350 research outputs found

    Constrained von Neumann inequalities

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    An equivalent formulation of the von Neumann inequality states that the backward shift SS^* on 2\ell_{2} is extremal, in the sense that if TT is a Hilbert space contraction, then p(T)p(S)\|p(T)\| \leq \|p(S^*)\| for each polynomial pp. We discuss several results of the following type : if TT is a Hilbert space contraction satisfying some constraints, then SS^* restricted to a suitable invariant subspace is an extremal operator. Several operator radii are used instead of the operator norm. Applications to inequalities of coefficients of rational functions positive on the torus are given.Comment: Preprint versio

    Slowdown of surface diffusion during early stages of bacterial colonization

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    We study the surface diffusion of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 during the incipient stages of cell contact with a glass surface in the dilute regime. We observe a twitching motility with alternating immobile tumble and mobile run periods, resulting in a normal diffusion described by a continuous-time random walk with a coefficient of diffusion D. Surprisingly, D is found to decrease with time down to a plateau. This is observed only when the cyanobacterial cells are able to produce released extracellular polysaccharides, as shown by a comparative study between the wild-type strain and various polysaccharides-depleted mutants. The analysis of the trajectories taken by the bacterial cells shows that the temporal characteristics of their intermittent motion depend on the instantaneous fraction of visited sites during diffusion. This describes quantitatively the time dependence of D, related to the progressive surface coverage by the polysaccharides. The observed slowdown of the surface diffusion may constitute a basic precursor mechanism for microcolony formation and provides clues for controlling biofilm formation

    Phosphoribulokinase abundance is not limiting the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Improving photosynthetic efficiency in plants and microalgae is of utmost importance to support the growing world population and to enable the bioproduction of energy and chemicals. Limitations in photosynthetic light conversion efficiency can be directly attributed to kinetic bottlenecks within the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle (CBBC) responsible for carbon fixation. A better understanding of these bottlenecks in vivo is crucial to overcome these limiting factors through bio-engineering. The present study is focused on the analysis of phosphoribulokinase ( PRK) in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We have characterized a PRK knock-out mutant strain and showed that in the absence of PRK, Chlamydomonas cannot grow photoautotrophically while functional complementation with a synthetic construct allowed restoration of photoautotrophy. Nevertheless, using standard genetic elements, the expression of PRK was limited to 40% of the reference level in complemented strains and could not restore normal growth in photoautotrophic conditions suggesting that the CBBC is limited. We were subsequently able to overcome this initial limitation by improving the design of the transcriptional unit expressing PRK using diverse combinations of DNA parts including PRK endogenous promoter and introns. This enabled us to obtain strains with PRK levels comparable to the reference strain and even overexpressing strains. A collection of strains with PRK levels between 16% and 250% of WT PRK levels was generated and characterized. Immunoblot and growth assays revealed that a PRK content of approximate to 86% is sufficient to fully restore photoautotrophic growth. This result suggests that PRK is present in moderate excess in Chlamydomonas. Consistently, the overexpression of PRK did not increase photosynthetic growth indicating that that the endogenous level of PRK in Chlamydomonas is not limiting the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle under optimal conditions

    Номінація частин руки в говірці села Невгоди Овруцького району Житомирської області

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    У статті розглянуто лексеми на позначення частин руки в сучасній середньополіській говірці, зокрема проаналізовано їхню семантику та мотивацію.В статье рассматриваются лексемы, обозначающие части руки, в современном среднеполесском говоре, а именно проанализирована их семантика и мотивация.The article deals with lexemes on designations of parts of the manuscript in the middle-polissya dialect. Their semantics and motivation are also analyzed

    Unemployment benefits : discursive convergence, distant realities

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004Unemployment protection systems have certain characteristics in common in Argentina, Uruguay, Spain and Italy: they are compulsory and contributory-proportional, although in Uruguay, it also has a capitalisation supplement. Despite the similarities, they work differently because the context of informal employment chiefly, and unemployment, low salaries and precariousness differ greatly. Consequently, the unemployment protection coverage rate varies. Theories of the Active Welfare State, the Investor State and the reforms of unemployment protection systems have led to a certain modernising language being adopted in these countries: activation, employability, conditionality, lifelong learning, flexibility, which are, among others, words shared with Europe. However, the meanings of these words differ according to the institutional context of each country. In Latin America the welfare state is low institutionalised even almost non-existent, while in Europe it is a diverse institution. Despite this, the four countries share an upward trend in benefit policies, in accordance with the increase in poverty risk

    Facile formation of highly mobile supported lipid bilayers on surface-quaternized pH-responsive polymer brushes

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    Poly(2-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMA) brushes are grown from planar substrates via surface atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Quaternization of these brushes is conducted using 1-iodooctadecane in n-hexane, which is a non-solvent for PDMA. Ellipsometry, AFM, and water contact angle measurements show that surface-confined quaternization occurs under these conditions, producing pH-responsive brushes that have a hydrophobic upper surface. Systematic variation of the 1-iodooctadecane concentration and reaction time enables the mean degree of surface quaternization to be optimized. Relatively low degrees of surface quaternization (ca. 10 mol % as judged by XPS) produce brushes that enable the formation of supported lipid bilayers, with the hydrophobic pendent octadecyl groups promoting in situ rupture of lipid vesicles. Control experiments confirm that quaternized PDMA brushes prepared in a good brush solvent (THF) produce non-pH-responsive brushes, presumably because the pendent octadecyl groups form micelle-like physical cross-links throughout the brush layer. Supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) can also be formed on the non-quaternized PDMA precursor brushes, but such structures proved to be unstable to small changes in pH. Thus, surface quaternization of PDMA brushes using 1-iodooctadecane in n-hexane provides the best protocol for the formation of robust SLBs. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) studies of such SLBs indicate diffusion coefficients (2.8 ± 0.3 μm s–1) and mobile fractions (98 ± 2%) that are comparable to the literature data reported for SLBs prepared directly on planar glass substrates