4,197 research outputs found

    Analog of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality for steering

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    The Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality (and its permutations), are necessary and sufficient criteria for Bell nonlocality in the simplest Bell-nonlocality scenario: 2 parties, 2 measurements per party and 2 outcomes per measurement. Here we derive an inequality for EPR-steering that is an analogue of the CHSH, in that it is necessary and sufficient in this same scenario. However, since in the case of steering the device at Bob's site must be specified (as opposed to the Bell case in which it is a black box), the scenario we consider is that where Alice performs two (black-box) dichotomic measurements, and Bob performs two mutually unbiased qubit measurements. We show that this inequality is strictly weaker than the CHSH, as expected, and use it to decide whether a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 130401 (2013).] involving a single-photon split between two parties has demonstrated EPR-steering.Comment: Expanded v2, new results, new figure. 9 pages, 2 figure

    Social entrepreneurship and social change: a practice-based study in non-governmental organizations

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    Purpose – This paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship (SE) practices give rise to social change in the context of urban Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – The study draws on a broader inductive, ethnographic and iterative practice-based study conducted in three Brazilian non-governmental organizations. Findings – Social change is established through intertwined practices that involve active interplay of ambivalent positive and negative feelings associated with the social mission pursued by the social enterprise; flat organizational structures that encourage participation and taking of ownership among all stakeholders; and focused organizational objectives (social purposes). Research limitations/implications – The paper presents an analytical framework composed of five propositions that may be used in future research aimed at maturing and refining the understanding of SE. The study also provides a methodological contribution for future studies of new phenomenon and young fields of research that often must rely on inductive methodologies, by demonstrating how an iterative thematic analysis can be used in practice-based studies. Practical implications – This paper has practical implications directly connected to its social implications, because understanding how social change is achieved may enhance the effectiveness of SE practitioners in bringing desired changes about. Furthermore, the discussion also provided insights for practitioners to reflect upon the paradoxical nature of practices aimed at social change. Originality/value – The study suggests a set of propositions and an original definition of SE that mitigates conceptual inconsistencies found in literature drawing on empirical data and by incorporating the political lens found in practice theory

    From the Ottoman millet to neo-milletism:Israel and Lebanon in comparison

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    The proposed article introduces the main features of the millet system of personal laws, which is considered the most emblematic and oldest example of personal federalism adopted by the Ottoman Empire and maintained, in different forms, in some contemporary States. The first part of the contribution outlines the origin of the millet system, founded on the Islamic institute of dhimma, as well as its fundamentals and functioning under the Ottoman Empire. In so doing, particular emphasis is placed on the logic underlying the Ottoman millet system, as well as the main differences between this prototype of personal federalism and the protection of minorities,as conceived within the Western legal tradition. Moreover, the proposed contribution foregrounds a rather complex picture of Ottoman pluralism. Although, in principle, the millet system portrayed the society as made up of homogeneous communities, each millet was characterized by multiple ethnic, linguistic, and cultural realities. Indeed, intra-millets dynamism and the interactions between different tai'fe – i.e., smaller units within the millets - allowed for the crossing of identity boundaries within the religious groups. The second part of the paper addresses the influence of the Ottoman millet in Israel and Lebanon, where neo-millets systems grant recognized religious communities a large degree of administrative and jurisdictional autonomy, as well as, in Lebanon, the right to be represented in the parliament, the government and the public administration

    Workplace diversity in Portugal: a qualitative analysis of initiatives implemented by diversity charter signatory organisations

