2,374 research outputs found

    Establishing a fast food industry in Venezuela

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    Caracterización de la microflora de tres quesos tradicionales mexicanos: Chihuahua, Cincho y Oaxaca

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    La producción de queso en el país es una actividad importante dentro de la industria alimenticia, y es la producción de quesos artesanales la que representa una ventaja para los pequeños productores de leche, al ser proveedores de la materia prima o realizar actividades como lecheros y queseros. En todo el territorio nacional se producen quesos artesanales de los que se han identificado más de 40 variedades contemplando quesos frescos y madurados, entre ellos el asadero, crema, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Cincho, Panela y Cotija. Para la producción de éstos quesos se hace uso de leche cruda de vaca que le provee características organolépticas asociadas a la flora natural de la leche, además el territorio, saber-hacer, la tradición, e historia son rasgos esenciales que les otorgan su reconocida tipicidad, apreciada por gran parte de la población que busca productos de calidad con evocación de lo tradicional y genuino. Sin embargo la normatividad los considera como factor de riesgo en la salud, argumentando que tienen pobre calidad bacteriológica, por lo que se exige que todo queso sea elaborado con leche pasteurizada, sin embargo hay procesos naturales en los productos lácteos que pueden producir un producto inocuo, y en muchos quesos maduros, de pasta hilada o acidificados, esos procesos están presentes. El estudio de esos procesos es muy incipiente en nuestro país, pese a la innegable importancia social, nutritiva, económica y cultural de los quesos tradicionales mexicanos. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo caracterizar la flora microbiana autóctona de tres quesos tradicionales: Cincho, Chihuahua y Oaxaca, se consideró el efecto de la maduración, pasteurización y acidificación en las poblaciones microbianas de los quesos analizados. Los resultados muestran que la microflora de los quesos está compuesta por grupos no deseados como coliformes totales, levaduras y Staphylococcus, sin embargo se detectó la presencia de bacterias lácticas, flora microbiana no patógena, reconocida por la FDA como segura debido a sus múltiples propiedades benéficas para la salud. El proceso de maduración y pasteurización disminuyeron la carga microbiana, no obstante no tuvieron un efecto significativo en la inocuidad de los quesos. En ese contexto se sugiere la implementación de programas para evaluar todas las acciones involucradas en la elaboración de queso, con miras a obtener un producto saludable

    Lady Alhambra

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    In this thesis I make a retrospective analysis of the creative process through which I conceived my original solo performance piece, Lady Alhambra: a 15-minute one-person comedy that tells the story of Nila, a Cuban-American vedette and autodidactic spiritualist working at a cabaret called the House of Mambo. I define my creative process in three stages, each classified and described in chapters one through three. Chapter one describes the initial stage of exploration. Chapter two describes the intermediate stage of evolution. Then chapter three describes the final stage which is the performance. Lastly, I contemplate on the future of the play. For reference, I have included a copy of Lady Alhambra. After reading this thesis, the reader will know the origins and resources that inspired the play; learn how the writing and choreography developed in unison; and how I plan to continue evolving the play. Included here, is a copy of Lady Alhambra as it was performed on February 18th, 19th, and 20th of 2018, at the Center for Performance Experiment, University of South Carolina (Columbia)

    Sexual intercourse among adolescents in Santiago, Chile: a study of individual and parenting factors

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine a range of individual, parenting, and family factors associated with sexual intercourse among a community sample of youth and their families in Santiago, Chile. METHODS: Data were taken from the first wave of the Santiago Longitudinal Study conducted in January 2008–November 2009. Participants were 766 youth (mean age = 14.03 years, 51% male) from municipalities of low-to mid-socioeconomic status. Variables included emotional and behavioral subscales from the Child Behavior Checklist’s Youth Self Report, parental monitoring, family involvement, parental control and autonomy, relationship with each parent, and sexual activity. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the odds of sexual intercourse initiation. RESULTS: Seventy (9.14%) youth reported having had sex in their lifetime; the average age of first sexual intercourse among this group was 13.5 years (Standard Deviation [SD] = 1.74) for males and 14.08 (SD = 1.40) for females. Having sex was inversely associated with withdrawn-depressed symptoms (Odds Ratio [OR] = 0.84, Confidence Interval [CI] = 0.72–0.97), but positively associated with somatic complaints (OR = 1.20, CI = 1.04–1.38) and rule breaking behavior (OR = 1.21, CI = 1.08–1.36), after adjusting for demographic and other individual and parenting variables. The majority (80%) of the youth who had had sex reported using protection at the time of last intercourse. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the role that mental health problems—some of them not commonly associated with onset of sexual activity—may play in a youth’s decision to have sex. The potential protective effects of several parenting and family characteristics disappeared with youth age and youth behavioral problems.R01 HD033487 - NICHD NIH HHS; R01 DA021181 - NIDA NIH HHS; DA021181 - NIDA NIH HH

