46 research outputs found

    La narrativa breu de Maria Aurèlia Capmany : la responsabilitat de l'ésser

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    Maria Aurèlia Capmany és una figura destacada de la literatura catalana de postguerra en els seus vessants de dramaturga i novel·lista, sobretot per la seva dedicació i vocació professionals malgrat les circumstàncies. L'autora també va cultivar el gènere de narrativa curta, malgrat que aquestes peces no han estat mai objecte d'un estudi detallat. Aquest treball se centra en l'anàlisi narratològica d'aquestes peces i en la seva valoració dins les lletres catalanes

    The cone of curves and the Cox ring of rational surfaces given by divisorial valuations

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    We consider surfaces X defined by plane divisorial valuations v of the quotient field of the local ring R at a closed point p of the projective plane P-2 over an arbitrary algebraically closed field k and centered at R. We prove that the regularity of the cone of curves of X is equivalent to the fact that v is non-positive on Op(2) (P-2 \ L), where L is a certain line containing p. Under these conditions, we characterize when the characteristic cone of X is closed and its Cox ring finitely generated. Equivalent conditions to the fact that v is negative on Opt (P-2 \ L) k are also given. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc.Supported by Spain Ministry of Economy MTM2012-36917-C03-03 and Universitat Jaume I P1-1B201502.Galindo Pastor, C.; Monserrat Delpalillo, FJ. (2016). The cone of curves and the Cox ring of rational surfaces given by divisorial valuations. Advances in Mathematics. 290:1040-1061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2015.12.015S1040106129

    The semigroup of a space curve singularity

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    The semigroup of values of a space curve singularity is an invariant of the singularity. We analyze the complexity of this invariant, in order to describe the geometric invariants of the sequence of infinitely near points of the curve necessary to determine the generators of the semigroup. We give several approaches and examples using Hamburger–Noether matrices to describe the infinitely near points of the curve

    Ageing, Muscle Power and Physical Function: A Systematic Review and Implications for Pragmatic Training Interventions.

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    BACKGROUND: The physiological impairments most strongly associated with functional performance in older people are logically the most efficient therapeutic targets for exercise training interventions aimed at improving function and maintaining independence in later life. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this review were to (1) systematically review the relationship between muscle power and functional performance in older people; (2) systematically review the effect of power training (PT) interventions on functional performance in older people; and (3) identify components of successful PT interventions relevant to pragmatic trials by scoping the literature. METHODS: Our approach involved three stages. First, we systematically reviewed evidence on the relationship between muscle power, muscle strength and functional performance and, second, we systematically reviewed PT intervention studies that included both muscle power and at least one index of functional performance as outcome measures. Finally, taking a strong pragmatic perspective, we conducted a scoping review of the PT evidence to identify the successful components of training interventions needed to provide a minimally effective training dose to improve physical function. RESULTS: Evidence from 44 studies revealed a positive association between muscle power and indices of physical function, and that muscle power is a marginally superior predictor of functional performance than muscle strength. Nine studies revealed maximal angular velocity of movement, an important component of muscle power, to be positively associated with functional performance and a better predictor of functional performance than muscle strength. We identified 31 PT studies, characterised by small sample sizes and incomplete reporting of interventions, resulting in less than one-in-five studies judged as having a low risk of bias. Thirteen studies compared traditional resistance training with PT, with ten studies reporting the superiority of PT for either muscle power or functional performance. Further studies demonstrated the efficacy of various methods of resistance and functional task PT on muscle power and functional performance, including low-load PT and low-volume interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Maximal intended movement velocity, low training load, simple training methods, low-volume training and low-frequency training were revealed as components offering potential for the development of a pragmatic intervention. Additionally, the research area is dominated by short-term interventions producing short-term gains with little consideration of the long-term maintenance of functional performance. We believe the area would benefit from larger and higher-quality studies and consideration of optimal long-term strategies to develop and maintain muscle power and physical function over years rather than weeks

    Steroids. CCLXI. 1

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    Structure anti-sismique pour un bâtiment public à Haïti = Anti-seismic structure for a public building at Haiti

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    RésuméCet article propose une conception originale de la structure d’un bâtiment public pour qu’il résiste de façon optimale aux sollicitations extrêmes de vents et séismes typiques de nombreux pays en voie de développement. La conception tient en compte et s’ajuste aux matériaux, main d’oeuvre et budget propres à ces pays. Concrètement, l’édifice objet de l’étude est un collège situé à Port au Prince, capitale de Haïti, qui, comme l’on s’en souviendra a été le théâtre d’un fort séisme le 10 janvier 2010. La structure propose un système optimum par rapport aux efforts sismiques grâce à des panneaux de rigidification, utilisant pour cela les matériaux de construction en parpaing, peux onéreux et disponibles à Haïti.AbstractThis article proposes a structural design of a building of public nature, in order that it resists the extreme typical solicitations of wind and earthquake of many underdeveloped countries, using the materials from these places. The proposed building is a school placed in Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti, which as we can remember, suffered a big earthquake on January 10, 2010. An ideal structural system is proposed against seismic forces with rigiditation cores using the enclosures with blocks of perforated concrete, cheap and common elements in Haiti

    Propuesta estructural para edificación en Haití

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    (SPA)Se presenta en este artículo, el diseño estructural propuesto y ejecutado en un colegio situado en Puerto Príncipe, capital de Haití, en el que las solicitaciones extremas de viento y sismo típicas de este y otros muchos países subdesarrollados son determinantes. Este colegio se diseñó y construyó en fecha posterior al severo terremoto sufrido por Haití el 12 de enero de 2010. El esquema estructural propuesto resiste de forma óptima estas solicitaciones y se ajusta a su vez a los materiales, mano de obra y presupuestos propios de este tipo de países. El esquema estructural resiste las fuerzas sísmicas mediante pantallas de rigidización, usando para ello y esta es la mayor aportación de este artículo, los propios cerramientos, construidos mediante bloques de hormigón perforados, elementos baratos y comunes en Haití. El sistema es extrapolable a cualquier tipo de edificación, de ahí también el interés que esta propuesta puede tener también, por ejemplo, en viviendas sociales. (ENG)This article proposes a structural design of a building of public nature, in order that it resists the extreme typical solicitations of wind and earthquake of many underdeveloped countries, using the materials from thiese places. The proposed building is a school placed in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, which as we can remenber, suffered a big earthquake on January 10, 2010. A ideal structural system is proposed againts seismic forces with rigiditation cores using the enclosures with blocks of perforated concrete, cheap and common elements in Haiti

    Steroids. CLXXVII. 1

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