668 research outputs found
"We Must Ourselves Write About Ourselves:" The Trans-Communal Rise of the Novel in the Late Ottoman Empire.
Studying texts written in some of the main literary idioms of the late Ottoman Empire (primarily Greek and Armenian, as well as Ottoman-Turkish and Ladino) and examining cultural practices carried out by the corresponding ethno-linguistic groups, this dissertation surveys, across community boundaries, the development of a culture of the novel in Istanbul and Izmir during the long nineteenth century.
Placing a special emphasis on the appropriation by Ottoman literati of cultural tropes elaborated in Western Europe, this project studies both the spread of the foreign novel in the Ottoman Empire and the rise of domestic fiction within a trans-communal framework. Highlighting the ways in which the hegemony of Western European fiction was at once affirmed and challenged in the Empire, the project lays the ground for a renewed understanding of the rise of the novel outside of the West.PHDComparative LiteratureUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135833/1/etiechar_1.pd
Borrowed Texts: Translation and the Rise of the Greek-Ottoman Novel in the Nineteenth Century
A long-time blind spot of Greek literary historiography, the novel of the Romantic period has, over the last twenty years, been consistently re-examined, as semi-forgotten or even unknown works and authors have resurfaced through the dedicated efforts of a new generation of scholars of 19th Greek prose. The research has, so far, focused essentially on the Athenian scene and, to a much lesser extent, on the Ionian Islands, while a serious exploration of the production and circulation of novels in Greek in the Ottoman Empire has yet to be undertaken
Comparaison de modèles de cavitation en géométrie de Venturi
La simulation numérique d'écoulements cavitants présente de nombreuses difficultés tant dans la modélisation physique du phénomène que dans le développement de méthodes numériques robustes. En effet, de tels écoulements sont caractérisés par une variation importante du nombre de Mach (due à la chute drastique de la vitesse du son), des effets de compressibilité et des états thermodynamiques hors équilibre. L'objectif de la présente étude est la comparaison de deux modèles de cavitation implantés dans un code moyennée (RANS) compressible 1-fluide homogène développé au LEGI. Le phénomène de cavitation est modélisé soit à l'aide d'une équation d'état barotrope pour le mélange liquide-vapeur soit par une équation de transport pour la fraction volumique de vapeur. Dans ce dernier cas, le transfert de masse entre les phases est fermé grâce à une hypothèse de proportionnalité à la divergence du champ de vitesse. Le retard thermique à la cavitation est ici négligé. Le code de calcul est basé sur une discrétisation de type volumes finis centrés. Les flux convectifs sont évalués avec le schéma centré de Jameson. Un préconditionnement à bas nombre de Mach de type Turkel est utilisé pour le traitement des zones de liquide pur. Les simulations instationnaires sont réalisées avec la méthode du pas de temps dual (ordre 2). Le modèle de turbulence k-l de Smith avec un limiteur de viscosité turbulente de Reboud est choisi. L'écoulement étudié est un écoulement en Venturi à grand nombre de Reynolds avec de l'eau à 20 degrés. La poche de cavitation obtenue présente un comportement transitionnel entre une poche stable et une poche pulsante. La validation est effectuée par comparaison avec les résultats expérimentaux disponibles (pression à la paroi, profils de taux de vide et de vitesse locaux). Les profils de taux de vide et de vitesse obtenus sont très proches des résultats expérimentaux pour les deux modèles. L'effet du limiteur de viscosité turbulente est plus prononcé avec le modèle transport de taux de vide (TTV). De plus, les fluctuations de pression RMS à la paroi sont plus importantes notamment en aval de poche avec le modèle TTV
Cardiovascular and cutaneous responses to the combination of alcohol and soft drinks: the way to orthostatic intolerance?