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    Diversity, as one of the most representative aspects in contemporary societies, has been a topic of research of many disciplines since the 1950s (Crisp, 2010; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998). Nevertheless, it remains a great challenge to society, and, by extension, to its organisations. The Diversity Charters’ initiative represents a collective effort that seeks to foster diversity and inclusion in organisations. In 2017, the Portuguese Charter promoted the first edition of an award to acknowledge inspiring practices in diversity management. The present study sought to analyse the applications submitted for the inaugural edition of the Diversity Stamp, seeking to gain knowledge on how diversity was framed by the organisations in their submission, as well as to identify and present the dimensions of diversity explored, and types of initiatives that were enacted. A sample of 13 applications, drafted by six of the participating organisations, was analysed within the framework of thematic analysis. It was found that diversity was described as an asset by the participants, who mostly covered age, gender, disabilities, cultural background, and socioeconomic status as dimensions of diversity in their practices. Additionally, three broad approaches to diversity were identified: employee welfare (including work-life balance); tackling biases; and social responsibility. The results are discussed in light of the literature on diversity management, according to the relevant identified themes. Recommendations for future applicants and for future research are presented.A diversidade, um dos aspectos mais representativos das sociedades contemporâneas, tem sido tema de pesquisa desde a década de 1950 (Crisp, 2010; Williams & O'Reilly, 1998). No entanto, continua a ser um grande desafio para a sociedade e, por extensão, para as organizações. A iniciativa das Cartas para a Diversidade representa um esforço coletivo que busca promover a diversidade e a inclusão nas organizações. Em 2017, a Carta Portuguesa promoveu a primeira edição de um prémio de reconhecimento de práticas inspiradoras na gestão da diversidade. O presente estudo pretendeu analisar as candidaturas apresentadas para a edição inaugural do Selo da Diversidade, procurando conhecer como a diversidade foi enquadrada pelas organizações, bem como identificar e apresentar as dimensões da diversidade exploradas e os tipos de iniciativas implementadas. Uma amostra de 13 candidaturas, elaboradas por seis organizações, foi analisada no quadro de uma análise temática. Verificou-se que a diversidade foi descrita como uma mais-valia pelos participantes, que, maioritariamente, cobriram a idade, o género, as deficiências, o contexto cultural e o status socio-económico como dimensões da diversidade nas suas práticas. Além disso, foram identificadas três abordagens gerais à diversidade: bem-estar dos trabalhadores (incluindo o equilíbrio entre vida profissional e familiar); combate aos preconceitos; e responsabilidade social. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura sobre gestão da diversidade, de acordo com os temas identificados. São apresentadas recomendações para futuros/as candidatos/as e para futuras pesquisas

    Could pre-diabetes be considered a clinical condition? opinions from an endocrinologist and a cardiologist

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    The prevalence of pre-diabetes is increasing worldwide and may start 7 to 10 years before the clinical diagnosis of diabetes. In this stage the presence and accumulation of risk factors is common and already implies an increase in cardiovascular risk. Likewise, the onset of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), mainly coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease can also take place, all of which account for high rates of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Considering pre-diabetes as a clinical entity, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments are indicated with drugs which have shown clinical benefits related to reduction in morbidity and mortality. However, there is still need for new long-term studies to assess the real benefits of several new therapeutical approaches, as well as its cost-effectiveness

    Semblanza bioliteraria de una escritora polémica: la iluminada y maldita Elena Garro

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016De familia católica – ella misma se auto definía “católica guadalupana” – fue el espíritu de justicia y solidaridad de la escritora mexicana Elena Garro quien incitó a su esposo Octavio Paz a acercarse de los desposeídos. Y aunque fuera él progresista, fue ella quien lo empujó a comprometerse, llevándolo a conocer los aborígenes de Yucatán. En la pareja, ella jugaba el papel de personaje más práctico, curioso, activista. Incansable, escribía artículos feroces. Valiente, acusaba al sistema, dándoles los nombres a los responsables por las iniquidades e ilegalidades que cometían en relación a la mujer, a los indios y campesinos. A menudo, esa postura radical, esa franqueza que no conocía límites ni clemencia, y esa sinceridad punzante trasformada en acciones, desconcertaba y enfurecía quienes se mantenían, según ella, inermes. Por otra parte, su coraje desmedido, que la hacía desplazarse a rincones presuntamente peligrosos, en donde vivían los miserables, solía ser confundido como un rasgo de locura de una mujer paranoica. Ahora bien, como observa Rebecca E. Biron (Elena Garro and Mexico's Modern Dreams, 2014), la escritora, pese a ser tan cáustica respecto a lo que consideraba mal carácter e hipocresía de sus compañeros literarios y agentes culturales, “jamás cesó de esperar su admiración y respeto” (Trad.) (Biron, 2014, p. 7). Osada en su vida, igualmente lo era en su escritura. Afanosamente tejía, en su arte literario, la compleja artesanía de las palabras, formas, tramas y personajes, en pro de la perfección artística, como se puede comprobar en su obra maestra Los Recuerdos del Porvenir (2010)UNILA­-UNIOEST

