453 research outputs found

    El neokantismo en el joven Heidegger

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    En este artículo queremos analizar los primeros cursos y escritos de Heidegger intentando aclarar las razones de su progresivo alejamiento del ámbito neokantiano hacia la asunción del método fenomenológico. Dedicaremos especial importancia a la comparación con la obra de Emil Lask, pensador fundamental para la génesis de la filosofía heideggeriana. El punto de llegada de nuestro recorrido será el esbozo del porqué Heidegger considera necesario un planteamiento hermenéutico de la fenomenología.In this article we intend to analyze Heidegger’s early courses and writings, trying to explain the reasons of his progressive departure from the neokantian field towards the acquisition of the phenomenological method. We will dedicate special attention to the comparison with the work of Emil Lask, a fundamental thinker for the genesis of Heidegger’s philosophy. The ending point of our path will be the outline of Heidegger’s reasons to consider that a hermeneutic approach to phenomenology is necessary

    Natorpo kritika Husserliui ir jos reikšmė hermeneutiniam Heideggerio fenomenologijos pokyčiui

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    This article will show how Natorp’s criticism of Husserlian phenomenology was one of the most important triggers of the hermeneutical transformation of Heideggerian phenomenology. Concepts like hermeneutical intuition, or tools like formal indication, are the means that Heidegger worked out in order to preserve the phenomenological access to pre-theoretical life as it gives itself. The first part of this article is devoted to presenting Natorp’s criticisms of Husserl’s phenomenology and Husserl’s attempts to answer them. The second part will illustrate how Heidegger, criticizing Natorp, retrieves the validity of the phenomenological intuition and expression by opening up their original, pre-theoretical meanings. It will conclude with a few critical remarks concerning Heidegger’s attempt to describe the motivation of philosophical activity in transcendental terms.Straipsnyje parodoma, kad Natorpo kritika Husserlio fenomenologijai buvo vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, paskatinusių hermeneutinę Husserlio fenomenologijos transformaciją. Tokie konceptai kaip hermeneutinė intuicija ar tokie įrankiai kaip formalioji indikacija yra Heideggerio sugalvoti būdai išsaugoti fenomenologinę prieigą prie ikiteorinio gyvenimo, kaip jis pats save pateikia. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje pristatoma Natorpo kritika Husserlio fenomenologijai ir Husserlio bandymai į ją atsakyti. Antroje dalyje iliustruojama, kaip Heideggeris, kritikuodamas Natorpą, atkuria fenomenologinės intuicijos ir išraiškos pagrįstumą atverdamas jų originaliąsias, ikiteoretines reikšmes. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiamos kelios kritinės pastabos, susijusios su Heideggerio bandymais apibūdinti filosofinės veiklos motyvaciją per transcendentines sąvokas

    The genealogy of the theoretical. heideggerian readings of Husserl and Aristotle.

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    En este artículo quiero recorrer los pasos que, según el joven Heidegger, llevan al surgimiento de la actitud teorética a través de una transformación de la actitud natural de nuestro estar en el mundo. En la primera parte, presento algunos aspectos esenciales de las categorías heideggerianas de la vida pre-teorética. En la segunda, señalo cómo esta genealogía produce una diferencia esencial respecto al planteamiento fenomenológico de Husserl. En la tercera parte, muestro un paralelismo entre la genealogía de lo teorético de Heidegger y la que se encuentra en el primer libro de la Metafísica de Aristóteles. En la conclusión expongo por qué, para Heidegger, el prejuicio aristotélico acerca del movimiento origina la absolutización de lo teorético que persiste en la historia de la filosofía hasta la actualidad.post-print382 K

    Conocimiento y donación entre Rickert y Heidegger.

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    En el presente artículo analizamos el problema de la donación en la filosofía neokantiana de Heinrich Rickert y la crítica que Martin Heidegger le dirigió desde el marco de la fenomenología. Gracias a un análisis previo de las estructuras fundamentales de la teoría del conocimiento de Rickert, intentaremos mostrar cómo la interpretación rickertiana de la donación permite captar algunos aspectos esenciales de las diferencias entre Kant y la filosofía transcendental de los valores. Finalmente, mostraremos cómo Heidegger critica la reducción de la donación a una categoría teorética por un lado y extiende su ámbito de aplicación al horizonte preteorético por el otro.In this paper we will analyze the problem of givenness in Heinrich Rickert’s Neo-Kantian philosophy and the critique Martin Heidegger aimed at it from the phenomenological framework. Thanks to a previous analysis of the basic structures of Rickert’s theory of knowledge, our intention is to show how his interpretation of givenness allows to capture some essential features of the difference between Kant and the transcendental philosophy of values. Lastly, we will show how Heidegger, on the one hand criticizes the reduction of givenness to a theoretical category and, on the other hand, widens its scope to the pre-theoretical horizon.post-print327 K

    O uso da ciência brasileira na educação em saúde : um relato reflexivo sobre o tema da vacinação no ensino fundamental

