60 research outputs found

    PV Energy Performance in a Sustainable Campus

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    Producción CientíficaThe challenge of photovoltaic integration as the basis of an energy generation system has been achieved and carried out by the University Autónoma de Cali, Colombia, using an avant-garde energy technology model. This innovative sustainable campus not only fulfills its purpose as an advanced model of a renewable energy integration system, it also aims at environmental research, e-mobility, and energy efficiency. This paper describes how the university implements the technological innovation of integrating the photovoltaic system installation in a university campus, showing its relevant contribution to the electricity generation in the campus buildings by analyzing the different electrical parameters together with the system performance indicators. The implementation of technological solutions has allowed the generation of a quantity of renewable energy within the campus, supplying a sustainable energy response based on energy efficiency and carbon emissions savings. This innovation has been applied following the international standards for the evaluation of the energy performance of photovoltaic systems (IEC 61724), reaching very optimal values for this type of renewable solution. In this paper, the dynamic monitoring of several parameters has been carried out in order to analyze the energy performance, and an energy simulation has been used to achieve optimal solutions and to obtain the perfect modeling of the system. This study shows how to evaluate the performance of an integration of a photovoltaic system in a smart university campus, according to international standards. It achieves complete viability due to its economic savings, energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emission

    PV energy performance in a sustainable campus

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    The challenge of photovoltaic integration as the basis of an energy generation system has been achieved and carried out by the University Autónoma de Cali, Colombia, using an avant-garde energy technology model. This innovative sustainable campus not only fulfills its purpose as an advanced model of a renewable energy integration system, it also aims at environmental research, e-mobility, and energy efficiency. This paper describes how the university implements the technological innovation of integrating the photovoltaic system installation in a university campus, showing its relevant contribution to the electricity generation in the campus buildings by analyzing the different electrical parameters together with the system performance indicators. The implementation of technological solutions has allowed the generation of a quantity of renewable energy within the campus, supplying a sustainable energy response based on energy efficiency and carbon emissions savings. This innovation has been applied following the international standards for the evaluation of the energy performance of photovoltaic systems (IEC 61724), reaching very optimal values for this type of renewable solution. In this paper, the dynamic monitoring of several parameters has been carried out in order to analyze the energy performance, and an energy simulation has been used to achieve optimal solutions and to obtain the perfect modeling of the system. This study shows how to evaluate the performance of an integration of a photovoltaic system in a smart university campus, according to international standards. It achieves complete viability due to its economic savings, energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissio

    Detección de displasias corticales asistida mediante métodos semiautomáticos de espesor cortical

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     Objetivo: Evaluar la detección de displasias corticales utilizando un método semiautomá- tico de cuantificación morfométrica basado en superficie mediante la localización de zonas con espesor cortical anormal. Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionó un grupo de pacientes remitidos por diagnóstico de epilepsia refractaria para la detección de lesiones cerebrales. El espesor cortical se midió utilizando algoritmos automáticos de morfometría basado en superficie de imágenes de resonancia magnética en cada uno de los pacientes, los cuales fueron comparados con un grupo control de sujetos sanos pareados por edad. Resultados: Se realizó la cuantificación de espesor cortical en 4 de los 5 pacientes selec- cionados. Se encontraron áreas de engrosamiento cortical en las zonas de displasia cortical conocidas que se relacionaron con las zonas detectadas previamente por el radiólogo en la secuencia FLAIR de cada paciente. Se hallaron diferencias en los mapas de espesor cortical de cada paciente respecto al grupo control. Conclusión: La cuantificación morfométrica de espesor cortical es una técnica que promete ser de utilidad como asistencia computarizada al diagnóstico de las displasias corticales

    Contribution of common and rare variants to bipolar disorder susceptibility in extended pedigrees from population isolates.

