309 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of the literature on critical thinking: an increasingly important competence for higher education students

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    In recent years, interest in critical thinking(CT) has grown considerably. An evaluation of this research field and its challenges are provided in this paper. A bibliometric study was performed to analyse 1,295 papers on CT published in the last 50 years. The data were obtained from the WOS Core Collection database. The findings of this study improve the understanding of the CT domain by showing key studies, the main studies developing the field, key past studies and their influence in subsequent publications, emerging trends and potentially transformative ideas. Most publications and citations are from the last decade, reflecting the momentum of this concept over the period examined. The topic has also expanded geographically. Although the University of Iowa and the University of Alberta are the most prolific institutions, Asian universities have gained in prominence in recent years, as shown by the number of papers published. According to the analysis, the increase in the number of authors, publications and journals in this field and the rise in the number of publications written in collaboration with authors from different parts of the world are two trends that reflect the interest in CT as a way to understand the development of thinking skills

    Reduced ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-1 expression levels in dementia with Lewy bodies

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    Parkinson disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are characterized by the accumulation of abnormal α-synuclein and ubiquitin in protein aggregates conforming Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-1 (UCHL-1) disassembles polyubiquitin chains to increase the availability of free monomeric ubiquitin to the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) thus favoring protein degradation. Since mutations in the UCHL-1 gene, reducing UPS activity by 50%, have been reported in autosomal dominant PD, and UCHL-1 inhibition results in the formation of a-synuclein aggregates in mesencephalic cultured neurons, the present study was initiated to test UCHL-1 mRNA and protein levels in post-mortem frontal cortex (area 8) of PD and DLB cases, compared with agematched controls. TaqMan PCR assays, and Western blots demonstrated down-regulation of UCHL-1 mRNA and UCHL-1 protein in the cerebral cortex in DLB (either in pure forms, not associated with Alzheimer disease: AD, and in common forms, with accompanying AD changes), but not in PD, when compared with age-matched controls. Interestingly, UCHL-1 mRNA and protein expressions were reduced in the medulla oblongata in the same PD cases. Moreover, UCHL-1 protein was decreased in the substantia nigra in cases with Lewy body pathology. UCHL-1 down-regulation was not associated with reduced protein levels of several proteasomal subunits, including 20SX, 20SY, 19S and 11Sα. Yet UCHL-3 expression was reduced in the cerebral cortex of PD and DLB patients. Together, these observations show reduced UCHL-1 expression as a contributory factor in the abnormal protein aggregation in DLB, and points UCHL-1 as a putative therapeutic target in the treatment of DLB

    La influencia del marketing interno y la gestión de los recursos humanos en el bienestar del profesorado y el desarrollo de escuelas innovadoras y sostenibles

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    La investigación que deriva del desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral aborda de forma central las prácticas de GRH orientadas al bienestar docente, así como el papel mediador del bienestar entre la GRH y el rendimiento del centro educativo. Evaluando además la influencia del liderazgo de alta comunicación y basado en el ejemplo, y la innovación tanto en el centro como en el aula.The research derived from this doctoral thesis addresses teacher-oriented human resource practices and the mediating role of HRM and performance of educational institutions. This research asseses the influence of high communication leadership, leadership by example and innovation in both the educational institution and the classroom.Programa de Doctorat en Màrquetin

