971 research outputs found

    Measure twice, cut once: community college learning communities designed for career and technical education students

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    The purpose of this sequential, explanatory, mixed methods study was (a) to investigate the degree to which Career Technical Education (CTE) students in selected California Community College (CCC) believe that the core components of learning communities (LCs) designed for traditional, academic track students exist in LCs designed for CTE students; (b) to determine which of the core components, if any, are perceived by students as most beneficial, for CTE LCs; and (c) to explore any additional components that students might believe to be essential for LCs designed for CTE students. In the first phase of this study, the Online Survey of Students\u27 Experiences of Learning in a LC, developed and implemented by the National Resource Center for Learning Communities, was administered to a cross section of 75 current CTE LC students from three California Community Colleges to determine the perception of implementation of the core components of a LC. In phase two, survey respondents were able to opt-in to a focus group or interview designed to determine which of the core components, if any, were most beneficial and to explore their experience in the LC to emerge any critical components not included in the survey instrument. Thirty-five survey respondents participated in six focus groups on campus. The findings of this study support the following conclusions. Study participants in this study found all four components of a successful learning community integrated curriculum, innovative instruction, engagement and supportive services, present in their learning community designed for Career and Technical Education. Students found supportive services to be the most important component in their learning community, followed by engagement. Supportive services are perceived by students to be key to successful participation, retention and success of survey participants. Specific personnel, peer mentors, teaching assistants, coordinators, counselors and instructors, represent the greatest source of support and means for engagement connecting students to the larger campus community as well as to supportive services. A career focus in the learning community helps students persist and succeed in their learning community and serves as a point of engagement

    Pantallas LED Filo S.L, sociedad de gananciales, contrato y despido

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2016/201

    Toward Equity in Guided Pathways Reforms: Lessons from Californias Career Advancement Academies

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    Community colleges across California are now investigating and planning Guided Pathways reforms with the goals of improving equity on their campuses and increasing the number of students completing degrees, certificates, and transfers. Some especially helpful lessons for improving equity as part of this reform effort may come from more than 30 California colleges that implemented Career Advancement Academies (CAAs).The CAAs, which were funded by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office from 2007 to 2017, aimed to reach and serve students who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. They were shown to improve persistence in college and completion of system-recognized certificates and degrees among underrepresented students. This brief distills insights from that experience, aligns them with the Guided Pathways reform framework, and highlights CAA approaches that practitioners can incorporate into their reforms

    4+3+1+2 en diez pasos

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    4+3+1+2 en diez paso

    Estimate of the chemical composition of Braquiaria cv. Marandú by chlorophyll meter

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    A concepção de um método rápido, eficiente e econômico é importante para a avaliação de características nutricionais em plantas forrageiras devida à elevada variação desses parâmetros nas gramíneas tropicais em um curto intervalo de tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de uso do medidor de clorofila Minolta SPAD-502 para avaliação da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB) e fibras em detergente neutro (FDN) das plantas de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. As amostras foram obtidas em uma área de pastagem, tendo como parâmetro de coleta a intensidade de cor verde das folhas. Posteriormente às leituras do índice SPAD, realizadas na porção mediana das folhas, estimou-se a composição química. A partir dos dados obtidos, foi possível estabelecer modelos para a relação entre teor de MS, PB, e índice SPAD. O ajuste do modelo quadrático expressou a melhor relação entre o conteúdo de PB e as leituras do índice SPAD. O modelo linear foi mais adequado para representar a relação entre MS e índice SPAD. Não foi possível convencionar um modelo entre teor de FDN e índice SPAD

    A elaboração e avaliação de um sistema de ensino a distância em oftalmologia

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    INTRODUCTION: Web-based e-learning is a teaching tool increasingly used in many medical schools and specialist fields, including ophthalmology. AIMS: this pilot study aimed to develop internet-based course-based clinical cases and to evaluate the effectiveness of this method within a graduate medical education group. METHODS: this was an interventional randomized study. First, a website was built using a distance learning platform. Sixteen first-year ophthalmology residents were then divided into two randomized groups: one experimental group, which was submitted to the intervention (use of the e-learning site) and another control group, which was not submitted to the intervention. The students answered a printed clinical case and their scores were compared. RESULTS: there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. CONCLUSION: We were able to successfully develop the e-learning site and the respective clinical cases. Despite the fact that there was no statistically significant difference between the access and the non access group, the study was a pioneer in our department, since a clinical case online program had never previously been developed.INTRODUÇÃO: O ensino a distância pela Internet é uma ferramenta de educação cada vez mais utilizada em muitas faculdades de medicina e áreas de medicina especializadas, inclusive a oftalmologia. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo elaborar casos clínicos baseados no curso online e avaliar a eficácia deste método num grupo de estudantes de pós-graduação de medicina. MÉTODOS: foi um estudo de intervenção randomizado. Em primeiro lugar, um website foi construído usando uma plataforma de ensino à distância. Dezesseis residentes de oftalmologia do primeiro ano então foram divididos em dois grupos aleatórios: um grupo experimental, o qual foi submetido à intervenção (uso do site de ensino a distância) e outro grupo de controle, que não foi submetido à intervenção. Os alunos responderam a um caso clínico impresso e seus resultados foram comparados. RESULTADOS: não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Conseguimos desenvolver com sucesso o website de ensino a distância e os respectivos casos clínicos. Apesar do fato de que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o grupo com acesso e o grupo sem acesso, o estudo foi pioneiro no nosso departamento, uma vez que nunca havia sido desenvolvido anteriormente um programa online de casos clínicos.9610

