28 research outputs found

    Identificação e caracterização de aspectos ambientais e avaliação de seus impactos durante a implantação de uma central geadora de energia eólica no estado de Sergipe

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.A partir da Revolução Industrial o mundo deparou-se com um conjunto de mudanças tecnológicas, acarretando no aumento substancial dos níveis de produção e econômico, porém com profundos impactos socioambientais. Para absorver todo este crescimento, tornaram-se necessários grandes investimentos em obras de infraestrutura, inclusive obras do setor energético. A energia eólica surgiu como oportunidade de diversificação da matriz energética, potencializados pelo baixo impacto ao meio ambiente. Apesar dos baixos impactos durante a operação do sistema, a fase de implementação das usinas eólicas gera consideráveis impactos ao meio ambiente. Por isso, faz-se necessário o adequado gerenciamento das ações ambientais, principalmente através da implementação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental – SGA nos canteiros de obras. A adoção de um SGA permite à empresa avaliar e controlar os impactos ambientais de suas atividades ou serviços, principalmente através da Planilha de Identificação e avaliação dos Aspectos Ambientais. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho é realizar uma criteriosa identificação e caracterização do aspectos ambientais e avaliação se seus impactos ambientais gerados durante a implementação de uma Central Geradora de Energia Eólica no estado de Sergipe, possibilitando assim, a construção de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental eficiente. A metodologia utilizada é baseada no procedimento de identificação e caracterização de aspectos ambientais e avaliação do impactos da Empresa A, gerenciadora do empreendimento. Através do preenchimento da Planilha de Identificação e Caracterização de Aspectos Ambientais e Avaliação de Impactos conclui-se que os aspectos ambientais geração de resíduos classe I, desmatamento, vazamento e derramamento de produtos mostraram-se os mais potencialmente impactantes, necessitando de controles operacionais adequados

    Factors Influencing Intention and Usage

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    Cesario, F., Costa, C. J., Aparicio, M., & Aparicio, J. T. (2023). Blockchain Technology Adoption: Factors Influencing Intention and Usage. In A. R. da Silva, M. M. da Silva, J. Estima, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development, Organizational Aspects and Societal Trends (ISD2023 Proceedings) Instituto Superior Técnico. https://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2023/managingdevops/1/ --- Funding: The authors acknowledge financial support via ADVANCE- CSG from the Fundação para a Ciência and Tecnologia (FCT Portugal) through research grant numbers UIDB/04521/2020; research grant UIDB/04152/2020—Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC); and research grant UI/BD/153587/2022.Blockchain technology is already being discussed as an emerging trend for the upcoming years. Researchers and organizations are beginning to recognize the potential benefits of this technology and are exploring how it can disrupt our world. However, the reality is that there has not been much progress in getting blockchain from a concept to widespread adoption. This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain technology. We proposed a model that incorporated relevant features to blockchain technology adoption, specifically the role of Trust and Security as mediating variables. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered to people working in companies independently of their technology usage. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares (SEM-PLS) was used to analyze the data and construct the model. Results indicated that performance expectancy, social influence, and trust positively influenced people’s actual use or intention to adopt blockchain technology. Additionally, environmental concerns had a negative effect on the intention to adopt. These findings suggest that individuals are more likely to adopt blockchain technology when they perceive it as valuable and trustworthy and receive support from their social networks.authorsversionpublishe

    Full Paper: Blockchain Technology Adoption: Factors Influencing Intention and Usage

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    Blockchain technology is already being discussed as an emerging trend for the upcoming years. Researchers and organizations are beginning to recognize the potential benefits of this technology and are exploring how it can disrupt our world. However, the reality is that there has not been much progress in getting blockchain from a concept to widespread adoption. This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain technology. We proposed a model that incorporated relevant features to blockchain technology adoption, specifically the role of Trust and Security as mediating variables. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered to people working in companies independently of their technology usage. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares (SEM-PLS) was used to analyze the data and construct the model. Results indicated that performance expectancy, social influence, and trust positively influenced people’s actual use or intention to adopt blockchain technology. Additionally, environmental concerns had a negative effect on the intention to adopt. These findings suggest that individuals are more likely to adopt blockchain technology when they perceive it as valuable and trustworthy and receive support from their social networks

    Determinants of European banks’ bailouts following the 2007–2008 financial crisis

