59 research outputs found

    Nils P. Heessel, Divinatorische Texte II. Opferschau-Omina (Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts 5, WVDOG 139)

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    Cet énorme travail est une édition systématique des textes hépatoscopiques provenant de la ville d’Assur. Une partie de ces textes avait été copiée par Ebeling dans ses Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts (KAR), mais jamais étudiée systématiquement. L’auteur reprend tous les textes de KAR, les copie parfois à neuf (l’édition des foies inscrits est particulièrement réussie) et ajoute un grand nombre de textes nouveaux provenant surtout du musée de Berlin, mais aussi d’Istanbul ou d’a..

    The Dogs of Ninkilim, part two: Babylonian rituals to counter field pests

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    This article presents editions of all the extant Babylonian incantations against field pests. The sources date to the first millennium BC and many have not been published before. They are mostly tablets of the Neo-Assyrian period, from Ashurbanipal's library at Nineveh, but the corpus also contains some Neo-Babylonian fragments from Nineveh, as well as a tablet from Sultantepe (ancient Huzirina) and two Late Babylonian tablets from southern Mesopotamia. Some of the pieces certainly belong to a series called in antiquity Zu-buru-dabbeda “To Seize the Locust-Tooth”, a compendium of incantations and rituals designed to combat by magic means the destruction of crops by locusts, insect larvae and other pests; other pieces are parts of related and similar texts. Some of the rituals require the observation of the Goat-star rising above the eastern horizon, which suggests they were performed at night as a precautionary measure during the winter months of the barley-growing season

    New Investigations in the Environment, History and Archaeology of the Iraqi Hilly Flanks: Shahrizor Survey Project 2009-2011

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    Recent palaeoenvironmental, historical, and archaeological investigations, primarily consisting of site reconnaissance, in the Shahrizor region within the province of Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan are bringing to light new information on the region’s social and socio-ecological development. This paper summarises two seasons of work by researchers from German, British, Dutch, and Iraqi-Kurdish institutions working in the survey region. Palaeoenvironmental data have determined that during the Pleistocene many terraces developed which came to be occupied by a number of the larger tell sites in the Holocene. In the sedimentary record, climatic and anthropogenic patterns are noticeable, and alluviation has affected the recovery of archaeological remains through site burial in places. Historical data show the Shahrizor shifting between periods of independence, either occupied by one regional state or several smaller entities, and periods that saw the plain’s incorporation within large empires, often in a border position. New archaeological investigations have provided insight into the importance of the region as a transit centre between Western Iran and northern and southern Mesopotamia, with clear material culture links recovered. Variations between periods’ settlement patterns and occupations are also beginning to emerge

    Dans le cadre d'une politique qualité d'entreprise, quelle place pour la politique d'archivage ?

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    A travers l'exemple de la société Segula Technologies, ce travail s'interroge sur les relations entre politique qualité et politique d'archivage. Après avoir rappelé l'historique et les objectifs du management de la qualité, ce mémoire s'attache à démontrer les relations qui existent entre les normes qualité et les normes sur l'archivage. Il en ressort qu'une gestion rigoureuse des archives est indispensable à une entreprise qui souhaite obtenir la certification ISO 9001. Cette étude termine sur la préconisation de solutions à mettre en place, afin de parvenir au but qu'elle s'est fixée : développer une politique d'archivage au service de la politique qualité de Segula Technologies

    La Théodicée babylonienne d’après les traductions posthumes de Jean Bottéro

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    Cavigneaux Antoine. La Théodicée babylonienne d’après les traductions posthumes de Jean Bottéro. In: ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, n°9, 2014. pp. 107-124

    Peut-on comprendre le Silbenvokabular?

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