1,362 research outputs found

    International trends in fresh avocado and avocado oil production and seasonal variation of fatty acids in New Zealand-grown cv. Hass : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Applied Science in Agribusiness at Massey University

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    Intensive cultivation of avocados for commercial purposes began in California and Florida and later in Israel, South Africa and Chile. Although a range of avocado cultivars are grown, Hass is the world's most widely-grown and exported cultivar. Avocado fruit has shown good commercial perspectives and planted areas show a tendency to increase. World production of avocado has grown on average 4.3% (over 760.000 MT) between 1988 and 1998. The main producers of avocado are Mexico (34%), USA (8%), Dominican Republic (7%), Indonesia (6%) Brazil (4%) and Israel (4%), Chile (2.4%), Spain (3%) and South Africa (2%) which during 1997 contributed together to 70% of the world production. Avocado world trade has increased greatly from 57,576 tonnes in 1980 to 238,306 tonnes in 1997. In 1997, the main players in the export market were Israel, Mexico, South Africa, USA and Chile. The main importers of this fruit were in Europe: Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and in America: the USA and Canada and in Asia: Japan has emerged as a strong market since 1995. Average prices paid per metric ton have decreased over the years as higher volumes of fruit are traded and new exporters enter into the business. Avocado producer countries will face major challenges because of increasing production and low prices over the short and medium term. With the exception of Mexico, Israel and the U.S. the rest of the studied country producers are fairly new in the industry, thus, they possess great potential for growing. In New Zealand avocados are mainly cultivated in the North Island specifically in the Bay of Plenty and Northland areas. The New Zealand avocado Industry is based on the Hass cultivar. Avocado trees in New Zealand continue to be widely planted and with the entrance of new growers, in the future, the orchard area will continue to increase. The avocado industry in New Zealand is export driven. New Zealand's main export markets are Australia and recently the United States. Actual Australian market dominance by New Zealand would be reduced in the following 5 years due to a constant increase in Australian domestic avocado production. Since 1996, the U.S. has become an important market of destination for New Zealand avocados. Traditional supplier of the U.S. market has been Chile and it represents New Zealand's main competitor In avocado export leader countries usually the local market is supplied with fruit that does not meet export (usually strict) quality requirements. Great increases in production and export volumes are expected, therefore, it is forecast that large volumes of low price rated avocados would exist and would force the industry to look for alternative uses for avocados. Those avocados rejected during classification for export markets mainly due to defects in cosmetic appearance might be used for avocado oil extraction. The oil industry generally considered a by- product of the fresh fruit industry. For the multiplicity of applications and high prices that it achieves, avocado oil represents an interesting industry that should be further researched. Lipids are an important part of the composition of avocado fruit for a range of reasons. They contribute significantly to the taste of the fruit, and are used indirectly as a means of defining maturity since they correlate highly with dry matter. Although there has been some work carried out in New Zealand examining lipid changes and maturity, there has been no examination of the fatty acid makeup of the lipids, how they vary between regions, and what the lipid content is later in a commercial season. Such information is important from a fruit quality, health and marketing points of view. On seven occasions between September 1998 and April 1999, fruit from two orchards located in Te Puke and the Far North were harvested and analysed for dry matter, lipid content and fatty acid composition. Dry matter assessments were carried out using the commercial method and, the lipid fraction was extracted using a modification of the Bligh and Dyer technique. Later, the fatty acid analysis of the lipids was carried out by gas chromatography. Average dry matter increased over the period of study (September to April). Dry matter for Te Puke fruit increased from 24.6% to 36.4%, while dry matter from the Far North fruit increased from 24.1% to 32.3% over the same period of time. Total lipid content increased from 17.2% to 31.3% in Te Puke and from 16.4% to 26.7% in the Far North from September to April. The results imply that fruit from Te Puke could be preferred from the point of view of oil extraction because higher yields can be obtained than from fruit from the Far North. It was found a high and positive relationship exists between total lipids and dry matter content in avocados. During the study period, fruit from Te Puke showed consistently higher lipid content (and dry matter content) than fruit from the Far North. At both sites, the beneficial monounsaturated oleic acid was the major fatty acid synthesised, however, fruit from Te Puke showed higher levels of oleic acid than fruit from the Far North. From the nutrition point of view the ratio of monounsaturated (oleic and palmitoleic acid) to saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid) and the ratio of polyunsaturated (linoleic and linolenic acid) to saturated fatty acids found for the Far North and Te Puke regions compare favourably with those of the recommended olive oil. Due to similarities in lipid composition between olive oil and avocado oil, it can be implied that the high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado will be beneficial to lower blood lipids as olive oil does. The food industry makes use of avocado oil to prepare concentrated foods, while the cosmetics industry prepares lotions and soaps for hair and skin treatments. Lastly, prestigious laboratories are also analysing the property of the flesh and oil for medical purposes. The information compiled here confirms that avocado oil compares to olive oil and can be regarded as a high- value product from the nutritional and the commercial point of view. On current production trends in New Zealand, the likelihood of an oil-extraction plant is not remote. An oil industry in New Zealand would benefit the growers because it will absorb the surplus of avocados in the local market that otherwise would compete with their first grade fruit