    Evaluación del Proceso de Reservaciones, para su automatización en el “Hotel y Restaurante de Montaña Selva Negra”, municipio de Matagalpa, primer semestre 2015

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    Este trabajo investigativo fue realizado en el Hotel y Restaurante de Montaña Selva Negra Matagalpa, en el primer semestre 2015. El objetivo general es evaluar el proceso de reservaciones para su automatización en el “Hotel y Restaurante de Montaña Selva Negra”, municipio de Matagalpa, primer semestre 2015. Para garantizar la cientificidad de la información contenida en la investigación se guía bajo objetivos específicos y variables concretas, con la finalidad de identificar dificultades en el proceso de reservación y así proponer una alternativa informática adecuada según los requerimientos planteados. Presentes en el documento están además los resultados y análisis de los datos obtenidos de los instrumentos aplicados (encuestas, entrevistas, revisión documental y tabla de análisis) cada uno de estas técnicas de recolección de datos, tenían como propósito obtener información clara y detallada de los requerimientos de la empresa. Las principales dificultades encontradas en la investigación se basan en el descontrol al registrar las reservaciones, dado a la inexistencia de una base de datos, lo cual dificulta generar reportes estadísticos inmediatos y oportunos. La solución que se propone para corregir las dificultades presentadas, es un sistema de escritorio a la medida que permita al administrador garantizar el control de los datos, al encargado de recepción, le facilitara la labor, brindando respuesta inmediata a las peticiones de los clientes, sobre servicios proporcionados por el hotel Selva Negr

    Effectiveness of psychometric tests for the selection of personnel in jobs in the retail sector

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of psychometric tests in the selection of person- nel in retail sector jobs. The study used the scientific deductive method of explanatory level, with non- experimental design on companies in the retail sector in the region of Junín, Peru. The most relevant psychometric tests in the study was the interview whose intention was to go into the life of the interviewee ensuring, suggestions, opinions and behavioral attitudes, knowledge tests to assess the capabilities and skills of the candidate and finally personality tests that allow to know the working relationship, perfor- mance, satisfaction and staff turnover. The results generated through structural equations, show that the interview, positively influences the selection of personnel (p<0.05). In relation to knowledge tests based on IQ, the results reveal that it had a positive impact on personnel selection (p<0.05). Finally, personality tests based on psychological traits, significantly influence in personnel selection (p<0.05). The conclu- sion of the study indicates that the interview, knowledge tests and personality tests in the selection of personnel contribute to the efficiency of the human resources area, thus optimizing the resources of the organization

    Floral biology of Adolphia infesta and the reproductive profile of Colletieae (Rhamnaceae)

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    82-90The reproduction of the shrub Adolphia infesta was studied in a population included in a Mexican agricultural landscape with small, cultivated plots and fragments of natural habitat. Adolphia infesta had reproductive traits consistent with those known for its tribe Colletieae, including small zoophilous flowers exposed to both xenogamous, geitonogamous and visitor-facilitated intrafloral pollination, with selfing being at least partially hindered by self-incompatibility. Visual and olfactory cues, together with easily accessible rewards (nectar and pollen), explain the diversity (68 species of 29 families) of insects attracted to the flowers. However, only a small subset can be considered potential pollinators (honeybee and three muscoid flies). In late floral development, pedicel bending brings the developing fruit to an upright position, which might later optimise explosive seed dispersal. The finding of this trait in A. infesta makes fruit erection a synapomorphy of the Adolphia – Discaria – Kentrothamnus clade of the tribe Colletieae. At the study site, A. infesta played a significant role as food source for the local anthophilous insect community, and through its flower visitors, the plant was indirectly connected to 11 other plant species. Knowledge derived from community studies should be applied in conservation initiatives directed at enhancing farmers’ appreciation of extant local biodiversity

