3,897 research outputs found

    Ansiedad en el paciente prequirúrgico y visita prequirúrgica: Programa de enfermería para la disminución de los niveles de ansiedad

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    La ansiedad es una de las reacciones más conocidas que se dan en el paciente al enfrentarse a un acto quirúrgico. Numerosos estudios demuestran que el estado psicológico antes de la operación, en especial la ansiedad, incide en la recuperación postoperatoria, y que la educación y el suministro de información en forma de visita prequirúrgica tienen múltiples efectos beneficiosos en estos pacientes. Este trabajo se centra en las herramientas necesarias para medir y controlar la ansiedad antes pasar al quirófano, proponiendo un cuestionario específico de ansiedad prequirúrgica, pendiente de validación, y una intervención de enfermería, en forma de visita prequirúrgica, consistente en dar información adicional y resolver dudas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es facilitar unos instrumentos para medir y controlar la ansiedad en el paciente que va a someterse a una operación. Además, se pretende comparar la disminución del grado de ansiedad preoperatoria con una visita estructura de enfermería versus la información habitual y conocer el grado de ansiedad de los distintos pacientes. Para ello se llevaría a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado simple ciego, en el que intervendrían entre 450 y 460 pacientes pertenecientes al Hospital de Medina del Campo; éstos serían distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos, uno con el que se realizaría la visita prequirúrgica (grupo intervención) y otro al que no se daría más información que la habitual (grupo control). Este estudio tendría una duración de un año y, si los resultados fueran positivos, la visita prequirúrgica podría ser extrapolada a otro tipo de intervenciones.Departamento de Enfermerí

    Mangrove-associated mollusc research at SEAFDEC/AQD

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    Mollusc research at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center started in 1975 and focused on two commercially important mangrove-associated bivalves, the slipper-shaped oyster (Crassostrea iredalei) and the green mussel (Perna viridis). Studies conducted were on spatfall forecasting to increase collection of seeds from the wild; improvement of farming techniques; seed production in the hatchery; bivalve sanitation; and transplantation. These studies have led to the development of a suitable spat collector for oyster and mussel; promotion of the raft culture method for oysters and mussels to prevent siltation of growing areas, including a low-cost raft design for this purpose; refinement of transplantation techniques to increase production and to grow osyters and mussel in suitable areas without natural populations; and desgin of a prototype low-cost depuration unit. A socio-economic study of oyster and mussel farming practices in Western Visayas provided information on current farming practices and profitability. A study done on the use of green mussel as biofilter in a semi-intensive shrimp pond showed that shrimp stocked with mussels grew faster than those without. A study on the biology and fishery of the "imbao" Anodontia edentula, another mangrove-associated bivalve, is ongoing. Spawning has been achieved in the laboratory and larval stages monitored were first polar body, 2-cell stage, morula, ciliated gastrula, trocophore, veliger, and pediveliger

    Barrios barceloneses de la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera

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    A reconfigurable FPGA-based architecture for modular nodes in wireless sensor networks

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Portilla, T. Riesgo, and Á. de Castro, "A reconfigurable FPGA-based architecture for modular nodes in wireless sensor networks", 3rd Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, SPL 2007, Mar del Plata (Argentina), pp. 203 - 206A reconfigurable platform for sensor networks is presented. This platform has features that allow easy reuse of the node in several applications avoiding redesigning the system from scratch. The node includes an FPGA which is the core of the reconfiguration capabilities of the node. Several hardware interfaces for sensor standard protocols like I2C or PWM have been developed and implemented in the FPGA. Remote reconfiguration is an important feature and sensor networks can take advantage of it in order to improve the global performance

    Bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation in implant surfaces after implantoplasty

