2,511 research outputs found

    Benefit-Cost Analysis of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants

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    Mitigation ameliorates the impact of natural hazards on communities by reducing loss of life and injury, property and environmental damage, and social and economic disruption. The potential to reduce these losses brings many benefits, but every mitigation activity has a cost that must be considered in our world of limited resources. In principle benefit-cost analysis (BCA) can be used to assess a mitigation activity’s expected net benefits (discounted future benefits less discounted costs), but in practice this often proves difficult. This paper reports on a study that refined BCA methodologies and applied them to a national statistical sample of FEMA mitigation activities over a ten-year period for earthquake, flood, and wind hazards. The results indicate that the overall benefit-cost ratio for FEMA mitigation grants is about 4 to 1, though the ratio varies according to hazard and mitigation type.

    Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies

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    We consider processes on social networks that can potentially involve three factors: homophily, or the formation of social ties due to matching individual traits; social contagion, also known as social influence; and the causal effect of an individual's covariates on their behavior or other measurable responses. We show that, generically, all of these are confounded with each other. Distinguishing them from one another requires strong assumptions on the parametrization of the social process or on the adequacy of the covariates used (or both). In particular we demonstrate, with simple examples, that asymmetries in regression coefficients cannot identify causal effects, and that very simple models of imitation (a form of social contagion) can produce substantial correlations between an individual's enduring traits and their choices, even when there is no intrinsic affinity between them. We also suggest some possible constructive responses to these results.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. V2: Revised in response to referees. V3: Ditt

    Human Alpha Defensin 5 Expression in the Human Kidney and Urinary Tract

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    The mechanisms that maintain sterility in the urinary tract are incompletely understood. Recent studies have implicated the importance of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) in protecting the urinary tract from infection. Here, we characterize the expression and relevance of the AMP human alpha-defensin 5 (HD5) in the human kidney and urinary tract in normal and infected subjects.Using RNA isolated from human kidney, ureter, and bladder tissue, we performed quantitative real-time PCR to show that DEFA5, the gene encoding HD5, is constitutively expressed throughout the urinary tract. With pyelonephritis, DEFA5 expression significantly increased in the kidney. Using immunoblot analysis, HD5 production also increased with pyelonephritis. Immunostaining localized HD5 to the urothelium of the bladder and ureter. In the kidney, HD5 was primarily produced in the distal nephron and collecting tubules. Using immunoblot and ELISA assays, HD5 was not routinely detected in non-infected human urine samples while mean urinary HD5 production increased with E.coli urinary tract infection.DEFA5 is expressed throughout the urinary tract in non-infected subjects. Specifically, HD5 is expressed throughout the urothelium of the lower urinary tract and in the collecting tubules of the kidney. With infection, HD5 expression increases in the kidney and levels become detectable in the urine. To our knowledge, our findings represent the first to quantitate HD5 expression and production in the human kidney. Moreover, this is the first report to detect the presence of HD5 in infected urine samples. Our results suggest that HD5 may have an important role in maintaining urinary tract sterility

    TigerPlace, a State-Academic-Private Project to Revolutionize Traditional Long Term Care

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    This is a preprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Journal of Housing for the Elderly 2008, copyright Taylor & Francis. Journal of Housing for the Elderly is available online at: http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=0276-3893&volume=22&issue=1&spage=66 DOI:10.1080/02763890802097045The Aging in Place Project at the University of Missouri (MU) required legislation in 1999 and 2001 to be fully realized. An innovative home health agency was initiated by the Sinclair School of Nursing specifically to help older adults age in place in the environment of their choice. In 2004, an innovative independent living environment was built and is operated by a private long term care company, as a special facility where residents can truly age in place and never fear being moved to a traditional nursing home unless they choose to do so. With care provided by the home care agency with registered nurse care coordination services, residents receive preventative and early illness recognition assistance that have markedly improved their lives. Evaluation of aging in place reveal registered nurse care coordination improves outcomes of cognition, depression, activities of daily living, incontinence, pain, and shortness of breath as well as delaying or preventing nursing home placement. Links with MU students, faculty, and nearly every school or college on campus enrich the lives of the students and residents of the housing environment. Research projects are encouraged and residents who choose to participate are enjoying helping with developing cutting technology to help other seniors age in place.The authors wish to acknowledge the organizations and staff who made the AIP project possible: Americare of Sikeston, MO; TigerPlace staff; Sinclair Home Care staff; MU Sinclair School of Nursing faculty and deans; MU administration; Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services staff; Missouri state legislature (in particular, Tim Harlan of Columbia, MO); and all the friends and families who have supported those who implemented this pioneering effort

