7,785 research outputs found

    El negocio de la historia en la Feria Medieval de Noia

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    [Abstract] The article examines the performance of medieval feasts and markets as one of the most suggestive and provoking projects that compose the heritage dynamics, exploring their role in the construction of local identities and in the com.. munity economical development. The research focuses on the analysis of the repro.. duction of a medieval market in a small town in the North West of Spain, Noia. During the last fifteen years, an extensive restoration and preservation project has been designed for the old town by the public authorities. This practice has been later reinterpreted by the community as a group in the cultural production of the local identity. Related to this development, the medieval market highlights the ancient architectures and recreates the illusions of the past to sell the city heritage.[Resumen] Este artículo examina la celebración de ferias y mercados medievales como uno de los proyectos más provocadores y sugerentes que componen las diná.. micas de patrimonialización, explorando su papel en la construcción de las identi.. dades locales, así como en el desarrollo económico de la comunidad. La investiga.. ción se centra en la recreación de un mercado medieval en una villa de Galicia, Noia. A lo largo de los últimos 15 años las autoridades locales han llevado a cabo un amplio proyecto de protección y restauración urbana, que la comunidad, como grupo, ha reinterpretado en la producción de la identidad locaL Vinculada a este proceso, la feria medieval subraya la arquitectura de la ciudad y recrea la ilusión del pasado para vender el patrimonio de la ciuda

    Yield Management

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    Historically, airlines have operated in a tightly regulated environment. This environment has been regulated by governments and self-regulated through organizations such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) The early airline policy for the fare activities was based on offering all the seats on the airplane (or in the coach of the airplane) at the same rate. When the industry entered the 1960s with bigger and faster planes, new types of fares were being approved by the Civil Aeronautical Board (CAB) on certain routes, including lower-night coach fares, and tour-basing fares. There were no capacity controls on these fares. All of the seats were up for grabs and were sold on a first come, first-served basis, provided only that the conditions of the fares were met. By the end of the sixties, airlines were looking at day-of-week load factor patterns and introduced midweek and weekend fare differentials to stimulate new demand for low load factor flights. High-season and Low-season differential fares were also in place. At the same time as these new fares were being implemented, the move toward deregulation of the economic aspects of the airline industry was gaining speed. By the mid-1970s the carriers were aware that deregulation was going to happen. Intra state carriers like Southwest Airlines in Texas and Pacific Southwest in California, which were not subject to federal fare regulations, were filling up their planes with a low-cost, low-fare product and making money doing it. This caught the attention of consumers, legislators and regulators alike

    CCD Photometry of Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql

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    As a continuation of the study of the Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql; new CCD photometric data were acquired in 2007. We present a period analysis on these data that confirm the dominant modes detected in each star in the framework of the STEPHI XII campaign in 2003.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol 153, 200

    Nuclear Effects on the UHE Neutrino-Nucleon Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Section

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    Using a recent parametrization of nuclear effects in parton distribution functions we calculate the neutrino-nucleon cross section at energies relevant for ultra high energy neutrino telescopes. The modification of the cross section in comparison with the calculation using parton densities in free nucleons is of the order of few per cent for the parameter range of interest in neutrino telescopes (A=10 and E=106^6 GeV) and it reaches 20 % at the highest energies (E=1012^{12} GeV) and for the largest nuclear size (A=190) considered.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, figures as 3 postscript file

    Service-Learning in the recognition and revalorization of women as informants in the music of oral tradition through the revitalization of the repertoires

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    [EN]In the field of Intangible Musical Heritage, women contributions have been underestimated. Culture is one of the key areas to raise gender awareness. In the framework of the Service-Learning initiative at University of Salamanca, we present a teaching innovation project aimed to raised students social conscience and gender awareness, and to revitalize the memory of elderly women and enhance the value of their experiences in the field of musical heritage, while promoting their positive selfperception

