International journal of social sciences and humanities
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    272 research outputs found

    Prejudicial conflict mediation, an alternative solution to alleviate the civil procedural burden of the Ecuadorian justice

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    Today, pre-trial mediation of conflicts as an alternative solution to alleviate the civil procedural burden of Ecuadorian justice, a situation that leads to changes in the civil code, civil procedure code and the organic code of the judicial function. Among the problems that cause the conglomeration of the civil procedural burden in Ecuadorian justice, is the judicialization of all conflicts, the complex norms and procedures and the lack of offer of other alternative means of conflict resolution that is fast, efficient, and effective. The objective of the investigation was to know the viability of pre-trial mediation as an efficient, immediate, fast alternative mechanism, with procedural economy, in conflict resolution, to alleviate the civil procedural burden of the Ecuadorian judicial system and the full satisfaction of the parties. The applied methodology had a non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive design, using an instrument that generated results where it can be found that, according to the explorations carried out on pre-trial mediation of conflicts, it can be determined that most legal professionals and authorities, argue that this way of resolving conflicts would help to relieve the civil procedural burden of the courts

    Otonan Ceremony dynamics in Susuan Traditional Village: Hindu religious education perspective

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    This research is classified as qualitative research with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and document study. The data analysis used was from Matthew B. Miles and A Michael Huberman which consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the reasons for the dynamics of the Otonan Ceremony in the Susuan Traditional Village consisted of theological reasons, sociological reasons, and pedagogical reasons. The theological reason is that the Otonan Ceremony is held as an expression of gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the ancestors, Catur Sanak, and other forces that are believed to influence human life. The sociological reason is that there are social dynamics in the Otonan Ceremony as seen from the procedures for inviting, preparing/serving food, carrying out the ceremony, and activities after carrying out the Otonan Ceremony. The pedagogical reason is that in the Otonan Ceremony, there is an educational process of tattwa (cognitive aspect), morals (affective aspect), and ceremony (psychomotor aspect)

    Moderation of supervision in the influence of competence and work motivation on the performance of government goods/services procurement executors in the prevention of corruption crime: Empirical study at Universitas Sriwijaya

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    This research aims to obtain empirical evidence by knowing and analyzing competence and motivation on employee performance with supervision as a moderating variable at Sriwijaya University; this research uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique in this study was a saturated / census sampling technique, and data collection using a questionnaire. The population selected as a sample represents a population of 120 people. The results show that the competence possessed by the executor of government procurement of goods/services at Universitas Sriwijaya is good enough to improve performance in preventing criminal acts of corruption. Furthermore, good employee performance can be influenced by employee motivation. In addition, supervision becomes a moderating variable in the influence of the competence of procurement executors so that it positively impacts improving performance. The leadership of Sriwijaya University is expected to pay more attention to what factors might cause an increase or decrease in employee performance so that policies can be sorted out that are more effectively used in increasing employee motivation and morale

    The effect of entrepreneurial behavior on performance with mediation of affective commitment in vocational schools throughout West Kalimantan

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    The quantitative approach, survey technique, analysis of statistical test data Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-SEM) Wrappls version 7, questionnaire data collection tool and documentation, the population of 3,999 and sample of 254 teachers, 29 public and private SMKs, research locations (3) hinterland districts: Sanggau, Sekadau, Landak districts; (3) coastal districts: Sambas, Mempawah and Kuburaya districts; (2) the city of Pontianak and the city of Singkawang. From the results of the study it was found that entrepreneurial behavior towards affective commitment has a positive and significant effect, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can enhance each other; Entrepreneurship on achievement is positive and significant, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can increase each other; Affective commitment to achievement is positive and significant, has a one-way relationship and can improve; Entrepreneurial behavior on achievement through affective commitment has a positive and significant effect, the hypothesis is in a unidirectional relationship and can enhance each other. This investigation has been able to foster a new model of affective commitment and the development of the concept of achievement in SMKs throughout West Kalimantan

    Development of Mathematical skills in students of basic

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    The objective of the research is to diagnose cognitive abilities in the academic performance of students in Basic Middle School based on learning styles with a constructivist approach in the Cinco de Mayo Fiscomisional Educational Unit in the Basic average period 2022. The results of the research carried out through a diagnostic test are shown, as a way of projecting the national educational dimension in the development of mathematical skills in its various forms. The teaching-learning process presents difficulties that lead to low academic performance.A categorization of topics on knowledge achieved in the block of natural numbers, fractions and statistics was developed. was used as an instrument survey of students natural, fractional and statistical numbers, the qualitative, quantitative and documentary method used, in addition to the inductive and descriptive method. The technique was a structured base test to carry out the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained from the students, on the development of mathematical skills of Basic Media. The diagnosis made resulted in weaknesses in the approach and resolution of exercises that affect academic performance, so there is a need to improve this process through the application of methodological strategies that allow strengthening the teaching-learning process through ICTs

