110 research outputs found

    Comparative Genomic and Transcriptomic Characterization of the Toxigenic Marine Dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii

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    Many dinoflagellate species are notorious for the toxins they produce and ecological and human health consequences associated with harmful algal blooms (HABs). Dinoflagellates are particularly refractory to genomic analysis due to the enormous genome size, lack of knowledge about their DNA composition and structure, and peculiarities of gene regulation, such as spliced leader (SL) trans-splicing and mRNA transposition mechanisms. Alexandrium ostenfeldii is known to produce macrocyclic imine toxins, described as spirolides. We characterized the genome of A. ostenfeldii using a combination of transcriptomic data and random genomic clones for comparison with other dinoflagellates, particularly Alexandrium species. Examination of SL sequences revealed similar features as in other dinoflagellates, including Alexandrium species. SL sequences in decay indicate frequent retro-transposition of mRNA species. This probably contributes to overall genome complexity by generating additional gene copies. Sequencing of several thousand fosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) ends yielded a wealth of simple repeats and tandemly repeated longer sequence stretches which we estimated to comprise more than half of the whole genome. Surprisingly, the repeats comprise a very limited set of 79–97 bp sequences; in part the genome is thus a relatively uniform sequence space interrupted by coding sequences. Our genomic sequence survey (GSS) represents the largest genomic data set of a dinoflagellate to date. Alexandrium ostenfeldii is a typical dinoflagellate with respect to its transcriptome and mRNA transposition but demonstrates Alexandrium-like stop codon usage. The large portion of repetitive sequences and the organization within the genome is in agreement with several other studies on dinoflagellates using different approaches. It remains to be determined whether this unusual composition is directly correlated to the exceptionally genome organization of dinoflagellates with a low amount of histones and histone-like proteins

    Harmful Algal Blooms. A scientific summary for policy makers

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    What is a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)? Photosynthetic algae support healthy aquatic ecosystems by forming the base of the food web, fixing carbon and producing oxygen. Under certain circumstances, some species can form high-biomass and/or toxic proliferations of cells (or “blooms”), thereby causing harm to aquatic ecosystems, including plants and animals, and to humans via direct exposure to water-borne toxins or by toxic seafood consumption. Ecosystem damage by high-biomass blooms may include, for instance, disruption of food webs, fish-killing by gill damage, or contribution to low oxygen “dead-zones” after bloom degradation. Some species also produce potent natural chemicals (toxins) that can persist in the water or enter the food web, leading to illness or death of aquatic animals and/or human seafood consumers

    On Imprimitive Representations of Finite Reductive Groups in Non-defining Characteristic

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    In this paper, we begin with the classification of Harish-Chandra imprimitive representations in non-defining characteristic. We recall the connection of this problem to certain generalizations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras and show that Harish-Chandra induction is compatible with the Morita equivalence by Bonnaf\'{e} and Rouquier, thus reducing the classification problem to quasi-isolated blocks. Afterwards, we consider imprimitivity of unipotent representations of certain classical groups. In the case of general linear and unitary groups, our reduction methods then lead to results for arbitrary Lusztig series

    The Relevance of Marine Chemical Ecology to Plankton and Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field

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    Marine chemical ecology comprises the study of the production and interaction of bioactive molecules affecting organism behavior and function. Here we focus on bioactive compounds and interactions associated with phytoplankton, particularly bloom-forming diatoms, prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates. Planktonic bioactive metabolites are structurally and functionally diverse and some may have multiple simultaneous functions including roles in chemical defense (antipredator, allelopathic and antibacterial compounds), and/or cell-to-cell signaling (e.g., polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) of diatoms). Among inducible chemical defenses in response to grazing, there is high species-specific variability in the effects on grazers, ranging from severe physical incapacitation and/or death to no apparent physiological response, depending on predator susceptibility and detoxification capability. Most bioactive compounds are present in very low concentrations, in both the producing organism and the surrounding aqueous medium. Furthermore, bioactivity may be subject to synergistic interactions with other natural and anthropogenic environmental toxicants. Most, if not all phycotoxins are classic secondary metabolites, but many other bioactive metabolites are simple molecules derived from primary metabolism (e.g., PUAs in diatoms, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in prymnesiophytes). Producing cells do not seem to suffer physiological impact due to their synthesis. Functional genome sequence data and gene expression analysis will provide insights into regulatory and metabolic pathways in producer organisms, as well as identification of mechanisms of action in target organisms. Understanding chemical ecological responses to environmental triggers and chemically-mediated species interactions will help define crucial chemical and molecular processes that help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functionality

