9 research outputs found

    Aging Hematopoietic Stem Cells Decline in Function and Exhibit Epigenetic Dysregulation

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    Age-related defects in stem cells can limit proper tissue maintenance and hence contribute to a shortened lifespan. Using highly purified hematopoietic stem cells from mice aged 2 to 21 mo, we demonstrate a deficit in function yet an increase in stem cell number with advancing age. Expression analysis of more than 14,000 genes identified 1,500 that were age-induced and 1,600 that were age-repressed. Genes associated with the stress response, inflammation, and protein aggregation dominated the up-regulated expression profile, while the down-regulated profile was marked by genes involved in the preservation of genomic integrity and chromatin remodeling. Many chromosomal regions showed coordinate loss of transcriptional regulation; an overall increase in transcriptional activity with age and inappropriate expression of genes normally regulated by epigenetic mechanisms was also observed. Hematopoietic stem cells from early-aging mice expressing a mutant p53 allele reveal that aging of stem cells can be uncoupled from aging at an organismal level. These studies show that hematopoietic stem cells are not protected from aging. Instead, loss of epigenetic regulation at the chromatin level may drive both functional attenuation of cells, as well as other manifestations of aging, including the increased propensity for neoplastic transformation

    Type III TGF-β Receptor Enhances Colon Cancer Cell Migration and Anchorage-Independent Growth12

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    The type III TGF-β receptor (TβRIII or betagylcan) is a TGF-β superfamily coreceptor with emerging roles in regulating TGF-β superfamily signaling and cancer progression. Alterations in TGF-β superfamily signaling are common in colon cancer; however, the role of TβRIII has not been examined. Although TβRIII expression is frequently lost at the message and protein level in human cancers and suppresses cancer progression in these contexts, here we demonstrate that, in colon cancer, TβRIII messenger RNA expression is not significantly altered and TβRIII expression is more frequently increased at the protein level, suggesting a distinct role for TβRIII in colon cancer. Increasing TβRIII expression in colon cancer model systems enhanced ligand-mediated phosphorylation of p38 and the Smad proteins, while switching TGF-β and BMP-2 from inhibitors to stimulators of colon cancer cell proliferation, inhibiting ligand-induced p21 and p27 expression. In addition, increasing TβRIII expression increased ligand-stimulated anchorage-independent growth, a resistance to ligand- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis, cell migration and modestly increased tumorigenicity in vivo. In a reciprocal manner, silencing endogenous TβRIII expression decreased colon cancer cell migration. These data support a model whereby TβRIII mediates TGF-β superfamily ligand-induced colon cancer progression and support a context-dependent role for TβRIII in regulating cancer progression