurated in 1926 in the neighbourhood of Perus, in São Paulo, determines the thematic focus of this dissertation. The circumstances of its construction, its articulation with other enterprises ¿ limestone industry and railroad transport -, the production of a basic element for the urban expansion - cement - and the singular production/work process of the factory open the writing. However, the main focus of this work is a reflection on the diverse aspects of the life of workers from the factory and from the quarries, where the moments of production and of reproduction of the work force blend in with one another. My work is based mainly in primary documentary sources, emphasizing the exposition, comparing and analysis of data extracted from 1500 worker¿s profile records. Thus, I try to identify the life and work conditions of the first generations of workers from the cement factory between the years of 1925 and 1947: migration and immigration; natives and foreigners; black and white; degree of instruction; wages; stability in the job; industrial accidents, among others. Besides displaying innumerable empirical data which disclose more details about that rich period of Brazil¿s history, this research also highlights the conflicting and ambiguous trajectory of the creation of the first workers trade union, in 1933, attempting through that to discuss and illustrate the not less ambiguous and complex history of the first moments of the institution of the official unionism in BrazilMestradoHistoria Social do TrabalhoMestre em História Social do Trabalh

    Coincidência de florescimento entre linhagens de couve-flor na produtividade e qualidade de sementes híbridas

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    The missing of flowering synchronization between the self-incompatible lines in a crop field of cauliflower hybrid seeds besides making the seed production smaller can compromise the genetic purity of them. The coincidence of the flowering time between two cauliflower lines was examined to study its effect on the productivity and quality of hybrid seeds. The treatments consisted of six different sowing dates, every fifteen days, using a self-incompatible tropical line pollinated by a winter line which does not present self-incompatibility. The following characteristics were evaluated: leaf average area and number of flowers per plant, number of siliques per plant, number and weight of seeds per plant, weight of thousand seeds and average number of seeds per silique. The germination standard test and genetic seed purity were determined for each treatment. The coincident flowering season between cauliflower lines affects directly the productivity and the genetic quality of the produced hybrid seeds. The closer the flowering time coincidence between the lines, the greater the number of seeds per silique and the smaller the percentage of non-hybrid seedlings. However, the coincidence of the flowering season between lines was found to influence physiological seed quality.A falta de sincronismo de florescimento entre as linhagens auto incompatíveis em um campo de produção de sementes híbridas de couve flor pode além de reduzir a produção de sementes comprometer a pureza genética das mesmas. Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da coincidência de florescimento entre linhagens de couve-flor na produtividade e qualidade de sementes híbridas, foi realizado o presente experimento. Os tratamentos consistiram em seis diferentes épocas de semeadura, espaçadas a cada quinze dias, de uma linhagem de verão auto-incompatível que foi polinizada por uma linhagem de inverno que não apresenta auto-incompatibilidade. Observou-se a coincidência do florescimento das diferentes épocas de semeadura com a linhagem polinizadora. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: área foliar média, número de flores por planta, número de síliqüas por planta, número de sementes por planta (peso e número), peso médio de 1000 sementes e foi determinado o número de sementes por síliqüa. Foi realizado ainda, o teste padrão de germinação e determinada a pureza genética das sementes para cada tratamento. A coincidência da época de florescimento entre as linhagens de couve-flor afetou diretamente a produtividade e a qualidade genética das sementes híbridas produzidas, sendo que, quanto maior foi o nível de coincidência, maior foi o número de sementes formadas por síliqüa e menor a percentagem de sementes contaminantes. Entretanto, não teve influência na qualidade fisiológica das mesmas

    Ocorrência de patógenos causadores de mastite subclínica no município de Jaguapitã, estado do Paraná - Brasil

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar a ocorrência dos patógenos causadores de mastite subclínica em um rebanho leiteiro tipo B no município de Jaguapitã, estado do Paraná, Brasil. Foram realizados 400 testes de Califórnia Mastite Teste (CMT) em amostras de leite de 100 animais, totalizando 400 tetos. Dentre os animais testados 55% reagiram ao CMT apresentando grau dois ou superior, com 157 tetos positivos. Após as amostras de leite dos 157 tetos serem submetidos à cultura em ágar sangue, 25,48% (40/157) não apresentaram crescimento ou houve crescimento de mais de duas colônias bacterianas, 28,03% (44/157) foram observadas Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (CNS), 8,28% (13/157) Streptococcus uberis, 7,64% (12/157) Staphylococcus aureus, 7,64% (12/157) Corynebacterium spp, 7,01% (11/157) Staphylococcus intermedius, 4,46% (7/157) Staphylococcus hyicus, 3,82% (6/157) Bacillus spp., 2,55% (4/157) para Streptococcus dysgalacteae, Enterobactéria e Leveduras. Conclui-se que a CNS é o mais relevante agente causador de mastite subclínica.</p

