462 research outputs found

    The Tratturo Magno 3.0: How the Experiential Tourism and the Social Media Could Support the Rebirth of the Ancient Street of the Transhumance

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    This work deals with the new tourist system that is growing along the track of the Tratturo Magno between L’Aquila and Foggia, its high tech development and its presence on the social media. In the part between L’Aquila and Vasto, thanks to some associations like Tratturi e Cammini, a high tech track has been developed with QR code which every traveller can download a guide by. In this area, the experiential tourism consists, above all, in a project called “Paesaggi Sonori” (Sound Landscapes) and in the ancient tradition of the saffron’s production. In the area between Puglia and Molise, the transhumance is the main character. An important contribution has been given by the Facebook page “Transumanza e altre meraviglie del Molise” which also created a so-called “diary of the transhumance”. The sound of the transhumance and the sound tourism can be an important resource for this territory which also includes some arbëreshë villages like Portocannone and Montecilfone. At the end, it is fundamental to mention the many resources for food tourism, such as the production of the “caciocavallo podolico” and of the “manteca”, connected witht the cows’ transhumance too. In this moment when the transhumance could be added to the UNESCO’s World Heritage list, it is crucial to understand what is needed to create a network of private and public stakeholders and which role can be played by a resource like the Tratturo Magno in these territories

    Existence as Economy and as Charity

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    Antonio Caso, “La existencia como economía y como caridad” (1916). Translated with Jose G. Rodriguez Jr. as “Existence as Economy and as Charity,” in 20th Century Mexican Philosophy: Essential Readings, eds. Carlos Alberto Sánchez and Robert Eli Sanchez, Jr. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)

    Dominance Weighted Social Choice Functions for Group Recommendations

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    In travel domains, decision support systems provide support to tourists in the planning of their vacation. In particular, when the number of possible Points of Interest (POI) to visit is large, the system should help tourists providing recommendations on the POI that could be more interesting for them. Since traveling is, usually, an activity that involves small groups of people, the system should take simultaneously into account the preferences of each group's member. At the same time, it also should model possible intra-group relationships, which can have an impact in the group decision-making process. In this paper, we model this problem as a multi-agent aggregation of preferences by using weighted social choice functions, whereas such weights are automatically evaluated by analyzing the interactions of the group's members on Online Social Networks

    Balkans "Peace" Park: rischi e prospettive

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    The history of Peace Parks started after WWII and they are nowadays spread all over the world. The most ancient were established in Europe and North America, but the most important focus are now Sub-Saharian Africa and the former Ottoman Empire territories. For South Africa this tool became an important way to carry on the African Reinassance and the idea of a united aim of development and spread wellness after decades of Apartheid and centuries of colonization. In the Balkans, above all about the project of a Balkans Peace Park between Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, the lack of a"Balkan Reinassance" and the ethnical, religious and political differences between each country in the former Yugoslavia intersect the project of a Peace Park with several "fil rouges" that make the context become more and more complex

    El problema filosófico de la educación

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    El tema es, en suma, el problema filosófico de la educación. Desde luego, diré que, para mí, la educación es, con relación a la filosofía, como el arte con relación a la ciencia; es decir, que no puede ser buen educador quien no es filósofo. Educar es conducir, es llevar. Pero, ¿adónde conducir? ¿Adónde llevaremos a los hombres? ¿Cómo formaremos sus destinos, si no nos empeñamos antes en averiguar cuáles son éstos? La educación no puede reivindicarse, como estudio propio, por el psicólogo, ni por el biólogo, ni por el historiador, ni por el sociólogo. Es indispensable mayor amplitud en el punto de mira. Es indispensable contemplar los problemas de la educación desde un punto de vista más alto; hay que subordinar todos esos problemas - me atrevería a llamar secundarios - de la educación, desde el punto de vista biológico, fisiológico y psicológico, a este punto supremo de la educación desde el punto de vista filosófico. Porque sólo la filosofía práctica abarca en su totalidad, como síntesis, la meditación ordenada de las cosas del mundo en función de las cosas del espíritu; y sólo merced a esta ordenada meditación de las cosas del mundo en función de las cosas del espíritu, es posible averiguar cómo hay que conducir a los hombres, cómo hay que formar su carácter, cómo hay que integrar sus personalidades. Por consiguiente, corresponde la educación a la filosofía, como corresponde un arte a una disciplina fundamental. Esta disciplina fundamental es la filosofía general. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Existence as Economy and as Charity An Essay on the essence of Christianity (1916) by: Antonio Caso

