54 research outputs found

    Diseño y construcción de un espacio virtual para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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    Aquest projecte té com a objectiu crear un recolzament per l'estudiant en l'aprenentatge de les matemàtiques en les enginyeries tècniques industrials de l'escola industrial de Barcelona, i les noves enginyeries de grau degut al Pla Bolonya. Aquest autoaprenentatge es basa en la creació d'unes aplicacions matemàtiques anomenades maplets que estan basades amb el software matemàtic Maple a on l'estudiant pot aprendre i practicar els diferents temaris de les assignatures de matemàtiques I

    Transmisión adaptada al conjunto rueda para un vehículo formula student

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    En aquest treball es durà a terme l'estudi d’un sistema de transmissió mecànica adaptat al conjunt roda posterior per a un vehicle elèctric de l'equip e-Tech Racing de Formula Student, dissenyat i fabricat per alumnes d'enginyeria. En primer lloc, es farà un estudi de motors a mesura per a poder fixar les dades d'entrada per a la transmissió i adaptar el conjunt tan bé com sigui possible. D'aquesta manera, ens permetrà saber el comportament del cotxe en cadascuna de les proves dinàmiques que hagi de participar, per a poder treure-li el màxim rendiment desitjat. Seguidament s'analitzarà el millor tipus de transmissió, així com la seva configuració en funció de les restriccions de disseny. Aquest punt serà clau a causa de les limitacions d'espai i el tipus de sistema que cal muntar. Una vegada tancats els paràmetres de disseny principals, es disposarà a analitzar per separat les peces que componen el conjunt de la transmissió a partir de càlculs i simulacions que permetran tancar el disseny definitiu i es mostrarà el muntatge del sistema final.En este trabajo se llevará a cabo el estudio de un sistema de transmisión mecánica adaptado al conjunto rueda trasero, para un vehículo eléctrico del equipo e-Tech Racing de Formula Student, diseñado y fabricado por alumnos de ingeniería. En primer lugar, se hará un estudio de motores a medida para poder fijar los datos de entrada para la transmisión y adaptar el conjunto lo mejor posible. De esta manera, nos permitirá saber el comportamiento del coche en cada una de las pruebas dinámicas en las que deba participar, para poder sacarle el máximo rendimiento deseado. Seguidamente se analizará el mejor tipo de transmisión, así como su configuración en función de las restricciones de diseño. Este punto será clave debido a las limitaciones de espacio y al tipo de sistema que hay que montar. Una vez cerrados los parámetros de diseño principales, se dispondrá a analizar por separado las piezas que componen el conjunto de la transmisión a partir de cálculos y simulaciones que permitirán cerrar el diseño definitivo y se mostrará el montaje del sistema final.This project will address the study of a mechanical transmission system adapted to rear wheel drive fully electric car form the Formula Student e-Tech Racing Team, designed and manufactured by engineer students. First of all, a custom engine study will be carried out in order to fix the input data for the transmission and adapt the set as best as possible. In this way, it will allow us to know the behaviour of the car in each of the dynamic events that it must participate in, in order to get the maximum desired performance from it. Thereafter, the best type of transmission will be studied, as well as its configuration based on the design constraints. This point will be key due to space restrictions and the type of system to be mounted. Once the main design parameters have been closed, the parts that make up the transmission assembly will be analysed separately from calculations and simulations that will allow the final design to be closed and the final system assembly will be presented

    Patient perception about the need for antibiotics after tooth extractions : a cross-sectional study

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    Although the current scientific literature does not support the routine use of antibiotics after dental extractions, patients believe that these drugs offer clear benefit during the postoperative period. The main objective of this study was to describe p

    Desarrollo de instrumentos de laboratorio para la asignatura de Sistema de medición en el área de Sistemas de Adquisición de Datos que contribuya a la construcción de un aprendizaje significado de los estudiantes en Ingeniería Electrónica

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    Presenta el resultado del desarrollo de instrumentos de laboratorio para la asignatura de Sistema de medición en el área de adquisición de datos de la carrera de Ingeniería electrónica. Las guías de laboratorio están elaboradas con el propósito de ser utilizadas con las tarjetas de adquisición de datos y el Software Processing para que el estudiante tenga las herramientas necesarias para construir un aprendizaje significativo en los sistemas de adquisición de dato

    Diseño institucional e incentivos implicitos en la descentralización Boliviana (1994-2008)