    Qualidade do solo e produtividade de Pinus taeda no planalto catarinense

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    In forest areas, the continual use of the soil alters its physical attributes and deteriorates its quality, in consequence of the traffic of machines used in forest operations, resulting in lower yields of crops. The relationship between soil quality at different sites and the production of Pinus taeda was evaluated in soils of the Planalto Catarinense region. Four farms were used, with two sites on each farm, chosen for the soil type and yield of the forest. The soil morphology was described and samples were collected in each pedogenetic horizon for physical and chemical analyses. Great variation exists in the physical attributes of the profiles, especially in the sequence and thickness of the horizons. Compaction was verified in the surface layer of the shallow profiles, evidenced by the higher bulk density and, or, soil resistance to penetration. In these profiles, the yield was reduced by between 14 and 36%, compared to the deeper profiles with a smaller degree of compaction.Em áreas florestais, o uso contínuo do solo altera seus atributos físicos e geralmente deteriora sua qualidade, em decorrência do tráfego de máquinas nas operações florestais, com redução da produtividade das culturas. Diante disso, avaliou-se a relação entre a qualidade do solo em diferentes sítios com a produção de Pinus taeda, em solos do Planalto Catarinense. Foram utilizadas quatro fazendas, com dois sítios em cada uma delas, escolhidos pelo tipo de solo e produtividade da floresta (alta e baixa produtividade). Foi descrita a morfologia e amostras de solo foram coletadas em cada horizonte pedogenético para análises físicas e químicas. Existe grande variação nas características físicas dos perfis, especialmente na sequência e espessura dos horizontes. Foi constatada compactação na camada superficial dos perfis mais rasos, evidenciada pela maior densidade e/ou, resistência à penetração do solo, nos quais, a produtividade foi reduzida entre 14 a 36 %, comparados aos perfis mais profundos e com menor grau de compactação

    Soil quality and yield of Pinus taeda in the Planalto Catarinense region

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    Em \ue1reas florestais, o uso cont\uednuo do solo altera seus atributos f\uedsicos e geralmente deteriora sua qualidade, em decorr\ueancia do tr\ue1fego de m\ue1quinas nas opera\ue7\uf5es florestais, com redu\ue7\ue3o da produtividade das culturas. Diante disso, avaliou-se a rela\ue7\ue3o entre a qualidade do solo em diferentes s\uedtios com a produ\ue7\ue3o de Pinus taeda , em solos do Planalto Catarinense. Foram utilizadas quatro fazendas, com dois s\uedtios em cada uma delas, escolhidos pelo tipo de solo e produtividade da floresta (alta e baixa produtividade). Foi descrita a morfologia e amostras de solo foram coletadas em cada horizonte pedogen\ue9tico para an\ue1lises f\uedsicas e qu\uedmicas. Existe grande varia\ue7\ue3o nas caracter\uedsticas f\uedsicas dos perfis, especialmente na sequ\ueancia e espessura dos horizontes. Foi constatada compacta\ue7\ue3o na camada superficial dos perfis mais rasos, evidenciada pela maior densidade e/ou, resist\ueancia \ue0 penetra\ue7\ue3o do solo, nos quais, a produtividade foi reduzida entre 14 a 36 %, comparados aos perfis mais profundos e com menor grau de compacta\ue7\ue3o.In forest areas, the continual use of the soil alters its physical attributes and deteriorates its quality, in consequence of the traffic of machines used in forest operations, resulting in lower yields of crops. The relationship between soil quality at different sites and the production of Pinus taeda was evaluated in soils of the Planalto Catarinense region. Four farms were used, with two sites on each farm, chosen for the soil type and yield of the forest. The soil morphology was described and samples were collected in each pedogenetic horizon for physical and chemical analyses. Great variation exists in the physical attributes of the profiles, especially in the sequence and thickness of the horizons. Compaction was verified in the surface layer of the shallow profiles, evidenced by the higher bulk density and, or, soil resistance to penetration. In these profiles, the yield was reduced by between 14 and 36%, compared to the deeper profiles with a smaller degree of compaction

    Sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea: a new option for Girolando dairy heifers

