134 research outputs found

    Economic Vision for R & D Projects of University

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    The university as a center of teaching and research training requires extensive work supported by the articulation and development of research projects. At work an economic vision for the conclusion and management of research and development projects promoted by the university, which will allow the educational institution to play a significant role in their community function linked to the formation of future professional's displays

    Uneven frequency of Vibrio alginolyticus-group isolates among different populations of Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

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    The presence of Vibrio isolates was investigated in cloacal swabs from the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhyncus cristatus). Such unique iguana is endemic to the Galápagos Archipelago, it is listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List (2009), and is strictly protected by CITES and Ecuador laws. Our results revealed an uneven isolation frequency of vibrios from animals living in different settings: maximal among the Santa Fe population, scarce at Bahía Tortuga but practically absent in the samples from Puerto Ayora and Plaza Sur. A 16S sequencing confirmed that the isolates belonged to the genus Vibrio, placing them within the V. alginolyticus group; the biochemical identification was, indeed, consistent with V. alginolyticus features. The reason of the observed discrepancy is not clear, but could be either linked to a higher pollution in the inhabited or more touristic places or to differential influence of chemical and physical parameters at a local scale. As V. alginolyticus is an opportunistic pathogen for man and it is known to cause disease in sea-living animals, the ability of these vibrios to enter and persist to a certain extent in the marine iguana gut should be regarded as a risk for health of both the animals and the human personnel involved in monitoring activities

    Management Model For University Cooperation At Universidad Técnica De Manabí, Ecuador

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    In researching a management model for university cooperation at the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, with its components, phases, stages, input, and output information as well as the premises of its practical application, thereby achieving qualitative and quantitative changes proposed in the conception of university cooperation for sustainable development. The model for the management of cooperation, the assumptions of the model and the components are exposed, and a map with universities that are currently on the network and the issues raised in the strategy, setting out the results at national and International levels

    Algarroba Effects on Behavior and Dairy Production of Grazing Cows II. Rainy Season.

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    The influence of arborization with algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) on behavior and dairy production of grazing cows was evaluated. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures per arborization treatment were used (low arborization, with 1-7 trees/ha; mid-arborization, with 12-16 trees/ha; and high arborization, with 20-27 trees/ha). Activities were observed every ten minutes during the mornings and afternoons. The number of animals, and each animal´s activity time was recorded. The dairy production data were collected and compared through a randomized design with six repetitions (ANOVA). Significant differences were observed (P < 0.05) to more arborization in grazing (155-173 min), and the monthly values observed were similar. In fields with low arborization, the cows ate less grass, whereas fields with mid and high arborization, the cows grazed longer, and produced more milk (11.2 and 12.59 kg/c/day)

    Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Sound Suppressor for a 5.56 mm Calibre

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    A sound suppressor is an internal or external device coupled to the barrel of a firearm. Its development has been historically related to the negative effects produced by the noise. This article presents the numerical and experimental analysis of a sound suppressor for a 5.56 mm caliber rifle. It was designed, manufactured, and tested inside a shooting tunnel for 911 m/s and 344 m/s velocities. Three geometric configurations with curved deflectors, conical deflectors, and finally with a reactive spiral capable of dissipating the acoustic wave were compared considering reactive and dissipative systems. The attenuation of the sound inside the silencer depends directly on the reduction of the projectile wave velocity and the deflagration of the gases at the instant of firing. Then the MIL-STD-1474E standard was used to carry out the experiments. The results in the computational numerical simulation show an average value of 143 dB for the considered three models, the Sound Pressure Level in the reactive core model decreased by 25% with respect to other proposals, which have an average value of 141 dB. These results can be useful to improve in the design of sound suppressors based on the needs of the users and under the specific characteristics of each weapon ballistic.&nbsp

    Effect of Algarroba on Grazing Cow Behavior and Milk Production. I. Dry Season.

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    The effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) arborization on grazing cow behavior and milk production was assessed. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures were used per arborization treatment (low arborization, 1-7 trees/ha; mid arborization, 12-16 trees/ha; high arborization, 20-27 trees/ha). Rational grazing was performed. The grass rested for 21-28 days, and sprinklers were used for irrigation. The animalsʼ activity time and the number of animals were registered. Milk production values were compared using ANOVA, following a randomized design with six replicas. No significant differences were observed in the morning grazing (118-203 min), but there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the afternoon, in favor of more arborization (103-125 min), whereas in lands with mid and high arborization, cows ruminated longer, with higher water consumption and milk production, and values between 11.85-13.76 kg/v/day

    Effects of Milled Maize Stalks on the Productive Response of Grazing Dairy Cows.

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    The productive response of grazing dairy cows was evaluated, using milled corn stalks in the diet. The study was developed in two different settings, in Ecuador (Costa and Sierra regions). On the coast farm (29.1 ha), cows grazed on Bermuda grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) and Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) with several types of legumes (Lysicarpus, Centrosema, Desmodium, Galactia), supplemented with corn stalks cv. INIAP 125. The animals received 0.46 kg beginning at 3 kg, and milled maize stalks in 30 and 28-day periods, respectively (M-30 and M-28), and control without stalks for 36 days (M-0). The farm in the other region (14.2 ha) had 23 cows grazing on Kikuyo grass (P. clandestinum) and ryegrass-white clover (L. perenne and whole maize stalks and T. (60-70% ripe grain), at a rate of 18 kg green/cow/day for 48 days; and balanced supplement, at a rate of 0.5 kg/ milk liter, after the fourth kilogram, along with minerals. In both cases the forage had effects (P < 0.05) on cow response. In the Sierra area, the increase was 1.68 kg/cow, and in the coast, it was 1.1 and 2.5 kg/cow). Maize stalks served as a nutritional complement for poorly consumed grass areas in both regions; milk production/animal was increased, and the costs were reduced