Aim. Acute ingestion of alcohol is often accompanied by cardiovascular dysregulation, malaise and even syncope. The full hemodynamic and cutaneous responses to the combination of alcohol and sugar (i.e. alcopops), a common combination in young people, and the mechanisms for the propensity to orthostatic intolerance are not well established. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular and cutaneous responses to alcopops in young subjects. Methods. Cardiovascular and cutaneous responses were assessed in twenty-four healthy young subjects (twelve men, twelve women) sitting comfortably and during prolonged active standing with a 30-min baseline and 130min following ingestion of 400mL of either: water, water+48g sugar, water+vodka (1.28mL.kg-1 of body weight, providing 0.4g alcohol.kg-1), water+sugar+vodka, according to a randomized cross-over design. Results. Compared to alcohol alone, vodka+sugar induced a lower breath alcohol concentration (BrAC), blood pressure and total peripheral resistance (p<0.05), a higher cardiac output and heart rate (p<0.05) both in sitting position and during active standing. In sitting position vodka+sugar consumption also led to a greater increase in skin blood flow and hand temperature (p<0.05) and a decrease in baroreflex sensitivity (p<0.05). We observed similar results between men and women both in sitting position and during active standing. Conclusion. Despite lower BrAC, ingestion of alcopops induced acute vasodilation and hypotension in sitting position and an encroach of the hemodynamic reserve during active standing. Even if subjects did not feel any signs of syncope these results could be of clinical importance with higher doses of alcohol or if combined to other hypotensive challenges
Analyse et caractérisation temps réel de vidéos chirurgicales. Application à la chirurgie de la cataracte
Huge amounts of medical data are recorded every day. Those data could be very helpful for medical practice. The LaTIM has acquired solid know-how about the analysis of those data for decision support. In this PhD thesis, we propose to reuse annotated surgical videos previously recorded and stored in a dataset, for computer-aided surgery. To be able to provide relevant information, we first need to recognize which surgical gesture is being performed at each instant of the surgery, based on the monitoring video. This challenging task is the aim of this thesis. We propose an automatic solution to analyze cataract surgeries, in real time, while the video is being recorded. A content based video retrieval (CBVR) method is used to categorize the monitoring video, in combination with a statistical model of the surgical process to bring contextual information. The system performs an on-line analysis of the surgical process at two levels of description for a complete and precise analysis. The methods developed during this thesis have been evaluated in a dataset of cataract surgery videos collected at Brest University Hospital. Promising results were obtained for the automatic analysis of cataract surgeries and surgical gesture recognition. The statistical model allows an analysis which is both fine-tuned and comprehensive. The general approach proposed in this thesis could be easily used for computer aided surgery, by providing recommendations or video sequence examples. The method could also be used to annotate videos for indexing purposes.L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir aux chirurgiens des aides opératoires en temps réel. Nous nous appuyons pour cela sur des vidéos préalablement archivées et interprétées. Pour que cette aide soit pertinente, il est tout d'abord nécessaire de reconnaître, à chaque instant, le geste pratiqué par le chirurgien. Ce point est essentiel et fait l'objet de cette thèse. Différentes méthodes ont été développées et évaluées, autour de la reconnaissance automatique du geste chirurgical. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des méthodes de catégorisation (recherche des cas les plus proches basée sur l'extraction du contenu visuel) et des modèles statistiques du processus chirurgical. Les réflexions menées ont permis d'aboutir à une analyse automatique de la chirurgie à plusieurs niveaux de description. L'évaluation des méthodes a été effectuée sur une base de données de vidéos de chirurgies de la cataracte, collectées grâce à une forte collaboration avec le service d'ophtalmologie du CHRU de Brest. Des résultats encourageants ont été obtenus pour la reconnaissance automatique du geste chirurgical. Le modèle statistique multi-échelles développé permet une analyse fine et complète de la chirurgie. L'approche proposée est très générale et devrait permettre d'alerter le chirurgien sur les déroulements opératoires à risques, et lui fournir des recommandations en temps réel sur des conduites à tenir reconnues. Les méthodes développées permettront également d'indexer automatiquement des vidéos chirurgicales archivées
Drought tolerant wheat IND-ØØ412-7 is nutritionally equivalent to its Non-Transgenic Comparator
Expression of the HAHB4 sunflower transcription factor confers drought tolerance to wheat event IND-ØØ412-7 (HB4® wheat). After confirming the compositional equivalence of event IND-ØØ412-7 with conventional wheat, its nutritional similarity to its non-genetically modified (GM) counterpart was analyzed by performing a 42-day broiler feeding study. Isoenergetic diets containing 40% flour from wheat event IND-ØØ412-7, its non-GM counterpart Cadenza, and a commercial variety were included in the study. Broilers' performance was analyzed by measuring feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion, and time to reach 2.8 kgs. The yield was evaluated by carcass weight, breast meat, and abdominal fat. No differences were found between wheat event IND-ØØ412-7 and the non-GM counterpart. A few significant differences were found with the commercial variety which were associated with the genetic background, different from the other two materials. These results support the nutritional equivalence of event IND-ØØ412-7 with conventional wheat.EEA PergaminoFil: Miranda, Patricia V. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología Rosario (INDEAR); ArgentinaFil: Miranda, Patricia V. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Iglesias, Bernardo Fabricio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Avicultura; ArgentinaFil: Charriere, María Viviana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Avicultura; ArgentinaFil: Burachik, Moisés. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología Rosario (INDEAR); Argentin