    Asta Brata's leadership in development tourism village in Dukuh Penaban traditional village Karangasem District

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    This study aims to analyze the leadership of asta brata in the development of a tourist village in the Dukuh Penaban Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency. This research is qualitative. The technique of determining informants used purposive sampling, while the method of data collection was in the form of unstructured observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and document studies (documentation). The results of the study show that: (1) the reasons for asta brata leadership are used as a model in the development of a tourist village in the Dukuh Penaban Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency, namely creating positive pluralism, strengthening ideology and leadership character, paving the way in improving the economy, providing reinforcement and promotion of Balinese culture; (2) the actualization of asta brata leadership requires a step by step process, namely the acceptance process, the response process, the selection process, the internalization process, and the actualization of the asta brata leadership teachings in the development of a tourism village in the Dukuh Penaban Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency; and (3) asta brata leadership in the development of a tourism village has implications for the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the people of Dukuh Penaban Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency

    The roles of the Reba Ceremony: A review of cultural anthropology

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    This article conveys the significant issue entitled: “The Roles of Reba Ceremony: A Review of Cultural Anthropology”. This title was raised from the study conducted by Hoban as a team leader, in 2018 which was carried out in Bajawa district, Central Flores. However, the title was inspired by an assumption that the Reba ceremony contains a set of roles that it plays, among others as an instrument to create a harmonious relationship with the Almighty and the Ancestors. This is an important and interesting issue to be discussed in this scientific paper. Then, it aims to examine more deeply the role of the Reba traditional ceremony. Moreover, the problems stated above can be analyzed based on the structural functionalism theory introduced by Talcott Parson (in Pell, 1994:60). He argues that every element in society has a function, which is contributed to maintaining a system as a whole. Related to this theory, the Reba ceremony is an element of the Bhajawa Society of their life system. Based on that theory, the ceremony attached to it has an important role in the life of its people

    The relationship of Islamic work ethic to work culture through innovative work behavior of Madrasah teachers

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    Humans attempt to become knowledgeable and perceptive to be in society. If there is a strong work ethic, teacher achievement will be successful. The value of work, how people behave at work, their sphere, and their work ethic are just a few variables that influence commitment. The study used a quantitative explanatory research technique that uses hypothesis testing to explain the haphazard relationship between variables. Madrasah teachers in the Sambas District were the research subject, and 218 participants were the study's sample size. The findings of this research are: Islamic work ethics have a profoundly beneficial direct impact on creative work practices, workplace culture, and teacher work commitment. Islamic Work Ethic Through Innovative Work Conduct, Islamic Work Ethic ly Positive Impact on Work Culture. Through work culture, the Islamic work ethic significantly enhances teacher work commitment. Through creative work practices and a positive work environment, the Islamic Work Ethic greatly impacts work commitment. Work Meaningfulness significantly improves Innovative Work Behavior and Teaching Work Commitment immediately

    Leadership styles in improving the performance of civil servants at the secretariat of the North Maluku Province

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    In this research, the author employed a qualitative research approach to explore the role of leadership styles in improving civil servant performance at the Secretariat of the North Maluku Province. The study found that the Secretary of the North Maluku Province employed a democratic leadership style, which involved effective communication, collaborative decision-making, and motivation. This leadership style positively influenced civil servant performance and contributed to the achievement of organizational goals. The research also identified challenges in improving civil servant performance, including issues related to employee discipline, limited supporting facilities, and delays in salary processing. These challenges underscore the importance of addressing discipline-related issues and providing necessary resources to enhance performance. In conclusion, the research highlighted the significance of leadership styles in government organizations and their impact on civil servant performance. It emphasized the need for leaders to prioritize employee discipline and create a conducive work environment. Additionally, it called for continuous efforts from civil servants to improve their performance and contribute to organizational success

    The religious role of the leadership of the Mosalaki Wonda, Ndori Clan, Lio Ethnicity, Ende District

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    This article is intended to explore a theme, “The Religious Role of The Leadership of Mosalaki Wonda, Ndori Clan, Lio Ethnicity, Ende District”. It raises the issue of how important is the religious functions of the Mosalaki (traditional leader) as a manager of the people in Wonda village. And it is designed to describe the duties given to him. Actually, in that area, the traditional leader has several jobs, but on this occasion, only discussed a religious role of him who can be an example for his citizens. The problem mentioned above can be analized based on the social theory promoted by Horton, Hunt, Soekanto, and Koentjaraningrat. All the informations related to the problem have been obtained through qualitative approaches and completed with some methods such as interview, oboservation, and documentary study. Mostly, the researchers take notes to what they observe, read some of references. As well as they used camera to record the utterences spoken by the interviewrs. Then, the data can be analyzed by using a model of analysis as recognized as iterative spiral which promoteb by Lan Dey


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    International journal of social sciences and humanities
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