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    Background: Peri-implantitis is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by the presence of microorganisms. Implantoplasty is a decontamination technique that smoothens the implant surface to prevent biofilm formation. However, there remains a lack of research examining the microbiological implications of implantoplasty. Aim: The current in vitro study aimed to evaluate bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation in implant surfaces after implantoplasty. Materials and Methods: Twenty dental implants were randomly divided into two groups: non-treated (control) and treated with implantoplasty. After performing the implantoplasty on half of the samples, both groups were incubated with Streptococcus oralis for 1 hour and 24 hours. Colony forming units per mL were calculated. Bacterial adhesion and titanium surface topography were visualized using SEM. Descriptive statistics were performed for all variables using statistical software SPSS (version nº29). Normality was assessed using Shapiro-Wilk test. Comparisons of continuous variables mean values between groups were performed by t-student or Mann-Whitney statistical tests as appropriate. The significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Significantly lower numbers (~60%) of viable adhered bacteria were observed in the untreated samples compared to the treated samples at both time-points. Treated implants at 1 hour: CFU/mL = 1.79 x 105 ± 1.60 x 104; non-treated implants at 1 hour: CFU/mL = 5.29 x 105 ± 1.01 x 105; treated implants at 24 hours: CFU/mL = 2.46 x 105 ± 9.75 x 104; non- treated implants at 24 hours: CFU/mL = 6.42 x 105 ± 2.89 x 105 (p < 0.05, t-student). Conclusion: A notable decrease in surface roughness and bacterial adhesion in implant surfaces following the implantoplasty treatment was observed. This study supports the efficacy of implantoplasty in reducing bacterial adhesion. Since this was a pilot study, further studies about the effects of implantoplasty on biofilm formation are needed to confirm these results.Background: Peri-implantitis is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by the presence of microorganisms. Implantoplasty is a decontamination technique that smoothens the implant surface to prevent biofilm formation. However, there remains a lack of research examining the microbiological implications of implantoplasty. Aim: The current in vitro study aimed to evaluate bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation in implant surfaces after implantoplasty. Materials and Methods: Twenty dental implants were randomly divided into two groups: non-treated (control) and treated with implantoplasty. After performing the implantoplasty on half of the samples, both groups were incubated with Streptococcus oralis for 1 hour and 24 hours. Colony forming units per mL were calculated. Bacterial adhesion and titanium surface topography were visualized using SEM. Descriptive statistics were performed for all variables using statistical software SPSS (version nº29). Normality was assessed using Shapiro-Wilk test. Comparisons of continuous variables mean values between groups were performed by t-student or Mann-Whitney statistical tests as appropriate. The significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Significantly lower numbers (~60%) of viable adhered bacteria were observed in the untreated samples compared to the treated samples at both time-points. Treated implants at 1 hour: CFU/mL = 1.79 x 105 ± 1.60 x 104; non-treated implants at 1 hour: CFU/mL = 5.29 x 105 ± 1.01 x 105; treated implants at 24 hours: CFU/mL = 2.46 x 105 ± 9.75 x 104; non- treated implants at 24 hours: CFU/mL = 6.42 x 105 ± 2.89 x 105 (p < 0.05, t-student). Conclusion: A notable decrease in surface roughness and bacterial adhesion in implant surfaces following the implantoplasty treatment was observed. This study supports the efficacy of implantoplasty in reducing bacterial adhesion. Since this was a pilot study, further studies about the effects of implantoplasty on biofilm formation are needed to confirm these results

    Enhancing recommendations and revisit intentions to museums through experiences: the mediated role of visitors’ perception of coolness and feeling of authentic pride

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    Museums are an ancient form of recreation, but nowadays it is imperative to design experiences that will make visitors want to talk about. Today, visitors can demonstrate gratification towards a museum through social media platforms and the importance of posts and comments in the tourism sector has grown in the past years. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of museum experiences on visitors’ willingness to recommend a museum and desire to return. The conceptual model is based on the S-O-R framework (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974) and includes: Museum Atmospheric Cues as the stimulus component; Museum Coolness and Authentic Pride as the organism element, and the Intention to Recommend and Revisit Intention as behaviour responses. This model was tested with a sample of 308 museum visitors, collected in the National Coach Museum; the Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology (MAAT); the National Tile Museum, and the Orient Museum. Data was collected by quantitative analysis, and its investigation allowed to conclude that there are positive relationships between the five constructs of the conceptual model. Museum Atmospheric Cues contribute to the perception of Museum Coolness and the feeling of Authentic Pride, which have an effect on the intentions to Recommend and Revisit a museum. The perception of Museum Coolness has a stronger influence on both intentions to Revisit and Recommend. The findings provide a good understanding of the drivers of revisit and recommend intentions, and several managerial implications and further research suggestions can be pointed out from this study.Os museus são uma forma de recreação muito antiga, mas atualmente é imperativo elaborar experiências que levem os visitantes a querer falar sobre elas. Atualmente, os visitantes podem demonstrar a sua apreciação por um museu através de redes sociais e a importância de publicações e comentários no setor do turismo tem crescido nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o efeito de experiências em museus na disposição dos visitantes em recomendar o museu e desejar regressar. O modelo conceptual é baseado no modelo S-O-R (Mehrabian and Russell,1974) e inclui: Pistas Atmosféricas do museu como a componente de estímulo; (2) Coolness do Museu e Orgulho Autêntico como elementos de organismo e Revisitar, Recomendar como respostas comportamentais. O modelo foi testado com uma amostra de 308 visitantes de museus, colecionada no Museu Nacional dos Coches; no Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia (MAAT); no Museu Nacional do Azulejo, e no Museu do Oriente. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário e sua análise permitiu confirmar que existem relações positivas entre os cinco conceitos do modelo conceptual. As Pistas Atmosféricas do museu contribuem para a perceção do museu como sendo “cool” e do sentimento de Orgulho Autêntico, que têm um efeito nas intenções de recomendar e revisitar um museu. A perceção do museu como sendo “cool” tem uma maior influência em ambas intenções de Revisitar e Recomendar. Os resultados proporcionam uma boa compreensão das motivações para recomendar e revisitar, e sugestões para futuras investigações podem ser destacadas deste estudo