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    Current evidence from case/control studies indicates that genetic risk for psychiatric disorders derives primarily from numerous common variants, each with a small phenotypic impact. The literature describing apparent segregation of bipolar disorder (BP) in numerous multigenerational pedigrees suggests that, in such families, large-effect inherited variants might play a greater role. To identify roles of rare and common variants on BP, we conducted genetic analyses in 26 Colombia and Costa Rica pedigrees ascertained for bipolar disorder 1 (BP1), the most severe and heritable form of BP. In these pedigrees, we performed microarray SNP genotyping of 838 individuals and high-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 449 individuals. We compared polygenic risk scores (PRS), estimated using the latest BP1 genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics, between BP1 individuals and related controls. We also evaluated whether BP1 individuals had a higher burden of rare deleterious single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and rare copy number variants (CNVs) in a set of genes related to BP1. We found that compared with unaffected relatives, BP1 individuals had higher PRS estimated from BP1 GWAS statistics (P = 0.001 ~ 0.007) and displayed modest increase in burdens of rare deleterious SNVs (P = 0.047) and rare CNVs (P = 0.002 ~ 0.033) in genes related to BP1. We did not observe rare variants segregating in the pedigrees. These results suggest that small-to-moderate effect rare and common variants are more likely to contribute to BP1 risk in these extended pedigrees than a few large-effect rare variants

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa ZARA.

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    Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se investiga sobre el Supply Chain Management y Logística, mediante la investigación obtienes conocimientos para lograr observar los procesos utilizados en la empresa en estudio de manera crítica profesional, de acuerdo con la investigación se logran detectar las falencias en los procesos desde la logística de aprovisionamiento de materias primas hasta la entrega de producto terminado al cliente final. Con los hallazgos obtenidos se lanza una estrategia adecuada que se ajuste a las condiciones de los procesos de la empresa, con el objetivo de organizar, optimizar y garantizar la gestión de adquisición, distribución de los bienes para la empresa, para lograr la metas se deben integrar los procesos.For the development of this project, research is carried out on Supply Chain Management and Logistics, through research you gain knowledge to observe the processes used in the company under study in a professionally critical way, according to the research, failures in the processes are detected from the logistics of supplying raw materials to the delivery of the finished product to the end customer. With the findings obtained, an appropriate strategy is launched that adjusts to the conditions of the company's processes, with the aim of organizing, optimizing and guaranteeing the management of acquisition, distribution of goods for the company, to achieve the goals must integrate processes

    Comprensiones de perdón, reconciliación y justicia en víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia

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    El presente estudio buscó comprender las concepciones de perdón, reconciliación y justicia, en el marco del conflicto armado, de 68 personas víctimas de desplazamiento forzado residentes en el municipio de Soacha (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Se realizó a través de la metodología cualitativa empleando el método de teoría fundamentada. Se encontró que el perdón se entiende como un tránsito de emociones negativas a positivas; además, es sinónimo de olvido. La reconciliación se entiende como un proceso de restablecimiento de vínculos. La justicia (restaurativa y/o distributiva) se evidencia como necesaria para que se dé un proceso de perdón y reconciliación en el marco del conflicto armado. Además, surge de manera emergente la relevancia que tiene la religión en los procesos de perdón y reconciliación.The present study analyzes the concepts of forgiveness, reconciliation and justice, in the context of the Colombian armed conflict, on the part of 68 victims of forced displacement who live in the town of Soacha (Cundinamarca, Colombia). It is based on a qualitative methodology drawn from grounded theory. It found that those victims understood forgiveness to involve a transition from negative to positive emotions, and as a synonym for forgetfulness, while reconciliation was understood as a means to restore broken links. Thus, in the context of an armed conflict, justice (restorative and / or distributive) is a requirement for securing forgiveness and reconciliation. The study also reveals the importance of religious faith in the acceptance of forgiveness and reconciliation by the victims.Este estudo pretendeu compreender as concepções de perdão, reconciliação e justiça, no âmbito do conflito armado, de 68 pessoas vítimas de deslocamento forçado residentes no município de Soacha (Cundinamarca, Colômbia). Realizou-se por meio da metodologia qualitativa e empregou-se o método da teoria fundamentada. Constatou-se que o perdão se entende como uma transição de emoções negativas a positivas; além disso, é sinônimo de esquecimento. A reconciliação entende-se como um processo de restabelecimento de vínculos. A justiça (restaurativa e/ou distributiva) evidencia-se como necessária para que o processo de perdão e reconciliação aconteça no contexto do conflito armado. Ainda, surge de maneira emergente a relevância que a religião tem nos processos de perdão e reconciliação

