412 research outputs found

    Circuit Topologies for MOS-Type Gas Sensor

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    [EN] Metal Oxide Semiconductor or MOS-type gas sensors are resistive sensors which can detect different reducible or volatile gases in atmospheres with oxygen. These gas sensors have been used in different areas such as food and drink industries or healthcare, among others. In this type of sensor, the resistance value changes when it detects certain types of gases. Due to the electrical characteristics, the sensors need a conditioning circuit to transform and acquire the data. Four different electronic topologies, two different MOS-type gas sensors, and different concentrations of a gas substance are presented and compared in this paper. The study and experimental analysis of the properties of each of the designed topology allows designers to make a choice of the best circuit for a specific application depending on the situation, considering the required power, noise, linearity, and number of sensors to be used. This study will give more freedom of choice, the more adequate electronic conditioning topology for different applications where MOS-type sensors are used, obtaining the best accuracyThis research was funded by the I +D +i Program of the Generalitat Valenciana [AICO/2016/046], Spain.Cervera Gomez, J.; Pelegri-Sebastia, J.; Lajara, JR. (2020). Circuit Topologies for MOS-Type Gas Sensor. Electronics. 9(3):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9030525S11493Chilo, J., Pelegri-Sebastia, J., Cupane, M., & Sogorb, T. (2016). E-nose application to food industry production. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 19(1), 27-33. doi:10.1109/mim.2016.7384957Yang, Z., Huang, Y., Chen, G., Guo, Z., Cheng, S., & Huang, S. (2009). Ethanol gas sensor based on Al-doped ZnO nanomaterial with many gas diffusing channels. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 140(2), 549-556. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.04.052Mirzaei, A., Park, S., Sun, G.-J., Kheel, H., Lee, C., & Lee, S. (2016). Fe2O3/Co3O4 composite nanoparticle ethanol sensor. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 69(3), 373-380. doi:10.3938/jkps.69.373Du, H., Xie, G., Su, Y., Tai, H., Du, X., Yu, H., & Zhang, Q. (2019). A New Model and Its Application for the Dynamic Response of RGO Resistive Gas Sensor. Sensors, 19(4), 889. doi:10.3390/s19040889Xie, D., Chen, D., Peng, S., Yang, Y., Xu, L., & Wu, F. (2019). A Low Power Cantilever-Based Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensor. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 40(7), 1178-1181. doi:10.1109/led.2019.2914271Su, Y., Xie, G., Tai, H., Li, S., Yang, B., Wang, S., … Jiang, Y. (2018). Self-powered room temperature NO2 detection driven by triboelectric nanogenerator under UV illumination. Nano Energy, 47, 316-324. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.02.031Wang, S., Jiang, Y., Tai, H., Liu, B., Duan, Z., Yuan, Z., … Su, Y. (2019). An integrated flexible self-powered wearable respiration sensor. Nano Energy, 63, 103829. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.06.025Chen, J., & Wang, Z. L. (2017). Reviving Vibration Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing by a Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Joule, 1(3), 480-521. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2017.09.004Anderson, K. F. (1998). NASA’s Anderson Loop. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 1(1), 5-15, 30. doi:10.1109/5289.658270Anderson, K. F. (2000). THE LOOP TECHNIQUE FOR STRAIN GAGE ROSETTE SIGNAL CONDITIONING. Experimental Techniques, 24(1), 21-23. doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2000.tb01330.xAlbornoz, A. D. C. de, Ramírez Muñoz, D., Moreno, J. S., Berga, S. C., & Antón, E. N. (2008). A new gas sensor electronic interface with generalized impedance converter. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 134(2), 591-596. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2008.06.0013.1.1. STEMlab 125-10 vs. STEMlab 125-14 (Originally Red Pitaya v1.1)—Red Pitaya STEMlab 0.97 Documentationhttps://redpitaya.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developerGuide/125-10/vs.htmlNew Feature: High Speed Continuous Recording—Redpitaya Forumhttps://forum.redpitaya.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31

