108 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of phase transformation and creating mechanical strength in a sustainable calcium carbonate cement

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    Calcium carbonate cements have been synthesized by mixing amorphous calcium carbonate and vaterite powders with water to form a cement paste and study how mechanical strength is created during the setting reaction. In-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to monitor the transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) and vaterite phases into calcite and a rotational rheometer was used to monitor the strength evolution. There are two characteristic timescales of the strengthening of the cement paste. The short timescale of the order 1 h is controlled by smoothening of the vaterite grains, allowing closer and therefore adhesive contacts between the grains. The long timescale of the order 10–50 h is controlled by the phase transformation of vaterite into calcite. This transformation is, unlike in previous studies using stirred reactors, found to be mainly controlled by diffusion in the liquid phase. The evolution of shear strength with solid volume fraction is best explained by a fractal model of the paste structure

    Wind Streaks on Venus: Clues to Atmospheric Circulation

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    Magellan images reveal surface features on Venus attributed to wind processes. Sand dunes, wind-sculpted hills, and more than 5830 wind streaks have been identified. The streaks serve as local "wind vanes," representing wind direction at the time of streak formation and allowing the first global mapping of near-surface wind patterns on Venus. Wind streaks are oriented both toward the equator and toward the west. When streaks associated with local transient events, such as impact cratering, are deleted, the westward component is mostly lost but the equatorward component remains. This pattern is consistent with a Hadley circulation of the lower atmosphere

    Aeolian features on Venus: Preliminary Magellan results

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    Magellan synthetic aperture radar data reveal numerous surface features that are attributed to aeolian, or wind processes. Wind streaks are the most common aeolian feature. They consist of radar backscatter patterns that are high, low, or mixed in relation to the surface on which they occur. A data base of more than 3400 wind streaks shows that low backscatter linear forms (long, narrow streaks) are the most common and that most streaks occur between 17°S to 30°S and 5°N to 53°N on smooth plains. Moreover, most streaks are associated with deposits from certain impact craters and some tectonically deformed terrains. We infer that both of these geological settings provide fine particulate material that can be entrained by the low-velocity winds on Venus. Turbulence and wind patterns generated by the topographic features with which many streaks are associated can account for differences in particle distributions and in the patterns of the wind streaks. Thus, some high backscatter streaks are considered to be zones that are swept free of sedimentary particles to expose rough bedrock; other high backscatter streaks may be lag deposits of dense materials from which low-density grains have been removed (dense materials such as ilmenite or pyrite have dielectric properties that would produce high backscatter patterns). Wind streaks generally occur on slopes < 2° and tend to be oriented toward the equator, consistent with the Hadley model of atmospheric circulation. In addition to wind streaks, other aeolian features on Venus include yardangs(?) and dune fields. The Aglaonice dune field, centered at 25°S, 340°E, covers ∼1290 km^2 and is located in an ejecta flow channel from the Aglaonice impact crater. The Meshkenet dune field, located at 67°N, 90°E, covers ∼17,120 km^2 in a valley between Ishtar Terra and Meshkenet Tessera. Wind streaks associated with both dune fields suggest that the dunes are of transverse forms in which the dune crests are perpendicular to the prevailing winds. Dunes on Venus signal the presence of sand-size (∼60 to 2,000 μm) grains. The possible yardangs are found at 9°N, 60.5°E, about 300 km southeast of the crater Mead. Although most aeolian features are concentrated in smooth plains near the equator, the occurrence of wind streaks is widespread, and some have been found at all latitudes and elevations. They demonstrate that aeolian processes operate widely on Venus. The intensity of wind erosion and deposits, however, varies with locality and is dependent on the wind regime and supply of particles

