83 research outputs found


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    This study focuses on the origin and modification of six ultramafic bodies located in the Blue Ridge Province of North Carolina. The bodies consist mainly of harzburgites and dunites with associated chromites. Some of the bodies are associated spatially and genetically with mafic lithologies while others are fault bounded. All the bodies in the study are characterized by variations in their initial Os isotopic compositions, assuming a formation age of 490 Ma (187Os/188Osinitial 0.1114 to 0.1360). Most of the initial 187Os/188Os ratios are chondritic to subchondritic and can be explained by Re depletion during a partial melting event prior to ophiolite formation. By contrast, some initial 187Os/188Os ratios, particularly for those bodies in the Tallulah Falls formation, are suprachondritic suggesting the addition of radiogenic Os during a melt percolation or melt/rock reaction event, most likely during the event that led to the formation of the bodies. Oxygen isotopic δ18O values of the bodies range from +4.85 to +7.60 which overlap with and extend above mantle estimates. The cause of the higher values remains unresolved, but serpentinization and contamination by large amounts of crustal material can be excluded. It is concluded that the six bodies in this study have a common history as the residues of mantle partial melting, with chemical compositions and isotopic systematics similar to Phanerozoic ophiolite peridotites associated with the same collisional event, as well as modern abyssal peridotites. Nevertheless, Os isotopic characteristics indicate different processes acted within the bodies despite their relatively close spatial association

    Tragedia e senso del tragico in Torquato Tasso e nel secondo Cinquecento

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    Scopo della presente dissertazione \ue8 quello di indagare la tragedia e il tragico, in Torquato Tasso e negli autori del Secondo Cinquecento, attraverso un\u2019indagine a largo spettro che, a partire dagli scritti che teorizzano le regole proprie del genere tragico (trattati, commentari, lettere etc.) e attraverso la delineazione di un macrotema utile a definirne gli elementi pi\uf9 caratteristici, si conclude con un\u2019ultima sezione mirante a indagare il \u201csenso del tragico\u201d. La tesi, infatti, si divide in tre sezioni: nella prima s\u2019indaga il significato di Tragedia nel secondo Cinquecento attraverso la trattatistica, nella seconda si affronta un macro-tema, le amicizie tragiche, volto a sunteggiare il senso del tragico fine cinquecentesco a raffronto con i tragici di primo Cinquecento e nella terza s\u2019indaga il senso del Tragico attraverso alcune tragedie di fine Cinquecento

    Die Syntax des gespalteten Ich. Sprache und Identität in den Rönne-Novellen von Gottfried Benn

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    The essay concentrates itself on the interrelationships between epistemological and linguistic reflections concerning the crisis of modern subjectivity in Gottfried Benn’s Rönne cycle. The first section of the essay offers an approach to the scientific and epistemological background of the crisis of modern subjectivity, that Benn dealt with in his early work. In the second section, the collapse of humanist notions of subjectivity is brought into connection with Rönne’s linguistic attempts at adjustment. Rönne’s efforts focused on the “creation of a new syntax” are articulated in different phases, which this essay attempts to analyze from the point of view of stylistic analysis, thought rendering and text semantics

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Genetics, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Clinical Course and Therapy

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic disorder of cardiac myocytes that is characterized by cardiac hypertrophy, unexplained by the loading conditions, a non-dilated left ventricle and a normal or increased left ventricular ejection fraction (LV-EF). Prevalence of HCM has been estimated at 0.16% to 0.29% (≈ 1:625–1:344 individuals) in the general adult population. HCM represents the most common genetic heart disease and represent an archetypical single gene disorder with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and historically termed a “disease of the sarcomere”. The precise mechanisms by which sarcomere variants result in the clinical phenotype have not been fully understood. Mutant sarcomere genes trigger several myocardial changes, leading to hypertrophy and fibrosis, which ultimately result in a small, stiff ventricle with impaired systolic and diastolic performance despite a preserved LV-EF. The most common differential diagnosis challenges in the presence of hypertrophic heart disease are represented by: athlete’s heart, hypertensive heart and other cardiomyopathies mimicking HCM. A multimodality approach using ECG, echocardiography, CMR, cardiac computed tomography (CCT) and cardiac nuclear imaging provides unique information about diagnosis, staging and clinical profiles, anatomical and functional assessment, metabolic evaluation, monitoring of treatment, follow-up, prognosis and risk stratification, as well as preclinical screening and differential diagnosis. HCM may be associated with a normal life expectancy and a very stable clinical course. However, about a third of patients develop heart failure (HF); in addition, 5–15% of cases show progression to either the restrictive or the dilated hypokinetic evolution of HCM, both of which may require evaluation for cardiac transplantation. The clinical course of HCM has been classified into four clinical stages: non-hypertrophic, classic, adverse remodeling and overt dysfunction phenotype. No evidence-based treatments are available for non-hypertrophic HCM patients (pre-hypertrophic stage), on the other hand in classic HCM, adverse remodeling and overt dysfunction phenotype, pharmacological or interventional strategies have the target to improve functional capacity, reduce symptoms, prevent disease progression. Therapeutic approach mainly differs on the basis of the presence or absence of significant obstructive HCM. Adult patients with HCM report an annual incidence for cardiovascular death of 1–2%, with sudden cardiac death (SCD), HF and thromboembolism being the main causes of death; the most commonly recorded fatal arrhythmic event is spontaneous ventricular fibrillation. For this reason, SCD risk estimation is an integral part of clinical management of HCM. International guidelines suggest the evaluation of several risk factor for SCD based on personal and family history, non-invasive testing including echocardiography, ambulatory electrocardiographic 24 hours monitoring and CMR imaging in order to identity those patients most likely to benefit implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation. The present chapter summarize genetics, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clinical course and therapy of HCM as well as novel therapeutic options


