998 research outputs found

    Our ten years of work on transparet box business simulation

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    Traditional business games are of the so-called black-box type (BBBS=Black box business simulator); that is to say, the internal structure which generates the results of the simulation after decision-making is not known. As a result, the player normally operates by trial and error and bases his decisions on the symptoms of the problem (the observed behaviors of the system's variables) and not on the real causes of the problem (the system's structure). Since 1988 José A.D. Machuca has insisted that the business games based on System Dynamics models should be Transparent-box business simulators (TBBSs). That means that, during the game, the user has access to the structure of the underlying model and is able to relate it to the observed behaviors. The hypothesis is that such transparency would facilitate causal reflection and favor systemic learning of business problems. In 1990, the G.I.D.E.A.O. Research Group took action on this idea and centered one of its lines of research on this matter, with three main objectives: a) Creation of TBBSs, b) Introduction of TBBSs in undergraduate and graduate Management courses as well as in executive training, c) Experimentation in controlled environments in order to test the hypothesis mentioned in the above paragraph. Now, ten years after the birth of the idea, we would like to share in this paper the results obtained during that period

    Relationship Between Sensory Processing, Resilience, Attitudes and Drug use in Portuguese Adults

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    Investigaciones sugieren que la relación entre la resiliencia y el uso de sustancias es un proceso psicológico no lineal y multifactorial. Sorprendentemente, el procesamiento sensorial raramente se menciona como una variable asociada a estos fenómenos. En el presente estudio fue investigado la relación entre el procesamiento sensorial, la resiliencia, las actitudes y el comportamiento de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. Fueron utilizados cuatro instrumentos de medida: Perfil Sensorial para Adolescentes y Adultos; Escala de Resiliencia; Escalas de Actitudes; Escala de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. La muestra fue constituida por 340 participantes adultos sanos, de los cuales 261 (76.8%) eran mujeres y 79 (23.2%) hombres. En cuanto a la edad cronológica, el individuo más joven tenía 18 años y el más viejo 76 años (M = 39; DP = 11). El procesamiento sensorial se mostró asociado a las actitudes y la conducta de consumo. Los desequilibrios sensoriales parecen estar implicados en la disminución de la resiliencia.A investigação sugere que a relação entre resiliência e uso de substâncias é um processo psicológico não linear e multifatorial. Surpreendentemente, o processamento sensorial raramente é evocado enquanto variável associada a estes fenômenos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as relações entre processamento sensorial, resiliência, atitudes e frequência de comportamentos de consumo de álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias psicoativas em adultos saudáveis. Foram empregados quatro instrumentos: Perfil Sensorial para Adolescentes e Adultos; Escala de resiliência; Escalas de atitudes; Escala de consumo de tabaco, álcool e outras drogas. A amostra foi constituída por 340 participantes adultos mentalmente saudáveis, dos quais 261 (76.8%) eram mulheres. Quanto à idade cronológica, o indivíduo mais novo tinha 18 anos e o mais velho tinha 76 anos (M = 39; DP = 11). O processamento sensorial apresentou-se associado a atitudes e condutas de consumo. Os desequilíbrios sensoriais parecem estar implicados na diminuição da resiliência.Research suggests that the relationship between resilience and substance use is a non-linear and multifactorial psychological process. Surprisingly, sensory processing is rarely mentioned as a variable associated with this phenomenon. In this study, we investigated the relationship between resilience, sensory processing, attitudes and consumption behaviors for alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances. For this, we used four instruments: Adult / Adolescent Sensory Profile; Resilience Scale; Attitudes scales; Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Use Scale. The sample consisted of 340 healthy adult participants, of whom 261 (76.8%) were women and 79 (23.2%) men. As for chronological age, the youngest person was 18 and the oldest was 76 years (M = 39; DP = 11). Sensory processing was associated with the intake behaviors and attitudes. Sensory imbalances appeared to be implicated in decreased resilience

    Relações entre Processamento Sensorial, Resiliência,Atitudes e Consumo de Drogas em Adultos Portugueses

