487 research outputs found

    Genotypic identification and technological characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish Kargi tulum cheese

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    Kargi tulum cheese is an artisanal cheese produced through the spontaneous fermentation of raw milk ripened inside a goat-skin bag. The objective of this study was to characterize the dominant species of natural lactic acid bacteria (LAB) found in Kargi tulum cheese. Some technologically important properties of LAB isolates were also determined. Seven samples of cheese of different levels of ripeness were taken from local producers and 97 isolates were obtained from these samples. Non-spore forming, Gram-positive, catalase- and oxidase-negative isolates were assessed as LAB. Based on genotypic characterization, the dominant LAB were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei (43.3%), Lactobacillus plantarum (23.7%), Enterococcus durans (6.2%), Streptococcus thermophilus (6.2%), Lactobacillus brevis (5.2%), Enterococcus faecium (5.2%), Lactobacillus fermentum (4.1%) and Lactobacillus pentosus (1%). Homofermentative strains such as L. paracasei, L. plantarum, S. thermophilus; E. durans and E. faecium were selected as probable starter cultures. These strains were tolerant to 6.5% salt. They are also characterized by acidification ability (from pH = 6.6 to 4.7 to 6.0, in 6 to 8 h), low proteinase and high peptidase, esterase, esterase-lipase, β-galactosidase and β- glucosidase activities. They also produce diacetyl and H2O2.Key words: Lactic acid bacteria, genotypic characterization, technological characterization, tulum cheese

    Effects of Nigella sativa seeds and certain species of fungi extracts on number and activation of dural mast cells in rats

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    In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of Nigella sativa seeds and certain species of fungi extracts on the number and degranulation states of dural mast cells in rats. Rats were fed ad libitum with normal tap water or tap water with extract of N. sativa seed, Ramaria condensata, Lactarius salmonicolor, Lactarius piperatus, and Tricholoma terreum for 3 days. Mast cells in dura mater were counted and evaluated in terms of granulation and degranulation states. Compound 48/80, a mast cell degranulating agent, and T. terreum significantly increased the percent of degranulated mast cells in dura mater, respectively (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). Moreover, T. terreum causes a significant increase in the total number of mast cells (p < 0.05). N. sativa significantly inhibited mast cell degranulation induced by both the compound 48/80 and T. terreum (p < 0.05), and significantly decreased the mast cell numbers increased by T. terreum (p < 0.05). Our results suggested that T. terreum following ingestion can contribute to headaches like migraine via dural mast cell degranulation and N. sativa may be able to exert analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects by stabilizing dural mast cells. However, investigation is needed to determine the ingredients of N. sativa that may be responsible for these beneficial effects

    Phylogeny and S1 Gene Variation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Detected in Broilers and Layers in Turkey

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    Citation: Yilmaz, H., Altan, E., Cizmecigil, U. Y., Gurel, A., Ozturk, G. Y., Bamac, O. E., . . . Turan, N. (2016). Phylogeny and S1 Gene Variation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Detected in Broilers and Layers in Turkey. Avian Diseases, 60(3), 596-602. doi:10.1637/11346-120915-Reg.1The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (AvCoV-IBV) is recognized as an important global pathogen because new variants are a continuous threat to the poultry industry worldwide. This study investigates the genetic origin and diversity of AvCoV-IBV by analysis of the S1 sequence derived from 49 broiler flocks and 14 layer flocks in different regions of Turkey. AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in 41 (83.6%) broiler flocks and nine (64.2%) of the layer flocks by TaqMan real-time RT-PCR. In addition, AvCoV-IBV RNA was detected in the tracheas 27/30 (90%), lungs 31/49 (62.2%), caecal tonsils 7/22 (31.8%), and kidneys 4/49 (8.1%) of broiler flocks examined. Pathologic lesions, hemorrhages, and mononuclear infiltrations were predominantly observed in tracheas and to a lesser extent in the lungs and a few in kidneys. A phylogenetic tree based on partial S1 sequences of the detected AvCoV-IBVs (including isolates) revealed that 1) viruses detected in five broiler flocks were similar to the IBV vaccines Ma5, H120, M41; 2) viruses detected in 24 broiler flocks were similar to those previously reported from Turkey and to Israel variant-2 strains; 3) viruses detected in seven layer flocks were different from those found in any of the broiler flocks but similar to viruses previously reported from Iran, India, and China (similar to Israel variant-1 and 4/91 serotypes); and 4) that the AVCoV-IBV, Israeli variant-2 strain, found to be circulating in Turkey appears to be undergoing molecular evolution. In conclusion, genetically different AvCoV-IBV strains, including vaccine-like strains, based on their partial S1 sequence, are circulating in broiler and layer chicken flocks in Turkey and the Israeli variant-2 strain is undergoing evolution. © 2016 American Association of Avian Pathologists

    Penicillin-Induced Epileptiform Ecog Activity in Gerbils: Effects of Physical Exercise and a Diospyros Kaki Extract

