86 research outputs found

    “Alice in London Architecture Festival.”

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    A group of 12 architecture students from EPFL returned from the London Festival of Architecture (19 June-19 July 08), where their contribution, "Overflow", a structure that reacts to tides in the Thames River, was chosen as the best overall project among all the student installations, as well as the best at "signposting" the festival to passersby

    Routing of Network Traffic on a Per-Application Basis

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    Wireless applications in certain domains, e.g., automotive, Internet-of-Things (IoT), etc., consume substantial amounts of bandwidth. A user accustomed to data consumption on a mobile device may be surprised to find the substantially larger amounts of data consumed via telemetry by wireless devices and sensors on their automobile. Reciprocally, a car manufacturer may not want a customer to pay for telemetry. This disclosure describes techniques to route network traffic to specific network interfaces on a per-application basis. The techniques can be implemented in a device operating system, and provide mechanisms for users and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to separate data costs for usage of various applications, thereby enabling a robust, secure, and connected experience

    The IST project MATRICE on MC-CDMA transmission techniques for future Cellular Systems

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    This paper presents an overview of the European IST project MATRICE (MC-CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems, IST-2001-3220), describing its tasks, goals and preliminary achievements. The main focus of the MATRICE project is the definition of a new air-interface for future cellular mobile radio systems based on Multicarrier-CDMA modulation techniques and the study of its key building blocks like receiver algorithms and flexible TX components. The nine European partners participating in this project are CEA-LETI (F), France Telecom (F), Instituto de Telecommonicaçõ (P), Mitsubishi Electric ITE-TCL (F), University of Madrid (E), University of Surrey (UK), STMicroelectronics (CH), INSA-IETR (F) and Nokia (D)

    0357 : Platypnea orthodeoxia syndrome: focus on predisposing anatomical factors

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    Platypnea orthodeoxia syndrome (POS) is a rare situation with hypoxia and breathlessness in the upright position recovering in the recumbent position. A mechanical inter-atrial septum distortion, causing redirection of flow from the right to the left atrium through a patent foramen ovale (PFO), despite normal pulmonary pressure, is suggested to explain POS. Prevalence of predisposing anatomical factors remain little knownMethodsAll patients who underwent a PFO closure for a POS were retrospectively included from 2 CHU. Predisposing anatomical factors were investigated.Results67 patients (Median age 72 y.o., interquartile range 61-80; 58.2% men) were included. All patients had dyspnea (76.2% NYHA III or IV, 53.7% under oxygen-therapy). The remaining patients had a refractory hypoxemia (38.2%) without POS. Most frequent predisposing anatomical factor was an enlarged or unwound aorta (n=29, 43.3% 95CI 31.2-56.0) with an aortic aneurysm in 25 patients (37.3%, 95CI 25.8-50.0). Other factors identified were pneumonectomy (n=8, 11.9% CI95 5.3-22.2), a history of cardiac surgery (n=7, 10.5%, 95CI 4.3-20.3), mechanical ventilation (n=6, 9.0% 95CI 3.4-18.5), kyphoscoliosis (n=4, 6.0% 95CI 1.7-14.6), hepatomegaly (n=4, 6.0% 95CI 1.7-14.6, 2 patients with hepato-renal polycystic disease, one hemochromatosis and one cirrhosis), right ventricle failure (n=2,3.0% 95CI 0.4-10.4), pericardial effusions (n=2,3.0% 95CI 0.4-10.4), right ventricle arrhythmogenic dysplasia (n=2,3.0% 95CI 0.4-10.4), diaphragmatic paralysis (n=1, 1.5% 95CI 0.1-8.0), carcinoid syndrome with tricuspid regurgitation (n=1, 1.5% 95CI 0.1-8.0), a right atrium pace-maker lead (n=1, 1.5% 95CI 0.1-8.0) and a tako-tsubo syndrome (n=1, 1.5% 95CI 0.1-8.0).ConclusionAortic aneurysm and pneumonectomy are the most frequent situation leading to a POS. Other causes were observed such as hepato-renal polycystic kidney, or atrial pacemaker probe that may be underdiagnosed in clinical practice

    Recent Laborian of the Peyrazet cave-rock shelter (Creysse, Lot, France). New data for the end of Lateglacial in Quercy

