119 research outputs found

    Pérdida de peso como factor pronóstico en pacientes obesos con diagnóstico de asma, una revisión sistemática

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    Introducción y objetivo: Asma y Obesidad son considerados problemas de salud pública, que juntas, tienen complicaciones graves. Por lo que se busca determinar si la pérdida de peso en pacientes obesos con diagnóstico de asma tiene implicancia en relación al pronóstico dicha patología. Métodos: Este estudio es una revisión sistemática con base en ensayos clínicos. Fue realizado por medio de búsqueda de información en distintos repositorios clínicos como Pubmed, EMBASE, Google Scholar y Cochrane, tomando términos clave como: Pronóstico, evolución, intervención, efecto, obesidad, asma, pérdida de peso, función pulmonar, calidad de vida. Resultados: Se recabaron 35 artículos a texto completo de los cuales luego de aplicar los criterios de selección, se obtuvo 6 artículos. Existe mejora significativa en la función pulmonar, así como también mejoró la calidad de vida valorada mediante los cuestionarios respectivos. Hubo cambios mínimos sobre la hiperreactividad y mediadores inflamatorios en aquellos estudios donde se valoró estos métodos de medición. Conclusiones: La pérdida de peso es un factor de pronóstico favorable en pacientes obesos con diagnóstico de asma. No hay evidencia de que a mayor grado de disminución en el IMC exista mejoría notable en el pronóstico de asma en comparación con aquellos con menor grado de disminución de IMC, ni tampoco se cuenta con datos indicativos de que a mayor cronicidad y mantenimiento de la pérdida de peso haya una mejoría en el pronóstico de asma

    El proceso administrativo y el posicionamiento del consultorio Dent Vale Los Olivos 2018

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    Dentro de un negocio u empresa, tiene que tener y mantener un proceso administrativo, el cual incluye los 4 principios de la administración que son fundamentales para el crecimiento y rendimiento de un negocio u empresa. La planeación es la base previa a todo lo que se desea realizar, es decir, se plasman ideas, se discuten las ideas, se elabora planes de acción y finalmente se toma la decisión. Luego de ello se organiza todo lo que se planeó y pasamos a la función de la dirección, en el cual se está ejecutando el plan de acción orientados por sus respectivos supervisores y finalmente se controla, para que cumpla con todo lo requerido dentro de lo que se creó en el primer paso. Si lo enfocamos y podemos dirigirlo hacia conseguir un posicionamiento aceptable, se puede decir que implementar proceso administrativo es una muy buena opción para conseguir el objetivo. El objetivo de estudio es determinar si existe relación entre proceso administrativo y posicionamiento, tomando en cuenta a las personas involucradas que fueron un total de 40 personas, se realizo una encuesta mediante un cuestionario de 24 preguntas donde los datos fueron procesados mediante la herramienta de software SPSS versión 23, por otro lado, para validar la confiabilidad se empleó el Alfa de Cronbach obtenido como resultado de ello 0.978, el cual se puede interpretar como un alto nivel de fiabilidad

    BloodChIP: A database of comparative genome-wide transcription factor binding profiles in human blood cells

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    The BloodChIP database (http://www.med.unsw.edu.au/CRCWeb.nsf/page/ BloodChIP) supports exploration and visualization of combinatorial transcription factor (TF) binding at a particular locus in human CD34-positive and other normal and leukaemic cells or retrieval of target gene sets for user-defined combinations of TFs across one or more cell types. Increasing numbers of genome-wide TF binding profiles are being added to public repositories, and this trend is likely to continue. For the power of these data sets to be fully harnessed by experimental scientists, there is a need for these data to be placed in context and easily accessible for downstream applications. To this end, we have built a user-friendly database that has at its core the genome-wide binding profiles of seven key haematopoietic TFs in human stem/progenitor cells. These binding profiles are compared with binding profiles in normal differentiated and leukaemic cells. We have integrated these TF binding profiles with chromatin marks and expression data in normal and leukaemic cell fractions. All queries can be exported into external sites to construct TF-gene and protein-protein networks and to evaluate the association of genes with cellular processes and tissue expression. © 2013 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Regiões Metropolitanas Brasileiras: concepções, políticas públicas, objetivos e percalços