    El alumnado investiga: una propuesta de innovación en Educación Primaria

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    Los fines generales de este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) han sido conocer, analizar y comprender el concepto de innovación, así como de estrategias didácticas y metodológicas desarrolladas en un curso de 6.º de primaria. Este grupo se encuentra matriculado en un colegio público de Educación Infantil y Primaria, situado en Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz). Para conseguir los datos que se necesitaban para concretar la propuesta práctica, se tuvieron que realizar (durante el periodo del COVID-19) a la dirección, a la tutora, a dos docentes más, quienes imparten clases en 6.º, y a cinco estudiantes matriculados/as en este mismo nivel educativo cuestionarios, entrevistas y grabaciones audio-visuales. Asimismo, a esta información se le incluyó la experiencia adquirida, por parte de la autora de este TFG, de los periodos de prácticas del grado en esta escuela, así como el Plan de Centro de este colegio, agregándole también otras fuentes fiables y bibliográficas. En función de todo lo recabado, resultados, conclusiones alcanzadas y, tras un análisis, se establecieron los requisitos a seguir para llevar a cabo el proyecto de actuación en este colegio, conforme a todas las particularidades detectadas para que así, se adaptara a ellas. Esta propuesta didáctica planteada para el tercer trimestre del calendario escolar 2019/2020, habría consistido en el empleo de una estrategia de enseñanza activa como es un aprendizaje basado en la investigación por parte del alumnado de 6.º. Estos/as hubieran indagado y hallado de forma autónoma, grupal y con las guías de sus maestros/as y otros agentes de la comunidad educativa, los conocimientos sobre el tópico descubierto interesante para ellos/as. Por consiguiente, se modificaban los modos en los que se impartían las lecciones en este nivel educativo (métodos expositivos), donde el alumnado recibía la información de forma pasiva

    Indifference, Demandingness and Resignation Regarding Support for Childrearing

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    This article explores the maternal experiences of a heterogeneous group of 26 mothers from Granada (Andalusia, Spain). The aim is to analyse the needs and demands that these women express with regard to childrearing, using a qualitative methodology. The authors conducted in-depth interviews and analysed the discourses of the mothers following the hermeneutical method. The variables used for sample selection and the themes that emerged during the interviews revealed that the discourses of the mothers revolve around three dimensions: indifference, demands and resignation regarding support for childrearing. The lack of paternal involvement in childrearing appears as a transversal dimension. This article shows that the material conditions of existence marked the differences in the responses of the women regarding support for childrearing, while the sexual division of labour and gender inequalities unified their discourses

    Bibliometric analysis of the customer experience literature

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    This article provides an extensive review and analysis of the customer experience (CX) literature. This growing, highly topical research area draws on contributions from multiple disciplines, including marketing, philosophy, management and psychology. The present analysis was performed using 1,358 articles published between 1996 and 2021 and indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. These articles were analysed using bibliometric methods. The analysis provides insights into the volume of publications, most cited articles and authors, most prolific institutions and countries, and keywords in CX research. The findings provide an up-to-date picture of CX as an academic concept. They also help identify new lines of research on CX and other associated concepts

    Family Council From A Cultural Approach: the case of eastern european countries

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    The family council is a formal mechanism of the family governance in family businesses that aims to give a voice to all members of the family, and to unify the interests of all members. These interests are identified with the purpose of the family, necessary to achieve a long-term legacy, and the sustainability of the company. However, the establishment of the family council is a topic that is still at an incipient stage, both in the literature and for practitioners, so our contribution advances the understanding of family governance within the sphere of family businesses culture and context. For that purpose, we rely on two cultural indexes widely accepted in the literature. We have taken Hofstede’s dimensions and CAGE Distance Framework to explain the establishment of a family council in family businesses settled on the Eastern European countries. The prevailing culture in these countries defines the values and behaviors of their social organizations, namely, the family. The joint study of Hofstede’s dimensions and of the cultural, administrative, and economic differences in the Eastern European countries (CAGE framework) sheds light on how, when and why to establish a family council. This research opens a new field in the intersectional study of culture as an element of sociology and family business in the field of family governance. In advancing this line of research, multilevel analysis through case studies would confirm the coincidence of national values, with individual characteristics. Keywords: Family business, family council, organizational culture, eastern countrie