    The role of interactions between Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo in bloom formation

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    We examined the growth and interactions between the bloom-forming flagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Heterosigma akashiwo using bi-algal culture experiments. When both species were inoculated at high cell densities, growth of H. akashiwo was inhibited by P. minimum. In other combinations of inoculation densities, the species first reaching the stationary phase substantially suppressed maximum cell densities of the other species, but the growth inhibition effect of P. minimum was stronger than that of H. akashiwo. We used a mathematical model to simulate growth and interactions of P. minimum and H. akashiwo in bi-algal cultures. The model indicated that P. minimum always out-competed H. akashiwo over time. Additional experiments showed that crude extracts from P. minimum and H. akashiwo cultures did not affect the growth of either species, but both strongly inhibited the growth of the bloom-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum. Further experiments showed that it was unlikely that reactive oxygen species produced by H. akashiwo were responsible for the inhibition of P. minimum growth

    The Smallest Known Genomes of Multicellular and Toxic Cyanobacteria: Comparison, Minimal Gene Sets for Linked Traits and the Evolutionary Implications

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    Cyanobacterial morphology is diverse, ranging from unicellular spheres or rods to multicellular structures such as colonies and filaments. Multicellular species represent an evolutionary strategy to differentiate and compartmentalize certain metabolic functions for reproduction and nitrogen (N2) fixation into specialized cell types (e.g. akinetes, heterocysts and diazocytes). Only a few filamentous, differentiated cyanobacterial species, with genome sizes over 5 Mb, have been sequenced. We sequenced the genomes of two strains of closely related filamentous cyanobacterial species to yield further insights into the molecular basis of the traits of N2 fixation, filament formation and cell differentiation. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii CS-505 is a cylindrospermopsin-producing strain from Australia, whereas Raphidiopsis brookii D9 from Brazil synthesizes neurotoxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Despite their different morphology, toxin composition and disjunct geographical distribution, these strains form a monophyletic group. With genome sizes of approximately 3.9 (CS-505) and 3.2 (D9) Mb, these are the smallest genomes described for free-living filamentous cyanobacteria. We observed remarkable gene order conservation (synteny) between these genomes despite the difference in repetitive element content, which accounts for most of the genome size difference between them. We show here that the strains share a specific set of 2539 genes with >90% average nucleotide identity. The fact that the CS-505 and D9 genomes are small and streamlined compared to those of other filamentous cyanobacterial species and the lack of the ability for heterocyst formation in strain D9 allowed us to define a core set of genes responsible for each trait in filamentous species. We presume that in strain D9 the ability to form proper heterocysts was secondarily lost together with N2 fixation capacity. Further comparisons to all available cyanobacterial genomes covering almost the entire evolutionary branch revealed a common minimal gene set for each of these cyanobacterial traits

    Discrimination of the toxigenic dinoflagellate species Alexandrium tamarense and Alexandrium ostenfeldii in co-occurring natural populations from Scottish coastal waters

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    Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, a known producer of potent neurotoxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), are common annual events along the Scottish east coast. The co-occurrence of a second Alexandrium species, A. ostenfeldii (Paulsen) Balech & Tangen is reported in this study from waters of the Scottish east coast. The latter species has been suspected to be an alternative source of PSP toxins in northern Europe. Recent identification of toxic macrocyclic imines known as spirolides in A. ostenfeldii indicates a potential new challenge for monitoring toxic Alexandrium species and their respective toxins in natural populations. In mixed phytoplankton assemblages, Alexandrium species are dicult to discriminate accurately by conventional light microscopy. Species-specific rRNA probes based upon 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA sequences were developed for A. ostenfeldii and tested by dot-blot and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. Hybridization patterns of A. ostenfeldii probes for cultured Alexandrium isolates, and cells from field populations from the Scottish east coast, were compared with those of rDNA probes for A. tamarense and a universal dinoflagellate probe. Alexandrium cell numbers in field samples determined by whole-cell in situ hybridization were much lower than those determined by optical microscopy with the Utermöhl method involving sedimentation chambers, but the results were highly correlated (e.g. r2=0.94; n=6 for A. tamarense). Determination of spirolides and PSP toxins by instrumental analysis on board ship demonstrated the presence of both toxi