    Policy indicators from private online platforms

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    [EN] The information collected by private online platforms is very relevant for policy design and evaluation. Big data technologies and applications can unlock the potential of these increasing data volumes and analysis requirements for decision-makers in industry and policy and make them usable. However, the use of big data to inform public policy decision-making is still scarce. To contribute to fill this gap, this paper proposes and discusses some relevant examples of policy indicators that could be obtained from selected and reliable online private gamified and non-gamified platforms. The proposed indicators are SMART indicators that are relevant for policymaking, in particular construction soustenability and territorial policies.Proposed indicators can be computed using one of a combination of the following strategies: • Point-process estimation, to be obtained just by aggregating the value of a variable. • Distance-based estimation: the value of the indicator is obtained as the aggregation of a pre-defined distance measure: geodesic distance, shortest driving/walking/public transportation distance, etc • Area estimation. Supervised machine learning algorithms can be used to identify and measure the percentage of an area with a given relevant feature. • Neighbourhood structure estimation: Graph theory can be applied to the definition of connection indicators of geographical units. • Gamification of configuration or recommendation private platforms. Information downloaded from gamified private environments cane be used as an alternative to more resource demanding economic experiments in order to define behavioural pocily indicators.Cervera-Ferri, JL.; Gomez, Y.; Vila, J. (2022). Policy indicators from private online platforms. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 280-280. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18971228028


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    Leishmaniasis remains a major public health problem worldwide and is classified as Category I by the TDR/WHO, mainly due to the absence of control. Many experimental models like rodents, dogs and monkeys have been developed, each with specific features, in order to characterize the immune response to Leishmania species, but none reproduces the pathology observed in human disease. Conflicting data may arise in part because different parasite strains or species are being examined, different tissue targets (mice footpad, ear, or base of tail) are being infected, and different numbers (“low” 1×102 and “high” 1×106) of metacyclic promastigotes have been inoculated. Recently, new approaches have been proposed to provide more meaningful data regarding the host response and pathogenesis that parallels human disease. The use of sand fly saliva and low numbers of parasites in experimental infections has led to mimic natural transmission and find new molecules and immune mechanisms which should be considered when designing vaccines and control strategies. Moreover, the use of wild rodents as experimental models has been proposed as a good alternative for studying the host-pathogen relationships and for testing candidate vaccines. To date, using natural reservoirs to study Leishmania infection has been challenging because immunologic reagents for use in wild rodents are lacking. This review discusses the principal immunological findings against Leishmania infection in different animal models highlighting the importance of using experimental conditions similar to natural transmission and reservoir species as experimental models to study the immunopathology of the disease.Las leishmaniosis siguen siendo un importante problema de salud pública a nivel mundial y se clasifican como categoría I por el programa TDR/WHO, debido principalmente a la ausencia de control. Muchos modelos experimentales tales como roedores, perros y monos han sido desarrollados, cada uno con características específicas, para caracterizar la respuesta inmune a las diferentes especies de Leishmania, sin embargo ninguno reproduce la patología observada en la enfermedad humana. La diversidad en los resultados obtenidos podría deberse en parte a que diferentes cepas de parásitos o especies están siendo examinadas, diferentes tejidos (cojinete plantar, oreja o base de la cola) han sido infectados y diferente número (“bajo” 1×102 y “alto” 1×106) de promastigotes metacíclicos han sido inoculados. Recientemente, nuevos enfoques han sido propuestos con el fin de obtener datos más significativos en cuanto a la respuesta inmune del huésped y a la patogénesis, de tal forma que reproduzcan lo que ocurre en la enfermedad humana. El uso de la saliva del insecto y de un número de parásitos menor en las infecciones experimentales ha permitido reproducir la transmisión natural, identificar nuevas moléculas, así como mecanismos inmunes que deberían ser considerados en el diseño de vacunas y estrategias de control. Adicionalmente, se ha propuesto como una buena alternativa el uso de roedores silvestres como modelos experimentales tanto para el estudio de las relaciones huésped-patógeno como para probar nuevas vacunas. A la fecha, el uso de reservorios naturales para estudiar la infección por Leishmania ha sido un reto, debido a la carencia de reactivos inmunológicos para uso en roedores silvestres. Esta revisión describe los principales hallazgos inmunológicos ante la infección por Leishmania, en los diferentes modelos animales, destacando la importancia del uso de condiciones experimentales similares a la transmisión natural y de reservorios como modelos experimentales para el estudio de la inmunopatología de la enfermedad

