1,024 research outputs found

    Characterization of potential therapeutic targets in Leishmania infantum

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    Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by various species of Leishmania, which affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for leishmaniasis often present adverse effects and may not be effective against every Leishmania strain or form of the disease. Therefore, it is essential to explore new therapeutic approaches to combat the parasite. In this study, we focused on the PeBoW complex proteins homologous in Leishmania, which is involved in ribosomal biogenesis and plays a critical role in cancer development in mammalian cells. Recently, a homologue of the oncogene PES1 was found in Leishmania major, which plays a crucial role in parasite infectivity. Given this, we analyzed the possibility of using other PeBoW complex partner genes in Leishmania as therapeutic targets for leishmaniasis treatment. Specifically, our investigation aimed to characterize the partner WDR12 homologous in Leishmania infantum (LmjWDR12) as new therapeutic approach

    blaTEM and vanA as indicator genes of antibiotic resistance contamination in a hospital–urban wastewater treatment plant system

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    Four indicator genes were monitored by quantitative PCR in hospital effluent (HE) and in the raw and treated wastewater of the municipal wastewater treatment plant receiving the hospital discharge. The indicator genes were the class 1 integrase gene intI1, to assess the capacity of bacteria to be involved in horizontal gene transfer processes; blaTEM, one of the most widespread antibiotic resistance genes in the environment, associated with Enterobacteriaceae; vanA, an antibiotic resistance gene uncommon in the environment and frequent in clinical isolates; and marA, part of a locus related to the stress response in Enterobacteriaceae. Variation in the abundance of these genes was analysed as a function of the type of water, and possible correlations with cultivable bacteria, antimicrobial residue concentrations, and bacterial community composition and structure were analysed. HE was confirmed as an important source of blaTEM and vanA genes, and wastewater treatment showed a limited capacity to remove these resistance genes. The genes blaTEM and vanA presented the strongest correlations with culturable bacteria, antimicrobial residues and some bacterial populations, representing interesting candidates as indicator genes to monitor resistance in environmental samples. The intI1 gene was the most abundant in all samples, demonstrating that wastewater bacterial populations hold a high potential for gene acquisitioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Towards sustainable training in essential computing research skills in the Netherlands

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    Life science research increasingly depends on computational skills that enable efficient work with large complex datasets. Unfortunately, formal curricula often lack training in this area. There is a need for specialised training that includes topics like shell scripting, basic programming skills in R or Python, data handling, reproducible computational research and open science

    HostLab: gastronomy innovation, experiences and sustainability

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    Innovating through traditional products and resources is the main aim of HoST Lab Project located at the School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism of the University of the Algarve. A new lab and new multidisciplinary way of working, that which to be a reference for research and development applied to Culinary Tourism and Eno-gastronomic experiences associated with the Mediterranean Diet (MD). A very enriching proposal was built to study the determinants of experience and the atmosphere of places, promoting sensory evaluation with tourists and stakeholders, of new products and services (based on local resources and products, such as cereals, olive trees, vines, and other foods), enhancing the qualification and diversification of the Algarve as a sustainable tourist destination. We hope that this new partnerships and stakeholders involved will help sharing this common vision, the knowledge delivered and continue promoting innovation around the Mediterranean Diet.iHeritage Project - ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage, iHERITAGE, B_A.2.1_0056info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Randomized double-blind clinical trial of a new human epoetin versus a commercially available formula for anemia control in patients on hemodialysis

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    OBJECTIVES: Anemia is a common complication among chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis, occurring mostly due to erythropoietin deficiency. This randomized noninferiority trial sought to compare the efficacy and safety of a new epoetin formulation developed by Bio-Manguinhos, a biologics manufacturer affiliated with the Brazilian government, with those of a commercially available product currently used in Brazil (a biosimilar epoetin formulation). METHODS: The sample size needed to enable demonstration of noninferiority with a statistical power of 85% for a between-group difference in hemoglobin levels of no more than 1.5 g/dL was calculated. In total, 74 patients were randomly assigned to receive the epoetin formulation from Bio-Manguinhos (n = 36) or the biosimilar epoetin formulation (n = 38) in a double-blind fashion. The inclusion criteria were current epoetin therapy and stable hemoglobin levels for at least 3 months prior to the study. The primary and secondary outcomes were mean monthly hemoglobin levels and safety, respectively. The dose was calculated according to international criteria and adjusted monthly in both groups according to hemoglobin levels and at the assistant physicians' discretion. Iron storage was estimated at baseline and once monthly. Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01184495. RESULTS: The study was conducted for 6 months after randomization. The mean baseline hemoglobin levels were 10.9±1.2 and 10.96±1.2 g/dL (p = 0.89) in the Bio-Manguinhos epoetin and biosimilar epoetin groups, respectively. During the study period, there was no significant change in hemoglobin levels in either group (p = 0.055, ANOVA). The epoetin from Bio-Manguinhos was slightly superior in the last 3 months of follow-up. The adverse event profiles of the two formulations were also similar. CONCLUSIONS: The epoetin formulations tested in this study are equivalent in efficacy and safety