Compliance of the L5-S1 spinal unit: a comparative study between an unconstrained and a partially constrained system
A comparison between an unconstrained and a partially constrained system for in vitro biomechanical testing of the L5-S1 spinal unit was conducted. The objective was to compare the compliance and the coupling of the L5-S1 unit measured with an unconstrained and a partially constrained test for the three major physiological motions of the human spine. Very few studies have compared unconstrained and partially constrained testing systems using the same cadaveric functional spinal units (FSUs). Seven human L5-S1 units were therefore tested on both a pneumatic, unconstrained, and a servohydraulic, partially constrained system. Each FSU was tested along three motions: flexion-extension (FE), lateral bending (LB) and axial rotation (AR). The obtained kinematics on both systems is not equivalent, except for the FE case, where both motions are similar. The directions of coupled motions were similar for both tests, but their magnitudes were smaller in the partially constrained configuration. The use of a partially constrained system to characterize LB and AR of the lumbosacral FSU decreased significantly the measured stiffness of the segment. The unconstrained system is today's "gold standard” for the characterization of FSUs. The selected partially constrained method seems also to be an appropriate way to characterize FSUs for specific applications. Care should be taken using the latter method when the coupled motions are importan
Etude de la Matière Organique Dissoute Chromophorique et du rayonnement solaire (UV-visible) dans les eaux de surfaces côtières méditerranéennes et articques
Afin de comprendre, caractériser et prédire l évolution des cycles biogéochimiques océaniques face au changement climatique global, il est nécessaire d appréhender au mieux la dynamique de la matière organique (MO) au niveau des interfaces terre/océan . Dans ce contexte, l objectif général de cette thèse était d améliorer les connaissances sur la dynamique de la fraction dissoute chromophorique de la MO (CDOM) des eaux de surface côtières méditerranéennes et arctiques, et d en déterminer l impact sur l atténuation du rayonnement UV (UVR) et visible (PAR) sous-marin. Pour cela, l étude des propriétés optiques d absorbance et de fluorescence de la CDOM, couplée à des mesures radiométriques atmosphériques et sous-marines, ont été réalisées lors d un cycle saisonnier en Baie de Marseille (station SOFCOM), et lors d une mission océanographique en Mer de Beaufort durant l été 2009. La Baie de Marseille est caractérisée par des quantités de CDOM faibles (aCDOM(350) = 0,10 +- 0,02 m-1), particulièrement à la fin de la période estivale de stratification, à cause de l intensité de l éclairement solaire, enrichi en UVR-B, qui dégrade et blanchie cette CDOM (SCDOM = 0,023 +- 0,003 nm-1). Dans cette zone côtière fortement urbanisée, la dynamique de la CDOM est pilotée par des processus biotiques (production biologique in situ et induite par les intrusions épisodiques du panache du Rhône) et abiotiques (photo-blanchiment et brassage). La CDOM est essentiellement d origine autochtone, même lors d événements d intrusion du panache du Rhône (photo-dégradation de la CDOM terrestre durant son transit). Lors des périodes d efflorescences algales, la CDOM se compose principalement de matériel récent, de type protéique (pic T), qui absorbe préférentiellement les courts UVR. Ces pulses de CDOM récente se superposent à un persistent signal de fond de CDOM composé majoritairement de matériel âgé, de type humique (pics M et C), qui absorbe les UVR et également le PAR. Au niveau du plateau Canadien de la Mer de Beaufort, la CDOM est très abondante (aCDOMmax(350) = 6,36 m-1), fortement influencée par les apports allochtones du Mackenzie (pics A-C et M) et décroit de manière conservatrice avec la salinité. Dans les eaux marines (salinité >25), la CDOM, qui présente de plus faibles concentrations (aCDOM(350) = 0,21 +- 0,13 m-1), provient d une production biologique in situ récente favorisée par des upwellings ainsi que d injections de CDOM (pics B-T et M) lors de la formation/fonte de la glace de mer. Etonnamment, la source principale du composé humique marin (pic M) n est pas autochtone. Elle est issue d apports allochtones provenant du Mackenzie. Celui-ci draine en effet de nombreux lacs qui sont le siège d une intense activité biologique, et il est proposé dans cette thèse que les macrophytes qui s y développent seraient à l origine du pic M. Cette source de CDOM biologique allochtone, couplée aux processus de photo-blanchiment et d absorption sur les particules de la CDOM terrestre, pourraient expliquer les valeurs élevées de SCDOM (≈ 0,020 nm-1) du Mackenzie en été.To understand, characterize, and predict the evolution of oceanic biogeochemical cycles in relation to the global climate change, it is necessary to better understand the dynamics of organic matter (OM). In this context, the overall objective of this thesis was to get more insights chromophoric dissolved fraction of OM (CDOM) dynamics in surface Mediterranean