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    Antonio Caso rejects the effort of biologists to reduce life to the organic world, a sphere of existence that is defined by economy and egoism, best summarized in the formula: Life = Minimum Effort x Maximum Gain. The problem is that this cannot explain what he calls “disinterested activity,” such as play, art, and self-sacrifice. His primary example of disinterested or selfless activity is the life of Jesus, which Caso also believes is the height of human dignity. In other words, Caso not only argues that there is more than one order of life or existence; he also argues that selfless activity is ultimately what distinguishes human life, whose best expression is found in the essence of Christianity: to give oneself to others “without fear of exhaustion.” To be human is to be willing to sacrifice oneself, best expressed in the following formula: Sacrifice = Maximum Effort x Minimum Gain

    La sinuosidad de los lenguajes políticos independentistas en los proyectos libertadores de Simón Bolívar y José de San Martín hasta 1822.

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    El proceso de independencia en América fue un período de convulsión política, económica y social que posibilitó cambios y continuidades en los imaginarios colectivos de los americanos. Este proceso de transformación impactó en la cultura política de la región creando nuevos lenguajes políticos que se fueron constituyendo por quienes impulsaron los proyectos revolucionarios e independentistas que, a su vez, se explicitaron en sus proyectos libertadores con diferentes rasgos y particularidades para cada capitanía, gobernación y/o virreinato; y futura patria. En ese sentido, este trabajo se centrará en los cambios y continuidades de los lenguajes políticos que se utilizaron en los procesos independentistas a partir de dos proyectos libertadores; a saber, la instauración de una monarquía constitucional por parte de José de San Martín y una república centralista a manos de Simón Bolívar. Dos proyectos que se fueron reinventando a partir de un contextualismo histórico y que pese a su pragmatismo inmediato que respondía a un período de cambios y continuidades, se sostiene que se desarrolló un lenguaje político que oscilaba entre lo liberal y lo conservador en sus recorridos independentistas. Estos recorridos, mediante una dialéctica entre los libertadores y el contexto en el cual se situaban, constituyeron sus lenguajes políticos durante la socialización primaria y secundaria de la construcción su identidad; en su recorrido por la península ibérica; mediante su establecimiento en las colonias americanas y; finalmente, en sus recorridos sinuosos hasta la llegada a Guayaquil.Tesi

    Principios de estética

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    Pharmacological and Nonpharmacological Therapeutic Strategies Based on the Pathophysiology of Acute and Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) induces a series of anatomic and physiological disorders which have severe repercussions on neural function. SCI is classified chronologically into an acute (primary and secondary phase) and a chronic phase. The primary phase results directly from the initial trauma and is comprised of disturbances in neural tissue (mainly axons), blood vessels, and spinal shock. Secondary injury results from a series of time-dependent pathophysiological changes, beginning in the first minutes after SCI and lasting days and weeks. This phase is characterized by biochemical and immunological alterations in the injury site and periphery, leading to neuronal over-excitation, apoptosis, and axonal demyelination. In chronic stages, the pathophysiology consists of disturbances in fiber organization, oligodendrocyte apoptosis, fibroglial scar formation, and cyst formation, leading to parenchymal alterations such as syringomyelia and hydromyelia hindering the possibility for functional basal axonal regeneration. This chapter will review a wide range of pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapeutic strategies in preclinical and clinical phases, each targeting different pathological mechanisms of SCI in acute and chronic stages of SCI; taking into account limitations, advances, scope, and new trends. The chapter focuses on the general aspects of SCI pathophysiology, pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments acute and chronic stages of SCI

    Cardiac fluid dynamics anticipates heart adaptation

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    Hemodynamic forces represent an epigenetic factor during heart development and are supposed to influence the pathology of the grown heart. Cardiac blood motion is characterized by a vortical dynamics, and it is common belief that the cardiac vortex has a role in disease progressions or regression. Here we provide a preliminary demonstration about the relevance of maladaptive intra-cardiac vortex dynamics in the geometrical adaptation of the dysfunctional heart. We employed an in vivo model of patients who present a stable normal heart function in virtue of the cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT, bi-ventricular pace-maker) and who are expected to develop left ventricle remodeling if pace-maker was switched off. Intra-ventricular fluid dynamics is analyzed by echocardiography (Echo-PIV). Under normal conditions, the flow presents a longitudinal alignment of the intraventricular hemodynamic forces. When pacing is temporarily switched off, flow forces develop a misalignment hammering onto lateral walls, despite no other electro-mechanical change is noticed. Hemodynamic forces result to be the first event that evokes a physiological activity anticipating cardiac changes and could help in the prediction of longer term heart adaptations