    Detection of Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Post-Vaccination in Health Care Workers of a Large Tertiary Hospital in Spain by Using a Rapid Test LFIC and sVNT-ELISA

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    The presence of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against SARS-CoV-2 represent a surrogate marker of immunologic protection in populations at high risk of infection such as healthcare workers caring for hospitalized patients with COVID-19. As recommended by CDC and the European CDC, the use of rapid diagnostic tests during population-based evaluations offers an opportunity to identify individuals with serologic evidence of natural infection or who have undergone vaccination. We carried out a cross-sectional study to assess the presence of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 among medical providers at an intensive care unit of a large referral hospital in Alicante, Spain. In addition, we tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies compared to serum of uninfected individuals from a Biobank. We were also interested in evaluating the use of a rapid lateral flow immunochromatography (LFIC) test against a surrogate ELISA viral neutralization test (sVNT). This rapid test demonstrated a specificity of 1.000 95% CI (0.91–1.00) and the sensitivity of 0.987 95% CI (0.93–1.00). The negative predictive value was 95%. After six months, this rapid test demonstrated that those immunized with two doses of BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, maintained optimal levels of neutralizing antibodies. We concluded that all Health Care Workers develop NAbs and the use of this rapid immunochromatographic test represents a potential tool to be used in population-based studies to detect serological antibody responses to vaccination. Vaccination policies could benefit from this tool to assess additional doses of vaccine or boosters among high-risk populations.This work was supported by an advisory contract from the University of Alicante with reference WENZHOU-OJABIO1-21T and no one reports personal fees received from the biotech company

    Caracterización de la macrofauna del suelo en fragmentos forestales en el municipio de Leticia, Amazonía colombiana

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    The characterization and the abundance of the soil macrofauna and its relation with the morphology of the soil, were evaluated in areas of forest fragments of secondary forests in the Center for Biodiversity and Tourism of the Amazon, of the National Service of Learning - SENA, in Leticia, Colombian Amazon. The soil macrofauna (invertebrates greater than or equal to 2 mm in diameter) was evaluated in two seasoning periods (May and October) with different rainfall records. A total abundance of 5995 individuals of the soil macrofauna was found, distributed in 14 taxonomic orders. The conserved forest fragment (FFC) was the area that registered the highest floristic diversity, and presented the highest density of the soil macrofauna in both sampling periods. The groups of insects Isoptera and Formicidae were predominant, especially in the FFC. The soil macrofauna communities did not detect significant correlations with the soil morphology variables in the forest fragments. However, this correlation was significant between the two sampling periods, indicating that the seasonality of the rainfall may affect the density of the soil macrofauna depending on the sampling period. La caracterización y la abundancia de la macrofauna del suelo y su relación con la morfología del suelo, fueron evaluadas en áreas de fragmentos forestales de bosques secundarios en el Centro para la Biodiversidad y el Turismo del Amazonas, del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA, en Leticia, Amazonía colombiana. La macrofauna del suelo (invertebrados mayores o iguales a 2 mm de diámetro) fue evaluada en dos períodos estacionales (mayo y octubre) con diferentes registros de precipitaciones. Fue encontrado una abundancia total de 5332 individuos de la macrofauna del suelo, distribuidos en 14 Ã³rdenes taxonómicas. El fragmento forestal conservado (FFC) fue el área que registró una mayor diversidad florística, y presentó la mayor densidad de la macrofauna del suelo en ambos periodos de muestreo. Los grupos de insectos Isoptera y Formicidae, fueron predominantes, sobre todo, en el FFC. Las comunidades de macrofauna del suelo no detectaron correlaciones significativas con las variables de la morfología del suelo en los fragmentos forestales. Sin embargo, esa correlación se mostró significativa entre los dos periodos de muestreo, indicando que la estacionalidad de la pluviosidad puede afectar la densidad de la macrofauna del suelo dependiendo del periodo de muestreo.&nbsp
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