    Retrospective study of dental anomalies and bone alterations of the maxilla and mandible in children 5 to 14 years of age from the clinics of the college of dentistry, University of Antioquia

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    ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to carry out an epidemiological retrospective study on the type and frequency of radiographic dental and bone alterations in patients from 5 to 14 years of age who consulted the Dental Clinic (Child and the Adolescent Clinics) of the College of Dentistry at the University of Antioquia between the years 2000 and 2002. Methods: 428 panoramic radiographs with adequate density, contrast and definition were analyzed using also the dental records as support. The films were read by a dental radiologist who defined the type of bone alterations and dental anomalies present. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed Results: the sample consisted of 232 males (54.20%) and 196 females (45.79%). In the Maxilla and Mandible: 33 x-rays were found with pathological radiolucent images (7.68%): 21 females (4.89%) and 12 males (2.79%); just one patient (0.23%) with pathological radio opaque images. In the teeth: 272 x-rays (63.40%) with presence of dental anomalies: 149 males (34.73%) and 123 females (28.67%), involving 1120 teeth. The anomalies found were: dens in dente, tooth agenesis, Taurodontism, macrodontia, conic shaped teeth, supernumerary teeth, microdontia, transpositions, fusions, mesiodens, retained teeth, gemination, enamel spur, and enamel pearls in this order of frequency. Conclusions: this study showed that the population affected with some radiographic abnormalities was 71.32%.RESUMEN: El propósito de esta investigación es efectuar un estudio retrospectivo epidemiológico sobre el tipo y frecuencia de alteraciones a nivel óseo y dental, en pacientes de cinco a catorce años que consultaron la Clínica del Niño y el Adolescente de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia entre los años 2000 y 2002. Métodos: se analizaron 428 radiografías panorámicas análogas con adecuada nitidez, densidad, contraste y definición, usando las historias clínicas como soporte. Las placas fueron leídas por un radiólogo dental definiendo el tipo de alteraciones óseas y anomalías dentales presentes. Se efectúo un análisis estadístico de tipo descriptivo. Resultados: la muestra fue de 232 hombres (54,20%) y 196 mujeres (45,79%). En maxilares se encontraron 33 radiografías de pacientes con imágenes radiolúcidas patológicas (7,68%): 21 de sexo femenino (4,89%) y 12 de sexo masculino (2,79%), y solo un caso (0.23%) con imágenes radiopacas patológicas. En los dientes se presentaron 272 radiografías (63,40%) con presencia de anomalías dentales: 149 pertenecían a hombres (34,73%) y 123 a mujeres (28,67%), que incluyeron 1.120 dientes. Las anomalías encontradas fueron: dens in dente, agenesias, taurodontismo, macrodoncias, dientes en forma cónica, supernumerarios, microdoncias, transposiciones, fusiones, mesiodens, dientes retenidos, geminaciones, espolones de esmalte y perlas de esmalte, en ese orden de frecuencia. Conclusiones: la población afectada por alguna alteración fue del 71,32%

    Modelo digital de tracción del Metro de Medellín para análisis de cortocircuitos

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    Debido a la necesidad global de construir sistemas de transporte masivo, en especial del tipo eléctrico y dado que no se disponen de suficientes experiencias o modelos que permitan planear los comportamientos de los mismos, el presente artículo describe el proceso de obtención de un modelo digital del sistema de tracción de la Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá Limitada – Metro de Medellín Ltda., utilizando el programa ATPDraw. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones de cortocircuitos en el nivel de 1500 VDC, ante diversas topologías del sistema y en especial se analiza el caso referente al acople de barras entre las líneas A y B del mencionado sistema