    Differences between immigrant and national students in motivational variables and classroom-motivational-climate perception

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    Subject to file availability and provided the posting includes a prominent statement of the full bibliographical details, a copyright notice in the name of the copyright holder (Cambridge University Press or the sponsoring Society, as appropriate), and a link to the online edition of the journal at Cambridge Journals Online.The objective of this study is to see whether Immigrant (IM) and Spanish (National) students (SP) need different kinds of help from teachers due to differences in motivation, family expectancies and interests and classroom-motivational-climate perception. A sample of Secondary Students -242 Spanish and 243 Immigrants- completed questionnaires assessing goal orientations and expectancies, family attitudes towards academic work, perception of classroom motivational climate and of its effects, satisfaction, disruptive behavior and achievement. ANOVAs showed differences in many of the motivational variables assessed as well as in family attitudes. In most cases, Immigrant students scored lower than Spanish students in the relevant variables. Regression analyses showed that personal and family differences were related to student’s satisfaction, achievement and disruptive behavior. Finally, multi-group analysis of classroom-motivational-climate (CMC) showed similarities and differences in the motivational value attributed by IM and SP to each specific teaching pattern that configure the CMC. IM lower self-esteem could explain these results, whose implications for teaching and research are discussed.El objetivo de este estudio es examinar si los estudiantes inmigrantes (IM) y los (nacionales) españoles (SP) necesitan diferentes tipos de ayudas de sus profesores debido a las diferencias que pueda haber entre ellos en motivación, expectativas familiares, intereses y percepción del clima motivacional de clase. Una muestra de alumnos de Secundaria –242 españoles y 243 inmigrantes– completaron cuestionarios que evaluaban su orientación a metas, sus expectativas, las actitudes familiares hacia el trabajo escolar, la percepción del clima motivacional de clase y sus efectos, su nivel de satisfacción escolar, la conducta disruptiva y los logros académicos. Varios ANOVAs pusieron de manifiesto las diferencias en muchas de las variables motivacionales evaluadas así como en las actitudes familiares. En la mayoría de los casos los inmigrantes puntuaron más bajo que los españoles en las variables relevantes. Asimismo, los análisis de regresión mostraron que las diferencias personales y familiares se relacionaban con la satisfacción de los alumnos, su rendimiento y sus conductas disruptivas. Finalmente, el análisis multigrupo del Clima Motivacional de Clase (CMC) puso de manifiesto las semejanzas y diferencias entre el valor motivacional atribuido por los IM y los SP a cada una de las pautas docentes que configuran el CMC. La menor autoestima de los IM podría explicar estos resultados cuyas implicaciones para la enseñanza se comentan.This research was supported by the grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, SEJ2005-00994

    Periodic shock-emission from acoustically driven cavitation clouds:a source of the subharmonic signal

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    Single clouds of cavitation bubbles, driven by 254 kHz focused ultrasound at pressure amplitudes in the range of 0.48–1.22 MPa, have been observed via high-speed shadowgraphic imaging at 1 × 10⁶ frames per second. Clouds underwent repetitive growth, oscillation and collapse (GOC) cycles, with shock-waves emitted periodically at the instant of collapse during each cycle. The frequency of cloud collapse, and coincident shock-emission, was primarily dependent on the intensity of the focused ultrasound driving the activity. The lowest peak-to-peak pressure amplitude of 0.48 MPa generated shock-waves with an average period of 7.9 ± 0.5 μs, corresponding to a frequency of f₀/2, half-harmonic to the fundamental driving. Increasing the intensity gave rise to GOC cycles and shock-emission periods of 11.8 ± 0.3, 15.8 ± 0.3, 19.8 ± 0.2 μs, at pressure amplitudes of 0.64, 0.92 and 1.22 MPa, corresponding to the higher-order subharmonics of f₀/3, f₀/4 and f₀/5, respectively. Parallel passive acoustic detection, filtered for the fundamental driving, revealed features that correlated temporally to the shock-emissions observed via high-speed imaging, p(two-tailed) 200 μm diameter, at maximum inflation), that developed under insonations of peak-to-peak pressure amplitudes >1.0 MPa, emitted shock-waves with two or more fronts suggesting non-uniform collapse of the cloud. The observations indicate that periodic shock-emissions from acoustically driven cavitation clouds provide a source for the cavitation subharmonic signal, and that shock structure may be used to study intra-cloud dynamics at sub-microsecond timescales

    Desarrollo y validación del Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional de la Familia (C-CMF)

