1,590 research outputs found

    Comportamiento proambiental del visitante en el Parque Nacional “Desierto de los Leones”.

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    Las áreas naturales protegidas representan un importante producto para la actividad turística debido a la belleza de sus paisajes y su diversidad biológica. Sin embargo, el turismo ha cobrado especial relevancia para la conservación de las áreas protegidas, para el disfrute del ser humano y para contribuir al desarrollo económico de las comunidades locales. El visitante, por ser uno de los actores principales dentro de estos espacios, constituye un factor determinante para su conservación o por el contrario para su degradación

    Diversity, Identification, Mapping and Pyramiding of Genes for Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]

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    Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) is a prevalent viral pathogen transmitted by aphids and via seed, causing significant yield loss and quality reduction. There are seven SMV strain groups (G1 to G7) and three resistance loci( Rsv1, Rsv3, and Rsv4) reported in soybean. New sources of SMV resistance would be valuable for breeding cultivars with durable resistance to multiple strains. The objectives of this research were to analyze genetic diversity of SMV-resistant soybean germplasm at the molecular level; to pyramid three genes from different sources for durable SMV resistance; and to identify and map new genes/alleles for differential reactions to SMV strains. One hundred and fourteen SMV-resistant germplasm genotypes collected worldwide were screened with 98 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The 114 germplasm genotypes were grouped into four clusters with the largest group containing most of Asian genotypes. Rsv1 alleles were found to be most common, while Rsv3 and Rsv4 were rare among all the SMV resistant germplasm tested. PI 96983 (Rsv1) was crossed with Columbia (Rsv3, Rsv4) to pyramid all three SMV resistance genes with the aid of SSR markers. The molecular screening of a F2 plant population derived from PI 96983 x Columbia showed good fit to the expected genotypic ratios at each marker locus; one out of 70 plants was identified to contain three resistance genes in homozygous condition (Rsv1+Rsv3+Rsv4), while 26 additional plants also contained three genes but at the heterozygous condition. F2:3 lines inoculated with G1 and G7 strains confirmed the presence of specific alleles and SMV resistance. A new SMV resistant parent PI 61944 with unknown gene(s) (Rsv-?) was crossed with the susceptible parent Essex (rsv), and resistant lines PI 96983 (Rsv1), L29 (Rsv3), and V94-5152 (Rsv4) to investigate the inheritance and allelism of SMV resistance. F2 plants were screened with selected SSR markers, and the F2:3 lines were screened with SMV G1 and G7. SMV screening and molecular analysis revealed that the PI 61944 carries a new allele at the Rsv3 locus on linkage group (LG) B2. This research has identified genetic diversity among SMV-resistant soybean germplasm, combined three genes for durable resistance in soybean, and discovered a new SMV resistance allele. These germplasm will be useful in soybean breeding programs where SMV resistance is an objective. This research also demonstrated that SSR technology is extremely useful in marker assisted selection (MAS)

    Molecular mapping of male-sterile, female-fertile soybean ms2, ms3, and ms9 loci [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is an obligate self-pollinated species (Burton and Carter, 1983). An efficient male-sterile system for hybrid seed production in soybean would involve finding close linkage between molecular and/or phenotypic markers and male sterility gene locus to facilitate early identification of the male-sterile genes in breeding programs. Then male-sterile, female-fertile plants could be readily distinguished from normal plants in segregating populations (Cregan and Quigley, 1997). Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites, can improve the efficiency of conventional plant breeding by carrying out selection not directly on the trait of interest but on molecular markers linked to the trait without being regulated by the environment (Mohan et al, 1997). The ms2, ms3, and ms9 nuclear gene mutations are inherited as monogenic recessive traits. Male sterile lines used in the research had displayed very low [ms2(A00-63)], and very high seed set [ms2(A00-39), ms3, and ms9], on the basis of previous evaluations (Ortiz-Perez et al., 2004). Minsoy (MsMs), which has high levels of molecular polymorphism compared to the male-sterile lines, was used as female or male parent. The main objective of the research was to molecularly map male-sterile, female-fertile genes ms3 and ms9, to determine their chromosome locations, and to verify the previously reported ms2 gene chromosome location. The ms3 locus was located between the markers on MLG Dlb, and in the same chromosomal region as Fspl, and msMOS loci previously mapped. The ms2 locus was confirmed to be located on MLG O. The ms9 locus was located on MLG N

