572 research outputs found

    Embedded Sensor System for Early Pathology Detection in Building Construction

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    Structure pathology detection is an important security task in building construction, which is performed by an operator by looking manually for damages on the materials. This activity could be dangerous if the structure is hidden or difficult to reach. On the other hand, embedded devices and wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming popular and cheap, enabling the design of an alternative pathology detection system to monitor structures based on these technologies. This article introduces a ZigBee WSN system, intending to be autonomous, easy to use and with low power consumption. Its functional parts are fully discussed with diagrams, as well as the protocol used to collect samples from sensor nodes. Finally, several tests focused on range and power consumption of our prototype are shown, analysing whether the results obtained were as expected or not

    Variation in reproductive success within a natural population of the American toad (Bufo americanus)

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if mating success and clutch size are good estimates of reproductive success in a population of Bufo americanus, through the study of the contribution of life history parameters to the variation in individual reproductive success. A B. americanus population that breeds in a pond located in Madbury, NH was studied during the 1994, 1995 and 1996 mating seasons. In 1995 and 1996 clutches were also studied and the larvae were used in laboratory and field experiments. The following fitness parameters were investigated: mating success, clutch and egg size, growth rate and survivorship of the larvae, time to metamorphosis, proportion of larvae that completed metamorphosis, and body size at metamorphosis. The results of this study suggest that male mating success was not size dependent in any of the three mating seasons studied. However, size assortative mating found in 1995 is an indication that male body size may represent an advantage in reproductive success, and consequently be subject to selection, because larger males may father a larger number of offspring due to the positive correlation between female body size and clutch size. The influence of male and female body size on reproductive success was limited to effects on the number of eggs produced (females) or fertilized (males), as variation in the other fitness parameters could not be related to variation in the size of parents. Variation in the larvae in the fitness parameters studied was also not significantly related to variation in number of offspring or mean size of eggs in the clutches. Experimental results suggest that variation in food and density levels affect larval growth and survival, as increase in food level and decrease in initial density had a positive effect on larvae size and survivorship, and on the percent of larvae that complete metamorphosis

    Predation by Nucella lapillus (Linnaeus, 1758) on Littorina obtusata (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Prey preference and recognition by individuals of Nucella lapillus from 13 different populations from New England were studied, to determine if individuals of this species kept on a single prey diet develops a preference for this prey, and if prey availability affects prey recognition in this predator. Individuals from all 13 populations showed a preference for Mytilus edulis over Littorina obtusata in laboratory experiments, including those from a population that prey only on L. obtusata in the field. Individuals from another population were not able to recognize L. obtusata as a prey. N. lapillus kept in a diet of M. edulis in the laboratory had its preference for this prey reinforced, but those kept in a diet of L. obtusata, did not develop a preference for this prey. Adults and juveniles of Nucella lapillus showed higher feeding rates on both M. edulis and L. obtusata, in treatments with higher prey density than in those with lower prey density. Nucella lapillus showed a higher growth rate feeding on Mytilus edulis than on Littorina obtusata during a 8 months laboratory experiment. The results indicate that M. edulis presented a greater food value for N. lapillus than L. obtusata. Carcinus maenas appeared for the first time in obvious numbers in Pembroke, Maine in the summer of 1995. C. maenas is a predator of N. lapillus, and experiments were conducted to determine if Nucella lapillus from Pembroke, showed different predation rates on Littorina obtusata in the presence and absence of the green crab Carcinus maenas. Parallel experiments were also done using N. lapillus from Little Harbor, NH population, where the crab has been well established for at least 25 years. In another experiment, the preference of C. maenas between N. lapillus, high spire L. obtusata and low spire L. obtusata was investigated. The predation on L. obtusata was significantly higher in the treatments with N. lapillus from Pembroke than in those with N. lapillus from Little Harbor, in both times the experiment was performed. Small C. maenas were just able to prey on L. obtusata with high spires. Large crabs were able to prey on all three food items, and high spire L. obtusata were successfully attacked most often

    Aproveitamento de carotenos em Ăłleo essencial de tangerina cravo.

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    Intertidal Anthozoans from the coast of Ceará, Brazil

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    The diversity and distribution of anthozoans were studied from intertidal regions along the state of Ceará, in northeastern Brazil. The material was collected between 2002 and 2004 from sandstone reefs (beach rocks) on 17 beaches that are part of this tropical coastline. Eight species were surveyed in ecological zones with high faunistic similarities. Environmental aspects of the analyzed beaches revealed important and predominant factors related to the presence or absence of these species.Aspectos da diversidade e da distribuição de antozoários foram estudados em no litoral tropical sudoeste do Atlântico, em zonas intermarés no estado do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil. O material foi coletado em recifes de arenito (beach rocks) em 17 praias ao longo desta linha de costa tropical, entre os anos de 2002 e 2004. Oito espécies foram encontradas em zonas ecológicas com altas similaridades faunísticas. Alguns locais de coleta apresentam grande heterogeneidade ambiental, formando microhabitats que favorecem a fixação e a sobrevivência desses invertebrados sésseis. Características ambientais específicas de cada praia analisada mostraram-se como importantes fatores predominantes na presença ou ausência das espécies de antozoários.

    Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient renal carcinoma:a morphologically distinct entity: a clinicopathologic series of 36 tumors from 27 patients

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    Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient renal carcinoma has been accepted as a provisional entity in the 2013 International Society of Urological Pathology Vancouver Classification. To further define its morphologic and clinical features, we studied a multi-institutional cohort of 36 SDH-deficient renal carcinomas from 27 patients, including 21 previously unreported cases. We estimate that 0.05% to 0.2% of all renal carcinomas are SDH deficient. Mean patient age at presentation was 37 years (range, 14 to 76 y), with a slight male predominance (M:F=1.7:1). Bilateral tumors were observed in 26% of patients. Thirty-four (94%) tumors demonstrated the previously reported morphology at least focally, which included: solid or focally cystic growth, uniform cytology with eosinophilic flocculent cytoplasm, intracytoplasmic vacuolations and inclusions, and round to oval low-grade nuclei. All 17 patients who underwent genetic testing for mutation in the SDH subunits demonstrated germline mutations (16 in SDHB and 1 in SDHC). Nine of 27 (33%) patients developed metastatic disease, 2 of them after prolonged follow-up (5.5 and 30 y). Seven of 10 patients (70%) with high-grade nuclei metastasized as did all 4 patients with coagulative necrosis. Two of 17 (12%) patients with low-grade nuclei metastasized, and both had unbiopsied contralateral tumors, which may have been the origin of the metastatic disease. In conclusion, SDH-deficient renal carcinoma is a rare and unique type of renal carcinoma, exhibiting stereotypical morphologic features in the great majority of cases and showing a strong relationship with SDH germline mutation. Although this tumor may undergo dedifferentiation and metastasize, sometimes after a prolonged delay, metastatic disease is rare in the absence of high-grade nuclear atypia or coagulative necrosis

    Competitive interactions among zoanthids (cnidaria: zoanthidae) in an intertidal zone of northeastern Brazil

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    A competição por espaço é comum em organismos sésseis que vivem em substrato consolidado. Os corais apresentam muitas estratégias para competição por espaço, incluindo danos ao oponente ou inibição do crescimento. No presente estudo, as interações competitivas entre três espécies de zoantídeos foram investigadas em um ambiente de recifes de arenito no nordeste brasileiro. As habilidades competitivas dos zoantídeos foram analisadas por observações periódicas das margens de contato entre as colônias em ambiente natural e avaliação experimental da taxa de crescimento, através da remoção de uma área de 100 cm² de colônias de cada espécie. Palythoa caribaeorum e Zoanthus sociatus apresentaram taxa de crescimento similar, crescendo mais rápido que Protopalythoa variabilis. A estratégia de colonização parece ser diferente entre as espécies. As margens de contato entre P. caribaeorum e Z. sociatus permaneceram inalteradas ao longo do tempo, sem qualquer interação agressiva entre as colônias, sugerindo que a inibição do crescimento foi a estratégia utilizada. Palythoa caribaeorum e Z. sociatus cresceram entre os pólipos de P. variabilis, muitas vezes sufocando e matando suas colônias. A coexistência entre os zoantídeos revela uma capacidade de sobrevivência frente a recursos limitados, como substrato livre, o que levou ao sucesso na colonização e estabelecimento de zoantídeos em ambientes intertidais.Sessile organisms that live in consolidated substrates frequently compete for space. Coral species have many strategies to face this competition, including harming their opponents or hindering their growth. In the present study, the competitive interactions between three species of zoanthids were investigated in the intertidal zone of a sandstone reef environment in northeastern Brazil. The competitive abilities of the three species were evaluated by periodic observation of the natural fringes of contact and experimental evaluation of their growth rate through removal of 100 cm² of colonies of each species. Palythoa caribaeorum and Zoanthus sociatus had similar growth rates, and both species grew faster than Protopalythoa variabilis. The recolonization strategy seems to differ among species. The contact fringes between P. caribaeorum and Z. sociatus remained unchanged over time, without any type of aggressive interaction between them, suggesting that stand-off was the strategy used by these organisms. Palythoa caribaeorum and Z. sociatus grew among the polyps of P. variabilis, often killing its colonies. The coexistence of zoanthids reveals a capacity for survival in the face of competition for limited resources such as free substrate, which led to the colonization and establishment of zoanthids in intertidal environments

    Descripción de las cápsulas ovígeras de Voluta ebraea Linnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda)

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    Voluta ebraea Linnaeus, 1758 es un volútido endémico del norte y nordeste de Brasil. Ovicápsulas características de la familia Volutidae fueron encontradas adheridas al alga Udotia occidentalis en praderas de fanerógamas marinas. La morfología y tamaño de las ovicápsulas y embriones, así como la rádula y protoconcha de juveniles y adultos confirman que las puestas encontradas corresponden a V. ebraea. Las ovicápsulas son circulares y aplanadas con un diámetro medio de 18,2 mm, presentando morfología y tamaños similares a las ovicápsulas de Voluta musica, endémica de Venezuela. Las ovicápsulas presentan una apertura en el centro (por donde emergen los juveniles) y una sutura desde ésta hasta la base. En promedio eclosionaron tres juveniles por ovicápsula, con un largo promedio de 7,8 mm. Las técnicas histoquimicas realizadas demostraron que la pared de las ovicápsulas está compuesta por tres capas, conteniendo proteínas, carbohidratos y glicoproteínas. La identificación y protección de las ovicápsulas de V. ebraea encontradas en el campo podría ayudar a conservar esta especie endémica y amenazada.Voluta ebraea Linnaeus, 1758 is an endemic volutid from north and northeast Brazil. Characteristic volutid egg capsules were found attached to the alga Udotia occidentalis in sea grass beds. Morphology and size of those egg capsules and embryos as well as protoconch and radulae of juvenile and adults confirm that all the spawns found belong to V. ebraea. Egg capsules, are circular and flattened with a mean diameter of 18.2 mm, presenting analogous morphology and size to those of Voluta musica, endemic from Venezuela. An opening through which crawling juveniles emerge is located at the center of the egg capsules with a suture from the base to the central opening. The average number of hatchlings was three and the mean shell length of juveniles 7.8 mm. Histochemical techniques showed that egg capsules wall is composed of three layers, containing protein, carbohydrates and glycoprotein. Identifying and protecting V. ebraea egg capsules in the wild could help to conserve this endemic and endangered species.Fil: Matthews-Cascon, Helena. Departamento de Biologia, Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará; BrasilFil: Rocha-Barreira, Cristina. Instituto de Ciências do Mar (Labomar) Universidade Federal do Ceará; BrasilFil: Penchaszadeh, Pablo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”; ArgentinaFil: Bigatti, Gregorio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Revealing Fires and Rich Diets: Macro- and Micro-archaeobotanical Analysis at the Hatahara Site, Central Amazonia

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    Numerous questions in Amazonian archaeology place great emphasis on the relationships between human groups and their environments, traditionally drawing inferences from ethnographic analogies. This analytical expedient is justified by the supposedly weak preservation potential of plant remains in the Amazonian environment; however, it is also rooted in a lack of collecting and systematic research of such botanical remains. This paper presents results of archaeobotanical studies undertaken at the Hatahara site, located in Central Amazonia. Analysis of macro and microbotanical remains produced direct evidence of relationships between humans and plants in pre-colonial Central Amazonia. Observation of microbotanical assemblages extracted from artifacts demonstrated a great diversity of dietary resources in the past, including the existence of cultivated and managed varieties of plants. These studies also pointed to a multifunctional use of certain artifacts, such as ceramic griddles. Anthracological analysis showed positive correlations between charcoal peaks and layers of anthropic soils (Amazonian Dark Earths), as well as a great floristic diversity in these charcoal assemblages, pointing to a complex scenario for the use of fire, as well as to the possibility of charcoal increases in the formation of these soils
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