and Arctic coastal waters and to determine the impact on attenuation of ultraviolet (UVR) and visible (PAR) underwater radiation. For this, the study of optical properties of absorbance and fluorescence of CDOM, coupled with atmospheric and underwater radiometric measurements, were made during a seasonal cycle in the Bay of Marseille (SOFCOM station), and in the Beaufort Sea during summer 2009. The Bay of Marseilles is characterized by low amounts of CDOM (aCDOM(350) = 0.10 +- 0.02 m-1), particularly in end summer stratification period due to the intensity of the solar irradiance, enriched in UVR-B, which degrades and bleaches CDOM (SCDOM = 0.023 +- 0.003 nm-1). In this highly urbanized coastal area, the dynamics of CDOM are driven by biotic processes (in situ biological production and within the Rhône River plume) and abiotic (photo-bleaching and mixing). Our results showed that CDOM is mostly of autochthonous origin, even during Rhône plume intrusion events (photo-degradation of terrestrial CDOM during the transit). During bloom periods, the CDOM consists mainly of a recent type protein (peak T), which preferentially absorbs in the short UVR. These pulses of recent CDOM are superimposed on a persistent background of CDOM mainly composed of aged material, humic-type (peaks M and C), which absorbs UVR and PAR. Over the Canadian shelf of the Beaufort Sea, CDOM is highly abundant (aCDOMmax (350) = 6.36 m-1) and strongly influenced by allochthonous inputs from the Mackenzie (peaks A-C and M) decreasing conservatively with salinity. In marine waters (salinity> 25), CDOM had lower concentrations (aCDOM(350) = 0.21 +- 0.13 m-1) and originated from a recent in situ biological production favored by upwelling and brine injections (peaks B-T and M). Surprisingly, the main source of the marine humic-like component (peak M) was not autochthonous. This material originates from allochthonous inputs from the Mackenzie River, which traverses numerous lakes where intense biological activity occurs. We suggest that this activity is mainly due to the macrophytes development, which may in part explain the origin of the peak M. This source of organic allochthonous CDOM coupled to other processes such as photobleaching and absorption on the particles of terrestrial CDOM, could explain the high values of SCDOM (≈ 0.020 nm-1) recorded in the Mackenzie during summertime.AIX-MARSEILLE2-Bib.electronique (130559901) / SudocSudocFranceF
Degradation state of organic matter in surface sediments from the Southern Beaufort Sea: a lipid approach
For the next decades significant climatic changes should occur in the Arctic zone. The expected destabilisation of permafrost and its consequences for hydrology and plant cover should increase the input of terrigenous carbon to coastal seas. Consequently, the relative importance of the fluxes of terrestrial and marine organic carbon to the seafloor will likely change, strongly impacting the preservation of organic carbon in Arctic marine sediments. Here, we investigated the lipid content of surface sediments collected on the Mackenzie basin in the Beaufort Sea. Particular attention was given to biotic and abiotic degradation products of sterols and monounsaturated fatty acids. By using sitosterol and campesterol degradation products as tracers of the degradation of terrestrial higher plant inputs and brassicasterol degradation products as tracers of degradation of phytoplanktonic organisms, it could be observed that autoxidation, photooxidation and biodegradation processes act much more intensively on higher plant debris than on phytoplanktonic organisms. Examination of oxidation products of monounsaturated fatty acids showed that photo- and autoxidation processes act more intensively on bacteria than on phytodetritus. Enhanced damages induced by singlet oxygen (transferred from senescent phytoplanktonic cells) in bacteria were attributed to the lack of an adapted antioxidant system in these microorganisms. The strong oxidative stress observed in the sampled sediments resulted in the production of significant amounts of epoxy acids and unusually high proportions of monounsaturated fatty acids with a <i>trans</i> double bond. The formation of epoxy acids was attributed to peroxygenases (enzymes playing a protective role against the deleterious effects of fatty acid hydroperoxides in vivo), while <i>cis/trans</i> isomerisation was probably induced by thiyl radicals produced during the reaction of thiols with hydroperoxides. Our results confirm the important role played by abiotic oxidative processes in the degradation of marine bacteria and do not support the generally expected refractory character of terrigenous material deposited in deltaic systems
Factores anti nutricionales en la soya
Entre los principales alimentos suministrados a las aves se encuentra la soja, la cual es fuente de proteína y, si no ha sido desgrasada, también energía. El problema con este ingrediente es la gran cantidad de factores antinutricionales que acarrea (Chang et al., 1987). Entre los que se pueden mencionar oligosacáridos, saponinas, factores anti-tiroideos, fitohemoaglutininas o
lectinas, lipasas, lipoxidasas e inhibidores de proteasas, dentro de los que se encuentran los inhibidores de tripsina (IT).(Bruggink, 1993)
En el presente trabajo se presentan resultados obtenidos a partir de un relevamiento referido al valor nutricional del complejo soja, así como resultados correspondientes al efecto de diferentes niveles de IT sobre el desempeño de las aves.EEA PergaminoFil: Iglesias, Bernardo Fabricio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Avicultura; ArgentinaFil: Charriere, María Viviana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Avicultura; ArgentinaFil: Azcona, Jorge Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Avicultura; Argentin
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