    PBF509, an adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist with efficacy in rodent models of movement disorders

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    Adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) antagonists have emerged as complementary non-dopaminergic drugs to alleviate Parkinson's disease (PD) symptomatology. Here, we characterize a novel non-xhantine non-furan A2AR antagonist, PBF509, as a potential pro-dopaminergic drug for PD management. First, PBF509 was shown to be a highly potent ligand at the human A2AR, since it antagonized A2AR agonist-mediated cAMP accumulation and impedance responses with KB values of 72.8 ± 17.4 and 8.2 ± 4.2 nM, respectively. Notably, these results validated our new A2AR-based label-free assay as a robust and sensitive approach to characterize A2AR ligands. Next, we evaluated the efficacy of PBF509 reversing motor impairments in several rat models of movement disorders, including catalepsy, tremor, and hemiparkinsonism. Thus, PBF509 (orally) antagonized haloperidol-mediated catalepsy, reduced pilocarpine-induced tremulous jaw movements and potentiated the number of contralateral rotations induced by L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) in unilaterally 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Moreover, PBF509 (3 mg/kg) inhibited L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID), showing not only its efficacy on reversing parkinsonian motor impairments but also acting as antidyskinetic agent. Overall, here we describe a new orally selective A2AR antagonist with potential utility for PD treatment, and for some of the side effects associated to the current pharmacotherapy (i.e., dyskinesia)

    Crescimento inicial de cafeeiros cultivados em solução nutritiva sob diferentes doses de fósforo

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate growth alterations and water relations in coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) at the initial stage of development, grown in nutritive solution (hydroponics) and submitted to a wide variation of P doses. The various doses of P applied to the coffee plants similarly affected the growth characteristics evaluated (number of leaves, height, total leaf area, and dry and green mass accumulation), fitting a logarithmic model, with a direct relationship between P doses and growth. The logarithmic model was also fitted to the leaf water potential module, evaluated in the pre-dawn period and at noon. However, the direct relationship between P doses and water potential was only verified for determinations made at noon; the opposite behavior occurred with readings made in the pre-dawn period, since values decreased as P doses increased. Interactions between P and N nutritional status as well as between P and the water status of plants are discussed, with emphasis on the importance of future investigations.Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as alterações no crescimento e relações hídricas de plantas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) na fase inicial de desenvolvimento, cultivadas em solução nutritiva e submetidas a uma ampla faixa de variação de doses de P. As características de crescimento avaliadas (número de folhas, altura, área foliar total e acúmulo de massa seca e fresca) foram afetadas de modo semelhante, em função das doses de P aplicadas, sendo definido o modelo logarítmico, com relação direta entre as doses de P e crescimento. O modelo logarítmico também foi delineado para o módulo de potencial hídrico foliar, avaliado no período antemanhã e ao meio-dia. Entretanto, a relação direta entre doses de P e o potencial hídrico foi verificada apenas para as determinações realizadas ao meio-dia; para as leituras realizadas no período antemanhã, ocorreu um comportamento inverso, sendo verificada redução de valores com aumento das doses de P.Interações entre status nutricional relativo a P e N, assim como relações com o status hídrico das plantas, foram discutidas, sendo ressaltada a importância de futuras investigações

    Bioestatística e Epidemiologia: Perguntas que você sempre quis fazer, mas nunca teve coragem

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    Dando continuidade aos artigos da série “Perguntas que você sempre quis fazer, mas nunca teve coragem”, que tem como objetivo responder e sugerir referências para o melhor entendimento das principais dúvidas estatísticas levantadas por pesquisadores da área da saúde, este terceiro artigo aborda o contexto epidemiológico. Neste contexto, foram diferenciadas as principais medidas como prevalência, incidência, Odds Ratio (OR), Risco Relativo (RR), Razão de Prevalência (RP) e Hazard Ratio (HR), foi esclarecido o uso de análises por intenção de tratar e análise por protocolo, e também discutidos alguns dos termos comumente utilizados e pouco compreendidos como tipo de amostra, nível de evidência, relevância clínica e estatística, entre outros.Palavras-chave: Delineamentos; nível de evidência; medidas de associação; ensaios clínicos; análise por intenção de tratar; análise por protocolo; amostra aleatória; amostra por conveniência; randomização em bloco