    Estimation of obesity levels based on computational intelligence

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    Obesity is a worldwide disease that affects people of all ages and gender; in consequence, researchers have made great efforts to identify factors that cause it early. In this study, an intelligent method is created, based on supervised and unsupervised techniques of data mining such as Simple K-Means, Decision Trees (DT), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) to detect obesity levels and help people and health professionals to have a healthier lifestyle against this global epidemic. In this research the primary source of collection was from students 18 and 25 years old at institutions in the countries of Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The study takes a dataset relating to the main causes of obesity, based on the aim to reference high caloric intake, a decrease of energy expenditure due to the lack of physical activity, alimentary disorders, genetics, socioeconomic factors, and/or anxiety and depression. In the selected dataset, 178 students participated in the study, 81 male and 97 female. Using algorithms including Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Simple K-Means, the results show a relevant tool to perform a comparative analysis among the mentioned algorithms

    An XMRV Derived Retroviral Vector as a Tool for Gene Transfer

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    Background: Retroviral vectors are widely used tools for gene delivery and gene therapy. They are useful for gene expression studies and genetic manipulation in vitro and in vivo. Many retroviral vectors are derived from the mouse gammaretrovirus, murine leukemia virus (MLV). These vectors have been widely used in gene therapy clinical trials. XMRV, initially found in prostate cancer tissue, was the first human gammaretrovirus described. Findings: We developed a new retroviral vector based on XMRV called pXC. It was developed for gene transfer to human cells and is produced by transient cotransfection of LNCaP cells with pXC and XMRV-packaging plasmids. Conclusions: We demonstrated that pXC mediates expression of inserted transgenes in cell lines. This new vector will be a useful tool for gene transfer in human and non-human cell lines, including gene therapy studies

    Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Temperate and Tropical Forage Maize Inbred Lines

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    The livestock feeding in the Central highland of Mexico is based on harvest, grazing and annual forage conservation, being forage maize the most important silage crop (Alarcón, 1995). Even though forage maize is extensively bred in Europe, USA and Asia since 1900\u27s, this started in Mexico in the 1960\u27s, and little is known about the genetic diversity in both agronomic and nutritive value traits. Our breeding program goals are to analyze combining ability of biomass and quality predictors and to study the genetic relationship of inbred lines between lowland tropical and temperate races from Mesa Central, by genetic and molecular approaches

    Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients Using Frequency Dependant Line and Cable Models