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    This study was performed to identify the ideal amount of concentrate required for a diet based on cactus cladodes, sugarcane, and urea used to feed heifers. Twenty Girolando heifers (160 +/- 8.39 kg) were randomly distributed into four experimental treatments with 0, 0.40, 0.80, or 1.20 kg day(-1) of concentrate. The basal diet contained [on dry matter (DM) basis] 38.1% sugarcane, 56.5% cactus cladodes [Opuntia stricta (Haw). Haw], 0.5% common salt, 1.1% mineral mixture, and 3.8% urea plus ammonium sulfate. The concentrate contained [on DM basis] 87% corn meal and 13% soybean meal. The basal diet and the concentrate were formulated to provide 13% crude protein (CP). The intake of DM (4.34-4.96 kg day(-1)), organic matter (3.96-4.98 kg day(-1)), CP (0.57-0.64 kg day(-1)), non-fibrous carbohydrates (2.20-2.61 kg day(-1)), and metabolizable energy (10.3-12.4 Mcal day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. Final body weight (196-224 kg), total body weight gain (36.9-61.2 kg), and average daily body weight gain (0.51-0.85 kg day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. The nitrogen balance was positive and increased linearly (54.8-62.3 g day(-1)) with concentrate amount. Based on the data, we recommend supplying six-monthold Girolando heifers (160 kg body weight) 1.20 kg concentrate day(-1) added to a diet based on sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea for better productive and economic performance

    Pré-excitação ventricular como causa de disfunção ventricular esquerda parcialmente reversível com ablação da via anômala.

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    A pré-excitação ventricular é causa rara de cardiomiopatia induzida ou mediada por arritmias. As vias acessórias à direita, especificamente com padrão de bloqueio de ramo esquerdo podem causar disfunção ventricular, pela ativação ventricular anormal resultante da condução anterógrada pela VA pode causar dessincronismo atrioventricular, interventricular e intraventricular, com contração assíncrona da parede ventricular e regurgitação mitral. Descrevemos uma paciente assintomática, com eletrocardiograma exibindo pré-excitação ventricular, padrão de BRE e disfunção ventricular sistólica moderada. Estudo eletrofisiológico demonstrou via acessória de localização anterior e com período refratário anterógrado de 600ms, realizando-se ablação por radiofrequência com sucesso e significativa melhora da função ventricular

    Intradural Disc Extrusion in a Dog

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    Background: Intervertebral disc extrusion is an important cause of spinal cord dysfunction in dogs. Intradural localization of the extruded disc material is rare, and is generally associated with a traumatic event or with recurrence of disc extrusion at a previously affected site. We report the clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and treatment of a dog with intradural intervertebral disc extrusion not preceded by a traumatic event.Case:  A 6-year-old male Dachshund was referred for neurological evaluation due to acute onset of hind-end paralysis preceded by claudication of the left hindlimb. The patient had been receiving conservative treatment to no effect. Neurological examination revealed asymmetric non-ambulatory paraparesis, absence of postural reactions and decreased muscle tone in both hindlimbs, a bilaterally diminished patellar reflex, and a hindlimb withdrawal reflex which was normal on the right and greatly diminished to absent on the left. The lower back was tender to epaxial palpation. Plain radiographs of the lumbar spine in the lateral projection showed calcified material within the spinal canal between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. Myelography was suggestively abnormal at the same level, with epidural leakage of contrast at L3-L4. Considering the clinical history, breed, age, neurological signs, and radiographic findings, intervertebral disc disease was suspected despite the inconclusive myelography findings. A dorsolateral lumbar hemilaminectomy was performed. Intraoperatively, the diagnosis was confirmed by visualization of a discolored spinal cord and absence of extradural material. The intradural space was accessed via durotomy. A firm, straw-yellow material was seen compressing the spinal cord and removed. Subsequent histopathological examination confirmed that this material consisted of extruded intervertebral disc contents. Postoperatively, the patient underwent physiotherapy and achieved a satisfactory recovery.Discussion: The most common cause of paraparesis in chondrodystrophic dog breeds is intervertebral disc extrusion. Intradural extrusion of the intervertebral disc is a rare phenomenon, often associated with vigorous exercise that causes laceration of the dura mater, allowing penetration of disc material into the intradural space. Although there were no classic signs of intervertebral disc disease on plain radiography, radiopaque material was visible within the spinal canal, which can occur in cases of calcified intervertebral disc extrusion. Myelography was inconclusive, but the decision was made to operate nevertheless, considering that the patient had not responded to conservative treatment and that surgicaltreatment is the most suitable approach for dogs with non-ambulatory paraparesis or paraplegia secondary to intervertebral disc extrusion. The surgical technique consisted of a hemilaminectomy and durotomy. Our diagnostic suspicion was confirmed intraoperatively, as in most cases of intradural disc extrusion in humans. Intradural disc extrusion is anuncommon phenomenon in dogs, and the diagnosis is usually only established intraoperatively. This unusual variant of intravertebral disc disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of spinal cord dysfunction in chondrodystrophic breeds, even in the absence of a history of trauma or preexisting intervertebral disc disease. Clinical treatment appears ineffective in these cases. Conversely, surgical treatment can yield good outcomes, and even functional recovery

