111 research outputs found


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    Dalam upaya melawan covid-19 Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) menyelenggarakan Kegiatan KKN Tematik dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-September 2021. Berlokasi di kelurahan Tangkil sebagai pengamatan kelompok KKN 21 dalam berbagai bidang Ekonomi, Kesehatan dan Pendidikan pada kegiatan masyarakan diera pandemi. Melalui pendekatan sosial dapat ditemukan berbagai masalah yang dialami masyarakat selama masa pandemi setahun terakhir. Dari masalah tersebut kelompok KKN 21 bekerjasama dengan aparatur diwilayah Kelurahan Tangkil dalam pelaksanaan program KKN. Melalui kegiatan KKN ini diharapkan dapat membantu UMKM dalam pemanfaatan media digital sebagai alat promosi. Selanjutnya memotivasi bimbingan untuk anak-anak terutama pada tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) belajar lebih giat, memberikan arahan bagaimana cara memahami materi. Sehingga anak dapat mengerjakan tugas secara mandiri

    5-aminolevulinic acid based photodynamic therapy for basal cell carcinoma : a 10-years follow-up study

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    This article presents long-term follow-up after use of topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) for basal cell carcinoma. PDT is treatment option for different tumors, involving use of specific agent which is activated by visible light and results in tissue destruction. Overall 20 patients with 29 tumors were treated at the Latvian Oncology Center. Two illumination techniques were used: superficial for smaller lesions and multifiber contact for nodular tumors. Clinical outcome was evaluated at 1, 7, 44 months and 10 years after procedure. By 10 year follow up, there were 2 tumor recurrences and in one case there was tumor residual tissue after first PDT treatment. Overall after ten years follow-up complete response was 80% of cases. Data in this study supports hypothesis that PDT could be used for the treatment of non-invasive (superficial and nodular) basal cell carcinoma. Results in this study correspond with similar long-term follow-up studies.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Reconocimiento de imágenes faciales

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    En este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo matemático para el reconocimiento e identificación de caras basado en técnicas del álgebra lineal. Se extrae la información relevante de la imagen de una cara, codificarla tan eficientemente como sea posible y compararla con una base de datos de caras codificadas similarmente. En términos matemáticos se encuentran las componentes principales de la matriz de Covarianza de un conjunto de imágenes faciales en las cuales la imagen se considera como un vector que se describe en un espacio vectorial de grandes dimensiones. La técnica de las componentes principales nos permite determinar los vectores propios principales y se puede pensar que describen la variación entre las imágenes faciales de la base, cada fotografía contribuye de alguna manera en cada vector propio, así que el vector propio es en cierta manera una cara fantasma que denominaremos cara propia. El modelo matemático que desarrollamos consiste en representar lo más preciso posible una cara en términos de las caras propias. También abordamos en una etapa inicial dos aplicaciones en el reconocimiento de imágenes faciales: La identificación de personas NN e Identificación de retratos hablados, con estas aplicaciones se pretende contribuir a la identificación de estos ciudadanos de forma eficiente. / Abstract. In this work develops a mathematical model for the recognition and face identification techniques based on linear algebra. relevant information is extracted from a face image, encode it as efficiently as possible and compare it with a database of similarly encoded faces. In mathematical terms are the main components of the covariance matrix of a set of facial images in which the image is considered as a vector that is described in a vector space of large dimensions. The technique of principal components allows us to determine the main eigenvectors and can be thought to describe the variation between the base facial images, each photograph contributes in some way in each eigenvector, so the eigenvector is somehow a ghost face side will call its own. The mathematical model we developed is to represent as accurately as possible a face in terms of their own faces. We also develop at an early stage two applications in facial image recognition: The identification of NN persons and Identification sketches, these applications are intended to contribute to the identification of these citizens in an efficient manner.Maestrí

    Gestión de residuos hospitalarios para la disminución de riesgos ocupacionales en los trabajadores del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, La Victoria 2015