    Performance analysis of sequence alignment applications

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    Advances in molecular biology have led to a continued growth in the biological information generated by the scientific community. Additionally, this area has become a multi-disciplinary field, including components of mathematics, biology, chemistry, and computer science, generating several challenges in the scientific community from different points of view. For this reason, bioinformatic applications represent an increasingly important workload. However, even though the importance of this field is clear, common bioinformatic applications and their implications on micro-architectural design have not received enough attention from the computer architecture community. This paper presents a micro-architecture performance analysis of recognized bioinformatic applications for the comparison and alignment of biological sequences, including BLAST, FASTA and some recognized parallel implementations of the Smith-Waterman algorithm that use the Altivec SIMD extension to speed-up the performance. We adopt a simulation-based methodology to perform a detailed workload characterization. We analyze architectural and micro-architectural aspects like pipeline configurations, issue widths, functional unit mixes, memory hierarchy and their implications on the performance behavior. We have found that the memory subsystem is the component with more impact in the performance of the BLAST heuristic, the branch predictor is responsible for the major performance loss for FASTA and SSEARCH34, and long dependency chains are the limiting factor in the SIMD implementations of Smith-Waterman.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Las organizaciones del siglo XXI: historia, transformaciones y desafíos

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    Diversos cambios políticos, económicos, sociales y tecnológicos acontecidos en el mundo desde finales de los años sesenta, junto a crisis como las del petróleo (1973 y 1979), y el caos económico-financiero del sistema estructurado en Bretton-Woods, llevaron a que se cuestionaran los postulados keynesianos y fordistas (Alonso y Fernández, 2006; Jaua, 1997). Esto trajo consecuencias que marcaron la historia de las organizaciones y las modificaron profundamente. Las nuevas formas de contratación, las organizaciones que coexisten con otras de manera simultánea, el trabajo en red, la flexibilización y la virtualización, son algunos efectos de estas transformaciones y realidades propias de las organizaciones del siglo xxi.1a edició

    Estudio comparativo de la recuperación postparto en base a los Patrones de Marjory Gordon

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    Objective: Analyse if there is any difference in recovery rate according to their puerperium stage depending on perineal lesion.Material and method: Prospective longitudinal descriptive quantitative study, following the Marjory Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Data collection will be performed in three phases (immediate, clinical and remote puerperium), through semi-structured interview completed in first instance in a face-to-face interview and phone call interview at 10 and 30 days, respectively. Results: In Spain there is an episiotomy, induction and assisted delivery rate much higher than recommended. Episiotomy technique lead to significant tear (16,7%) in this study. During immediate puerperium, women who were practiced an episiotomy shown mobility difficulties (p=0,0005), elimination (p=0,0007), baby care (p=0,015), rest (p=0,15) and perceived pain (p=0,005), whereas in the clinical puerperium are affected only mobility (p=0,05), elimination (p=0,042) and perceived pain (p=0,006). After 30 days, remote puerperium, there is not statistical significant differences in both groups. More research is needed to confirm these facts as well as provide new knowledge.Conclusions: Episiotomy produce more negative effects than spontaneous tears at the immediate and clinical puerperium of women. Pain produced by this technique as a short, medium and long term limit many daily activities of women.Objetivo: Analizar si existen diferencias en el nivel de recuperación en las distintas fases del puerperio según el tipo de lesión perineal.Material y método: Estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo, siguiendo los Patrones Funcionales de Salud de Marjory Gordon. La recogida de datos se realiza en tres fases (puerperio inmediato, clínico y tardío), empleando entrevistas semiestructuradas que se completan en un primer momento en una entrevista personal y vía telefónica a los 10 y a los 30 días, respectivamente.Resultados: En España existe un índice de episiotomías, inducciones y partos instrumentales muy superior al recomendado. La técnica de la episiotomía produjo desgarros importantes (16,7%) en este estudio. Durante el puerperio inmediato, las mujeres con episiotomía tienen dificultades en la movilidad (p=0,0005), la eliminación (p=0,007), cuidado del bebé (p=0,015), descanso (p=0,15) y dolor percibido (p=0,005), mientras que en el puerperio clínico están afectados sólo la movilidad (p=0,05), la eliminación (p=0,042) y el dolor percibido (p=0,006). A los 30 días, en el puerperio tardío, no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos. Se necesitan más estudios que reafirmen estos hechos y aporten nuevos conocimientos.Conclusiones: La episiotomía produce más efectos negativos que los desgarros espontáneos en el puerperio inmediato y clínico en la mujer. El dolor que genera esta técnica a corto, medio y largo plazo es el que limita muchas de las actividades cotidianas de estas mujeres