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    Research suggests that the relationship between resilience and substance use is a non-linear and multifactorial psychological process. Surprisingly, sensory processing is rarely mentioned as a variable associated with this phenomenon. In this study, we investigated the relationship between resilience, sensory processing, attitudes and consumption behaviors for alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances. For this, we used four instruments: Adult / Adolescent Sensory Profile; Resilience Scale; Attitudes scales; Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Use Scale. The sample consisted of 340 healthy adult participants, of whom 261 (76.8%) were women and 79 (23.2%) men. As for chronological age, the youngest person was 18 and the oldest was 76 years (M = 39; DP = 11). Sensory processing was associated with the intake behaviors and attitudes. Sensory imbalances appeared to be implicated in decreased resilience.A investigação sugere que a relação entre resiliência e uso de substâncias é um processo psicológico não linear e multifatorial.Surpreendentemente, o processamento sensorial raramente é evocado enquanto variável associada a estes fenômenos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as relações entre processamento sensorial, resiliência, atitudes e frequência de comportamentos de consumo de álcool, tabaco e outras substâncias psicoativas em adultos saudáveis. Foram empregados quatro instrumentos: Perfil Sensorial para Adolescentes e Adultos; Escala de resiliência; Escalas de atitudes; Escala de consumo de tabaco, álcool e outras drogas. A amostra foi constituída por 340 participantes adultos mentalmente saudáveis, dos quais 261 (76.8%) eram mulheres. Quanto à idade cronológica, o indivíduo mais novo tinha 18 anos e o mais velho tinha 76 anos (M = 39; DP = 11). O processamento sensorial apresentou-se associado a atitudes e condutas de consumo. Os desequilíbrios sensoriais parecem estar implicados na diminuição da resiliência.Investigaciones sugieren que la relación entre la resiliencia y el uso de sustancias es un proceso psicológico no lineal y multifactorial. Sorprendentemente, el procesamiento sensorial raramente se menciona como una variable asociada a estos fenómenos. En el presente estudio fue investigado la relación entre el procesamiento sensorial, la resiliencia, las actitudes y el comportamiento de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. Fueron utilizados cuatro instrumentos de medida: Perfil Sensorial para Adolescentes y Adultos; Escala de Resiliencia; Escalas de Actitudes; Escala de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas. La muestra fue constituida por 340 participantes adultos sanos, de los cuales 261 (76.8%) eran mujeres y 79 (23.2%) hombres. En cuanto a la edad cronológica, el individuo más joven tenía 18 años y el más viejo 76 años (M = 39; DP = 11). El procesamiento sensorial se mostró asociado a las actitudes y la conducta de consumo. Los desequilibrios sensoriales parecen estar implicados en la disminución de la resiliencia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Concept of preventive adherence in the field of addictions

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    A pesar de llevar varias décadas desarrollando el campo de la prevención de las adicciones, a día de hoy aún seguimos configurando su marco conceptual. En este trabajo se pretende dar un paso más en su construcción intentando concretar a nivel teórico el proceso de adherencia en el ámbito preventivo. Partiendo del supuesto teórico en la relación del concepto de adherencia con diferentes procesos psicológicos básicos, se plantea la estructura de la adherencia preventiva desde diferentes modelos y teorías psicosociales que de alguna forma han confirmado su influencia sobre el comportamiento de adherencia. Recogiendo los avances producidos en distintos contextos en los que se incluyen procesos de adherencia, se propone su desarrollo desde la Teoría Social Cognitiva y el Modelo Transteórico. Finalmente se discuten distintos aspectos relacionados con el planteamiento teórico y sus implicaciones prácticas.Even though several decades developing the prevention in the field of addictions, nowadays we still configuring its conceptual framework. In this work we pretend to take a step forwards on that configuration trying to specify in a theoretical way the adherence process in the preventive field. Starting from the theoretical case in the relation of the adherence with different basic psychological processes, the structure of the preventive adherence is shown through both different models and psychosocial theories wich have confirmed somehow its influence over adherence behaviour. Gathering the advances produced in several contexts where adherence processes are included, its development is proposed from the Social Cognitive Theory and the Transtheoretical Model. Finally several aspects related to the theoretical approach and its practicals implications are discussed

    Social networks as tools for the prevention and promotion of health among youth

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    The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) has generated a number of research questions, related to their use and potential risk, but also potentials for prevention or health promotion. Online social networks have become an important source of information for users as well as a tool for social relations. As traditional social networks, they can act as vehicles to improve the health of adolescents and youth, as well as play a key role in an educational context. The aim of this work is then to explore the theoretical relevance of ICT, particularly on online social networks, on disease prevention and health promotion of communicable diseases. Literature review points out the role of online social networks, particularly in the field of sexual health, body image, especially eating habits and overweight, as well as smoking and alcohol dependence. Data allow us to understand how online social network behavior and interaction is related to their burden and interventions developed in sexual health and addiction show positive results. More efforts in body image are needed in order to use these tools for prevention and promotion of health from early age.This research was supported by Instituto de Investigación de Drogodependencias, Universidad Miguel Hernández, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (strategic projects PEst-OE/FIL/UI0683/2014)

