665 research outputs found

    The use of arc-erosion as a patterning technique for transparent conductive materials

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    Within the framework of cost-effective patterning processes a novel technique that saves photolithographic processing steps, easily scalable to wide area production, is proposed. It consists of a tip-probe, which is biased with respect to a conductive substrate and slides on it, keeping contact with the material. The sliding tip leaves an insulating path (which currently is as narrow as 30 μm) across the material, which enables the drawing of tracks and pads electrically insulated from the surroundings. This ablation method, called arc-erosion, requires an experimental set up that had to be customized for this purpose and is described. Upon instrumental monitoring, a brief proposal of the physics below this process is also presented. As a result an optimal control of the patterning process has been acquired. The system has been used on different substrates, including indium tin oxide either on glass or on polyethylene terephtalate, as well as alloys like Au/Cr, and Al. The influence of conditions such as tip speed and applied voltage is discusse

    Prácticas culturales de los vendedores estacionarios de la carrera quinta de Santa Marta

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    El trabajo analiza las prácticas culturales de los vendedores estacionarios de la carrera Quinta de Santa Marta. El estudio tiene en cuenta la manera en que estas personas participan en la configuración del espacio público y las dinámicas urbanas del centro de la ciudad. Además, describe la manera en que los vendedores significan sus actividades y son representados a través de medios de comunicación como la prensa. Tiene como eje central la actividad comercial y procura presentar a esta como generadora de prácticas culturales de la vida social urbana. Desarrolla la hipótesis sobre la existencia de una cultura de vendedores estacionarios. El estudio parte de la existencia de una cultura del comercio informal, generada en los últimos 50 años a partir de la permanencia prolongada de un grupo de vendedores en los andenes de la carrera Quinta. Durante este tiempo, estas personas han ocupado y adaptado el espacio, organizado a través de asociaciones, sindicatos y cooperativas, consolidando territorialidades y significando sus actividades con el fin de mantener su ocupación, haciendo de estas acciones prácticas culturales que se constituyen en pilares y estrategias para alcanzar el sustento económico y lograr la permanencia en el espacio público

    New record of Pachyarmatherium (Cingulata: Pachyarmatheriidae) from the Late Pleistocene in Venezuela

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    The Falcón state, in northwestern Venezuela, preserves one of the oldest localities documenting human presence on the Americas in association with megafauna remains. One of these localities is the Late Pleistocene Taima-Taima site, which is located in the vicinity of the Caribbean coast. Excavations since the 1960s in the Taima-Taima site, and surroundings, have offered new insights into the faunal assemblages that inhabited this arid coastal savannah region during the Late Pleistocene. Isolated osteoderms collected in recent prospections allow us to report here the presence of the extinct cingulate Pachyarmatherium cf. brasiliense and Pachyarmatherium sp. from the Taima-Taima site, and the new locality Cucuruchú (Las Dunas). The record of these taxa in the Late Pleistocene of the Falcón state increases the known paleodiversity of Cingulata for the region and expands the geographical distribution of the genus, which is poorly known in South America

    Data to support study of Spin States of Homochiral and Heterochiral Isomers of [Fe(PyBox)2]2+ Derivatives

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    Homochiral [Fe((R)-LPh)2]2+ (LPh = 2,6-bis{4-phenyloxazolinyl}pyridine) undergoes spin-crossover in CD3CN at 34 K lower temperature than its heterochiral diastereomer [Fe((R)-LPh)((S)-LPh)]2+

    Recreación en el humedal del Río Limay – una mirada desde la conservación

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    ResumenLa conservación de los espacios naturales esesencial para el buen vivir de la ciudadanía, quepuede encontrar a través de la recreación con conocimientoel disfrute de la naturaleza.El Balneario Sandra Canale (sector este) ubicadosobre la margen del Río Limay, ha sufrido diversasmodificaciones durante los últimos años, locual ha generado cambios en la dinámica naturaldel espacio y en la interacción recreacionistas –naturaleza. Aspectos que deben ser analizadosconsiderando la relevancia del río Limay comohumedal.El presente artículo busca investigar la interacciónde la recreación con la biodiversidaden el Balneario Sandra Canale (sector este) de la ciudad de Neuquén, desde la perspectiva dela conservación.Las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección dedatos fueron el análisis de fuentes secundarias,salidas de campo, encuestas, entre otros. Seleccionadascon el fin de obtener un análisis integraldel objeto en estudio, que permita dar cuenta dela realidad actual del espacio y brindar recomendacionesque contribuyan a la recreación en conservacióndel Humedal Río Limay.   AbstractThe conservation of natural spaces is essentialfor the good life of citizens, who can find theenjoyment of nature through recreation withknowledge.The Sandra Canale coast (east sector), located onthe Limay River banks, has recently undergonesome modifications with its consequent changesboth in the natural dynamics of the space andin the interaction of recreationists with nature.Aspects to be analyzed considering the relevanceof the Limay River as a wetland.This article investigates the interaction ofrecreation with biodiversity in the Sandra Canalecoast in Neuquén city from a conservationperspective.  The techniques used for data collection werethe analysis of secondary sources, field trips,surveys, among others. Selected techniquesin order to obtain a comprehensive analysis ofthe object under study, which allows to accountfor the current reality of the space and providerecommendations that contribute to therecreation in conservation of the Limay RiverWetland