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    Découverte en 1990, la grotte-abri de Peyrazet (Creysse, Lot, France) se situe dans le Haut-Quercy en bordure du causse de Martel, à quelques centaines de mètres du cours actuel de la Dordogne. Les fouilles menées depuis 2008 livrent une archéoséquence du Tardiglaciaire qui permet de combler certaines lacunes documentaires régionales et plus largement du Sud-Ouest de la France. Au Magdalénien supérieur succède un niveau ayant donné des indices d’un Azilien sensu lato stratigraphiquement séparé du Laborien, ensemble supérieur qui fait l’objet de cet article. Jusqu’alors ce technocomplexe de la fin du Pléistocène et des débuts de l’Holocène demeurait mal connu dans la région. En effet, seuls des travaux anciens menés dans deux gisements permettaient de noter sa présence en Quercy. La découverte d’un ensemble laborien récent (ou Épilaborien) à Peyrazet est l’occasion de conduire une étude collective des divers vestiges dans un cadre archéostratigraphique mieux maîtrisé. L’analyse géoarchéologique met en évidence l’action conjointe du ruissellement et de l’éboulisation comme principaux responsables de la mise en place des dépôts. Dans la partie S-O du site, un lithofaciès de remaniement indique une bioturbation importante en lien avec le creusement de terriers. Bien que leur origine ne soit pas liée aux activités humaines, les rongeurs, les oiseaux, les poissons et les mésomammifères (excepté le lièvre) apportent des données concernant l’environnement des chasseurs-cueilleurs. La grande faune est dominée par le cerf dont les carcasses pourraient avoir été introduites incomplètes sur le site puis traitées pour en extraire la viande et la moelle. Nous avons bénéficié d’une analyse fonctionnelle croisée à l’étude typo-technologique des vestiges lithiques composés pour l’essentiel de silex locaux et régionaux. Ce double regard a permis de mettre en évidence une diversité d’activités mise en œuvre dans la cavité. Une pièce d’ocre rouge, quelques vestiges d’industrie osseuse et des éléments de parure participent également à la description d’une large gamme de tâches effectuées lors d’un séjour prolongé ou de plusieurs occupations successives. La comparaison des pointes de chasse microlithiques avec d’autres gisements sur une vaste échelle géographique conduit à discuter l’attribution de cet ensemble supérieur à différentes phases du Laborien. L’hypothèse d’un Laborien récent (ou Épilaborien) conduit à réfléchir à une perduration de morphotypes ancestraux parallèlement à de nouveaux types d’armatures, observation déjà réalisée notamment à La Borie del Rey dans le Haut-Agenais mais qui demande encore des précisions et de nouvelles découvertes.Discovered in 1990, Peyrazet cave-rock shelter (Creysse, Lot) lies in the Haut-Quercy region at the limits of the Martel limestone plateau, several hundred meters from the current Dordogne River valley. Excavations begun in 2008 produced a Late Glacial archaeo-sequence that sheds new light on several still poorly understood aspects of the archeological record in both the Haut-Quercy region and southwestern France in general. The level overlying the Late Magdalenian occupation produced limited evidence for the Azilian and is stratigraphically separated from the Laborian. This latter techno-complex, dated to the end of the Pleistocene and early Holocene, remains poorly documented in the region, having only been previously identified from two sites in the Quercy. The discovery of a recent Laborian (Epilaborian) occupation at Peyrazet presented the ideal occasion for a collaborative study of the diverse archaeological material recovered from this well-understood archaeo-stratigraphic context. A geoarchaeological analysis produced evidence for both surface runoff and the accumulation of coarse deposits (éboulis) as the principal site formation processes. In the southwest area of the site, a reworked lithofacies demonstrates substantial bioturbation in connection with animal burrowing. Although the presence of rodent, bird, fish, and medium-sized mammals (except hare) cannot be definitively connected to human activity, they nevertheless provide important information concerning the environments exploited by hunter-gatherer groups. Larger species are dominated by red deer whose carcasses were partially processed before being introduced to the site, where meat was subsequently removed and marrow consumed. A functional analysis combined with a typo-technological study of the primarily locally- and regionally-procured lithic material revealed evidence for diverse activities having taken place on-site. An ochre fragment, several bone tools and ornaments equally indicate a large variety of tasks to have been carried out during a single, long occupation or several successive visits. A typo-technological comparison of hunting weaponry (microliths) from sites across a substantial area suggests the assemblage to represent either a Laborian/Epilaborian mix or a unique Epilaborian occupation. This latter case would indicate the persistence of older morphotypes alongside the development of new tools forms, a situation already identified at Borie del Rey in the Haut-Agenais but which requires more detailed study supported by new discoveries

    Evolution récente des conceptions médicales de la sexualité féminine et de ses troubles

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    BORDEAUX2-BU Santé (330632101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etat des données cliniques actuelles sur le soulevé de sinus

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    LYON1-BU Santé Odontologie (693882213) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les facteurs de croissance en implantologie (le PRP et le PRF)

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    LYON1-BU Santé Odontologie (693882213) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Élévation sous-sinusienne par voie crestale et voie latérale (analyse d'une étude rétrospective)

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    LYON1-BU Santé Odontologie (693882213) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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