    Analisis y desarrollo de infografias como herramienta de comunicacion utilizada en el jornal público

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    A infografia é uma ferramenta usada para ajudar a perceber a informação e recorre a elementos gráficos/visuais que ilustram de forma mais clara e intuitiva a informação para o público em geral, organizando dados, informações, histórias entre outros. O presente relatório está enquadrado no desenvolvimento de um estágio curricular com o objetivo de obter o grau de mestre em design editorial, o estágio foi realizado entre o dia 2 de Janeiro de 2019 e o dia 30 de Junho de 2019 no jornal Público, desenvolvido na secção de infografia onde desde o seu início se concebeu, desenvolveu e executou infografias numa sala de redação. Por se tratar de uma dissertação em regime de estágio curricular, optou-se por uma abordagem que atravessa diferentes metodologias, processos de aprendizagem e investigação, que após a sua assimilação e implementação permitiram fortalecer e aplicar o conhecimento adquirido. O desenvolver do estágio possibilitou a mobilidade entre as diferentes fases da secção de infografia do jornal, desde as rotinas diárias actualizaveis como a previsão do tempo, à investigação, assim como a recolha de informação e elaboração de infografias sobre temas específicos e da actualidade mundial ou nacional portuguesa. Com a conclusão do estágio e com a pesquisa realizada foram apresentados os projectos desenvolvidos a uma avaliação pelo jornal e pelos seus pares. As infografias materializadas permitiram desenvolver conhecimento, habilidades e experiência adquirida; Analysis and development of infographics as a communication tool used in the Público newspaper Abstract: An infographic is a tool used to help the understanding of information. It uses graphic and visual elements to present information, stores, data, among others, more clearly and intuitively. This report is focused on the development of a curricular practice to obtain a master’s degree in editorial design, carried out between January 2 and June 30 of 2019 in the Público Newspaper. Because it is a dissertation under the internship modality, it was addressed through different methodologies, learning, and research processes, which were implemented through the development of the internship, developing and applying the acquired knowledge. The internship allowed me to be in the different phases of the infographic areas that are carried out in the newspaper, from infographic routines such as updating the weather data, research, information gathering, and development of infographics base on specific topics. As a conclusion of the internship and research carried out, the projects are presented, which were validated by the newspaper and its users, the infographics that were done allowed to develop more knowledge, skills and acquired experience

    Operaciones Bancarias : Impacto económico de las lineas de crédito en el capital de trabajo de la microempresa (Casa Marina,S.A.) para el periodo 2009-2013

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la Microempresa Casa Marina durante el periodo 2009-2013 la cual se dedica a la comercialización de artículos para la pesca artesanal. La institución comenzó a hacer uso de las líneas de crédito en el año 2009 por lo que se analizó el Impacto Económico que estas causaron hasta el 2013, después de haber definido dichos términos mediante la aplicación de diferentes razones en los estados financieros se obtuvo resultados favorables para la organización. En el análisis de la investigación se realizó mediante el estudio de los estados financieros correspondientes a los años determinados, se aplicaron diferentes razones financieras como el análisis vertical, aumento de ventas, margen bruto, coeficientes de deudas entre otros, obteniendo resultados beneficiosos presentados por CASA MARINA que muestran la manera cómo ha evolucionado constantemente año a año la rentabilidad para los accionistas y como ha aumentado su capital en base a un apalancamiento bien administrado. Siendo todos los resultados obtenidos del análisis de los estados financieros en el periodo 2009-2013 se acepta y se demuestra con bases la importancia de las líneas de crédito y el impacto económico positivo en la rentabilidad y las operaciones de CASA MARINA S.A por que reflejan que las líneas de crédito y un apalancamiento es útil con buenas políticas de administración de los recursos