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    O artigo retrata as regiões metropolitanas brasileiras nos diversos contextos, abordando-as de acordo com as principais problemáticas referentes ao processo de metropolização: as concepções e definições conceituais, percurso histórico, panorama atual, características e condição socioambiental. O objetivo principal do estudo foi analisar as possibilidades de inserção das regiões metropolitanas na perspectiva da sustentabilidade, tendo como foco as políticas públicas e a execução das funções públicas de interesse comum.  No aspecto metodológico, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo, tendo como objeto de estudo as regiões metropolitanas brasileiras. Constatando-se que são persistentes os entraves para a efetivação das regiões metropolitanas como recortes territoriais e administrativos propícios a instalação de um desenvolvimento sustentável. Para a concretização desse processo é necessário a articulação das três esferas de governo para a mudança do cenário urbano atual com a consequente elevação da qualidade de vida da população

    Manufacturing and Characterization of Functionalized Aliphatic Polyester from Poly(lactic acid) with Halloysite Nanotubes

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    [EN] This work reports the potential of poly(lactic acid)-PLA composites with different halloysite nanotube (HNTs) loading (3, 6 and 9 wt%) for further uses in advanced applications as HNTs could be used as carriers for active compounds for medicine, packaging and other sectors. This work focuses on the effect of HNTs on mechanical, thermal, thermomechanical and degradation of PLA composites with HNTs. These composites can be manufactured by conventional extrusion-compounding followed by injection molding. The obtained results indicate a slight decrease in tensile and flexural strength as well as in elongation at break, both properties related to material cohesion. On the contrary, the stiffness increases with the HNTs content. The tensile strength and modulus change from 64.6 MPa/2.1 GPa (neat PLA) to 57.7/2.3 GPa MPa for the composite with 9 wt% HNTs. The elongation at break decreases from 6.1% (neat PLA) down to a half for composites with 9 wt% HNTs. Regarding flexural properties, the flexural strength and modulus change from 116.1 MPa and 3.6 GPa respectively for neat PLA to values of 107.6 MPa and 3.9 GPa for the composite with 9 wt% HNTs. HNTs do not affect the glass transition temperature with invariable values of about 64 degrees C, or the melt peak temperature, while they move the cold crystallization process towards lower values, from 112.4 degrees C for neat PLA down to 105.4 degrees C for the composite containing 9 wt% HNTs. The water uptake has been assessed to study the influence of HNTs on the water saturation. HNTs contribute to increased hydrophilicity with a change in the asymptotic water uptake from 0.95% (neat PLA) up to 1.67% (PLA with 9 wt % HNTs) and the effect of HNTs on disintegration in controlled compost soil has been carried out to see the influence of HNTs on this process, which is a slight delay on it. These PLA-HNT composites show good balanced properties and could represent an interesting solution to develop active materials.This research was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICIU) through the MAT2017-84909-C2-2-R program number. D. Lascano wants to thank UPV for the grant received though the PAID-01-18 program. Microscopy services at UPV are acknowledged for their help in collecting and analyzing FESEM images.Montava-Jorda, S.; Chacon, V.; Lascano-Aimacaña, DS.; Sanchez-Nacher, L.; Montanes, N. (2019). Manufacturing and Characterization of Functionalized Aliphatic Polyester from Poly(lactic acid) with Halloysite Nanotubes. Polymers. 11(8):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym11081314S121118Andreeßen, C., & Steinbüchel, A. (2018). Recent developments in non-biodegradable biopolymers: Precursors, production processes, and future perspectives. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(1), 143-157. doi:10.1007/s00253-018-9483-6Djukić-Vuković, A., Mladenović, D., Ivanović, J., Pejin, J., & Mojović, L. (2019). Towards sustainability of lactic acid and poly-lactic acid polymers production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 108, 238-252. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.03.050Matson, J. B., & Baker, M. B. (2019). Polymers for biology, medicine and sustainability. Polymer International, 68(7), 1219-1219. doi:10.1002/pi.5829Fombuena, V., L, S.-N., MD, S., D, J., & R, B. (2012). Study of the Properties of Thermoset Materials Derived from Epoxidized Soybean Oil and Protein Fillers. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 90(3), 449-457. doi:10.1007/s11746-012-2171-2Carbonell-Verdu, A., Bernardi, L., Garcia-Garcia, D., Sanchez-Nacher, L., & Balart, R. (2015). Development of environmentally friendly composite matrices from epoxidized cottonseed oil. European Polymer Journal, 63, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2014.11.043España, J. M., Samper, M. D., Fages, E., Sánchez-Nácher, L., & Balart, R. (2013). Investigation of the effect of different silane coupling agents on mechanical performance of basalt fiber composite laminates with biobased epoxy matrices. Polymer Composites, 34(3), 376-381. doi:10.1002/pc.22421Scaffaro, R., Maio, A., Sutera, F., Gulino, E., & Morreale, M. (2019). Degradation and Recycling of Films Based on Biodegradable Polymers: A Short Review. Polymers, 11(4), 651. doi:10.3390/polym11040651Li, Y., Chu, Z., Li, X., Ding, X., Guo, M., Zhao, H., … Fan, Y. (2017). The effect of mechanical loads on the degradation of aliphatic biodegradable polyesters. Regenerative Biomaterials, 4(3), 179-190. doi:10.1093/rb/rbx009González, E. A. S., Olmos, D., Lorente, M. Á., Vélaz, I., & González-Benito, J. (2018). Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Composite Materials Based on PLA/TiO2 for Antibacterial Packaging. Polymers, 10(12), 1365. doi:10.3390/polym10121365Li, Y., Liao, C., & Tjong, S. C. (2019). Synthetic Biodegradable Aliphatic Polyester Nanocomposites Reinforced with Nanohydroxyapatite and/or Graphene Oxide for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications. Nanomaterials, 9(4), 590. doi:10.3390/nano9040590Boronat, T., Fombuena, V., Garcia-Sanoguera, D., Sanchez-Nacher, L., & Balart, R. (2015). Development of a biocomposite based on green polyethylene biopolymer and eggshell. Materials & Design, 68, 177-185. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2014.12.027Filgueira, D., Holmen, S., Melbø, J., Moldes, D., Echtermeyer, A., & Chinga-Carrasco, G. (2018). 3D Printable Filaments Made of Biobased Polyethylene Biocomposites. Polymers, 10(3), 314. doi:10.3390/polym10030314Garcia-Garcia, D., Carbonell-Verdu, A., Jordá-Vilaplana, A., Balart, R., & Garcia-Sanoguera, D. (2016). Development and characterization of green composites from bio-based polyethylene and peanut shell. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(37). doi:10.1002/app.43940Samper-Madrigal, M. D., Fenollar, O., Dominici, F., Balart, R., & Kenny, J. M. (2014). The effect of sepiolite on the compatibilization of polyethylene–thermoplastic starch blends for environmentally friendly films. Journal of Materials Science, 50(2), 863-872. doi:10.1007/s10853-014-8647-8Yu, X., Wang, X., Zhang, Z., Peng, S., Chen, H., & Zhao, X. (2019). High-performance fully bio-based poly(lactic acid)/ polyamide11 (PLA/PA11) blends by reactive blending with multi-functionalized epoxy. Polymer Testing, 78, 105980. doi:10.1016/j.polymertesting.2019.105980Gandini, A., Lacerda, T. M., Carvalho, A. J. F., & Trovatti, E. (2015). Progress of Polymers from Renewable Resources: Furans, Vegetable Oils, and Polysaccharides. Chemical Reviews, 116(3), 1637-1669. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00264Abedini, F., Ebrahimi, M., Roozbehani, A. H., Domb, A. J., & Hosseinkhani, H. (2018). Overview on natural hydrophilic polysaccharide polymers in drug delivery. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 29(10), 2564-2573. doi:10.1002/pat.4375Riaz Rajoka, M. S., Zhao, L., Mehwish, H. M., Wu, Y., & Mahmood, S. (2019). Chitosan and its derivatives: synthesis, biotechnological applications, and future challenges. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(4), 1557-1571. doi:10.1007/s00253-018-9550-zFerrero, B., Boronat, T., Moriana, R., Fenollar, O., & Balart, R. (2013). Green composites based on wheat gluten matrix and posidonia oceanica waste fibers as reinforcements. Polymer Composites, 34(10), 1663-1669. doi:10.1002/pc.22567Ferrero, B., Fombuena, V., Fenollar, O., Boronat, T., & Balart, R. (2014). Development of natural fiber-reinforced plastics (NFRP) based on biobased polyethylene and waste fibers from Posidonia oceanica seaweed. Polymer Composites, 36(8), 1378-1385. doi:10.1002/pc.23042DeFrates, K., Markiewicz, T., Gallo, P., Rack, A., Weyhmiller, A., Jarmusik, B., & Hu, X. (2018). Protein Polymer-Based Nanoparticles: Fabrication and Medical Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(6), 1717. doi:10.3390/ijms19061717Rai, K., Sun, Y., Shaliutina-Kolesova, A., Nian, R., & Xian, M. (2018). Proteins: Natural Polymers for Tissue Engineering. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 8(3), 295-308. doi:10.1166/jbt.2018.1753Torres-Giner, S., Montanes, N., Boronat, T., Quiles-Carrillo, L., & Balart, R. (2016). Melt grafting of sepiolite nanoclay onto poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) by reactive extrusion with multi-functional epoxy-based styrene-acrylic oligomer. European Polymer Journal, 84, 693-707. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2016.09.057Haddadi, M. H., Asadolahi, R., & Negahdari, B. (2019). The bioextraction of bioplastics with focus on polyhydroxybutyrate: a review. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16(7), 3935-3948. doi:10.1007/s13762-019-02352-0Zubir, N. H. M., Sam, S. T., Zulkepli, N. N., & Omar, M. F. (2017). The effect of rice straw particulate loading and polyethylene glycol as plasticizer on the properties of polylactic acid/polyhydroxybutyrate-valerate blends. Polymer Bulletin, 75(1), 61-76. doi:10.1007/s00289-017-2018-yGarcia-Garcia, D., Garcia-Sanoguera, D., Fombuena, V., Lopez-Martinez, J., & Balart, R. (2018). Improvement of mechanical and thermal properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) blends with surface-modified halloysite nanotubes (HNT). Applied Clay Science, 162, 487-498. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2018.06.042Pramanik, N., Bhattacharya, S., Rath, T., De, J., Adhikary, A., Basu, R. K., & Kundu, P. P. (2019). Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate copolymer modified graphite oxide based 3D scaffold for tissue engineering application. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 94, 534-546. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2018.10.009Quiles-Carrillo, L., Montanes, N., Jorda-Vilaplana, A., Balart, R., & Torres-Giner, S. (2018). A comparative study on the effect of different reactive compatibilizers on injection-molded pieces of bio-based high-density polyethylene/polylactide blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(16), 47396. doi:10.1002/app.47396Liu, Y., Wei, H., Wang, Z., Li, Q., & Tian, N. (2018). Simultaneous Enhancement of Strength and Toughness of PLA Induced by Miscibility Variation with PVA. Polymers, 10(10), 1178. doi:10.3390/polym10101178Behera, K., Sivanjineyulu, V., Chang, Y.-H., & Chiu, F.-C. (2018). Thermal properties, phase morphology and stability of biodegradable PLA/PBSL/HAp composites. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 154, 248-260. doi:10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.06.010Notta-Cuvier, D., Odent, J., Delille, R., Murariu, M., Lauro, F., Raquez, J. M., … Dubois, P. (2014). 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    Diagnóstico actual de la colaboración estratégica de stakeholders del sector turismo peruano (hoteles cadena, gremio, medio de comunicación, Gobierno de Perú y Gobierno de Chile) dirigida al turista chileno durante la pandemia del COVID-19: motivaciones push y pull, y gestión de crisis