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    The goal of this study was to develop and validate the Family Motivational Climate Questionnaire (FMCQ). Parental involvement (PI) affects children’s academic orientations. However, PI questionnaires had not considered parenting behaviours from the perspective of motivational theories. It was therefore decided to develop the FMCQ. Method: 570 Secondary-School students formed the sample. To validate the FMCQ, confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analysis and correlation and regression analyses were conducted. Children’s attribution to parents of perceived change in motivational variables affecting achievement, were used as external criteria. Results: Results support most of the hypotheses either related to the FMCQ structure or to its moderating role as predictor of school achievement and of attribution to parents of changes in different motivational variables —interest, effort, perceived ability, success expectancies, resilience, and satisfaction. Conclusions: The results underline the importance of acting on FMC-components in order to improve Children’s motivation and achievementEl objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar y validar el Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional de la Familia (CCMF). La implicación de los padres (IP) en la vida académica de sus hijos afecta al modo en que éstos afrontan el trabajo escolar. Sin embargo, en los cuestionarios que evalúan la IP no se ha valorado el contenido a incluir desde las teorías motivacionales. Por eso se decidió desarrollar el CCMF. Método: 570 alumnos de Secundaria constituyeron la muestra del estudio. Para validar el CCMF se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios, de fiabilidad, correlaciones y regresión. El grado en que los hijos atribuyen a los padres cambios en variables motivacionales que afectan al rendimiento se utilizó como criterio externo. Resultados: los resultados apoyan la mayoría de las hipótesis, tanto sobre la estructura del cuestionario, como sobre su valor moderador como predictores del rendimiento y del grado en que los hijos atribuyen a los padres cambios en diferentes variables motivacionales —interés, esfuerzo, habilidad percibida, expectativas de éxito y satisfacción—. Conclusiones: en conjunto, los resultados subrayan la importancia de actuar sobre los componentes del CCMF para mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento de los hijo


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    El estado nutricional es la situación en la que se encuentra una persona en relación con la ingesta y adaptaciones fisiológicas que tienen lugar tras el ingreso de nutriente

    Metodología de implementación de una cultura organizacional basada en el sistema Coso-ERM para la unidad de auditoría interna en una institución financiera en Quito

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    La crisis cambió dramáticamente la actitud y el enfoque de las Instituciones Financieras hacia el riesgo muchas de las entidades han adoptado o están adoptando un enfoque más integral, que requiere la implantación de una cultura que genere conciencia sobre la responsabilidad en la identificación del riesgo, de todos los niveles, independientemente de su jerarquía. Las posibilidades de incremento de riesgo y error en el procesamiento dependen en gran medida de la complejidad de las operaciones. Los factores que inciden en la complejidad, entre las más importantes, son: el número de subprocesos que abarca; la participación de varias áreas, número de personas que intervienen; organizaciones de servicio (proveedores externos): tiempo de respuesta para cumplir un ciclo completo, (eficiencia del proceso); y, complejidad tecnológica requerida; y, eficiencia del personal en la ejecución de sus funciones. Fue necesario revisar el COSO ERM como marco de referencia en la aplicación de la Auditoría Basada en Riesgos, y así establecer lineamientos en los cuales deben enfocarse las revisiones de auditoría, la misma que inicia con una adecuada planificación. Esta información permitió presentar una metodología para aplicarse en el área de Auditoría Interna y así poder realizar una adecuada planificación de los procesos, tomando en cuenta su nivel de riesgo (alto, moderado y bajo) permitiendo conocer la periodicidad de que procesos se deben priorizar en las revisiones anuales. Por último, se presenta una Matriz de Factores de Riesgo como parte importante de la metodología de tal manera que su implementación se convierta en una cultura organizacional teniendo como eje principal el Control Interno y la minimización de riesgos, y esta metodología se puede manejar como herramienta de gestión que permita identificar y controlar los riesgos

    Gestión administrativa y calidad del servicio alimentario en la Institución Educativa N°10129 beneficiaria del programa Qali Warma, Jayanca

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación de la gestión administrativa y calidad del servicio alimentario en la Institución Educativa N°10129 beneficiaria del programa Qali Warma, Jayanca, esta investigación tuvo como tipo de estudio correlacional, retrospectiva y su diseño no experimental, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 12 personas que laboran en la institución y 32 estudiantes, como técnica se utilizó la encuesta, se utilizó instrumentos validados y confiables. Los resultados son: en la dimensión elementos tangibles un 41% no están conformes se requiere utensilios para servir los alimentos, 47% admite que se tiene un mejor espacio en almacén, la confiabilidad del servicio 47% debe mejorarse en la preparación de alimentos que sean nutritivos, capacidad de respuesta es buena 88% y capacidad de servicio es de 91% y la gestión administrativa, la planeación es positiva 42%, la organización 50% es buena, el 75% considera que la dirección buena y control es bueno para el 88%. Concluye aceptando la hipótesis propuesta, precisando que existe correlación entre las variables, ya que el grado de significancia fue 0.029 y el nivel de relación alta 0.628 significativa