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    RÉSUMÉ La conception et le fonctionnement efficace des lignes de transmission dépendent fortement des simulations précises des transitoires électromagnétiques, qui nécessitent de couvrir une large gamme de fréquences, comprenant celles très proches du courant continu (CC). Plusieurs approches de modélisation des lignes de transmission et des câbles ont été développées au cours des dernières décennies. Les modèles les plus sophistiqués souffrent de problèmes de performances de calcul et les modèles simplifiés ne sont pas suffisamment précis lorsqu'ils sont utilisés dans une large gamme de transitoires. Cette thèse passe en revue les modèles prédominants à l’heure actuelle et démontre leurs inconvénients au moyen de simulations. Ensuite, elle étudie les pratiques de modélisation requises pour obtenir des simulations plus précises et plus rapides dans le domaine temporel en utilisant de modèles de lignes/câbles dépendant de la fréquence. Dans la première partie, cette thèse contribue à une procédure d’ajustement améliorée pour l’identification de la fonction de propagation dans les câbles. La procédure d’ajustement H proposée repose sur des techniques de pondération adaptative et de partitionnement de fréquence afin d’assurer la précision de l’ajustement pour toutes les entrées de la matrice , comprenant des éléments hors diagonaux de faible magnitude. En outre, une technique de réduction d’ordre de modèle via une réalisation équilibrée est appliquée pour obtenir un ordre d’approximation réduit. Les résultats numériques montrent que la méthodologie proposée permet d’obtenir un ajustement plus précis et qu’elle, combinée à des schémas d’intégration précis, fournit des simulations stables et plus précises.L’analyse transitoire des lignes de transmission en capturant avec précision la réponse du courant continu est devenue un intérêt particulier avec le nombre croissant de systèmes HVDC planifiés et installés. Une pratique pour capturer la réponse CC consiste à démarrer la gamme de fréquences dans le modèle à partir d'un échantillon de très basse fréquence dans l'ajustement des fonctions de ligne de transmission. Toutefois, cela peut rigidifier l'ajustement en raison de l’augmentation de la gamme de fréquences, et les valeurs calculées de tension/courant de ligne de régime permanent à courant continu peuvent s'écarter de la solution correcte. Pour résoudre ce problème, cette thèse propose une méthode d’ajustement en deux étapes dans laquelle les échantillons de basse fréquence sont exclusivement pris en compte.----------ABSTRACT The design and effective operation of transmission lines strongly depend on accurate electromagnetic transients (EMT) simulations, which require covering a wide range of frequencies including those very close to DC. Several approaches for transmission line and cable modeling have been developed during the last decades. The more sophisticated models suffer from computational performance issues, and the simplified models are not sufficiently accurate when they are used in a wide range of transients. This thesis first reviews the most currently predominant models and demonstrates their drawbacks through simulations. Then, it investigates the modeling practice required to obtain more accurate and faster time-domain simulations using frequency-dependent line/cable models. In the first part, this thesis contributes with an improved fitting procedure for the identification of the propagation function in cables. The proposed fitting procedure relies on adaptive weighting and frequency partitioning techniques to ensure the precision of fitting for all the entries of including the low-magnitude off-diagonal elements. In addition, a model order reduction technique via balanced realization is applied to obtain a reduced order of approximation. Numerical results show that the proposed methodology allows obtaining more accurate fitting, and when combined with more precise integration schemes, it yields stable and more accurate time-domain simulations. Transient analysis of transmission lines while accurately capturing the DC response has become of special interest with the increasing number of planned and installed HVDC systems. One practice to capture the DC response is to start the frequency range in the model from a very low frequency sample in the fitting of transmission line functions. However, this may stiffen the fitting due to increased range of frequencies, and the calculated DC steady-state line voltage/current values may deviate from the correct solution. To address this problem, this thesis proposes a two-stage fitting method in which low frequency samples are exclusively considered. In the first step, the fitting is performed by excluding very low frequency samples such as those below 1 Hz. In the second step, a correction function is found for the excluded low frequency samples. It is proposed to use this approach for avoiding numerical instabilities due to unbalanced fitting, and for improving the precision of the DC response

    Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Temperate and Tropical Forage Maize Inbred Lines

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    Livestock feeding in the Central highland of Mexico is based on harvest, grazing and annual forage conservation, with forage maize being the most important silage crop (Alarcón, 1995). Even though forage maize is extensively bred in Europe, USA and Asia since the 1900’s, this started in Mexico only in the 1960’s, and little is known about genetic diversity in both agronomic and nutritive value traits. Our breeding program goals are to analyze combining ability of biomass and quality predictors and to study the genetic relationship of inbred lines between lowland tropical and temperate races from Mesa Central, by genetic and molecular approaches

    Distribución de planta para incrementar la productividad de la empresa Multiservicios Caladri S.A.C. Lima, 2018

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    El presente proyecto tiene como principal objetivo el análisis de la empresa con la finalidad de establecer una distribución de planta para incrementar la productividad de la empresa Multiservicios Caladri S.A.C., dedicada a la producción de uniformes, mochilas, chalecos de seguridad para distintas empresas. Este trabajo de investigación de tipo cuantitativo, además, de diseño experimental se realizó en 4 fases. En la primera fase se realizó la toma de datos, mediante la herramienta chek-list, se hicieron 30 pruebas antes de la aplicación. Mediante el diagnostico se determinó las causas directas que afectan la productividad de la empresa y se analizaron indicadores de productividad. En la segunda fase Se estableció utilizar herramientas de distribución como método Guerchet y Diagrama Relacional de Actividades los cuales nos brindaron datos negativos en cuanto a las áreas y la distancia recorrida por el operario. Luego, en la tercera fase se aplicaron métodos para hallar la mejor distribución, la mínima distancia recorrida y la optimización del uso de áreas; para pasar a la implementación, se tuvo que planear la producción, la limpieza de las áreas, y posteriormente el movimiento y traslado de equipo. Se implementó una nueva distribución de planta. En la cuarta y última fase se realizaron las 30 pruebas después de la mejora y se obtuvo como principal resultado que la productividad acrecentó en 29% de la productividad anterior (58 %) es decir un 17%, obteniendo así una productividad post test de 75%, y se determinó de acuerdo al análisis financiero que la implementación del proyecto es viable