    Guide to Magellan image interpretation

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    An overview of Magellan Mission requirements, radar system characteristics, and methods of data collection is followed by a description of the image data, mosaic formats, areal coverage, resolution, and pixel DN-to-dB conversion. The availability and sources of image data are outlined. Applications of the altimeter data to estimate relief, Fresnel reflectivity, and surface slope, and the radiometer data to derive microwave emissivity are summarized and illustrated in conjunction with corresponding SAR image data. Same-side and opposite-side stereo images provide examples of parallax differences from which to measure relief with a lateral resolution many times greater than that of the altimeter. Basic radar interactions with geologic surfaces are discussed with respect to radar-imaging geometry, surface roughness, backscatter modeling, and dielectric constant. Techniques are described for interpreting the geomorphology and surface properties of surficial features, impact craters, tectonically deformed terrain, and volcanic landforms. The morphologic characteristics that distinguish impact craters from volcanic craters are defined. Criteria for discriminating extensional and compressional origins of tectonic features are discussed. Volcanic edifices, constructs, and lava channels are readily identified from their radar outlines in images. Geologic map units are identified on the basis of surface texture, image brightness, pattern, and morphology. Superposition, cross-cutting relations, and areal distribution of the units serve to elucidate the geologic history

    Sublacustrine depositional fans in southwest Melas Chasma

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    Two depositional fan complexes have been identified on the floor of southwest Melas Chasma. The western fan complex is located near the center of an enclosed basin in southwest Melas Chasma and is composed of multiple lobes with dendritic finger-like terminations. These fans are very flat and have a morphology unlike any other fan that has been previously identified on Mars. On the basis of the morphologic similarity of the western fan complex to the Mississippi submarine fan complex, we suggest that it may be a deep subaqueous fan depositional system. There are numerous channels on the surface of the western fan complex, and measurements of channel length, width, and sinuosity are consistent with channels observed on terrestrial submarine fans. The eastern Melas depositional fans are less well preserved and may be of deltaic or sublacustrine origin. Recognition of the fans supports earlier suggestions for the presence of a former lake in Melas Chasma and indicates that a significant body of water was present and stable at the surface of Mars for at least 10^2 to 10^4 years

    Visible and near-infrared multispectral analysis of geochemically measured rock fragments at the Opportunity landing site in Meridiani Planum

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    We have used visible and near‐infrared Panoramic Camera (Pancam) spectral data acquired by the Opportunity rover to analyze 15 rock fragments at the Meridiani Planum landing site. These spectral results were then compared to geochemistry measurements made by the in situ instruments M&ouml;ssbauer (MB) and Alpha Particle X‐ray Spectrometer (APXS) to determine the feasibility of mineralogic characterization from Pancam data. Our results suggest that dust and alteration rinds coat many rock fragments, which limits our ability to adequately measure the mineralogy of some rocks from Pancam spectra relative to the different field of view and penetration depths of MB and APXS. Viewing and lighting geometry, along with sampling size, also complicate the spectral characterization of the rocks. Rock fragments with the same geochemistry of sulfate‐rich outcrops have similar spectra, although the sulfate‐rich composition cannot be ascertained based upon Pancam spectra alone. FeNi meteorites have spectral characteristics, particularly ferric oxide coatings, that generally differentiate them from other rocks at the landing site. Stony meteorites and impact fragments with unknown compositions have a diverse range of spectral properties and are not well constrained nor diagnostic in Pancam data. Bounce Rock, with its unique basalt composition, is easily differentiated in the Pancam data from all other rock types at Meridiani Planum. Our Pancam analyses of small pebbles adjacent to these 15 rock fragments suggests that other rock types may exist at the landing site but have not yet been geochemically measured

    Soil sedimentology at Gusev Crater from Columbia Memorial Station to Winter Haven

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    A total of 3140 individual particles were examined in 31 soils along Spirit&rsquo;s traverse. Their size, shape, and texture were quantified and classified. They represent a unique record of 3 years of sedimentologic exploration from landing to sol 1085 covering the Plains Unit to Winter Haven where Spirit spent the Martian winter of 2006. Samples in the Plains Unit and Columbia Hills appear as reflecting contrasting textural domains. One is heterogeneous, with a continuum of angular-to-round particles of fine sand to pebble sizes that are generally dust covered and locally cemented in place. The second shows the effect of a dominant and ongoing dynamic aeolian process that redistributes a uniform population of medium-size sand. The texture of particles observed in the samples at Gusev Crater results from volcanic, aeolian, impact, and water-related processes