    Proteomic and molecular analysis of neural tube defects in the mouse embryo

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    The aim of this project was to investigate the causes of spinal neural tube defects (NTDs), using the curly tail (ct/ct) mouse as a model system. The ct mutant allele corresponds to a hypomorphic allele of grainyhead-like-3 (Grhl3) gene. A two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis (2-DE) based approach was used to compare the proteome profile of ct/ct embryos with a genetically matched wild-type strain at the stage of spinal neural tube closure. This analysis revealed a series of proteins whose abundance or 2-DE gel migration are abnormal in ct/ct embryos. Detailed follow-up analysis was performed on one protein, lamin B1. Differential migration of lamin B1 on ct/ct compared with wild-type 2-DE gels was found to result from a sequence change in Lmnb1, resulting in the deletion of a glutamic acid (E) in a region of 9 glutamic acids in the wild-type protein. Lamin B1 in ct/ct therefore only has 8 glutamic acids in this part of the protein. Further analysis showed that the lamin B1 variants functionally differ. Genetic crosses were performed to generate sub-strains of ct/ct mice carrying different combinations of the Grhl3 mutation and lamin B1 variants. These studies support the hypothesis that Lmnb1 can modify the risk of NTDs in the ct/ct strain. Finally, while ct/ct NTDs result from diminished Grhl3 expression, the effects of Grhl3 over-expression were also investigated by intercrossing curly tail Grhl3-transgenic mice (ct/ctTgGrhl3). High levels of Grhl3 expression were found to cause NTDs at high frequency, indicating that Grhl3 regulation is an important requirement for neural tube closure. Morphological and gene expression analysis in Grhl3 over-expressing transgenic embryos suggest that the cellular mechanism underlying NTDs differs from that in the ct/ct hypomorphic mutant

    Existencia de solución para un modelo termoeléctrico con conductividad térmica una función de Caratheodory

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    En esta contribución presentamos un resultado de existencia de solución para un sistema no lineal de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales parabólicas. El modelo deriva de las ecuaciones de Maxwell en conductores para corrientes de baja frecuencia para el campo magnético, acopladas con un problema de Stefan para la temperatura. Este sistema ya fue considerado por los autores en [4] Bermúdez, A., Muñoz-Sola, R. y Pena, F., A nonlinear partial differential system arising in thermoelectricity. European J. Appl. Math., 16, 6, (2005), 683–712, pero sus limitaciones impedían considerar tanto materiales con varios cambios de estado como con conductividad térmica dependiente de la temperatura. Para obtener el nuevo resultado de existencia, se parte del sistema truncado y se considera una semidiscretización en tiempo totalmente implícita. El problema térmico semidiscreto puede reescribirse como una inecuación variacional de segunda especie. Se obtienen estimaciones de la solución del problema truncado independientes del parámetro de truncamiento mediante una t´ecnica que adapta el método de [5] Boccardo, L. y Gallouët, T., Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations involving measure data. Journal of Functional Analysis, 87, 1, (1989), 149–169 al caso de materiales con varios cambios de estado

    La cultura popular española en las fotografías de Ruth Matilda Anderson. Representaciones del pasado y relecturas digitales

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    Ruth Matilda Anderson (1893-1983) was an American photographer who travelled from 1923 to 1967 to Spain, employee by The Hispanic Society of America to document in more than 14000 pictures the rural society. This paper analyzes her work through her personal, artistic and research profile clearly defined by the principles of this institution and the image of Spain inspired by its founder Archer Milton Hungtinton. Contemporary readings of her legacy will also be evaluated as part of new reviews of popular culture in digital media.Ruth Matilda Anderson (1893-1983), fotógrafa estadounidense, documentó la vida rural española entre 1923 y 1967 en más de 14.000 imágenes por encargo de la Hispanic Society of América. Este artículo analiza su obra de a través de su perfil personal, artístico e investigador, claramente definido por los principios de esta institución y la imagen de España inspirada por su fundador Archer Milton Hungtinton. También se evaluarán las lecturas contemporáneas de su legado como parte de las nuevas revisiones de la cultura popular en los medios digitales

    Spanish popular culture in the photographs of Ruth Matilda Anderson: Representations of the past and digital reinterpretations

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    [ES]Ruth Matilda Anderson (1893-1983), fotógrafa estadounidense, documentó la vida rural española entre 1923 y 1967 en más de 14.000 imágenes por encargo de la Hispanic Society of América. Este artículo analiza su obra de a través de su perfil personal, artístico e investigador, claramente definido por los principios de esta institución y la imagen de España inspirada por su fundador Archer Milton Hungtinton. También se evaluarán las lecturas contemporáneas de su legado como parte de las nuevas revisiones de la cultura popular en los medios digitales

    Measuring the BFKL Pomeron in Neutrino Telescopes

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    We present a new method for obtaining information on the small x behavior of the structure function F2 outside the kinematic range of present acelerators from the mean inelasticity parameter in UHE neutrino-nucleon DIS interactions which could be measured in neutrino telescopes.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, figures as 7 postscript file
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