    Hiking in the landscape - the history of Europeans’ linkage to the landscape by hiking

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    Since remote times, man has hiked in the landscape, establishing bonds of communication and interconnection between two or more points. Hiking along trails is the means of escape for man, causing changes in the landscape, and making known sites and places. In this paper, the history of the dynamics established between the act of walking and the landscape, along with the changes in society (predominantly since the 18th century), are presented. The existence of paths in nature is older than the very existence of mankind itself. The act of walking has always been associated with the history of man, who has hiked in the landscape looking for food, making pilgrimages, marketing products, promoting sustainable mobility, tourism and healthy recreation, and contributing to the improvement of the population’s quality of life. There is a special connection to the landscape by walking. The paths are areas marked by time and by society. They are understood as a way of reading the landscape. The act of walking is associated with an art in which the pleasure is rather in sensations of the soul [37]. When we walk, we are exclusively dependent on ourselves and completely free to observe and appreciate the landscape as best suits us and with a complete tranquility [30; 37]. Knowledge of the landscape involves movement, and the best form of perceiving and establishing a close relationship with that landscape is walking. Nowadays, there is a significant increase in adherence to outdoor activities, especially walking. People are looking for new ways of being in contact with nature. A restorative effect of nature on man is, indeed, one of the fundamental aspects of this increased demand, and people walk for different reasons. Hiking in the natural landscape assumes a great importance for the maintenance of a healthy body and mind. It is important that we develop future research to improve our knowledge not only about the influence of walking in the natural landscape, related especially to the benefits it has on man’s creativity, but also to improve the knowledge about how to combine modern life with the benefits of walking in nature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alternativas hormonales y de manejo del amamantamiento para incrementar la eficiencia reproductiva en vacas de cría

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    El presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivos la evaluación de estrategias de manejo del amamantamiento y tratamientos hormonales para incrementar los índices reproductivos en rodeos de cría bovina. Para ello se compararon los efectos de la aplicación de destete precoz (DP), destete temporario por 3 o 5 días y destete con tablillas nasales por 14 días, y las respuestas a tratamientos de progesterona y estradiol y su asociación al DP, en vacas Hereford y Aberdeen Angus, en anestro postparto con condiciones corporales menores a 4 (CC, escala 1-8). El DP resultó ser una medida muy efectiva en reducir el intervalo de anestro postparto, observando que se reiniciaba la ciclicidad promedialmente antes de los 20 días, permitiendo que el primer mes de servicios el 100% de los animales estuviera ciclando e incrementando los porcentajes preñez finales en más de 50 puntos porcentuales comparado con las vacas con cría al pie. Éste fue efectivo aun en vacas con muy baja CC (2.6). Asimismo, se observó una marcada recuperación de la CC de las vacas luego de realizar el DP. Por su parte la aplicación de destetes temporarios por 3 o 5 días en vacas primíparas en muy baja (2.6) o moderada (3.8) CC no mostró ningún efecto sobre el reinicio de la ciclicidad. La inhibición del amamantamiento con tablillas nasales por 14 días en vacas primíparas con una CC superior a 3.5, estimuló el reinicio de la ciclicidad y permitió una recuperación de la CC durante el entore. Solamente 1/3 de vacas con cría al pie, respondieron a los tratamientos de progesterona y estradiol y cuando se asociaron estos tratamientos al DP, 2/3 de los animales mostraron concentraciones luteales de progesterona una semana más tarde. En vacas primíparas con muy baja CC (2.6) no se observó respuesta ovulatoria a estos tratamientos hormonales. En conclusión, el DP mostró ser una medida muy efectiva para incrementar la eficiencia reproductiva en vacas con CC inferiores a 4 y la aplicación de tablillas nasales sería recomendable en vacas que llegan al entore con una CC no muy limitante. Los tratamientos de progesterona y estradiol no serían recomendables en vacas con CC 3.5. Finalmente, es necesario optimizar la asociación de estos tratamientos al DP, para obtener resultados que justifiquen la incorporación de estas dos tecnologías a nivel comercial