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    The second generation fiscal federalism (SGFF) approach is used as a reference to analyze the political and fiscal institutional design of Bolivia’s decentralization model and its evolution. Subnational public finance data up to 2008 is used to verify that decentralization of expenditure was higher than that of revenue, establishing a context of vertical fiscal imbalance that increased due to growing fiscal transfers during the positive external shock (boom) period. Consequently, the subnational fiscal surplus was not a result of internal efficiency but of excess revenues from such transfers. Panel models were estimated to identify and assess the implicit incentives embedded in fiscal institutions of the decentralization model. Findings at the municipal level are: i) misalignment of local spending with local interests due to dominance of transfers over own revenue (dominance of central government development policies); ii) incentive to spend transfers faster than own revenue (flypaper effect); iii) greater marginal contribution of own revenue to positive fiscal balances compared to transfers, thus introducing the seed for a soft budget constraint but hidden by the fiscal surplus; iv) disincentive to generate own revenue (tax and non-tax) due to the size and growth of transfers (disincentive to the culture of contributing to own revenue). Findings at the prefectural level are: i) misalignment with regional interests given the dominance of transfers over own revenue due to absolute lack of tax powers (until 2009); ii) high tendency to a soft budget constraint and, eventually, also fiscal bail-out, hidden by the fiscal surplus; iii) in only two departments collection of national-level taxes were higher, compared to transfers received in the same departments; iv) disincentive to pay the VAT (national-level tax) due to higher royalty transfers received, an effect not extended to other national-level taxes; v) high dependence from hydrocarbon-based transfers, and fiscal risk when this natural resource declines (both in volume and prices) due to volatility of international oil prices. Also, as a result of the decentralization model a positive and significant impact was found on education-coverage indicators, an important development objective of the national government

    Patient perception about the need for antibiotics after tooth extractions: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Although the current scientific literature does not support the routine use of antibiotics after dental extractions, patients believe that these drugs offer clear benefit during the postoperative period. The main objective of this study was to describe patient perception of the need for antibiotics after routine tooth extraction and to assess knowledge about the benefits and adverse effects of antibiotic therapy. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 452 participants requiring tooth extraction and seen in the Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) were given a specific questionnaire on the need for antibiotics after dental treatments or diseases, and on their benefits and adverse effects. Descriptive bivariate and multivariate (logistic regression model) analyses were performed. Results: Of the 452 participants, 185 (40.9%) were men and 267 (59.1%) were women, with a mean age of 35.2 ± 15.9 years. Most of the patients (76.6%) expected to take antibiotics after tooth extraction. A higher level of education, older age and knowledge about bacterial resistances were inversely correlated to the perceived need for antibiotic treatment (p<0.05). According to the respondents, the main advantage of antibiotics was the reduction of infection rates, while the most frequently mentioned adverse events were allergic reactions, diarrhea and nausea or vomiting. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients think that antibiotics are necessary after routine dental extraction to prevent postoperative infection. Younger patients with a low educational level and who are unaware of the problem posed by bacterial resistances seem to be more supportive of antibiotic prophylaxis. Most respondents are familiar with the main benefits and adverse effects of these drugs. Key words:Antibiotic, microbial drug resistance, tooth extraction, oral surgery, survey, postoperative wound infection

    SPIRITS 15c and SPIRITS 14buu: Two Obscured Supernovae in the Nearby Star-Forming Galaxy IC 2163

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    SPIRITS---SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey---is an ongoing survey of nearby galaxies searching for infrared (IR) transients with Spitzer/IRAC. We present the discovery and follow-up observations of one of our most luminous (M[4.5]=17.1±0.4M_{[4.5]} = -17.1\pm0.4 mag, Vega) and red ([3.6][4.5]=3.0±0.2[3.6] - [4.5] = 3.0 \pm 0.2 mag) transients, SPIRITS 15c. The transient was detected in a dusty spiral arm of IC 2163 (D35.5D\approx35.5 Mpc). Pre-discovery ground-based imaging revealed an associated, shorter-duration transient in the optical and near-IR (NIR). NIR spectroscopy showed a broad (8400\approx 8400 km s1^{-1}), double-peaked emission line of He I at 1.083μ1.083 \mum, indicating an explosive origin. The NIR spectrum of SPIRITS 15c is similar to that of the Type IIb SN 2011dh at a phase of 200\approx 200 days. Assuming AV=2.2A_V = 2.2 mag of extinction in SPIRITS 15c provides a good match between their optical light curves. The IR light curves and the extreme [3.6][4.5][3.6]-[4.5] color cannot be explained using only a standard extinction law. Another luminous (M4.5=16.1±0.4M_{4.5} = -16.1\pm0.4 mag) event, SPIRITS 14buu, was serendipitously discovered in the same galaxy. The source displays an optical plateau lasting 80\gtrsim 80 days, and we suggest a scenario similar to the low-luminosity Type IIP SN 2005cs obscured by AV1.5A_V \approx 1.5 mag. Other classes of IR-luminous transients can likely be ruled out in both cases. If both events are indeed SNe, this may suggest 18%\gtrsim 18\% of nearby core-collapse SNe are missed by currently operating optical surveys.Comment: 19 pages, 7 Figures, 4 Table