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    B a c k g ro u n d. Neck metastases are the single most important prognostic factor in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Wise approach to neck treatment is then mandatory to give a chanche for cure. Still, there are some issues about neck dissection that need to be clarified. M e t h o d s. Through a review of the literature and of everyday clinical observations, the following issues are discussed: Functional Neck Dissection, biopsies, nodal levels, Selective Neck Dissections, Spinal Accessory Nerve, neck dissection classification. R e s u l t s. Integration of historical, anatomical, clinical and surgical concepts and up-to-date knowledge can allow to understand how to behave in diverse clinical situations. Conclusions. Standardized guidelines are far to be achieved. Wise behaviour, however, may allow to avoid some mistakes. The aim of this paper is to make the above mentioned issues clear and hopefully give more diffusion to concepts that too often seem to be overlooked

    La seguridad vial y las leyes de Newton : Una propuesta desde el marco de la Enseñanza para la Comprensión utilizando el modelo de Aulas Heterogéneas

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    A través de nuestra experiencia enseñando Física hemos podido comprobar que nos acercamos de mejor forma al estudiante cuando rompemos con las prácticas pedagógicas rutinarias, rodeadas de un ambiente un tanto rígido y esquemático que a los alumnos les cuesta transitar. Hoy que los tiempos han cambiado considerablemente, cuando el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje está atravesando su propia revolución educativa, los docentes debemos tener la capacidad de seducir a nuestros estudiantes por el encanto de la disciplina que orientamos. Y ese poder de seducción lo encontramos precisamente bajo la convicción de que podemos enseñar ciencia de una manera diferente, llevando a los estudiantes a construir mejores desempeños de comprensión obteniendo resultados más acordes a la realidad, intereses y a sus propias necesidades. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Colegio Nacional "Rafael Hernández

    Enhancing behavioural changes: a narrative review on the effectiveness of a multifactorial APP-based intervention integrating physical activity

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    The rapid evolution of technologies is a key innovation in the organisation and management of physical activities (PA) and sports. The increase in benefits and opportunities related to the adoption of technologies for both the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the management of chronic diseases is evident. In the field of telehealth, these devices provide personalised recommendations, workout monitoring and injury prevention. The study aimed to provide an overview of the landscape of technology application to PA organised to promote active lifestyles and improve chronic disease management. This review identified specific areas of focus for the selection of articles: the utilisation of mobile APPs and technological devices for enhancing weight loss, improving cardiovascular health, managing diabetes and cancer and preventing osteoporosis and cognitive decline. A multifactorial intervention delivered via mobile APPs, which integrates PA while managing diet or promoting social interaction, is unquestionably more effective than a singular intervention. The main finding related to promoting PA and a healthy lifestyle through app usage is associated with "behaviour change techniques". Even when individuals stop using the APP, they often maintain the structured or suggested lifestyle habits initially provided by the APP. Various concerns regarding the excessive use of APPs need to be addressed

    Cardiovascular Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome: Definition, Clinical Scenarios, Diagnosis, and Management

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    Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) describes the clinical condition of some SARS-CoV-2-infected patients in which a wide range of signs and symptoms that persist for several months after the acute phase of the disease. Cardiovascular symptoms including chest pain, dyspnea, elevated blood pressure, palpitations, inappropriate tachycardia, fatigue, and exercise intolerance are common in this condition. Some infected patients develop cardiovascular diseases such as myocarditis, pericarditis, new or worsening myocardial ischemia due to obstructive coronary artery disease, microvascular dysfunction, stress cardiomyopathy, thromboembolism, cardiovascular sequelae of pulmonary disease, arrhythmias, while others have cardiovascular symptoms without objective evidence of cardiovascular abnormalities. In the present chapter, definition, spectrum of manifestations, clinical scenarios, diagnosis, management, and therapy of cardiovascular PACS will be discussed