71 research outputs found

    Some Parameters on Neighborhood Number of A Graph

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    A set S⊆V is a neighborhood set of G , if G=⋃v∈S〈N[v]〉, where 〈N[v]〉 is the sub graph of G induced by v and all vertices adjacent to v . The neighborhood number η(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a neighborhood set of G. In this paper, we extended the concept of neighborhood number and its relationship with other related parameters are explored

    Studies on the Anthelmintic Property of Aminobenzylated Mannich Bases

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    Studies were conducted on the anthelmintic property of about 15(e-h, 1e-1h, 2d-2f and 3e-3h) synthesized aminobenzylated Mannich bases bearing N-methyl piperazine using Indian earthworms Pheritima Posthuma against piperazine citrate as standard reference. Three concentrations of each compound (0.1, 0.2, 0.3% w/v) were studied, which involved the determination of paralysis and death time of the worms. The compound 1g exhibited the most significant anthelmintic activity among all the compounds screened against the worms as compared to standard drug

    Affirmative domination in graphs.

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    A function f : V → {−1, 0, 1} is an affirmative dominating function of graph G satisfying the conditions that for every vertex u such that f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v) = 1 and P u∈N(v) f(u) ≤ 1 for every v ∈ V . The affirmative domination number γa(G) =max{w(f) : f is affirmative dominating function}. In this paper, we initiate the study of affirmative and strongly affirmative dominating functions. Here, we obtain some properties of these new parameters and also determine exact values of some special classes of graph

    Bounds on perfect k-domination in trees: An algorithmic approach

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    Let k be a positive integer and G = (V,E) be a graph. A vertex subset D of a graph G is called a perfect k-dominating set of G if every vertex v of G not in D is adjacent to exactly k vertices of D. The minimum cardinality of a perfect k-dominating set of G is the perfect k-domination number γkp(G). In this paper, a sharp bound for γ kp(T) is obtained where T is a tree

    Roman Domination in Complementary Prism Graphs

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    A Roman domination function on a complementary prism graph GGc is a function f : V [ V c ! {0, 1, 2} such that every vertex with label 0 has a neighbor with label 2. The Roman domination number R(GGc) of a graph G = (V,E) is the minimum of Px2V [V c f(x) over such functions, where the complementary prism GGc of G is graph obtained from disjoint union of G and its complement Gc by adding edges of a perfect matching between corresponding vertices of G and Gc. In this paper, we have investigated few properties of R(GGc) and its relation with other parameters are obtaine

    On coefficients of edge domination polynomial of a graph

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    An edge domination polynomial of a graph G is the polynomial where de(G, t) is the number of edge dominating sets of G of cardinality t. In this paper, we provide tables which contain coefficient of edge domination polynomial of path and cycle. Also, certain properties of edge dominating polynomial are given

    Complementary total domination in graphs

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    Let D be a minimum total dominating set of G. If V−D contains a total dominating set (TDS) say S of G, then S is called a complementary total dominating set with respect to D. The complementary total domination number γ ct (G) of G is the minimum number of vertices in a complementary total dominating set (CTDS) of G .In this paper, exact values of γ ct (G) for some standard graphs are obtained. Also its relationship with other domination related parameters are investigated

    The Dual Neighborhood Number of a Graph

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    A set S ⊆ V (G) is a neighborhood set of a graph G = (V,E), if G = v∈SN[v]�, where N[v]� is the sub graph of a graph G induced by v and all vertices adjacent to v. The dual neighborhood number η+2(G) = Min. {|S1|+ |S2| : S1, S2 are two disjoint neighborhood set of G}. In this paper, we extended the concept of neighborhood number to dual neighborhood number and its relationship with other neighborhood related parameters are explored.

    Multiplicative Product Connectivity and Sum Connectivity Indices of Chemical Structures in Drugs

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    In Chemical sciences, the multiplicative connectivity indices are used in the analysis of drug molecular structures which are helpful for chemical and medical scientists to find out the chemical and biological characteristics of drugs. In this paper, we compute the multiplicative product and sum connectivity indices of some important nanostar dendrimers which appeared in nanoscience

    On the roots of total domination polynomial of graphs, II

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    Let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be a simple graph of order nn. The total dominating set of GG is a subset DD of VV that every vertex of VV is adjacent to some vertices of DD. The total domination number of GG is equal to minimum cardinality of total dominating set in GG and is denoted by γt(G)\gamma_t(G). The total domination polynomial of GG is the polynomial Dt(G,x)=i=γt(G)ndt(G,i)xiD_t(G,x)=\sum_{i=\gamma_t(G)}^n d_t(G,i)x^i, where dt(G,i)d_t(G,i) is the number of total dominating sets of GG of size ii. A root of Dt(G,x)D_t(G, x) is called a total domination root of GG. The set of total domination roots of graph GG is denoted by Z(Dt(G,x))Z(D_t(G,x)). In this paper we show that Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) has δ2\delta-2 non-real roots and if all roots of Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) are real then δ2\delta\leq 2, where δ\delta is the minimum degree of vertices of GG. Also we show that if δ3\delta\geq 3 and Dt(G,x)D_t(G,x) has exactly three distinct roots, then Z(Dt(G,x)){0,2±2i,3±3i2}Z(D_t(G,x))\subseteq \{0, -2\pm \sqrt{2}i, \frac{-3\pm \sqrt{3}i}{2}\}. Finally we study the location roots of total domination polynomial of some families of graphs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure