82 research outputs found
La neurectomía digital palmar como tratamiento al síndrome del Navicular en caballos de deporte y la Miotomía y Neurectomía en caballos estabulados que realizan aerofagia
Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223
Bases estructurales del mecanismo de reconocimiento y fosfotransferencia en los sistemas de señalización de dos componentes
Póster original presentado XXVII Congreso de la SEBBM, Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología
Molecular, celebrado en Lleida, 12-15 de septiembre, 2004.Los sistemas de dos componentes son el mecanismo principal de transducción de señal en microorganismos. Un sistema paradigmático se compone de dos proteínas: una histidina quinasa (HK) y un regulador de la respuesta (RR). El mecanismo de transducción de señal implica al menos tres reacciones (ver esquema): 1) Autofosforilación: la llegada de un estímulo al dominio extracelular sensor de la HK, induce la fosforilación en un residuo de His conservado en el dominio de dimerización (DHp) por parte del dominio de unión de ATP (CA). 2) Fosfotransferencia: este grupo fosforilo es transferido desde la His a un residuo de Asp del dominio regulador del correspondiente RR. 3) Defosforilación: el RR pierde el grupo fosforilo espontáneamente o mediado por la HK. El estado de fosforilación del dominio regulador en RR regula la actividad de su dominio efector, que es habitualmente un factor de transcripción.Financiado por la ayuda BIO2002-03709 del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. P. casino es becaria FPI del Ministerio de ciencia y TecnologíaPeer reviewe
La experiencia escolar y la conducta transgesora de los adolescentes del Colegio Internacional de Levante (Valencia)
La investigación que se presenta a lo largo de este trabajo pretende analizar conjuntamente la experiencia escolar de los alumnos adolescentes de un colegio de financiación privada sito en Calicanto (Chiva, Valencia) y la influencia que manifiesta esta variable sobre la inclinación a un estilo de conducta oposicional y transgresor. La muestra se compone de 117 adolescentes de ambos sexos y edades comprendidas entre 12 y 18 años. A los estudiantes se les administró una batería de cuestionarios que evalúan su experiencia escolar y la implicación de éstos en conductas transgresoras. En términos generales, los resultados indican que, dadas las características del centro y del alumnado, los estudiantes evalúan positivamente su experiencia escolar. Los datos también sugieren que los alumnos con trayectoria escolar buena y buenas relaciones con las figuras de autoridad evalúan positivamente la experiencia escolar. Por último, encontramos una relación entre la experiencia escolar de los alumnos y su implicación en conductas transgresoras, de modo que los alumnos con trayectoria escolar con dificultades y que tienen una autoestima negativa en relación con los resultados escolares se implican tanto en conductas transgresoras leves como muy graves. Finalmente, se discutieron estos resultados y sus implicaciones.The purpose of present study is to analyze the relationship between adolescents´ school experience in Levante International School (Calicanto, Chiva) and their disruptive behaviour. The sample consists of 117 teenagers whose ages range from 12 to 18 years old, of both sexes, attending this private school. The results indicate that due to the characteristics of this school the students think that their school experience is positive. Moreover, data suggest that students with grate marks and positive attitude towards school authority make a positive evaluation of their school experience. Finally, findings show a relationship between the disruptive behaviour and the school experience. These results and their implication are analyzed.Educació
DiSSCo Prepare Project: Increasing the Implementation Readiness Levels of the European Research Infrastructure
The Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) is a new world-class Research Infrastructure (RI) for Natural Science Collections. The DiSSCo RI aims to create a new business model for one European collection that digitally unifies all European natural science assets under common access, curation, policies and practices that ensure that all the data is easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR principles). DiSSCo represents the largest ever formal agreement between natural history museums, botanic gardens and collection-holding institutions in the world.DiSSCo entered the European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in 2018 and launched its main preparatory phase project (DiSSCo Prepare) in 2020. DiSSCo Prepare is the primary vehicle through which DiSSCo reaches the overall maturity necessary for its construction and eventual operation. DiSSCo Prepare raises DiSSCo’s implementation readiness level (IRL) across the five dimensions: technical, scientific, data, organisational and financial. Each dimension of implementation readiness is separately addressed by specific Work Packages (WP) with distinct targets, actions and tasks that will deliver DiSSCo’s Construction Masterplan. This comprehensive and integrated Masterplan will be the product of the outputs of all of its content related tasks and will be the project’s final output. It will serve as the blueprint for construction of the DiSSCo RI, including establishing it as a legal entity.DiSSCo Prepare builds on the successful completion of DiSSCo’s design study, ICEDIG and the outcomes of other DiSSCo-linked projects such as SYNTHESYS+ and MOBILISE.This paper is an abridged version of the original DiSSCo Prepare grant proposal. It contains the overarching scientific case for DiSSCo Prepare, alongside a description of our major activities
El edublog como herramienta didáctica en la formación del estudiante universitario
El poster muestra una metodología docente activa, complementaria a la enseñanza tradicional, en la asignatura "Psicología del Pensamiento” del Grado de Psicología de la Universitat de València utilizando el edublog como herramienta docente. Para ello, parte de un modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir del cual se pretende promover una enseñanza adaptada a las constantes transformaciones sociales y a la Sociedad de la Información y la Comunicación, bajo una propuesta conectivista en la era del aprendizaje digital. Para finalizar, se presenta la discusión sobre el método educativo planteado, y en concreto el edublog como estrategia docente, en el cual el estudiante adopta un papel proactivo, autónomo y reflexivo tal y como propone el EEES
A investigação atual considera importante avaliar o estado emocional e as diferentes fontes de stress em alunos. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre quatro fontes de estresse do aluno (Interações com o professor, Estresse acadêmico, Interações com pares e Autoconceito acadêmico) e as atribuições causais que ocorrem diante do sucesso e do fracasso acadêmico (capacidade, esforço e causas externas). Foi utilizada uma amostra de 753 escolares espanhóis (49,9% do sexo masculino) com idades entre 8 e 11 anos (M = 9,6; DP = 1,11). A School Situations Interview e a Sydney Attribution Scale foram utilizadas para a coleta de dados. Os coeficientes de correlação e a regressão logística mostram a relação e a capacidade preditiva das experiências de estresse nas atribuições causais apresentadas por escolares espanhóis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
“Developing Capabilities”. Inclusive Extracurricular Enrichment Programs to Improve the Well-Being of Gifted Adolescents.
The educational inclusion of gifted students requires not only equity but also emotional accessibility and social participation. However, different studies indicate that gifted students constitute a vulnerable group (for example, the incidence of bullying is higher). Psychosocial variables are determinants for the development and expression of giftedness, particularly during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an inclusive extracurricular enrichment program for gifted secondary school students on the well-being of adolescents. The program was based on the enrichment model of Renzulli and Reis (2016). The objective was to develop a cluster to facilitate high-achieving learning in collaboration with teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors from their schools as well as university professors and students that would address their emotions and socialization across the board and benefit or involve their peers in their regular classrooms. The intervention took place over two years: eight sessions, one afternoon per week, for five months during each school year. The sample consisted of 47 students from the first and second years of compulsory secondary education (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria - ESO) (age, mean (M) = 12.57, standard deviation (SD) = 0.82) during the first year and 27 students from the first, second, and third years of ESO (age, M = 13.48, SD = 0.94) during the second year; 61.4% were girls. Participants completed a questionnaire before (T1) and (T3) and after (T2) and (T4) each intervention. The results show better outcomes for psychological and subjective well-being, more positive moods, and a significant reduction in school fears. The results from this study indicate the importance of educational screening and support for gifted students to promote their well-being through collaborative enrichment activities.Psicologí
GVPC Medium Manufactured without Oxygen Improves the Growth of Legionella spp. and Exhibits Enhanced Selectivity Properties
ABSTRACTGlycine-vancomycin-polymyxin-cycloheximide agar (GVPC) is a recommended medium for the detection of Legionella spp. in water samples. However, its quality could be improved in terms of recovery of Legionella spp. and selectivity properties. Modifications were introduced in GVPC manufacture: autoclaving conditions (115°C, 15 min) and atmosphere during component-stirring (removal of oxygen and N2 injection). The use of softer autoclaving conditions (115°C, 15 min) improved the growth of Legionella anisa by the spiral method and Legionella pneumophila after membrane filtration. The medium manufactured with O2 removal and autoclaving for 15 min at 115°C allowed a faster growth of L. pneumophila (colonies visible at day 2) and a notable increase of L. anisa growth (colonies appearing at day 3, and statistically significant numbers of CFU at day 5). After 3 to 5 days of incubation, the improved media showed higher selectivity properties, particularly for Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027. A further improvement was achieved by the addition of N2 during ingredient stirring, leading to a statistically significant faster growth of L. pneumophila at days 2 and 3 and L. anisa at day 3. Selectivity properties were also enhanced, resulting in the complete inhibition of both E. faecalis strains and Escherichia coli and complete-partial inhibition of P. aeruginosa. Oxygen removal during GVPC manufacture using a vacuum pump system promotes the growth of L. pneumophila and L. anisa, and markedly inhibits the growth of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and E. faecalis. IMPORTANCE Currently, GVPC is a recommended medium for the detection of Legionella spp. in water samples. However, recovery of Legionella spp. and selectivity properties can be improved. GVPC medium manufactured without oxygen improved the growth of Legionella pneumophila and Legionella anisa. Oxygen removal during GVPC manufacture also improved selectivity properties. A further improvement was achieved by the addition of N2 during ingredient stirring, leading to a faster growth of L. pneumophila at days 2 and 3 and L. anisa at day 3 and enhancement of selectivity properties. The introduction of the modified GVPC medium in routine practice can allow a better detection of Legionella spp. in water samples
DiSSCo Prepare WP7 –D7.3 Assessment tools and direction map to the implementation of common DiSSCo policies
The Distributed System for Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) Research Infrastructure will operate a number of e-services, all of which will have policy requirements for participating institutions. These policies include those related to digital and physical access to specimens, digital image and specimen metadata, and FAIR / Open Data. Previous projects have shown that the policy landscape is complex, and Task 7.3 has developed a policy self-assessment tool that will allow DiSSCo to assess policy alignment across the consortium. This deliverable describes the development of the policy self-assessment tool and provides a walkthrough of the key features. The same technical framework was used to create a digital maturity tool, which was initially proposed by Task 3.1, and this is also described within this document. A set of recommendations are included that outline the future direction for the development of the policy tool.The Distributed System for Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) Research Infrastructure will operate a number´of e-services, all of which will have policy requirements for participating institutions. These policies include those related to digital and physical access to specimens, digital image and specimen metadata, and FAIR / Open Data. Previous projects have shown that the policy landscape is complex, and Task 7.3 has developed a policy self-assessment tool that will allow DiSSCo to assess policy alignment across the consortium. This deliverable describes the development of the policy self-assessment tool and provides a walkthrough of the key features. The same technical framework was used to create a digital maturity tool, which was initially proposed by Task 3.1, and this is also described within this document. A set of recommendations are included that outline the future direction for the development of the policy tool
Las creencias epistemológicas y el sistema de valores de los estudiantes de la Universitat de València en el contexto europeo de la educación superior
La comunicación que se presenta es fruto del proyecto que lleva por título ‘Creencias epistemológicas de los estudiantes’ (Referencia 16/FO/04). Dicho proyecto tenía, como uno de sus objetivos, ver la coherencia entre las creencias epistemológicas y el sistema de valores de estudiantes de la UV con el nuevo contexto educativo universitario. Por una parte, las creencias epistemológicas hacen referencia a las concepciones o pensamientos que las personas sostienen acerca de la naturaleza del conocimiento y el proceso de conocer (Hofer y Pintrich, 1997), lo cual tiene claras repercusiones sobre el rendimiento académico; los valores (Schwartz, 1992 y 2009), por su parte, pueden mediar en la manera con la que los estudiantes se enfrentan al aprendizaje académico.
Para medir las creencias epistemológicas se empleó el cuestionario Epistemological Beliefs Survey (EBS, Wood & C. Kardash, 2002) y para medir el sistema de valores se utilizó el Cuestionario de Valores de Schwartz (1992).
Estos cuestionarios se aplicaron a través del aula virtual, en diversos cursos y titulaciones de la Universidad de Valencia (Bibioteconomía y documentación, Historia del Arte, Magisterio, Psicología y cursos nivelación de Grado en Recursos Humanos y Relaciones Laborales) a una muestra de 760 alumnos. Sobre las puntuaciones obtenidas se llevó a cabo una factorización de los cuestionarios utilizados y se realizaron los análisis pertinentes para extraer el perfil de los estudiantes. Se discuten los resultados a partir de los requerimientos del nuevo contexto educativo EEES. Una exhaustiva descripción del comportamiento de las anteriores variables en los estudiantes permitirá, en primer lugar, conocer mejor las características de nuestro alumnado y las variables que influyen en su rendimiento académico; y, en segundo lugar, este conocimiento permitirá proponer actuaciones didácticas específicas (i.e., actividades académicas, programas de tutoría y seguimiento) dirigidas a mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje universitario
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