1,222 research outputs found

    Fabrication of hydrophilic silica coating varnish on pineapple peel fiber based biocomposite

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    In the last several years, the interest on hydrophobic and hydrophilic solid subtract was increased due to many applications in daily life, agriculture and industry. The continuous effort has been made to fabricate suitable material with more efficient fabrication method. In this research, physical blending method have been used by mixing four components of modifying agent with organic beeswax varnish at different weight percentage. Those modifying agents consists of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), Silica nanoparticles (R812S), Polydimethylsiloxane (BP-9400) and non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100) were mixed in the mass ratio of 52:3:34:1. The modified varnish produced was coated on Pineapple peel fiber (PAPF) biocomposite and were characterized using Water Contact Angle (WCA) instrument, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Based on the wettability index analysis; the value of water contact angle was reduced when increasing weight percent of modifying agents from 101.87 to 22.98°. The morphology of the surface was observed to have more silica nanoparticles, along with the increasing concentration of modifying agent. It also supported by FTIR which shows the presence of Si-O peak at 1030.88 cm-1. These results proved that the modifying agent and organic beeswax varnish had successfully produced hydrophilic coated on the PAPF surface

    Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pod Properties and Quality Values of Some Bean Varieties

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    It is important to know the quality values of the products in terms of production and consumption of plant-based foods, and at the same time, it brings the examined product to the forefront in terms of production and consumption. For this reason, 11 commercial bean varieties were grown as the first crop in Kahramanmaraş ecological conditions in 2018, and in this study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between the pod characteristics and quality values of 11 commercial bean varieties. In the study, the correlations between bean cultivars%252339%253B pod setting time, pod length, grain yield per plant, thousand-seed weight, pod ratio per plant, protein ratio, oil ratio and starch ratio, as well as all correlations between investigated characteristics were also investigated. It was determined that there were statistically significant (plt%253B 0.01) differences between bean cultivars in terms of pod setting time, pod length, thousand-seed weight, pod ratio and protein content per plant, and significant (plt%253B 0.05) differences in grain yield and oil content per plant. It was noted that there was no significant difference between bean varieties in terms of starch rati

    Berin Nadi...

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 2-3-Abalıoğlu, Yunus Nadi, Nadir Nadi, Doğan Nadi. Not: Gazetenin "Politika Günlüğü" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır

    Sanatın geleceğine bilinçle bakabilmek

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 9-Ahmet Adnan Saygun. Not: Gazetenin "Tartışma" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.Unutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Saygun'u değerlendirebilmek?

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 9-Ahmet Adnan Saygun. Not: Gazetenin "Tartışma" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.Unutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Varlık Yayınları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 26-Yaşar Nabi Nayı

    Sinan'a ve çağına çağımızdan bakış

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 102-Camilerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    İkizce Çayı'ndaki (Şırnak) Siraz Balığının [Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843)] Otolit Biyometrisi - Balık Boyu Arasındaki İlişki

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    Bu çalışmada, İkizce Çayı'ndaki siraz balığının [Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843)] otolit boyu (OL) -toplam boy (TL), otolit genişliği (OW)- toplam boy (TL) ve otolit boyu (OL) - otolit genişliği (OW) arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Balık örnekleri Şubat ve Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında balık ağları ile İkizce Çayı'ndan (Şırnak) yakalanmıştır. Toplam 76 adet bireyin (15 dişi ve 61 erkek) otoliti analizi edilmiştir. Total boy ile otolit boyu arasındaki ilişki y=0,0565x +1,1008 (r=0,6602), total boy ile otolit genişliği arasındaki ilişki y=0,0651x + 0,4226 (r=0,6504) ve otolit boyu ile otolit genişliği arasındaki ilişki y=0,7614x + 0,0602 (r=0,8268) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sağ ve sol otolitlerin boyutları arasındaki farkın önemsiz olduğu (ANOVAp>0,05) bulunmuştur

    The Sufi ethics and the spirits of consumerism: A preliminary suggestion for further research

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    In this speculative comment I will suggest that, in analogy with Colin Campbell's argument regarding the Romantic Ethic and the spirit of modern consumerism, there is prima facie evidence that there is also an elective affinity between Sufi-infused Islamic religiosity and the emergent Muslim consumerisms, particularly in Turkey and among Turkish (and Kurdish) diasporas in Europe. The main relevant features of Sufi spirituality in this context are identified as continuous creation, creative imagination and longing


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    Sarawak multilayered cake among Sarawak product signature famous among the local as well as international tourist visiting Sarawak. In fact, Sarawak Malay women entrepreneurs have become very necessary players in the entrepreneurial field specifically in this cottage industries from the early introduction of this business, they have facing various problem in this businesses. Thus, this research aims to build an understanding of motivational factor that encourage Sarawak Malay women entrepreneurial experiences especially in multilayered cake businesses. Using qualitative methods, this research aims to identify the entrepreneurial motivations factors; with regards to start-up motivation by Sarawak Malay women. The finding shows that the motivations that influence Malay women within Kuching, Sarawak areas to start and grow their business are involve self-driven and context driven that motivate them involve in multilayered cakes businesses