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    A Educação em Saúde voltada à temática de vacinação justifica-se na emergência global do assunto, devido a pandemia vivenciada causada pelo vírus Sars-Cov-2 no ano de 2020. Com isso, torna-se necessário uma conscientização dos estudantes quanto ao tema e ao reconhecimento da saúde pública brasileira historicamente. A atividade foi desenvolvida com 85 estudantes do 7º ano dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental em uma escola pública estadual, no modelo de Ensino Híbrido, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Desencadeada pela pergunta direcionadora: “De que forma a Educação em Saúde reflete no aprendizado dos estudantes do 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental, na perspectiva do conteúdo de vacinas e a Ciência brasileira?”. Objetivando refletir a respeito da temática Educação em Saúde, com ênfase nos temas de produção e sistema de vacinação brasileiros, reconhecidos mundialmente, na perspectiva da pandemia de Sars-Cov-2. Assim, a professora pesquisadora realizou um relato reflexivo sobre o desenvolvimento da proposta de atividade. Por meio do ciclo da pesquisa em sala de aula, a saber: questionamento, argumentação e comunicação, a professora pesquisadora instigou os estudantes na construção de seus argumentos sobre o tema com visitas virtuais aos institutos Butantan e Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, institutos públicos fornecedores das principais vacinas do Plano Nacional de Imunização e reconhecidos internacionalmente por suas pesquisas e história na área da Ciência. Com isso, a comunicação das descobertas e síntese dos conhecimentos dos estudantes em suas visitas virtuais se deu pela construção de mapas conceituais. Dessa forma, a compreensão das contribuições da Educação em Saúde, foram refletidos e alcançados, sendo a principal contribuição do estudo a importância da discussão em relação aos assuntos de legislação com os estudantes, não apenas relacionado à Educação em Saúde como proposto aqui. É preciso que os estudantes conheçam seus direitos e deveres, mas ainda, que exerçam a cidadania conhecendo as façanhas históricas da Ciência, como disparador das reflexões. Sendo a Ciência brasileira, consagrada até os dias atuais por suas inúmeras contribuições aos estudos e pesquisas de diferentes áreas.Health Education focused on vaccination is an emerging global theme, due to the pandemic scenario caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Therefore, the awareness of students in this subject becomes essential, in order to recognize the Brazilian’s public health history. The proposed activity was developed in e-learning model, with 85 7th grade students of a public Elementary School of Rio Grande do Sul State. The activity's guiding question was: "How does Health Education reflect on the learning of 7th grade Elementary School students, considering the vaccination and Brazilian Science?”. Based on this question, a reflection of Health Education theme was proposed, with an emphasis on the Brazilian production and vaccination system, which are recognized worldwide. Thus, the researcher teacher made a reflective report of the proposal activity development. Through the cycle of in-classroom research (questioning, argumentation and communication), the teacher instigated the students to build their arguments about the proposal subject, using virtual tours to the Butantan Institute and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, public institutes that supply the main vaccines of the National Immunization Plan and internationally recognized for their research and history in Science. The discoveries communication and students' knowledge synthesis was made through the concept maps construction. With this methodology, the understanding of Health Education contributions was achieved. The main conclusion of this work was the importance of the legislation issues discussion with students, not only related to Health Education as proposed here. It is necessary that students know their rights and duties, as well as exercise citizenship knowing the historical achievements of Science as a trigger for reflection. The Brazilian Science has always been recognized for its numerous contributions to research in different areas

    Ludwig Feuerbach: extensión y reducción del hombre

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    Husserl secondo Jean-Luc Marion

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    Micro-Raman characterizations of Pompei'smortars

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    The ancient town of Pompei offers a unique opportunity to study in detail many aspects of the every day life during the Roman early imperial age. The application of micro-Raman spectroscopy can be of great help in performing a reasonably rapid comparative analysis of the mortars, quite useful to ascertain the degree of uniformity of the technical recipes among the various building firms and the eventual technical evolution in the time; moreover, the individuation of minerals of specific geographical origins can give useful information about the extension of commercial intercourses. An example of a micro-Raman investigation on building materials is reported in this work, concerning the analysis of the mortars coming from different points of the wall in the 'The House of the Wedding of Hercules'. Remarkable differences between ancient and modern mortars are found, allowing a discrimination that can be useful in the case of historical building which underwent several restoration works. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    La donación en Husserl. Del neokantismo a la fenomenología.

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    In this paper we want to expose the different meanings that Husserl assigns to the concept of givenness and given in the framework of his static phenomenology (basically Logical Investigations, Ideen 1 and his Logos-Artikel of 1911). The importance of the concept of Gegebenheit will help us to clarify the basic differences between the phenomenological and the neo-kantian (especially Heinrich Rickert’s) approach about the question of knowledge in the frame of transcendental philosophy. Moreover, on the basis of these differences we will try to clarify some basic frames of the phenomenological method like intentionality, constitution, categorical intuition and transcendental reduction.pre-print735 K