    Yet Another Ranking Function for Automatic Multiword Term Extraction

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    International audienceTerm extraction is an essential task in domain knowledge acquisition. We propose two new measures to extract multiword terms from a domain-specific text. The first measure is both linguistic and statistical based. The second measure is graph-based, allowing assessment of the importance of a multiword term of a domain. Existing measures often solve some problems related (but not completely) to term extraction, e.g., noise, silence, low frequency, large-corpora, complexity of the multiword term extraction process. Instead, we focus on managing the entire set of problems, e.g., detecting rare terms and overcoming the low frequency issue. We show that the two proposed measures outperform precision results previously reported for automatic multiword extraction by comparing them with the state-of-the-art reference measures

    Efecto del por ciento de leguminosas, tiempo de reposo y calidad estimada del pastizal en respuesta productiva de vacas lecheras en pastoreo.

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    Se comparan los pastizales en una finca ganadera y cuartones con diferentes por cientos de leguminosas, en cuanto al tiempo de reposo, su calidad nutricional y la producción de leche con vacas en pastoreo en la seca. Se utilizaron cuatro cuartones de 0,45 ha/tratamiento de composición botánica del pasto, como réplicas de pastizales de Cynodon nlemfuensis, Vanderysty Panicum máximum, Jacq y, asociadas a ellos, leguminosas de los géneros Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium y Teramnuz. La carga fue de 1,09 vacas/ha y los animales recibieron 16 % de PB a razón de 0,46 kg a partir del tercer kilogramo producido y forraje cortado en comedero. El diseño fue completamente aleatorio y se realizó análisis de varianza simple para el procesamiento estadístico de los datos. Las poblaciones incrementadas de leguminosas influyeron en el tiempo de reposo (P < 0,05) a favor de acelerar el tiempo adecuado para la ocupación del cuartón y mejoraron la calidad y respuesta láctea de las vacas en el período. El factor presencia de las leguminosas en el pastizal influyó parcialmente en la calidad, consumo y respuesta animal en rendimiento lechero, a favor de mayor presencia de leguminosas (37 %) con 9,1 kg/vaca/día.Effect of the percent of legumes, rest time and estimated quality of pastures in productive re-sponse of dairy cows in grazing.ABSTRACTA comparison between the pasture of a livestock farm and paddocks with different per cents of legumes was carried out, taking into account the rest time, nutritional quality and milk production with cows shepherded during the droughty season. Four paddocks of 0.45 ha/treatment of botanical composition of the pasture were used as duplicates of pastures of Cynodonnlemfuensis, Vanderystand Panicum máximum, Jacq and legumes of the genera Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium and Teramnuzassociated with them. The load was 1.09 cows/day and the animals re-ceived 16 % of PB with a rate of 0.46 kg starting from the third kilogram produced and trough-cut forage. The design was completely random and simple analysis of variance was performed for the statistical processing of the data. The populations, enriched with legumes, influenced the rest time (P < 0.05) accelerating the suitable time for the occu-pancy of paddocks and improved the quality and the milk response of cows during the period. The presence of legumes in pastures influenced partially the quality, consumption and animal response in the milk output for the legumes (37 %) with 9.1 kg/cow/day

    Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maul [(sin.) Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat] en el cultivo de cacao: síntomas, ciclo biológico y estrategias de manejo

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    Throughout history, the cocoa crop (Theobroma cacao L.) has been affected by countless diseases, some of these caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maul. Although three Lasiodiplodia species have been reported affecting cocoa plants, L. theobromae is the most studied species both in cocoa and other crops. In recent years this phytopathogen has been gaining importance. In cocoa, L. theobromae can survive in soil and culture remains in the form of pycnidia and chlamydospores, spreading by different factors until reaching the plant tissues, remaining there as an endophyte. The pathogenic fungus can cause young twigs death (a characteristic symptom found in field conditions), fruits rot and mummification, and even vascular dieback. In general, the management of pathogens of the Botryosphaeriaceae family is complex, even more so when the pathogen is already present in the crop area. However, there are genetic, cultural, biological, chemical control measures, among others, that could be integrated and used in cocoa crops. As there is little information about L. theobromae in cocoa crops, we believe that this review will be very helpful for both technicians and researchers.A lo largo de la historia, el cultivo del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) se ha visto afectado por innumerables enfermedades, algunas de estas causadas por Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maul. Aunque han sido reportadas tres especies de Lasiodiplodia afectando plantas de cacao, L. theobromae es la especie más estudiada tanto en cacao como en otros cultivos. En los últimos años este fitopatógeno ha venido tomando importancia. En cacao, L. theobromae puede sobrevivir en el suelo y restos de cultivo en forma de picnidios y clamidósporas, diseminándose por diferentes factores hasta alcanzar los tejidos vegetales, permaneciendo ahí como endófito. El hongo patogénico puede causar muerte de ramillas jóvenes (síntoma característico encontrado en campo), pudrición y momificación de frutos, e incluso muerte regresiva. De manera general, el manejo de patógenos de la familia Botryosphaeriaceae es complejo, más aún cuando el patógeno ya está presente en el local de cultivo. Sin embargo, existen medidas de control genético, cultural, biológico, químico, entre otras, que podrían ser integradas y usadas en el cultivo de cacao. Al existir poca información sobre L. theobromae en el cultivo de cacao, creemos que está revisión será de mucha ayuda tanto para técnicos como para investigadores