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    Extraordinary amounts of public funds and/or assistance were made available to banks since the onset of the 2007–8 financial crises. Governments worldwide have launched a massive bailout package to support banks in distress. Using a probit model, this article investigates the likelihood of bailouts following the financial crisis. Our results lead us to conclude that the governance characteristics of banks, specifically the characteristics of boards, bank risks, as well as bank-level and country-specific banking sector features, explain the likelihood of bailouts in the European banking sector. In particular, we find that board banking experience, longer directors’ tenure, less busy boards, and the existence of a corporate governance committee decrease the likelihood of banks participating in a bailout programme. Inversely, board independence, credit, and liquidity risks increase the probability of banks being bailed out. Furthermore, fewer limitations on banking freedom and greater openness of the banking sector have a harmful impact on the occurrence of bailouts. Our study therefore suggests relevant policy implications, which might help supervisors, regulators, and other public authorities in avoiding costly bailouts


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    A úlcera péptica afeta milhões de pessoas, suas recidivas são elevadas e muitos medicamentos utilizados no tratamento apresentam efeitos adversos, por isso o estudo de plantas medicinais que tem ação protetora sobre o estômago assume grande importância na atualidade. Sobre o óleo essencial do Croton argyrophylloides (OECA) não existem estudos em úlceras gástricas. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do OECA sobre úlceras gástricas induzidas. É um estudo experimental com abordagem quantitativa. Foram utilizados camundongos Swiss no qual foram mantidos em jejum antes do experimento. Estes foram pré-tratados com administração do OECA antes da indução da úlcera por etanol e indometacina; foram laparatomizados para ressecção dos seus estômagos e retirada do muco.Os estômagos foram digitalizados para análise das lesões. Concluímos que o OECA mostrou-se eficaz na redução das lesões gástricas associadas à administração de etanol e indometacina por meio do aumento da produção de muco.(http://dx.doi.org/10.14295/cad.cult.cienc.v13i2.686

    Bioleaching of copper sulphide flotation concentrate in batch reaction system using mesophile and thermophile microorganisms

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    This work aimed at approaching the use of concentrated mesophile and thermophile microorganisms (moderate and extreme ones) in leaching process of copper sulphides flotation concentrate, containing approximately 30% of bornite (Cu5FeS4) and 70% of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), for extracting copper. The objective of the bioleaching tests was to evaluate the performance of those microorganisms, varying specific parameters such as: the composition of leaching solution, the presence of energy source (ferrous sulphate) and the inoculation of cultures as such (controlling tests). To ensure optimal conditions for the microorganisms to act, the pH, temperature and stirring speed were controlled. Finally, from the microbial action and using agricultural fertiliser (N:P:K sources), a copper extraction of higher than 85% was achieved

    Neuroprotection or Increased Brain Damage Mediated by Temperature in Stroke Is Time Dependent

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    The control of temperature during the acute phase of stroke may be a new therapeutic target that can be applied in all stroke patients, however therapeutic window or timecourse of the temperature effect is not well established. Our aim is to study the association between changes in body temperature in the first 72 hours and outcome in patients with ischemic (IS) and hemorrhagic (ICH) stroke. We prospectively studied 2931 consecutive patients (2468 with IS and 463 with ICH). Temperature was obtained at admission, and at 24, 48 and 72 hours after admission. Temperature was categorized as low (<36°C), normal (36–37°C) and high (>37°C). As the main variable, we studied functional outcome at 3 months determined by modified Rankin Scale

    FOXP in Tetrapoda: Intrinsically Disordered Regions, Short Linear Motifs and their evolutionary significance

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    Abstract The FOXP subfamily is probably the most extensively characterized subfamily of the forkhead superfamily, playing important roles in development and homeostasis in vertebrates. Intrinsically disorder protein regions (IDRs) are protein segments that exhibit multiple physical interactions and play critical roles in various biological processes, including regulation and signaling. IDRs in proteins may play an important role in the evolvability of genetic systems. In this study, we analyzed 77 orthologous FOXP genes/proteins from Tetrapoda, regarding protein disorder content and evolutionary rate. We also predicted the number and type of short linear motifs (SLIMs) in the IDRs. Similar levels of protein disorder (approximately 70%) were found for FOXP1, FOXP2, and FOXP4. However, for FOXP3, which is shorter in length and has a more specific function, the disordered content was lower (30%). Mammals showed higher protein disorders for FOXP1 and FOXP4 than non-mammals. Specific analyses related to linear motifs in the four genes showed also a clear differentiation between FOXPs in mammals and non-mammals. We predicted for the first time the role of IDRs and SLIMs in the FOXP gene family associated with possible adaptive novelties within Tetrapoda. For instance, we found gain and loss of important phosphorylation sites in the Homo sapiens FOXP2 IDR regions, with possible implication for the evolution of human speech