152 research outputs found

    Instituciones del Derecho Público, Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Procesal Civil

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    El proceso judicial es un largo camino por recorrer, en muchas ocasiones dura más de lo debido porque se abusa de la apelación. Nuestra Constitución reconoce la instancia plural como principio y derecho de la función jurisdiccional para todo tipo de procesos lo cual termina afectando la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva. Es por ello que se hace necesario investigar sobre la instancia plural y analizar si es posible la instauración en nuestro país de un proceso civil de instancia única, sea de manera generalizada o para determinadas materias.The judicial process is a long way to walk, sometimes it lasts more than it should because people make bad use of appeal. According to our Constitution plural instance is a principle and also a right of judicial function for all kind of process but, as a result, it affects an effective judicial protection. That is why it is necessary to investigate about the plural instance and analize if it is possible to have in our country a civil process with a unique instance, in general or only for some matters.Tesi

    Instituciones del Derecho Público, Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Procesal Civil

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    El proceso judicial es un largo camino por recorrer, en muchas ocasiones dura más de lo debido porque se abusa de la apelación. Nuestra Constitución reconoce la instancia plural como principio y derecho de la función jurisdiccional para todo tipo de procesos lo cual termina afectando la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva. Es por ello que se hace necesario investigar sobre la instancia plural y analizar si es posible la instauración en nuestro país de un proceso civil de instancia única, sea de manera generalizada o para determinadas materias.The judicial process is a long way to walk, sometimes it lasts more than it should because people make bad use of appeal. According to our Constitution plural instance is a principle and also a right of judicial function for all kind of process but, as a result, it affects an effective judicial protection. That is why it is necessary to investigate about the plural instance and analize if it is possible to have in our country a civil process with a unique instance, in general or only for some matters.Tesi

    Estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la disciplina positiva de los y las estudiantes de II año “A” de la Escuela Normal Mirna Mairena Guadamuz de la ciudad de Estelí en el I semestre del año 2016.

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    La presente investigación constituyó un gran aporte a la necesidad de fortalecer la disciplina positiva en futuros y futuras profesionales de la educación primaria, lo cual se logró mediante un amplio estudio de los procesos investigativos durante el desarrollo de los módulos correspondientes a investigación educativa, también fueron un punto fundamental las teorías de los diversos autores, los cuales enriquecieron nuestros conocimientos al establecer contactos con ellos y ellas mediante la lectura de sus obras tanto de forma virtual como física. Se construyeron una serie de instrumentos pertinentes al tema para diagnosticar la situación de los y las estudiantes de magisterio respecto a la disciplina mostrada por ellos y ellas en el desarrollo de las diferentes disciplinas así como la convivencia en los diferentes espacios escolares. El método experimental permitió realizar un proceso positivo, facilitando la integración de diversas estrategias enfocadas directamente en el fortalecimiento de la disciplina positiva, tratando de contrarrestar la disciplina negativa que fue el problema detectado

    Estrategias para el fortalecimiento de la disciplina positiva

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    El presente artículo resume una investigación de carácter cualitativo, que fue realizada en el primer semestre del año 2016, con docentes y estudiantes finalistas de la ciudad de Estelí. El estudio pretendió fortalecer la disciplina positiva de los y las estudiantes, del III año “A” de magisterio de la Escuela Normal “Mirna Mairena Guadamuz. En el contexto de nuestra investigación-acción se pudo comprobar que los y las estudiantes poseen una visión positiva acerca de la influencia que ejercen los y las docentes en los procesos disciplinarios en el salón de clase, lo cual es un aspecto interesante y positivo, porque el maestro es el ejemplo a seguir, como investigadores consideramos como un elemento motivador esta visión ya que nos garantizó una ejecución efectiva de las estrategias previstas en el plan de acción

    Study of CdS/CdS Nanoparticles Thin Films Deposited by Soft Chemistry for Optoelectronic Applications

