44 research outputs found

    Trees and Shrubs Monitoring Using an Ecological Approach: The Conclusion of the Restoration Project of Borgotrebbia Landfill (Northern Italy)

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    Plants growth monitoring in restored landfills are poorly available in literature. These data might be of critical importance for the evaluation and improvement of current and future restoration projects. Our study was focused on the plant\u2019s growth monitoring during a Life project (LIFE10 ENV/IT/000400 NEW LIFE), designed to restore a closed landfill (located in Northern Italy) using reconstituted soils. The growth monitoring was conducted on mortality rate, stress symptoms and phenological cycle completion of 10 plant species (trees and shrubs). Data were acquired during the 12 months following the end of the restoration with an ecological approach, using Landolt\u2019s indices and CSR functional strategy. It was observed that the stress-tolerant and the heliphilous ruderal species were the ones that best adapt to the restored environment (dead plants: 0 - 39%; unhealthy plants: 24 - 42%), whereas the most competitive species were the ones with highest mortality (17 - 43%) and stress symptoms (43 - 51%)


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    Abstract The microbunching instability is an ubiquitous problem in storage rings at high current density. However, the involved fast time-scales hampered the possibility to make direct real-time recordings of theses structures. When the structures occur at a cm scale, recent works at UVSOR [1], revealed that direct recording of the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) electric field with ultra-high speed electronics (17 ps) provides extremely precious informations on the microbunching dynamics. However, when CSR occurs at THz frequencies (and is thus out of reach of electronics), the problem remained largely open. Here we present a new opto-electronic strategy that enabled to record series of successive electric field pulses shapes with picosecond resolution (including carrier and envelope), every 12 ns, over a total duration of several milliseconds. We also present the first experimental results obtained with this method at Synchrotron SOLEIL, above the microbunching instability threshold. The method can be applied to the detection of ps electric fields in other situations where high repetition rate is also an issue

    Status of the SOLEIL femtosecond X-ray source

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2012/papers/wepd04.pdfInternational audienceAn electron bunch slicing setup is presently under construction on the SOLEIL storage ring for delivering 100 fs (rms) long photon pulses to two undulator-based beamlines providing soft (TEMPO) and hard X-rays (CRISTAL). Thanks to the non-zero dispersion function present in all straight sections of the storage ring, the sliced bunches can be easily separated from the core bunches. The modulator is a wiggler composed of 20 periods of 164.4 mm. It produces a magnetic field of 1.8 T at a minimum gap of 14.5 mm. To modulate the kinetic energy of the electrons in the wiggler, a Ti:Sa laser will be used, which produces 50 fs pulses at 800 nm with a repetition rate of 2.5 kHz. The laser beam is splitted into two branches in order to provide 2 mJ to the modulator and 0.5 mJ as pump pulse for the CRISTAL and TEMPO end stations. Focusing optics and beam path, from the laser hutch to the inside of the storage ring tunnel are presently under finalization. In this paper, we will report on the specificities of the SOLEIL setup, the status of its installation and the expected performances

    Progress of the LUNEX5 Project

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2013/papers/wepso05.pdfInternational audienceLUNEX5 (free electron Laser Using a New accelerator for the Exploitation of X-ray radiation of 5th generation) aims at investigating the production of short, intense, and coherent pulses in the soft X-ray region. A 400 MeV superconducting linear accelerator and a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA), will feed a single Free Electron Laser line with High order Harmonic in Gas and Echo Enable Harmonic Generation seeding. After the Conceptual Design Report (CDR), R&D has been launched on specific magnetic elements (cryo-ready 3 m long in-vacuum undulator, a variable strong permanent magnet quadrupoles), on diagnostics (Smith-Purcell, electro-optics). In recent transport studies of a LWFA based on more realistic beam parameters (1 % energy spread, 1 ÎĽm beam size and 1 mrad divergence) than the ones assumed in the CDR, a longitudinal and transverse manipulation enables to provide theoretical amplification. A test experiment is under preparation. It is noted in this context that among the French scientific community's interest in experiments at operating FELs is increasing

    LUNEX5: A French FEL Test Facility Light Source Proposal

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2012/papers/tuppp005.pdfInternational audienceLUNEX5 is a new Free Electron Laser (FEL) source project aimed at delivering short and coherent X-ray pulses to probe ultrafast phenomena at the femto-second scale, to investigate extremely low density samples as well as to image individual nm scale objects