    ETeach3D: Designing a 3D virtual environment for evaluating the digital competence of preservice teachers

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    The acquisition of teacher digital competence is a key aspect in the initial training of teachers. However, most existing evaluation instruments do not provide sufficient evidence of this teaching competence. In this study, we describe the design and development process of a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment for evaluating the teacher digital competence of future teachers, through a performance-based, collaborative and contextual evaluation. This environment, named ETeach3D, has been constructed using the educational design research approach. It is based on successive iterative cycles and is in accordance with the criteria of usefulness, validity, and effectiveness. In addition to the research team responsible for the project, participating in this study were 187 Spanish undergraduate students of Education and 22 experts in the field of educational technology. Results show that these environments, in addition to other characteristics, should (a) function smoothly and have simple interfaces, realistic scenes, and interactive activities and (b) follow a systematic evaluation procedure that integrates several strategies and levels of complexity. This research helps to improve the initial training of preservice teachers and contributes to the growing number of educational design research studies that focus in the field of evaluation of the curriculum domain.This research is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, SIMUL@B (ref: EDU2013-42223-P), and supported by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Department of Economy and Knowledge, Government of Catalonia. The project is coordinated by the ARGET research group (ref: 2014SGR1399)

    Stent design and arterial mechanics: parameterization tools using the finite element method

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    Vascular stents are medical devices used to treat stenoses blockages in arteries that restrict blood flow. Most commonly, stents are made out of stainless steel or nitinol, and are delivered to the afflicted sites via catheter-based delivery systems. Usually, stents are balloon-expandable or self-expanding. In order for the treated vessel to remain patent, it is necessary that the stents be oversized to prevent flow-induced or pressureinduced stent migration. Furthermore, stents must be rigid enough to prevent the collapse of the vessel, allowing the free passage of blood. However, it has been observed that the presence of the stent in the artery triggers adverse biological responses such as neointinal hyperplasia, often times culminating in restenosis. Extensive research external to this investigation has elucidated evidence to suggest that the abnormally high stresses imparted to the arterial wall as a result of stenting are an important factor in the treatment and development of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, normal physiologic diameter flcutuations between systole and diastole produce beneficial biological responses in the artery wall. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate specific stent design criteria that minimize the stress field in the arterial wall to mitigate the impact of restenosis. Commerically available finite element software was used to design the stents parametrically, and perform the stress analysis on a hyperelastic arterial model, including the effects of contact between the artery and stent. Seven stent geometries were uniquely defined by varying strut-spacing, ring amplitude, and crown radii of curvature. Stent designs with large strut spacing, large ring amplitude and a greater than zero radius of curvature imparted the less severe stress field in the arterial wall as well as maximizing vessel deflection between systole and diastole. In contrast, stents with small strut spacing, small amplitudes and zero radius of curvature at the crowns imparted significantly higher stresses. The small strut spacing and small amplitude created stiffer stents, prventing the artery from experiencing physiologic diameter fluctuations between systole and diastole. Evidence presented herein suggests that strut spacing should be as wide as possible without causing pillowing of the arterial wall into the stent

    Computer Vision Based General Object Following for GPS-denied Multirotor Unmanned Vehicles

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    The motivation of this research is to show that visual based object tracking and following is reliable using a cheap GPS-denied multirotor platform such as the AR Drone 2.0. Our architecture allows the user to specify an object in the image that the robot has to follow from an approximate constant distance. At the current stage of our development, in the event of image tracking loss the system starts to hover and waits for the image tracking recovery or second detection, which requires the usage of odometry measurements for self stabilization. During the following task, our software utilizes the forward-facing camera images and part of the IMU data to calculate the references for the four on-board low-level control loops. To obtain a stronger wind disturbance rejection and an improved navigation performance, a yaw heading reference based on the IMU data is internally kept and updated by our control algorithm. We validate the architecture using an AR Drone 2.0 and the OpenTLD tracker in outdoor suburban areas. The experimental tests have shown robustness against wind perturbations, target occlusion and illumination changes, and the system's capability to track a great variety of objects present on suburban areas, for instance: walking or running people, windows, AC machines, static and moving cars and plants