    Brazilian nationalistic elements in the Brasilianas of Osvaldo Lacerda

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    Brazilian composer Osvaldo Lacerda (b. 1927) is an important figure in the Brazilian nationalist school of composition, following the tradition of Camargo Guarnieri. This study examines Brazilian nationalistic elements in the Brasilianas, a series of twelve suites for piano composed by Lacerda. These piano suites, written between 1965 and 1993, each comprise four movements, utilizing a wide variety of genres. This monograph is divided into three chapters. The first chapter provides a background on Brazilian history and Brazilian musical nationalism. The second chapter consists of information about Lacerda. The third chapter contains historical aspects and musical characteristics of the genres used in the pieces followed by a brief analytical comment

    Alegorias em ação

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    As alegorias são elementos expressivos integrantes das narrativas e performances rituais do festival dos Bois Bumbás de Parintins/Amazonas e do desfile das escolas de samba cariocas. São arte ritual por excelência, posto que feitas para serem integralmente consumidas em seu uso. Sua função nesses dois festivais espetaculares é eminentemente performativa, pois seu consumo ritual produz efeitos decisivos na dinâmica das apresentações. A comunicação examina as funções, significados e usos das alegorias no contexto do Bumbá de Parintins elaborando as noções de maravilhamento e de risco para sua compreensão


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    Immediate adverse reactions to intravenous iodinated contrast media in computed tomography

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    Pesquisa quantitativa, exploratório-descritiva, de caráter não experimental, com o objetivo de conhecer as reações adversas imediatas ao contraste iodado intravenoso em pacientes hospitalizados, submetidos a tomografia computadorizada num hospital-escola no Sul do Brasil. Durante o período de estudo, todas as reações adversas manifestaram-se na intensidade leve, com freqüência de 12,5% com o uso de contraste iodado iônico e 1% com contraste não iônico. Extravasamento do meio radiopaco ocorreu em 2,2% das injeções em veia periférica, não havendo complicações em nenhum dos casos. Os resultados encontram-se dentro dos limites citados na literatura internacional e sugere-se que os serviços de tomografia conheçam as próprias taxas de reações adversas ao contraste iodado e as condições em que elas ocorrem, a fim de obter evidências para a avaliação dos respectivos processos assistenciais.Investigación cuantitativa del tipo exploratorio-descriptivo, de carácter no experimental. El objetivo consistía en conocer las reacciones adversas inmediatas al contraste yodado intravenoso en pacientes internados, sometidos a tomografía computarizada en un hospital escuela del sur de Brasil. Durante el período del estudio, todas las reacciones adversas tuvieron intensidad leve y una frecuencia del 12,5% con la utilización del contraste yodado iónico, y 1% con contraste no iónico. La extravasación del contraste ocurrió en un 2,2% de las inyecciones en vena periférica, no ocasionando complicaciones en ninguno de los casos. Los índices evidenciados en el presente estudio se mantuvieron dentro de los límites que constan en la revisión de literatura y, entre las recomendaciones, se sugiere que los servicios de tomografía conozcan los propios índices de reacciones adversas al contraste yodado y las condiciones en que ocurren, con la finalidad de obtener evidencias para evaluación de los respectivos procesos asistenciales.This exploratory-descriptive, non-experimental quantitative research aimed to learn about immediate adverse reactions to intravenous iodinated contrast media in hospitalized patients submitted to computed tomography at a teaching hospital in the South of Brazil. During the study period, all adverse reactions showed mild intensity, at a frequency of 12.5% with ionic iodinated contrast media, and 1% with non-ionic contrast agent. The extravasation of contrast occurred in 2.2% of the injections in a peripheral vein without complications in any of the cases. The results are within the limits cited in international literature and suggest that tomography service professionals should know their own rates of adverse reactions to iodinated contrast agent, as well as the conditions in which they occur, in order to obtain evidence to evaluate the respective care delivery processes