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    El estudio a continuación ha explorado el problema de investigación relacionado con la gestión de residuos hospitalarios para la disminución de riesgos ocupacionales en los trabajadores del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen. Como objetivo general se estableció analizar como la gestión de residuos hospitalarios disminuyen los riesgos ocupacionales en los trabajadores del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, La Victoria 2015. El tipo de estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y con un diseño pre experimental. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por los 5 meses de Implementación (5 meses antes y 5 meses post) del Sistema de Gestión de Residuos Hospitalarios en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, la Victoria 2015; la muestra, es del 100% de la población de quienes fueron obtenidos los datos. La técnica utilizada en la recolección de datos fue la observación directa, análisis documental y recolección de datos. La confiabilidad del estudio se basa en que los datos utilizados en la investigación corresponden a los proporcionados por la institución en estudio, esto hace al instrumento de medición altamente confiable. El estudio pudo concluir que existía una gestión inadecuada de residuos hospitalarios los cuales generaban un mayor riesgo ocupacional en los trabajadores del servicio de emergencia del hospital, provocando mayor cantidad de accidentes y enfermedades

    Features associated with melanoma metastasis in Latvia

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by The European Regional Development Fund (project no. Publisher Copyright: © This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License. Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, exhibits an increasing incidence worldwide and has a high potential to develop metastasis. The current study aimed to identify a set of parameters that may aid in predicting the probability and timing of the onset of CM metastasis. A retrospective analysis was performed using the archive data of 2,026 patients with CM that were treated at the Riga East University Hospital Latvian Oncology Centre, which is the largest oncological hospital in the country, between 1998 and 2015. A case-control study design was employed, where patients with metastasis (n=278) were used as the cases and patients without metastasis were used as the controls. The present study examined the associations between metastasis and potential risk factors and constructed multivariate models of features that predicted metastasis using stepwise regression. Time until metastasis was analyzed using negative binomial regression models. The results of the present study indicated an increase in the number of melanomas that developed metastases during 1998-2015. Tumor Breslow thickness was demonstrated to be significantly larger in patients with metastasis compared with those without (P=0.012). The presence of ulceration significantly increased the risk of metastases [odds ratio (OR), 1.66; 95% CI, 1.07-2.59; P=0.033]. The absence of pigment in melanoma tissues was indicated to lead to a greater likelihood of metastasis (OR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.10-4.19; P=0.035). Shorter times from diagnosis until the onset of metastases were observed in older patients (incident rate ratio (IRR), 6.85; 95% CI, 2.43-19.30; P=2.78×10 -4), and a borderline significant association was observed in those with ulcerated tumors (IRR, 1.33; 95% CI, 0.98-1.80; P=0.064). Therefore, the main features associated with the development of melanoma metastasis in Latvia were indicated to be tumor ulceration, absence of pigment and Breslow thickness.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    Partial nitrification (nitritation) – anammox (anaerobic ammonia oxidation) process is increasingly used to treat wastewater, characterized by a high nitrogen content and high temperature (25 - 40°C). It is connected with the optimal temperature of anammox bacteria, which is at the range between 30 and 40°C. Mainstream application of anammox for the municipal wastewater, characterized by lower temperature seems to be one of the most challenging, but profitable process. Thenceforth, the research performed in the field of the nitritation – anammox at low temperature (10 - 20°C) become more and more intense. Compared with the conventional nitrification – denitrification system, nitritation – anammox reduces oxygen demand, eliminates the need for organic carbon source and produces less excess sludge. As a result, it allows to a significant cost reduction. This paper reviews the most important and recent information in the field of nitritation – anammox process at low temperature. Effective nitrogen removal from the municipal wastewater was demonstrated at 15°C in a pilot scale and at 12°C in a laboratory scale reactor. The best performance is achieved in sequencing batch reactors and moving bed reactors with biofilm or granular biomass, as well as combinations of these technologies. Molecular biology studies shows that anammox bacteria of the genus Candidatus Brocadia may have the biggest predispositions to adapt to low temperature. However, temperature about 10°C, time and method of biomass adaptation are still the main challenges for stable and common nitritation – anammox process