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    En el complejo marco de la pandemia por COVID-19 para la industria hotelera, la presente investigación plantea la necesidad de diagnosticar la coordinación estratégica entre ciertos stakeholders del sector turismo peruano, de acuerdo con las nuevas demandas de una propuesta de perfil del turista chileno. Particularmente, fueron consultados tomadores de decisión representantes de cinco grupos de interés: industria de hoteles cadena, instituciones gremiales, medios de comunicación, Gobierno de Perú y Gobierno de Chile. Integralmente, el estudio se encuentra situado dentro de las fases de comprensión y colaboración con los stakeholders, y la resolución y normalidad de un modelo de gestión de crisis especialmente adaptado para el sector turismo, con un enfoque de investigación mixto. El perfil del potencial turista chileno se identificó cuantitativamente y analizó cualitativamente en función de sus motivaciones de viaje de acuerdo con el modelo de factores de empuje (push) y atracción (pull); además, fueron examinadas las nuevas consideraciones del turista chileno para viajar bajo las circunstancias establecidas por la pandemia. Luego, esta información es contrastada con el proceso de formulación y coordinación estratégica de y entre los grupos de interés señalados, no con el único fin de calificar su coordinación, sino de describir si este se encuentra alineado con el perfil del turista chileno y las nuevas consideraciones del turista receptivo, en este caso, el turista chileno. Finalmente, son presentadas las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la investigación con la finalidad de generar un aporte en pro de la recuperación del sector y crecimiento a largo plazo retomando la visión sobre el turismo sostenible en Perú. Palabras claves: Perú, turismo, COVID-19, gestión de crisis en turismo, motivaciones de viaje de empuje (push) y atracción (pull) perfil del turista chileno, coordinación estratégica, stakeholders, industria de hoteles cade

    Association of the SNP rs2623047 in the HSPG modification enzyme SULF1 with an Australian Caucasian Breast Cancer Cohort