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    Chalcogenides semiconductors are currently being studied as active layers in the development of electronic devices in the field of applied technology. In the present paper, cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films containing nanoparticles of the same material as the active layer were produced and analyzed for their application in fabricating optoelectronic devices. CdS thin films and CdS nanoparticles were obtained via soft chemistry at low temperatures. The CdS thin film was deposited via chemical bath deposition (CBD); the CdS nanoparticles were synthesized via the precipitation method. The construction of a homojunction was completed by incorporating CdS nanoparticles on CdS thin films deposited via CBD. CdS nanoparticles were deposited using the spin coating technique, and the effect of thermal annealing on the deposited films was investigated. In the modified thin films with nanoparticles, a transmittance of about 70% and a band gap between 2.12 eV and 2.35 eV were obtained. The two characteristic phonons of the CdS were observed via Raman spectroscopy, and the CdS thin films/CdS nanoparticles showed a hexagonal and cubic crystalline structure with average crystallite size of 21.3–28.4 nm, where hexagonal is the most stable for optoelectronic applications, with roughness less than 5 nm, indicating that CdS is relatively smooth, uniform and highly compact. In addition, the characteristic curves of current-voltage for as-deposited and annealed thin films showed that the metal-CdS with the CdS nanoparticle interface exhibits ohmic behavior.This work was partial financial support from CONACyT through the grants Problemas Nacionales 3529-2016 and Ciencia Básica 2013-IOO17-22111.SEP-CONACYT I0017-221117, Becas Nacionales, 818352 and Government of the State of Chihuahua through the Secretariat of Innovation and Economic Development, through the Institute of Innovation and Competitiveness

    Multi-agent and embedded system technologies applied to improve the management of power systems

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    This article explores a number of improvements made on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems which allow them to be successfully used for automated surveillance. Even telecontrol operators who have limited experience with computers were able to employ the system without any difficulties. Other advances made by taking advantage of the strongest features of embedded and multi-agent system technologies are also featured in this article. These developments have been tested in a true industrial environment. Positive results and feedback have been provided by the tests

    Anxiety and Perceived Risk in Red Cross Volunteer Personnel Facing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

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    In the current situation of sanitary emergencies, humanitarian organizations and their volunteers are playing an important role in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. A study is proposed that includes a network of volunteers who perform humanitarian activities during the COVID-19 pandemic to assess anxiety, perceived risk, and response behaviors and to explore their relationship with sociodemographic variables. For data collection, an online questionnaire was developed through the Google Forms® platform, where the perceived risk, anxiety, and behavioral responses of the general population to the Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic were assessed. The survey presented is a modified version of that survey adapted for COVID-19. This adaptation was endorsed by an experts committee made up of the health chief of the Ecuadorian Red Cross, the focus point of operations from the International Federation of the Red Cross in Ecuador, and a member from the Health Unit of the Americas Regional Office of the International Federation of the Red Cross. A significant relationship has been shown between the job situation and perceived risk and anxiety, being the staff who worked full time away from home, which was exposed to greater risk and anxiety. Both perceived risk and perceived anxiety are very high (according to a 5-point Likert scale). Knowing these data from this first-line personnel will allow adopting measures that could be beneficial for stress management and, therefore, contribute to the well-being and support of these humanitarian and volunteer organizations in the worldwide response to COVID-1 9

    Simulation and Implementation of a Neural Network in a Multiagent System

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    This paper presents the simulation and the implementation of a model of a neural network applied to a multiagent system by using the Neuroph framework. This tool enables several tests to be carried out and verify which structure is the best structure of our neural network for a specific application. In our case, we simulated the neural network for a sun-tracking control system in a solar farm. Initial implementation shows good results in performance, thereby providing an alternative to traditional solar-tracking systems.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03862 (CARISMA

    Multiagent System powered by Neural Network for positioning control of solar panels: An optimization for sun tracking systems

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    This paper presents a model of neural network for position control of solar panels in multiagent-based control systems. This neural network is integrated within agents in order to optimize and predict the best positioning of solar panels depending on the position of the sun and other variables. The agents in this system can cooperate and coordinate to achieve a sun tracking system optimized, simple and adaptive.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03862 (CARISMA