    Constraints on the Cosmic-Ray Density Gradient beyond the Solar Circle from Fermi gamma-ray Observations of the Third Galactic Quadrant

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    We report an analysis of the interstellar Îł\gamma-ray emission in the third Galactic quadrant measured by the {Fermi} Large Area Telescope. The window encompassing the Galactic plane from longitude 210\arcdeg to 250\arcdeg has kinematically well-defined segments of the Local and the Perseus arms, suitable to study the cosmic-ray densities across the outer Galaxy. We measure no large gradient with Galactocentric distance of the Îł\gamma-ray emissivities per interstellar H atom over the regions sampled in this study. The gradient depends, however, on the optical depth correction applied to derive the \HI\ column densities. No significant variations are found in the interstellar spectra in the outer Galaxy, indicating similar shapes of the cosmic-ray spectrum up to the Perseus arm for particles with GeV to tens of GeV energies. The emissivity as a function of Galactocentric radius does not show a large enhancement in the spiral arms with respect to the interarm region. The measured emissivity gradient is flatter than expectations based on a cosmic-ray propagation model using the radial distribution of supernova remnants and uniform diffusion properties. In this context, observations require a larger halo size and/or a flatter CR source distribution than usually assumed. The molecular mass calibrating ratio, XCO=N(H2)/WCOX_{\rm CO} = N({\rm H_{2}})/W_{\rm CO}, is found to be (2.08±0.11)×1020cm−2(Kkms−1)−1(2.08 \pm 0.11) \times 10^{20} {\rm cm^{-2} (K km s^{-1})^{-1}} in the Local-arm clouds and is not significantly sensitive to the choice of \HI\ spin temperature. No significant variations are found for clouds in the interarm region.Comment: Corresponding authors: I. A. Grenier ([email protected]); T. Mizuno ([email protected]); L. Tibaldo ([email protected]) accepted for publication in Ap

    GeV Gamma-ray Flux Upper Limits from Clusters of Galaxies

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    The detection of diffuse radio emission associated with clusters of galaxies indicates populations of relativistic leptons infusing the intracluster medium. Those electrons and positrons are either injected into and accelerated directly in the intracluster medium, or produced as secondary pairs by cosmic-ray ions scattering on ambient protons. Radiation mechanisms involving the energetic leptons together with decay of neutral pions produced by hadronic interactions have the potential to produce abundant GeV photons. Here, we report on the search for GeV emission from clusters of galaxies using data collected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) from August 2008 to February 2010. Thirty-three galaxy clusters have been selected according to their proximity and high mass, X-ray flux and temperature, and indications of non-thermal activity for this study. We report upper limits on the photon flux in the range 0.2-100 GeV towards a sample of observed clusters (typical values 1-5 x 10^-9 ph cm^-2 s^-1) considering both point-like and spatially resolved models for the high-energy emission, and discuss how these results constrain the characteristics of energetic leptons and hadrons, and magnetic fields in the intracluster medium. The volume-averaged relativistic-hadron-to-thermal energy density ratio is found to be < 5-10% in several clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Fermi-LAT observations of the exceptional gamma-ray outbursts of 3C 273 in September 2009

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    We present the light curves and spectral data of two exceptionally luminous gamma-ray outburts observed by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) experiment on board Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope from 3C 273 in September 2009. During these flares, having a duration of a few days, the source reached its highest gamma-ray flux ever measured. This allowed us to study in some details their spectral and temporal structures. The rise and decay are asymmetric on timescales of 6 hours, and the spectral index was significantly harder during the flares than during the preceding 11 months. We also found that short, very intense flares put out the same time-integrated energy as long, less intense flares like that observed in August 2009.Comment: Corresponding authors: E. Massaro, [email protected]; G. Tosti, [email protected]. 15 pages, 4 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 714, Issue 1, pp. L73-L78 (2010