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    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and the most common cancer reported in women. This malignant tumour is characterised by a number of specific features including uncontrolled cell proliferation. It ranks fifth in the world as a cause of cancer death in women. Early diagnosis increases 5 year survival rates up to 95%. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex proteins composed of a core protein to which a number of highly sulfated side chains are synthesised by a highly co-ordinated process resulting in distinct sulfation patterns, which determine specific interations with cell-signaling partners including growth factors, their receptors, ligands and morphogens. The enzymes responsible for chain initiation, elongation and sulfation are critical for creating HS chain variability conferring biological functionality. This study investigated single nucleotide polymorphism in SULF1, the enzyme responsible for the 6-0 desulfation of heparan sulfate side chains. We investigated this SNP in an Australian Caucasian case-control breast cancer population and found a significant association between SULF1 and breast cancer at both the allelic and genotypic level (allele, p=0.016; genotype, p=0.032). Our results suggest the res2623047 SNP in SULF1 may impact breast cancer susceptibility. Specifically, the T allele of rs2623047 in SULF1 is associated with a increased risk of developing breast cancer in our cohort. The identification of markers including SULF1 may improve detection of this disease at its earliest stages improving patient treatment and prognosis

    The synaptic blocker botulinum toxin A decreases the density and complexity of oligodendrocyte precursor cells in the adult mouse hippocampus

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    Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are responsible for generating oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the CNS. Life-long myelination is promoted by neuronal activity and is essential for neural network plasticity and learning. OPCs are known to contact synapses and it is proposed that neuronal synaptic activity in turn regulates their behavior. To examine this in the adult, we performed unilateral injection of the synaptic blocker botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A) into the hippocampus of adult mice. We confirm BoNT/A cleaves SNAP-25 in the CA1 are of the hippocampus, which has been proven to block neurotransmission. Notably, BoNT/A significantly decreased OPC density and caused their shrinkage, as determined by immunolabeling for the OPC marker NG2. Furthermore, BoNT/A resulted in an overall decrease in the number of OPC processes, as well as a decrease in their lengths and branching frequency. These data indicate that synaptic activity is important for maintaining adult OPC numbers and cellular integrity, which is relevant to pathophysiological scenarios characterized by dysregulation of synaptic activity, such as age-related cognitive decline, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease

    Juazeiro do Norte/CE:: Um Caso de (In)Sustentabilidade Urbana

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    This paper aims to study the city of Juazeiro do Norte, midsize city of the interior of Ceará; theprospects for urban sustainability in this metropolis. This is a qualitative research, fitting into theexploratory perspective. As methods and research techniques, we opted for the literature review,case studies and field visits. The city of Juazeiro do Norte experiences vigorous economicinvestments and large demographic expansion; however, still needs, urgently, reformulations inseveral segments, aiming to increase the quality of urban life and environmental conservation.We argue that the guiding direction that should govern the pursuit of urban sustainability is thetransformation of the current progress in economic growth guided by a model of developmenttruly sustainable.O presente ensaio tem como objeto de estudo a cidade de Juazeiro do Norte no Estado do Ceará, cidade de porte médio do interior cearense, sendo que o objetivo principal foi analisar as perspectivas de sustentabilidade urbana nesta urbe. O estudo em foco é de caráter qualitativo, encaixando-se dentro da perspectiva exploratória. Optou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo de caso e visitas de campo como métodos e técnicas de pesquisa. A cidade de Juazeiro do Norte vivencia tempos áureos com investimentos econômicos pujantes e grande expansão demográfica, entretanto, ainda carece, urgentemente, de reformulações nos mais diversos segmentos, visando o aumento da qualidade de vida urbana e a preservação ambiental. Concluiu-se que a direção norteadora que deve reger a busca pela sustentabilidade urbana é a transformação do modelo de progresso atual pautado no crescimento econômico por um modelo de desenvolvimento verdadeiramente sustentável


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    O presente artigo se propõe a analisar resultados recentes envolvendo a inovação no Brasil, destacando a importância dos seus impactos, enquanto elemento propulsor de desenvolvimento. Como preâmbulo, retrata as origens do processo de formação da indústria no Brasil. Uma parte do material de estudo é o relatório PINTEC - 2011, organizado e publicado pelo IBGE. As fontes internacionais de consulta são o GII e relatórios da OECD, que faculta visões e comparação com outros Estados. O trabalho também verticaliza sua análise, por meio de apoio técnico complementar sobre estudos envolvendo a massa crítica que suporta, ou pode suportar os alcances mais destacados no tema inovação tecnológica, sem deixar também de dar enfoque às considerações sobre exemplos, vivências bem sucedidas de aprendizado, capacitação e boas práticas, conforme seus registros em bases internacionais