    The Carnegie Supernova Project. I. Third Photometry Data Release of Low-redshift Type Ia Supernovae and Other White Dwarf Explosions

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    We present final natural-system optical (ugriBV) and near-infrared (YJH) photometry of 134 supernovae (SNe) with probable white dwarf progenitors that were observed in 2004-2009 as part of the first stage of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I). The sample consists of 123 Type Ia SNe, 5 Type Iax SNe, 2 super-Chandrasekhar SN candidates, 2 Type Ia SNe interacting with circumstellar matter, and 2 SN 2006bt-like events. The redshifts of the objects range from to 0.0835; the median redshift is 0.0241. For 120 (90%) of these SNe, near-infrared photometry was obtained. Average optical extinction coefficients and color terms are derived and demonstrated to be stable during the five CSP-I observing campaigns. Measurements of the CSP-I near-infrared bandpasses are also described, and near-infrared color terms are estimated through synthetic photometry of stellar atmosphere models. Optical and near-infrared magnitudes of local sequences of tertiary standard stars for each supernova are given, and a new calibration of Y-band magnitudes of the Persson et al. standards in the CSP-I natural system is presented.Fil: Krisciunas, Kevin. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Contreras, Carlos. University Aarhus; Dinamarca. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Burns, Christopher R.. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Phillips, M. M.. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Stritzinger, Maximilian D.. Las Campanas Observatory; Chile. University Aarhus; DinamarcaFil: Morrell, Nidia Irene. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Hamuy, Mario. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Anais, Jorge. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Boldt, Luis. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Busta, Luis. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Campillay, Abdo. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Castellón, Sergio. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Folatelli, Gaston. Las Campanas Observatory; Chile. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Freedman, Wendy L.. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: González, Consuelo. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Hsiao, Eric Y.. Florida State University; Estados Unidos. University Aarhus; Dinamarca. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Krzeminski, Wojtek. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Persson, Sven Eric. Carnegie Observatories;Fil: Roth, Miguel. Gmto Corporation; Chile. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Salgado, Francisco. Leiden Observatory Research Institute; . Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Serón, Jacqueline. Las Campanas Observatory; Chile. Cerro Tololo Inter American Observatory; ChileFil: Suntzeff, Nicholas B.. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Torres, Simón. Soar Telescope; Chile. Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: Filippenko, Alexei V.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Li, Weidong. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Madore, Barry F.. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute Of Technology; . Las Campanas Observatory; ChileFil: DePoy, D.L.. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Marshall, Jennifer L.. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Rheault, Jean Philippe. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Villanueva, Steven. Texas A&M University; Estados Unidos. Ohio State University; Estados Unido

    Carnegie Supernova Project-II: Extending the Near-Infrared Hubble Diagram for Type Ia Supernovae to z0.1z\sim0.1

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    The Carnegie Supernova Project-II (CSP-II) was an NSF-funded, four-year program to obtain optical and near-infrared observations of a "Cosmology" sample of 100\sim100 Type Ia supernovae located in the smooth Hubble flow (0.03z0.100.03 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.10). Light curves were also obtained of a "Physics" sample composed of 90 nearby Type Ia supernovae at z0.04z \leq 0.04 selected for near-infrared spectroscopic time-series observations. The primary emphasis of the CSP-II is to use the combination of optical and near-infrared photometry to achieve a distance precision of better than 5%. In this paper, details of the supernova sample, the observational strategy, and the characteristics of the photometric data are provided. In a companion paper, the near-infrared spectroscopy component of the project is presented.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in PAS