711 research outputs found

    Sobre el "Manifiesto" de Pedro Casariego Córdoba

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    Sobre la obra de Pedro Casariego Córdoba

    Painting architecture: an extraordinary adventure in the life and work of Joaquín Vaquero Palacios

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    [EN] This paper reviews the architecturally themed paintings by painter and architect Joaquín Vaquero Palacios (Oviedo, 1900- Madrid, 1998). In these paintings, architecture is not only present in the theme, but also in the way they are approached through a particular handling of lines, planes and volumes. His facet as a painter can be seen in his sense of colour, concern for the subject and his deep lyricism. The circumstance of his wandering lifestyle around Europe and America allowed him to paint a whole range of different architectures, from ancient Aztec and Mayan pyramids through to modern New York skyscrapers. Painting also enabled him to keep in touch with architecture at times in his life when travelling and changes of residence prevented him from having a working architecture studio.[ES] Este artículo repasa las pinturas de tema arquitectónico del pintor y arquitecto Joaquín Vaquero Palacios (Oviedo, 1900- Madrid, 1998). En estos cuadros la arquitectura se halla presente no sólo en la temática, sino en la manera de afrontarlos a través de una especial valoración de las líneas, los planos y los volúmenes. Su dimensión de pintor se manifiesta en su sentido del color, la preocupación por la materia y su profundo lirismo. La circunstancia de su vida errante por tierras de Europa y América le permitió pintar arquitecturas muy diversas, desde las antiguas pirámides aztecas y mayas a los modernos rascacielos neoyorquinos. Por lo demás, estas pinturas le posibilitaron mantener el contacto con la arquitectura en aquellos momentos de su vida en los que los viajes y cambios de residencia le impidieron mantener abierto un estudio de arquitecto.Egaña Casariego, F. (2018). Pintar la arquitectura: una aventura extraordinaria en la vida y en la obra de Joaquín Vaquero Palacios. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):215-227. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.10392SWORD2152272333ANASAGASTI, T., 1926. Los arquitectos pintores. Arquitectura, no. 84, pp. 165-166.CAPITEL, A., 1998. La arquitectura de un artista: Joaquín Vaquero Palacios, dual y múltiple. En Joaquín Vaquero Palacios (1900-1998). Madrid: Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España, pp. 12-25.EGAÑA, F, 2013. Joaquín Vaquero Palacios en Nueva York. Archivo Español de Arte, no. 342, pp. 237-262.EGAÑA, F. y MONTES, C., 2013. Gli anni del sogiorno romano dell'architetto spagnolo Joaquín Vaquero Palacios. Disegnare idee immagini, no. 46, pp. 12-21.MONTES, C., 2009. Nosotros somos latinos. Españoles dibujando en Nueva York, 1930. RA, no. 11, pp. 57-68.NEGURI, J., 1996. Joaquín Vaquero, un pintor universal, en su tierra. La Nueva España, 27 enero. Oviedo.VAQUERO PALACIOS, J., 1932. Notas sobre las culturas primitivas de México. Su arquitectura y cultura. Teotihucán, Chichén Itzá, Uxmal. Revista Española de Arte, núms. 3 y 4, pp. 128-138 y 210-226.VAQUERO PALACIOS, J., 1980. A modo de conversación con el visitante. En Vaquero. Exposición antológica. Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias. Oviedo: Gráficas Baraza.VAQUERO TURCIOS, J., 2008. Vaquero, mi padre. En EGAÑA, F., 2008. Vaquero. Gijón. Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos del Principado de Asturias & Editorial Trea, pp. 12-21