    Ecophysiology and dynamics of nitrogen removal bacteria in a sequencing batch reactor during wastewater treatment start‑up

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    Nitrogen removal communities performing wastewater treatment consist of ammonia oxidisers, nitrite oxidisers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria, and the proportion and activity of particular microbial groups depend not only on the physiochemical parameters of the bioreactor, but also on the composition of the inoculum. Nitrifiers and denitrifiers usually dominate in conventional wastewater treatment systems due to the fact that nitrification and denitrification are the most commonly used nitrogen removal processes. However, from the economical point of view in case of wastewater with high ammonia concentrations, anammox-based technologies are desirable for their treatment. The disadvantage of such systems is slow anammox bacteria growth, which extends an effective technological start-up. Thus, in this study, a fast start-up of the anammox process supported with an anammox-rich inoculum was performed in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Using anammox inoculation of SBR laboratory system, the start-up can be fastened to 85 days with 84.5% of nitrogen removal efficacy. The spatial distribution of nitrogen removal bacteria analysed with fluorescent in situ hybridisation revealed that anammox and nitrifiers are located side by side in the flocs and the relative number of ammonia and nitrite oxidisers decreased after 85 days of the experiment

    Pathomorphological Caractheristics of Listeriosis in Calves Suckling Period

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    In this article listed results of pathological studies of listeriosis in calves suckling period. It was found that the changes are mainly characterized by hyperemia and edema of the meninges, parenchymal liver disease and infarction, acute catarrhal enteritis, acute catarrhal abomazitom, acute venous hyperemia of the kidneys, the presence of hemorrhages in various organs, inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes

    Effect of climate change and mining on hydrological connectivity of surficial layers in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kompanizare M, Petrone RM, Shafii M, Robinson DT, Rooney RC. Effect of climate change and mining on hydrological connectivity of surficial layers in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Hydrological Processes. 2018;32:3698–3716. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13292, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13292. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.This research analyses the impact of climate change and surface mining activities on the hydrologic connectivity of surficial (soil and geological) layers located in a watershed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Surface water and groundwater flow are simulated for the period 2014–2080 under four climate scenarios: median (M), double precipitation (DP), no change in precipitation (NP), and double temperature (DT) and with the assumption of no change in the extent of mine activities after 2013. The results demonstrate that the annual growing season duration is longer and snowmelt happens earlier in the year 2080. During the growing season, the daily proportion of connected hydrologic units (DPCUs) remains approximately the same in the future under the different climate scenarios. It appears that around 68% of watershed area, mostly in western and central eastern portions, will be frequently connected (annual proportion of connected days [APCD] ≥ 20%) in the future. This area remains hydrologically connected for more than 20–50% of the year. Results also show that mining areas are located in infrequently connected areas (APCD < 20%), where DPCU values are significantly lower than other areas. DPCUs in forestlands are more stable with a growing season, that is, ~15 days longer than in wetlands. Comparisons between hydrologic responses in 2016 and 2080 show that, in 2080, maximum snow depths are about 0.7 times smaller, evapotranspiration is ~0.05 mm higher, capillary soil moisture in DT and NP scenarios are 1.01–1.52 mm lower, and the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration is almost the same during the growing season. However, at the end of growing season, the ratio is ~1 unit less in 2080 in DT and NP scenarios. Results also demonstrate that thinner surficial geological layers in the mining areas (located mostly in downstream part of the watershed) lead to their lower hydrologic connectivities. Therefore, these areas are more vulnerable to mining activity impacts, and their hydrologic response under a changing climate should be considered in reclamation planning.Husky Energy (Rooney, Petrone, Robinson) || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (HEAD3; Petrone