    Estudio de la maquinabilidad del acero AISI P20 y AISI H13 por ensayo de taladrado con fuerza axial constante en el punta de la broca

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    Machinability in general terms, is the ease with which a material can be machined through chip removal, according to a set of cutting conditions. It is necessary to have a quick methodology for the comparison of machinability between materials in order to choose, which of them is the optimum according to the working conditions given by the designer. To carry out a comparative study of the machinability of AISI P20 and AISI H13 Mold Steels by means of the drilling test with constant axial force at the tip of the drill bit. In order to perform machinability tests, a drilling machine was adapted to perform the machinability tests between two steels widely used in the construction of machine parts and components, AISI P20 and AISI H13. In this type of test, little time is invested in machining and little material is used, obtaining the optimum cutting conditions and machinability values.La maquinabilidad en términos generales, es la facilidad con la que un material puede ser mecanizado por arranque de viruta, según un conjunto de condiciones de corte. Es necesario disponer de una metodología rápida para la comparación de la maquinabilidad entre materiales con el fin de elegir, cuál de ellos es el óptimo según las condiciones de trabajo dadas por el diseñador. Realizar un estudio comparativo de la maquinabilidad de los aceros moldeados AISI P20 y AISI H13 mediante el ensayo de taladrado con fuerza axial constante en la punta de la broca. Para realizar los ensayos de maquinabilidad, se adaptó una máquina de taladrar para realizar los ensayos de maquinabilidad entre dos aceros muy utilizados en la construcción de piezas y componentes de maquinaria, el AISI P20 y el AISI H13. En este tipo de pruebas se invierte poco tiempo en el mecanizado y se utiliza poco material, obteniendo las condiciones óptimas de corte y los valores de maquinabilidad

    Diccionario Podológico Español-Ingles Términos podológicos de uso común en el Grado de Podología (Cuaderno de ayuda para el alumno)

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    Diccionario con terminos utilizados en el ambito de la podologia tanto en ingles como en español, y su definicion en ambos idiomas.Se pretende sea un documento de uso dentro de las asignaturas del Grado de Podologia para facilitar uso de terminos en ambos idiomasUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech .Incluido en el Proyecto de Inovacion Docente (PIE15/77

    Mobile application for children with learning difficulties in automating the word recognition process

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para facilitar el aprendizaje de la lectura y los procesos de reconocimiento automático de palabras y acceso al léxico a niños con dificultades de aprendizaje. Para llevar a cabo el desarrollo se utilizó Basic4android, un software adecuado para crear aplicaciones compatibles en una tableta con sistema operativo Android. La aplicación contiene un vocabulario de 1500 palabras y tiene el aspecto de juego. Está basada en los principios de activación de la ruta directa de reconocimiento de palabras o ruta global y en la anticipación cognitiva. El resultado de este desarrollo informático permite que los docentes puedan controlar con facilidad las variables determinantes en el procesamiento cognitivo de los ejercicios. Se concluye que la aplicación móvil desarrollada aquí puede ayudar en la automatización del proceso de reconocimiento de palabras a niños con dificultades de aprendizaje de lectura.The aim of this study is to develop a mobile application that facilitates learning to read and that facilitates the processes of automatic word recognition and lexical access for children with learning difficulties. The Basic4android software, suitable for creating compatible applications on a tablet with Android operating system, was used to develop the application. The application contains a vocabulary of 1500 words and the appearance of a game. It is based on the principles of direct path activation of word recognition or global path and cognitive anticipation. The mobile application allows teachers to easily control variables in the cognitive processing of exercises. It is concluded that the mobile application developed here can help in automating the process of word recognition for children with learning difficulties in reading.Educació