    Confinement Behavior

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    Some events are drivers for a change in the way we live life. When these events are not controllable, as has been the case with the coronavirus pandemic, everything is precipitated and the mechanisms of change are accelerated regardless of the type of culture, society, or economy in which they take place. Possibly it is the circumstances that directly affect the health of the population that are the most critical and are the ones that cause the greatest concern and change. This is the first time in history that we have had the opportunity to study lockdown behavior at a global level, analyzing how it affects citizens’ way of life. The most widespread restrictions in most countries of the world have revolved around increasing physical distance, lockdowns (total, by districts, or by specific areas), curfews (variable depending on the severity of the situation of each place), mandatory isolation in the case of testing positive for the infection, the suppression of all kinds of activities (cultural, sports, leisure), and the promotion of remote working to avoid, as much as possible, being in contact with others. The two main characteristics of mandatory isolation are, on the one hand, complete physical isolation from family and friends and, on the other, the absolute restriction of free movement. Both measures, also being combined with other factors, can generate significant changes in the levels of anxiety and stress of confined people. This is due to these people experiencing emotions of fear regarding illness and death, the possible loss of their jobs, the consequent economic problems, and the probability of increasing their level of being sedentary as a result of not being able to go outside to exercise. In this study, we propose, from a theoretical point of view, the precedents and consequences of lockdown behavior regarding the dimensions that we consider fundamental in people's lives. We analyze how lockdown influences lifestyle, from eating habits to sleeping patterns, digital behavior, physical activity, and emotional state, reaching the theoretical conclusion that all of these aspects can be significantly altered

    The impact of CoVId-19 on higher education teachers and its conceptions on assessment

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    Este estudio aborda el impacto derivado de la CoVId-19 sobre el ejercicio profesional, las condiciones laborales y sobre las concepciones pedagógicas relativas a la evaluación en el profesorado universitario. Veremos cómo uno de los factores de mayor preocupación en este colectivo ha sido la modificación de los sistemas de evaluación. Estudiaremos si la experiencia de transito urgente a la enseñanza telemática ha supuesto una ocasión para modificar sus concepciones evaluativas iniciales. Pensamos que únicamente transformando las precogniciones e ideas previas sobre la evaluación es posible un cambio real de metodologías evaluativas y por tanto de metodologías afines. Para nuestro artículo, hemos utilizado los datos del estudio realizado por la coalición sindical de la Universidad de La Laguna y un cuestionario específico sobre percepción de cambio a dos grupos de profesores de La Universidad de La Laguna, un grupo de 18 profesores de rama social y otro de 24 profesores de rama científicaThis paper studies the impact derived from CoVId-19 on University faculty in regard to professional practice, working conditions and the pedagogical concepts about assessment. We will see how one of the aspects of greatest concern has been the modification of assessment tools. We will discuss whether the experience of urgent transit to remote teaching has provided an opportunity to modify faculty’s previous opinions in regard to assessments. We consider that only by transforming precognitions and previous ideas about evaluation is possible carry out a real change on assessment methodologies and therefore related methodologies. for this, we have used the data from an study carried out by the faculty union coalition of the University of La Laguna and a specific questionnaire on perception of change for two groups of professors from the University of La Laguna, a group of 18 professors from the social sciences and another from 24 biology and Chemistry professor

    System Dynamics based simulation and gaming: a case of transparent competing companies

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    SITMECOM 1.0 PC is a multifunctional simulator that represents three companies competing in real time in the same market. Each firm can be simulated on a different computer, which is linked to the others in one of the following ways: via a direct cable connection, via a local area network, or via the Internet. We have also allowed for the possibility of having one computer play the role of the competitors, making it possible to use our simulator on a single computer without the need to be connected to any others. In the design process, we endeavor to fulfill three basic objectives: To promote the system dynamics approach, since we consider it the most appropriate to use in order to analyze and study complex systems, such as companies. To fulfill this goal, one of the main features of this simulator is Transparency, that is, the possibility of relating the system´s structure to its behavior [2]. To provide attractive self-learning instruments which facilitate self-learning in Business Management with a systems approach. To provide an user-friendly interface which does not require previous knowledge of computer science. In order to achieve this, we exploit the potentiality of new technologies in information and communications systems. In our opinion, SITMECOM 1.0 PC offers clear advantages over traditional business games and bring an improvement to teaching and learning methods in Business Administration and Management. It has already been used in a course on Business simulation with a system dynamics approach at the University of Sevilla during two academic years (1997-1998 and 1998-1999) and, in our opinion, the obtained results were very satisfactory. However, in a next future we want to undertake a controlled experiment which would allow us to test our hypothesis about the advantages offered by our simulator