    Development of tools and strategies for territorial management

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    El presente no es un proyecto de investigación, sino de gestión y desarrollo de herramientas para la toma de decisiones. Su objetivo es colaborar dentro del marco de la "Red Nacional de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial" (Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, 2004) propuesta por el Gobierno Nacional, con los gobiernos provinciales y otros organismos en la planificación del uso de los recursos del territorio, procurando un manejo sostenible de los mismos, a fin de reducir en forma progresiva los desequilibrios espaciales, contribuyendo a elevar la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes del país. En las últimas décadas, ante la existencia de una creciente presión antrópica sobre el medio natural y, paralelamente, un mayor grado de conocimiento de las causas y efectos de los diferentes riesgos, éstos han comenzado a tener mayor influencia en la determinación de políticas y prioridades para inversiones o emprendimientos económicos en general y en la fijación de pautas de ocupación del territorio. La planificación aparece como una herramienta adecuada para orientar y organizar el desarrollo equitativo y sustentable de un territorio y la población que lo ocupa. El Ordenamiento Territorial (OT) significa disponer, con orden, la ocupación y usos del territorio según la mayor o menor aptitud de sus diferentes elementos constitutivos. Este proyecto se considera estratégico para el Programa Nacional Ecoregiones del INTA (PNECO), ya que encara los problemas territoriales desde un punto de vista global (aspectos económicos, sociales, productivos, culturales y ambientales), tradicionalmente tratados de forma sectorial, plantea directivas a mediano y largo plazo (escenarios) y guía la planificación regional y local. El enfoque central del OT es la visión participativa, acordando intereses contrapuestos (trade-offs1) y sinérgicos, transformando amenazas en oportunidades. Es este punto central el que permitirá vincular el PNECO con todos sus Proyecto Específicos (PE), considerando el marco de políticas públicas vinculadas al medio ambiente y la producción en cada ecoregión del país, asociado al Programa Nacional de Territorios del INTAThis is not a research project, but management and development tools for decision-making. Its aim is to work within the framework of the "National Network of computers and Territorial Development" (National Executive, 2004) proposed by the national government, with provincial governments and other agencies in the planning of resource use of the territory, trying sustainable management of the same, so as to gradually reduce the imbalances in space, helping to raise the quality of life for all inhabitants of the country. In recent decades, before the existence of an increasing anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment, while a higher degree of knowledge of the causes and effects of different risks, they have begun to have greater influence in setting policies and priorities for economic ventures or investments in general and in setting patterns occupation of the territory. The planning appears as an appropriate tool to guide and organize the sustainable and equitable development of a land and people that it occupies. The spatial planning (OT) means available, with order, occupation and land use according to a greater or lesser capacity of its various constituent elements. This project is considered strategic for the National Programme Ecoregions INTA (PNEC), already facing problems from a territorial point of view global (economic, social, productive, cultural and environmental), traditionally treated with sectoral directives to pose medium and long term (scenarios) and guide local and regional planning. The central focus of the OT is the participatory vision, agreeing interests (trade-offs) and synergistic, turning threats into opportunities. This is the central point which will link the PNEC with all its specific projects (EP), considering the framework of public policies related to environment and production in the country each ecoregion, associated with the National Program for Territories INTA.Fil: Mendez Casariego, Hugo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina

    Epigenetic Mechanisms as Drivers of Environmental Responses in Stony Corals

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    The current pace of anthropogenic global change is imposing unprecedented conditions to biological systems. Coral reef ecosystems are particularly sensitive to the rapid increase in thermal anomalies and the changes in water chemistry caused by global change. However, although their decline has been documented worldwide, there are signs suggesting that stony corals harbor greater phenotypic plasticity than previously expected, sparking the interest in the study acquired non-genetic modifications (e.g., epigenome, microbiome) potentially increasing their resilience to global change, and constituting one of the main targets for intervention. Epigenetics constitutes an exciting frontier to understand how the environment influences the regulation of the expression of genetic information and modulates phenotypic variation. This has the potential to change the way we understand short-term acclimation and adaptation to a changing environment, aiding to improve predictive models of ecosystemic persistence under current and future climatic scenarios. However, while there is evidence supporting the idea of epigenetic mechanisms participating in rapid-response acclimatization, specific details about how this process is influenced by specific environmental conditions are lacking. In non-model organisms, we often lack information about the presence and functionality of some of these mechanisms, limiting the application of epigenetics in the study of ecosystem resilience in response to global change. This dissertation aims to elucidate how epigenetic mechanisms contribute to coral phenotypic responses to the effects of global change in the oceans. For that purpose, hypotheses about the presence and responsiveness of different epigenetic mechanisms in corals, its interaction with the genome and microbial communities, as well as its role modulating gene expression and phenotypic responses to diverse stressors were explored. Histone repertoires and/or full methylomes were characterized for the first time in the corals Acropora cervicornis and Montastraea cavernosa. The participation of these epigenetic mechanisms modulating responses to nutrient contamination, seasonal environmental change, thermal stress and acidification was demonstrated, providing evidence supporting its participation in intragenerational plasticity. A conserved seasonal methylation program was observed in A. cervicornis. This together with the strong influence of the genome over DNA methylation evidence its heritability and its potential to participate in intergenerational plasticit

    El juego

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    Incluye: Presentación elaborada por Antón Casariego Córdoba

    Aforismos, fogonazos, dardos

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    Selección e introducción de Nicolás Casariego Córdoba

    El juego

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    Incluye: Presentación elaborada por Antón Casariego Córdoba

    Bi-frequency illumination: a quantum-enhanced protocol

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    We propose a quantum-enhanced sensing protocol to measure the response of a target object to the frequency of a probe in a noisy and lossy scenario. In our protocol, a bi-frequency state illuminates a target embedded in a thermal bath, whose reflectivity η(ω)\eta(\omega) is frequency-dependent. After a lossy interaction with the object, we estimate the parameter λ=η(ω2)η(ω1)\lambda = \eta(\omega_2)-\eta(\omega_1) in the reflected beam, which captures information about the response of the object to different electromagnetic frequencies. Computing the quantum Fisher information HH relative to the parameter λ\lambda in an assumed neighborhood of λ0\lambda \sim 0 for a two-mode squeezed state (HQH_Q), and a coherent state (HCH_C), we show that a quantum enhancement in the estimation of λ\lambda is obtained when HQ/HC>1H_Q / H_C >1. This quantum advantage grows with the mean reflectivity of the probed object, and is noise-resilient. We derive explicit formulas for the optimal observables, and propose a general experimental scheme based on elementary quantum optical transformations. Furthermore, our work opens the way to applications in both radar and medical imaging, in particular in the microwave domain

    Aforismos, fogonazos, dardos

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    Selección e introducción de Nicolás Casariego Córdoba