26 research outputs found

    The Metallo-ÎČ-Lactamase/ÎČ-CASP Domain of Artemis Constitutes the Catalytic Core for V(D)J Recombination

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    The V(D)J recombination/DNA repair factor Artemis belongs to the metallo-ÎČ-lactamase (ÎČ-Lact) superfamily of enzymes. Three regions can be defined within the Artemis protein sequence: (a) the ÎČ-Lact homology domain, to which is appended (b) the ÎČ-CASP region, specific of members of the ÎČ-Lact superfamily acting on nucleic acids, and (c) the COOH-terminal domain. Using in vitro mutagenesis, here we show that the association of the ÎČ-Lact and the ÎČ-CASP regions suffices for in vivo V(D)J recombination of chromosome-integrated substrates. Single amino acid mutants point to critical catalytic residues for V(D)J recombination activity. The results presented here define the ÎČ-Lact/ÎČ-CASP domain of Artemis as the minimal core catalytic domain needed for V(D)J recombination and suggest that Artemis uses one or two Zn(II) ions to exert its catalytic activity, like bacterial class B ÎČ-Lact enzymes hydrolyzing ÎČ-lactam compounds

    Chronique de jurisprudence constitutionnelle française 2015

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    DĂ©sormais traditionnelle dans cette revue, la chronique de jurisprudence constitutionnelle vise Ă  faire un Ă©tat des lieux annuel des dĂ©cisions rendues par le Conseil constitutionnel. Sous un angle critique, les auteurs prĂ©sentent les continuitĂ©s et ruptures de jurisprudence, ainsi que la variabilitĂ© du contrĂŽle exercĂ© par le Conseil selon les droits en cause.Now traditional in this journal, the chronicle of constitutional jurisprudence aims to make an annual inventory of the Constitutional Council’s decisions. The authors present, from a critical point of view, the continuity and discontinuity of case law, and the variability of the control exercised by the Council according to the rights in question

    Systemic epigenetic response to recombinant lentiviral vectors independent of proviral integration

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    Background: Lentiviral vectors (LV) are widely used for various gene transfer or gene therapy applications. The effects of LV on target cells are expected to be limited to gene delivery. Yet, human hematopoietic CD34+ cells respond to functional LVs as well as several types of non-integrating LVs by genome-wide DNA methylation changes. Results: A new algorithm for the analysis of 450K Illumina data showed that these changes were marked by de novo methylation. The same 4126 cytosines located in islands corresponding to 1059 genes were systematically methylated. This effect required cellular entry of the viral particle in the cells but not the genomic integration of the vector cassette. Some LV preparations induced only mild sporadic changes while others had strong effects suggesting that LV batch heterogeneity may be related to the extent of the epigenetic response. Conclusion: These findings identify a previously uncharacterized but consistent cellular response to viral components and provide a novel example of environmentally modified epigenome. © 2016 The Author(s)

    Contribution à l'analyse et à la réalisation d'un systÚme de CAO à base de caractéristiques de forme

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    Modelling represents a large part of CAD/CAM systems. The work presented in this thesis is concerned with product modelling and consists in proposing a form feature-based design system. This system has main functions : features insertion in the designed part and their management all along the product evolution (modification, removal ...) ; creation of user-defined generic features and their insertion in the form feature library. A data structure able to model form features is presented first. Then a modification management method in the design model is proposed ; it avoids re-evaluating the whole design history. Finally, interactive and convivial tools allow the user to integrate new features into the software. The last part is concerned with the computer implementation of these proposalsLa modĂ©lisation reprĂ©sente une partie trĂšs importante des systĂšmes de conception et fabrication assistĂ©es par ordinateur. Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire s'inscrivent dans la cadre de la modĂ©lisation produit et consistent plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  proposer un systĂšme de conception basĂ© sur les caractĂ©ristiques de forme. Le systĂšme propose remplit deux fonctions principales : - l'insertion de caractĂ©ristiques dans la piĂšce en cours de conception et leur maintenance pendant toute l'Ă©volution du produit (modification, suppression) ; - la crĂ©ation par l'opĂ©rateur de nouvelles caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©nĂ©riques et leur insertion dans la bibliothĂšque de caractĂ©ristiques de forme. Une structure de donnĂ©es permettant de modĂ©liser les caractĂ©ristiques de forme est tout d'abord prĂ©sentĂ©e. Puis une mĂ©thode de gestion des modifications dans le modĂšle de conception, qui Ă©vite de rĂ©Ă©valuer tout l'historique de construction de la scĂšne, est proposĂ©e. Enfin, des outils interactifs et conviviaux permettent Ă  l'utilisateur d'intĂ©grer de nouvelles caractĂ©ristiques au logiciel. Une derniĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre informatique des proposition

    La sphĂšre oro-faciale dans la trisomie 21 (pathologies et traitements)

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    NANCY1-SCD Pharmacie-Odontologie (543952101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis prosthetic joint infections a case series and literature review

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    International audienceObjectives - We aimed to characterize diagnosis, management, and outcome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis prosthetic joint infections (PJI).Methods - Cases of M. tuberculosis PJI documented in 7 referral French centers were retrospectively reviewed. Data were collected from medical files on a standardized questionnaire. We performed a literature review using the keywords 'prosthetic joint', and 'tuberculosis'. Results - During years 1997-2016, 13 patients (8 males, 5 females, median age 79 years [range, 60-86]) had documented M. tuberculosis PJI, involving hip (n = 6), knee (n = 6), or shoulder (n = 1). Median time from arthroplasty to diagnosis was 9 years [0.4-20]. The diagnosis was obtained on joint aspirates (n = 9), or synovial tissue (n = 4). PCR was positive in all cases tested (5/5). Median duration of antituberculosis treatment was 14 months [6-32]). Nine patients underwent surgery: debridement (n = 4), resection arthroplasty (n = 3), and revision arthroplasty (1-stage exchange, n = 2). PJI was controlled in 12 patients. Seventeen additional cases of documented M. tuberculosis PJI have been reported, with a favorable outcome in 79% (11/14) of patients with no surgery, 85% (11/13) with debridement, 86% (19/22) with revision arthroplasty, and 81% (17/21) with resection (NS). Conclusions - M. tuberculosis PJI can be controlled with prolonged antituberculosis treatment in most cases, with or without surgical treatment

    Lentiviral transduction of CD34(+) cells induces genome-wide epigenetic modifications.

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    Epigenetic modifications may occur during in vitro manipulations of stem cells but these effects have remained unexplored in the context of cell and gene therapy protocols. In an experimental model of ex vivo gene modification for hematopoietic gene therapy, human CD34(+) cells were cultured shortly in the presence of cytokines then with a gene transfer lentiviral vector (LV) expected to transduce cells but to have otherwise limited biological effects on the cells. At the end of the culture, the population of cells remained largely similar at the phenotypic level but some epigenetic changes were evident. Exposure of CD34(+) cells to cytokines increased nuclear expression of epigenetic regulators SIRT1 or DNMT1 and caused genome-wide DNA methylation changes. Surprisingly, the LV caused additional and distinct effects. Large-scale genomic DNA methylation analysis showed that balanced methylation changes occurred in about 200 genes following culture of CD34(+) cells in the presence of cytokines but 900 genes were modified following addition of the LV, predominantly increasing CpG methylation. Epigenetic effects resulting from ex vivo culture and from the use of LV may constitute previously unsuspected sources of biological effects in stem cells and may provide new biomarkers to rationally optimize gene and cell therapy protocols