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    Mongolian gerbils (28 males) were divided into four groups, control (C), treadmill-exercised (Ex), treated with the extract of Diospyros kaki (Dk), and treated with the Dk extract plus exercised (Ex+Dk) groups. Animals of the respective groups were running-exercised for 30 min per day during 8 weeks, and the Dk extract (dose 20mg/kg) was given by gavage during five days per week within the same period. After the treatment and exercise period, an epilepsy model was produced by penicillin G injection (500 IU) into the left somatomotor cortex, and electrocorticogram (ECoG) was recorded during 120 min. The mean frequency of spike/wave complexes was significantly smaller in the Ex and Ex+Dk groups from the 65th min of the observation period and, in the Dk group, from the 75th min than the respective value in the C group (P < 0.01, P < 0.05, and P < 0.01, respectively). The differences in the amplitude values and latency to onset of the spike/wave events among all groups usally did not reach the significance level (P > 0.05), but, visin late stages of the observation period, an antiseisure effect of the Dk extract was obvious. Thus, both the running exercise and Dk extract applications inhibit penicillin-induced epileptiform activity by altering the spike/ wave frequency or severity of seizures observed in ECoG recordings. Further studies are needed to determine the effects of physical activity of different intensities and forms and to analyze the active compounds in the Dk extract.Монгольські піщанки (28 самців) були поділені на чотири групи – контрольну (C), піддану тренуванню на тредбані (Ex), групу з уведенням екстракту Diospyros kaki (східної хурми, група Dk) та групу з уведенням вказаного екстракту, комбінованим із тренуванням (Ex+Dk). Тварин відповідних груп тренували, примушуючи бігати 30 хв на день протягом восьми тижнів; екстракт Dk (20 мг/кг) уводився перорально п’ять днів на тиждень протягом того самого періоду. Після періоду тренування та введення екстракту у щурів індукували модельну епілепсію за допомогою ін’єкції 500 МО пеніциліну G у ліву соматомоторну кору і відводили електрокортикограму (ЕКоГ) протягом 20 хв. У групах Ex та Ex+Dk середня частота виникнення комплексів пік/хвиля була вірогідно меншою, ніж у контролі, починаючи з 65-ї хв періоду спостереження; те саме відмічалося в групі Dk починаючи з 75-ї хв вказаного періоду (P < 0.01, P < 0.05 та P < 0.01 відповідно). Відмінності значень амплітуди ЕКоГ та латентного періоду до появи комплексів пік/хвиля в усіх групах звичайно не досягали рівня вірогідності (P > 0.05), але на пізній ділянці періоду спостереження антисудомний вплив екстракту Dk був очевидним. Отже, тренування бігом та уведення екстракту хурми східної пригнічує індуковану пеніциліном епілептиформну активність, змінюючи частоту комплексів пік/хвиля та інтенсивність судомної активності, що спостерігається в ЕКоГ. Потрібні подальші дослідження для того, щоб визначити ефекти фізичної активності різної інтенсивності та форми та проаналізувати активні компоненти екстракту хурми

    Modern computing: Vision and challenges

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    Over the past six decades, the computing systems field has experienced significant transformations, profoundly impacting society with transformational developments, such as the Internet and the commodification of computing. Underpinned by technological advancements, computer systems, far from being static, have been continuously evolving and adapting to cover multifaceted societal niches. This has led to new paradigms such as cloud, fog, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), which offer fresh economic and creative opportunities. Nevertheless, this rapid change poses complex research challenges, especially in maximizing potential and enhancing functionality. As such, to maintain an economical level of performance that meets ever-tighter requirements, one must understand the drivers of new model emergence and expansion, and how contemporary challenges differ from past ones. To that end, this article investigates and assesses the factors influencing the evolution of computing systems, covering established systems and architectures as well as newer developments, such as serverless computing, quantum computing, and on-device AI on edge devices. Trends emerge when one traces technological trajectory, which includes the rapid obsolescence of frameworks due to business and technical constraints, a move towards specialized systems and models, and varying approaches to centralized and decentralized control. This comprehensive review of modern computing systems looks ahead to the future of research in the field, highlighting key challenges and emerging trends, and underscoring their importance in cost-effectively driving technological progress

    A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN

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    This document provides a brief overview of the recently published report on the design of the Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC), which comprises its physics programme, accelerator physics, technology and main detector concepts. The LHeC exploits and develops challenging, though principally existing, accelerator and detector technologies. This summary is complemented by brief illustrations of some of the highlights of the physics programme, which relies on a vastly extended kinematic range, luminosity and unprecedented precision in deep inelastic scattering. Illustrations are provided regarding high precision QCD, new physics (Higgs, SUSY) and electron-ion physics. The LHeC is designed to run synchronously with the LHC in the twenties and to achieve an integrated luminosity of O(100) fb1^{-1}. It will become the cleanest high resolution microscope of mankind and will substantially extend as well as complement the investigation of the physics of the TeV energy scale, which has been enabled by the LHC

    Multiple order-up-to policy for mitigating bullwhip effect in supply chain network

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    This paper proposes a multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme to mitigate the bullwhip effect in a multi-stage supply chain scenario, where various transportation modes are available between the supply chain (SC) participants. The proposed policy is similar to the fixed order-up-to policy approach where replenishment decision “how much to order” is made periodically on the basis of the predecided order-up-to inventory level. In the proposed policy, optimal multiple order-up-to levels are assigned to each SC participants, which provides decision making reference point for deciding the transportation related order quantity. Subsequently, a mathematical model is established to define optimal multiple order-up-to levels for each SC participants that aims to maximize overall profit from the SC network. In parallel, the model ensures the control over supply chain pipeline inventory, high satisfaction of customer demand and enables timely utilization of available transportation modes. Findings from the various numerical datasets including stochastic customer demand and lead times validate that—the proposed optimal multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme can be a viable alternative for mitigating the bullwhip effect and well-coordinated SC. Moreover, determining the multiple order-up-to levels is a NP hard combinatorial optimization problem. It is found that the implementation of new emerging optimization algorithm named bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) has presented superior optimization performances. The robustness and applicability of the BFA algorithm are further validated statistically by employing the percentage heuristic gap and two-way ANOVA analysis