    Facial Paralysis Secondary to Hypothyroidism in a Dog

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    Background: Secondary neurological disorders hypothyroidism is unusual in dogs, especially when compared with other clinical signs, such as lethargy, weight gain and dermatological alterations. When manifested, these signals refer to the peripheral or central nervous system and the most common include: vestibular disease, seizures, laryngeal paralysis, poly­neuropathy and paralysis of the facial nerve. Several reports of neurological disorders associated with hypothyroidism are found in literature, basically international. In the national literature, however, there are few reports on the subject. Thus, the aim of this study was to report a case of facial paralysis associated with hypothyroidism in a dog.Case: A male canine, the boxer race, with 7-year-old were referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UFSM with a history of difficult water and food intake and asymmetry of the face for seven days. On neurological ex­amination, the animal found itself alert and locomotion, postural reactions and segmental reflexes without changes. In the evaluation of the cranial nerves, there was a menace response absent the right side, however with preserved vision, palpebral and lip ptosis of the right side and reflection palpebral absent on the same side. Opposite the historical, clinical, neurological and laboratory test findings, the diagnosis was facial paralysis secondary to hypothyroidism. As differential diagnoses were listed, inner otitis neoplasm in inner ear, trauma and idiopathic facial paralysis. After the diagnosis, clini­cal treatment was instituted with levothyroxine sodium, at a dose of 0.02 mg kg orally every 12 h, being observed total improvement of clinical signs (no changes for water intake and food, menace response and reflection palpebral normal and symmetry of the face) in 32 days.Discussion: The diagnosis of facial paralysis associated with hypothyroidism was based on the history, clinical and neurological examination findings, laboratory assessment of thyroid function by observing low serum free T4 and high concentrations of TSH, the therapeutic response after supplementation levothyroxine sodium, and exclusion of other pos­sible causes, such as otitis interna and traumatic. The pathogenesis of this change associated with hypothyroidism is not completely understood, although it is believed that cranial nerve paralysis (trigeminal, facial and vestibulocochlear) may result from the resulting compression of myxedema deposit nerve or in the tissues of the head and neck, demyelination caused by disordered metabolism of Schwann cells, decreased blood perfusion of the inner ear secondary to hyperlipidemia and increased blood viscosity or metabolic defects ranging from change in axonal transport to severe axonal loss. Treatment consists of supplementation of levothyroxine and most dogs with neurological disorders associated with hypothyroidism will present partial or total improvement of clinical signs between two and four months, generally being observed improve­ment within the first week of treatment. In the dog this report, after the beginning of treatment, improvement was observed partial and total clinical signs in 15 and 32 days, respectively. Therefore, with appropriate treatment, hypothyroidism is a disease with an excellent prognosis. The report brings to clinical relevance, the importance of hypothyroidism in the dif­ferential diagnosis of facial paralysis in dogs with face asymmetry history, the laboratory evaluation of thyroid function and response to therapy with levothyroxine sodium supplementation essential for definitive diagnosis. Keywords: neurology, facial nerve, peripheral neuropathy, dogs

    Does Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation Modulate Skeletal Muscle Remodeling through Inflammation Modulation? Possible Mechanisms of Action

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    Skeletal muscle protein turnover is modulated by intracellular signaling pathways involved in protein synthesis, degradation, and inflammation. The proinflammatory status of muscle cells, observed in pathological conditions such as cancer, aging, and sepsis, can directly modulate protein translation initiation and muscle proteolysis, contributing to negative protein turnover. In this context, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), especially leucine, have been described as a strong nutritional stimulus able to enhance protein translation initiation and attenuate proteolysis. Furthermore, under inflammatory conditions, BCAA can be transaminated to glutamate in order to increase glutamine synthesis, which is a substrate highly consumed by inflammatory cells such as macrophages. The present paper describes the role of inflammation on muscle remodeling and the possible metabolic and cellular effects of BCAA supplementation in the modulation of inflammatory status of skeletal muscle and the consequences on protein synthesis and degradation