    The mediating role of self-regulation in cigarette smoking and alcohol use among young people

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    Esta investigación estudia el papel de la auto-regulación en los comportamientos de consumo, desde una perspectiva del desarrollo. Se explora la influencia del grupo de iguales y las competencias de los padres en la auto-regulación, en relación con el consumo de sustancias en jóve-nes, mediante dos muestras de conveniencia, la primera compuesta por 478 jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 20 años, siendo la mayoría del género femenino, y la segunda formada por 311 jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 17 años, siendo la mayoría del género masculino. Se utilizó un Cuestionario Sociodemográfico (ad hoc), un Cuestionario de consumo de tabaco y alcohol (ad hoc), el Inventario de Auto-regulación en la Adolescencia - versión reducida (IARA-2r), la Esca-la de Competencias de los Padres y el Cuestionario de Relación de Pareja. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una relación entre género y auto-regulación a largo plazo, más elevada en el género femenino. Los jóvenes con compañeros que fuman o consumen alcohol regularmente, presentan puntuaciones más bajas en las subescalas de auto-regulación a corto plazo. Se confirma una relación positiva moderada entre la auto-regulación a lar-go plazo y las competencias positivas de los padres.This research explores the role of self-regulation in substance-use behaviours from a developmental perspective. We explore the influ-ence of the peer group and parental competencies on self-regulation, in relation to substance use in young people, by means of two convenience samples, the first comprising 478 participants aged 10 to 20, the majority of whom were female, and the second made up of 311 youngsters aged 10 to 17, the majority being male. The instruments used were a Sociodemo-graphic Questionnaire (ad hoc), a Smoking and Alcohol Use Question-naire (ad hoc), the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory – brief version (ASRI-2r), the Parental Competencies Scale and the Peer Relations Ques-tionnaire. The results confirm a relationship between gender and long-term self-regulation, whose level is higher among girls and young women. Those youngsters with friends who smoke or regularly drink alcohol score lower on the short-term self-regulation subscales. A moderate positive re-lationship is confirmed between long-term self-regulation and positive competencies in parents

    El impacto de la COVID-19 en el profesorado de educación superior y sus concepciones sobre la evaluación

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    This paper studies the impact derived from COVID-19 on University faculty in regard to professional practice, working conditions and the pedagogical concepts about assessment. We will see how one of the aspects of greatest concern has been the modification of assessment tools. We will discuss whether the experience of urgent transit to remote teaching has provided an opportunity to modify faculty’s previous opinions in regard to assessments. We consider that only by transforming precognitions and previous ideas about evaluation is possible carry out a real change on assessment methodologies and therefore related methodologies. for this, we have used the data from an study carried out by the faculty union coalition of the University of La Laguna and a specific questionnaire on perception of change for two groups of professors from the University of La Laguna, a group of 18 professors from the social sciences and another from 24 Biology and Chemistry professors.Este estudio aborda el impacto derivado de la COVID-19 sobre el ejercicio profesional, las condiciones laborales y sobre las concepciones pedagógicas relativas a la evaluación en el profesorado universitario. Veremos cómo uno de los factores de mayor preocupación en este colectivo ha sido la modificación de los sistemas de evaluación. Estudiaremos si la experiencia de transito urgente a la enseñanza telemática ha supuesto una ocasión para modificar sus concepciones evaluativas iniciales. Pensamos que únicamente transformando las precogniciones e ideas previas sobre la evaluación es posible un cambio real de metodologías evaluativas y por tanto de metodologías afines. Para nuestro artículo, hemos utilizado los datos del estudio realizado por la coalición sindical de la Universidad de La Laguna y un cuestionario específico sobre percepción de cambio a dos grupos de profesores de La Universidad de La Laguna, un grupo de 18 profesores de rama social y otro de 24 profesores de rama científica