1,941 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown in non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    The advantages and disadvantages of some pedagogical non-relativistic quantum-mechanical models, used to illustrate spontaneous symmetry breakdown, are discussed. A simple quantum-mechanical toy model (a spinor on the line, subject to a magnetostatic interaction) is presented, that exhibits the spontaneous breakdown of an internal symmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.1213. Equations (30) and (31) have been corrected. Other minor correction


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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe silylant 3-cloropropyltriethoxysilyl was anchored over silica gel in anhydrous conditions in order to react with thiourea to obtain modified silica gel with thiouronium. The aim to obtain an inorganic support that is able to hijack metals from the VIII group such as palladium. The product was characterized by Sbet and FTIR infrared spectroscopy. For the determination of the structure in the modified silica gel NMR spectra of silicon and carbon were preformed in solid state. The coordination form of the modified silica gel to the metal was studied computationally in the context of the DFT theory, using the ADF code. This was a collaborative work with "Fundación Chile" for the recuperation of precious metals from the mining industry.http://ref.scielo.org/gk7rm

    Experimental aerothermal characterization of surface air-cooled oil coolers for turbofan engines

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    [EN] Thermal management is a major challenge for new generation turbofan aero-engines. One of the most promising heat exchangers are the so-called surface air-cooled oil coolers (SACOCs). In this study, an experimental methodology is proposed and implemented in order to characterize SACOCs mounted in turbofan bypass ducts. Three different SACOC geometries have been characterized under the same nominal operating point, while the actual velocity profile in the bypass was reproduced by means of a distortion screen upstream the test section. The heat exchangers were mounted in counterflow configuration and feature the same fin geometry in the oil side. The three prototypes varied only in the air side, being the first a baseline flat plate, the second a SACOC with standard trapezoidal fins and the third featuring optimized fins designed to reduce the pressure drop. Aerothermal results demonstrated that the effect of the SACOC on the bypass flow was confined to a region about the same height and width of the finned area, avoiding the need of reproducing the whole bypass duct. However, for this reduced-height experimental approach to be valid, we show that the velocity profile needs to be rearranged to match the specific section of the whole bypass. We also demonstrate how the optimized fin geometry achieved a 10% lower friction factor than the standard one at nominal flow conditions while increasing the overall heat transfer coefficient by 5.2%.This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 831977: Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air-Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC). A. Felgueroso is supported through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo of the Universitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-01-20 n° 21589. The authors also wish to thank Safran Aircraft Engines for their kind permission to share the data presented in this publication. Special thanks are also given to Mr. Adolfo Guzmán for his inestimable support during the experimental campaign.Broatch, A.; Olmeda, P.; Garcia Tiscar, J.; Felgueroso-Rodríguez, A.; Chávez-Modena, M.; González, LM.; Gelain, M.... (2022). Experimental aerothermal characterization of surface air-cooled oil coolers for turbofan engines. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 190:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.12277511319

    Experimental aerothermal characterization of surface air-cooled oil coolers for turbofan engines

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    [EN] Thermal management is a major challenge for new generation turbofan aero-engines. One of the most promising heat exchangers are the so-called surface air-cooled oil coolers (SACOCs). In this study, an experimental methodology is proposed and implemented in order to characterize SACOCs mounted in turbofan bypass ducts. Three different SACOC geometries have been characterized under the same nominal operating point, while the actual velocity profile in the bypass was reproduced by means of a distortion screen upstream the test section. The heat exchangers were mounted in counterflow configuration and feature the same fin geometry in the oil side. The three prototypes varied only in the air side, being the first a baseline flat plate, the second a SACOC with standard trapezoidal fins and the third featuring optimized fins designed to reduce the pressure drop. Aerothermal results demonstrated that the effect of the SACOC on the bypass flow was confined to a region about the same height and width of the finned area, avoiding the need of reproducing the whole bypass duct. However, for this reduced-height experimental approach to be valid, we show that the velocity profile needs to be rearranged to match the specific section of the whole bypass. We also demonstrate how the optimized fin geometry achieved a 10% lower friction factor than the standard one at nominal flow conditions while increasing the overall heat transfer coefficient by 5.2%.This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 831977: Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air-Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC). A. Felgueroso is supported through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo of the Universitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-01-20 n° 21589. The authors also wish to thank Safran Aircraft Engines for their kind permission to share the data presented in this publication. Special thanks are also given to Mr. Adolfo Guzmán for his inestimable support during the experimental campaign.Broatch, A.; Olmeda, P.; Garcia Tiscar, J.; Felgueroso-Rodríguez, A.; Chávez-Modena, M.; González, LM.; Gelain, M.... (2022). Experimental aerothermal characterization of surface air-cooled oil coolers for turbofan engines. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 190:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.12277511319

    uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems

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    [EN] A Real-Time Wireless Distributed Embedded System (RTWDES) is formed by a large quantity of small devices with certain computing power, wireless communication and sensing/actuators capabilities. These types of networks have become popular as they have been developed for applications which can carry out a vast quantity of tasks, including home and building monitoring, object tracking, precision agriculture, military applications, disaster recovery, industry applications, among others. For this type of applications a middleware is used in software systems to bridge the gap between the application and the underlying operating system and networks. As a result, a middleware system can facilitate the development of applications and is designed to provide common services to the applications. The development of a middleware for sensor networks presents several challenges due to the limited computational resources and energy of the different nodes. This work is related with the design, implementation and test of a micro middleware for RTWDES; the proposal incorporates characteristics of a message oriented middleware thus allowing the applications to communicate by employing the publish/subscribe model. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed middleware provides a stable and timely service to support different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work was developed as a part of the D2ARS Project supported by CYTED. UNESCO code 120325;330417;120314;120305.González, A.; Mata, W.; Villaseñor, L.; Aquino, R.; Simó Ten, JE.; Chávez, M.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2011). uDDS: A Middleware for Real-time Wireless Embedded Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 64(3-4):489-503. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-011-9550-zS489503643-4Akyildiz, I.F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Cayirci, E.: A survey on sensor networks. IEEE Commun. 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    The Super Metal Rich Component of the Galaxyx

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    We present the results obtained by comparing mid-resolution stellar spectra of super metal rich candidates with synthetic spectra computed in the wavelength range 4850-5400 Å. Atmospheric parameters, derived by using the flux fitting method, are illustrated for a sample of representative stars. The final aim of the project is the definition of a fully consistent metallicity scale for SMR stars