    Quasi-Single Field Inflation with Large Mass

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    We study the effect of massive isocurvaton on density perturbations in quasi-single field inflation models, when the mass of the isocurvaton M becomes larger than the order of the Hubble parameter H. We analytically compute the correction to the power spectrum, leading order in coupling but exact for all values of mass. This verifies the previous numerical results for the range 0<M<3H/2 and shows that, in the large mass limit, the correction is of order H^2/M^2.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor revisio

    π-anisotropy: A nanocarbon route to hard magnetism

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    High coercivity magnets are an important resource for renewable energy, electric vehicles, and memory technologies. Most hard magnetic materials incorporate rare earths such as neodymium and samarium, but concerns about the environmental impact and supply stability of these materials are prompting research into alternatives. Here, we present a hybrid bilayer of cobalt and the nanocarbon molecule C60 which exhibits significantly enhanced coercivity with minimal reduction in magnetization. We demonstrate how this anisotropy enhancing effect cannot be described by existing models of molecule-metal magnetic interfaces. We outline a form of anisotropy, arising from asymmetric magnetoelectric coupling in the metal-molecule interface. Because this phenomenon arises from π−d hybrid orbitals, we propose calling this effect π-anisotropy. While the critical temperature of this effect is currently limited by the rotational degree of freedom of the chosen molecule, C60, we describe how surface functionalization would allow for the design of room-temperature, carbon-based hard magnetic films


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    No Brasil, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental serve como suporte para a emissão das licenças ambientais. A etapa central deste processo é a elaboração de estudos ambientais e a avaliação da qualidade deles pode ser considerada um indicador do desempenho do processo como um todo. As listas de verificação são a forma mais comum de avaliar a qualidade dos estudos, sendo que para os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental encontram-se várias opções; mas quando se trata de outros tipos de estudos não existem métodos disponíveis. Assim, este trabalho objetivou propor uma metodologia (lista de verificação e índices de concordância) para a avaliação da qualidade de Relatórios de Controle Ambiental (RCA) utilizados no processo de licenciamento em Minas Gerais. Ainda, a partir da lista de verificação proposta, avaliou-se a qualidade de alguns RCA aprovados pela Superintendência Regional de Regularização Ambiental (Supram) Sul de Minas entre 2005-2009. Os estudos analisados apresentaram-se com baixa qualidade, sendo a síntese da qualidade ambiental da área influenciada pelo empreendimento e a análise dos impactos suas principais falhas. A metodologia proposta foi de grande utilidade na análise da qualidade dos RCA e, por permitir adaptações, poderia ser usada para analisar outros tipos de estudos presentes nos processos de licenciamento dos demais estados brasileiros

    Change in longitudinal trends in sleep quality and duration following breast cancer diagnosis: results from the Women's Health Initiative

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    Breast cancer survivors frequently report sleep problems, but little research has studied sleep patterns longitudinally. We examined trends in sleep quality and duration up to 15 years before and 20 years after a diagnosis of breast cancer, over time among postmenopausal women participating in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). We included 12,098 participants who developed invasive breast cancer after study enrollment. A linear mixed-effects model was used to determine whether the time trend in sleep quality, as measured by the WHI Insomnia Rating Scale (WHIIRS), a measure of perceived insomnia symptoms from the past 4 weeks, changed following a cancer diagnosis. To examine sleep duration, we fit a logistic regression model with random effects for both short (<6 h) and long (≥9 h) sleep. In addition, we studied the association between depressive symptoms and changes in WHIIRS and sleep duration. There was a significantly slower increase in the trend of WHIIRS after diagnosis (β = 0.06; p = 0.03), but there were non-significant increases in the trend of the probability of short or long sleep after diagnosis. The probability of depressive symptoms significantly decreased, though the decrease was more pronounced after diagnosis (p < 0.01). Trends in WHIIRS worsened at a relatively slower rate following diagnosis and lower depression rates may explain the slower worsening in WHIIRS. Our findings suggest that over a long period of time, breast cancer diagnosis does not adversely affect sleep quality and duration in postmenopausal women compared to sleep pre-diagnosis, yet both sleep quality and duration continue to worsen over time.WHI - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services [HHSN268201600018C, HHSN268201600001C, HHSN268201600002C, HHSN268201600003C, HHSN268201600004C]; Ohio State University Susan G Komen Graduate Trainee Program [GTDR15334082]Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]