    The LUNEX5 project

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2012/papers/froa03.pdfInternational audienceLUNEX5 (free electron Laser Using a New accelerator for the Exploitation of X-ray radiation of 5th generation) aims at investigating the production of short, intense, and coherent pulses in the soft X-ray region. The project consists of a Free Electron Laser (FEL) line enabling the most advanced seeding configurations: High order Harmonic in Gas (HHG) seeding and Echo Enable Harmonic Generation (EEHG) with in-vacuum (potentially cryogenic) undulators of 15 and 30 mm period. Two accelerator types feed this FEL line : a 400 MeV Conventional Linear Accelerator (CLA) using superconducting cavities compatible with a future upgrade towards high repetition rate, for the investigations of the advanced FEL schemes; and a 0.4 - 1 GeV Laser Wake Field Accelerator (LWFA), to be qualified in view of FEL application, in the single spike or seeded regime. Two pilot user experiments for timeresolved studies of isolated species and solid state matter dynamics will take benefit of LUNEX5 FEL radiation and provide feedback of the performance of the different schemes under real user conditions

    The Digital MIQE Guidelines Update: Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments for 2020

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    Digital PCR (dPCR) has developed considerably since the publication of the Minimum Information for Publication of Digital PCR Experiments (dMIQE) guidelines in 2013, with advances in instrumentation, software, applications, and our understanding of its technological potential. Yet these developments also have associated challenges; data analysis steps, including threshold setting, can be difficult and preanalytical steps required to purify, concentrate, and modify nucleic acids can lead to measurement error. To assist independent corroboration of conclusions, comprehensive disclosure of all relevant experimental details is required. To support the community and reflect the growing use of dPCR, we present an update to dMIQE, dMIQE2020, including a simplified dMIQE table format to assist researchers in providing key experimental information and understanding of the associated experimental process. Adoption of dMIQE2020 by the scientific community will assist in standardizing experimental protocols, maximize efficient utilization of resources, and further enhance the impact of this powerful technology

    The ThomX project status

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    Work supported by the French Agence Nationale de la recherche as part of the program EQUIPEX under reference ANR-10-EQPX-51, the Ile de France region, CNRS-IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud XI - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/wepro052.pdfA collaboration of seven research institutes and an industry has been set up for the ThomX project, a compact Compton Backscattering Source (CBS) based in Orsay - France. After a period of study and definition of the machine performance, a full description of all the systems has been provided. The infrastructure work has been started and the main systems are in the call for tender phase. In this paper we will illustrate the definitive machine parameters and components characteristics. We will also update the results of the different technical and experimental activities on optical resonators, RF power supplies and on the electron gun

    ETDRS-fast: implementing psychophysical adaptive methods to standardized visual acuity measurement with ETDRS charts

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    PURPOSE. To measure visual acuity (VA) on Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) charts with a modified faster procedure (ETDRS-Fast), based on adaptive psychophys- ics methods and to assess the method’s validity and reproduc- ibility. METHODS. Whereas the standard method for measuring VA with the ETDRS charts requires that the subject read all the letters beginning with the top row, in the ETDRS-Fast procedure, the subject is asked to read only one letter per row until a mistake is made. Then, following simple rules, the examiner finds a row from which the subject can begin reading all the letters down- ward, thus making the method identical with the standard method near threshold. VA determination was performed twice with both methods in 57 subjects in two separate ses- sions to assess validity and reproducibility. RESULTS. In both sessions the correlation between the two procedures was high (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.95), confirming the validity of the ETDRS-Fast procedure. Repro- ducibility was good for both procedures, with intraclass cor- relation coefficients of 0.94 for the standard and 0.96 for the ETDRS-Fast method. The ETDRS-Fast procedure allowed a sig- nificantly shorter test duration ( 30%; P 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS. Adaptive procedures allow accurate and fast de- termination of psychophysical thresholds by reducing the number of stimulus presentations when the subject is far from threshold. In the ETDRS-Fast method a few simple rules ap- plied to optotype chart reading allow adaptation to each pa- tient’s level of VA. The ETDRS-Fast procedure significantly reduces test time and still yields results that are as accurate as those obtained with the standard method

    I caratteri del suolo di un'area degradata : parametri chimici e indicatori ecologici a confronto

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    The results of the ecological study of the vegetation of a degraded area were compared with those obtained from soil analysis in order to learn what are the characteristics of the soil and evaluate the returned information of the combined application of these approaches