190 research outputs found

    The Rodent assemblages from the late Aragonian and the Vallesian (middle to late Miocene) of the Vallès-Penedès basin (Catalonia, Spain)

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa conca del Vallès-Penedès es una àrea clau per a l'estudi de les successions de mamífers del Miocè europeu, donat que el seu abundant registre cobreix gairebé la totalitat d'aquest període. Recentment, degut a les obres d'ampliació de l'Abocador de Can Mata (ACM), al terme municipal de Els Hostalets de Pierola (l'Anoia, Barcelona), el nombre de jaciments coneguts de micro- i macromamífers s'ha duplicat. L'estudi de les faunes de micromamífers de la sèrie estratigràfica de l'ACM ha permès aportar importants dades bioestratigràfiques per a la definició de les biozones MN 7 i MN 8, actualment basades en localitats aïllades de França i Alemanya. També es proposa una correlació bioestratigràfica amb altres conques ibèriques com Calataiud-Terol. Pel que fa als rosegadors de la sèrie de l'ACM, es descriu una nova espècie de castòrid: Chalicomys n. sp. Aquesta espècie ja presenta un mode de locomoció aquàtica molt similar al del castor actual. Durant les obres d'ampliació de l'ACM es localitzà un nou jaciment, Barranc de Can Vila 1 (BCV1), que, a més d'una abundant mostra de micro- i macrofauna, ha lliurat un esquelet remarcablement complet d'una nova espècie de gran antropomorf: Pierolapithecus catalaunicus. L'estudi dels rosegadors de BCV1 ha permès situar cronològicament aquesta localitat a la part baixa de la MN 7+8, entre els 12,5 i els 12 Ma. En conseqüència aquesta localitat representa el registre més antic dels grans antropomorfs a la Península Ibèrica. L'estudi tafonòmic de les restes recuperades a BCV1 revela que diferents agents tafonòmics estigueren involucrats en la gènesi de l'acumulació. Es reconeix la depredació com el principal agent d'acumulació en el cas de l'individu de primat. Per contra l'acumulació de la majoria de la resta de fòssils no sembla estar associada a l'acció de depredadors i/o carronyaires. La fauna de micromamífers de BCV1 ens indica la presència d'un ambient forestal subtropical i humit en oposició a l'ambient clarament més sec i obert imperant a les conques de l'interior d'Espanya. Aquest fet podria explicar l'absència d'antropomorfs a aquestes àrees durant el Miocè. Seguidament es compara la composició i estructura de la taxocenosi de rosegadors de l'Aragonià terminal i del Vallesià de la conca del Vallès-Penedès amb la dues conques ibèriques (Calataiud-Terol i Duero). Els resultats dels anàlisis estadístics multivariants mostren que les paleocomunitats de rosegadors de la conca del Vallès-Penedès són marcadament diferents de les de les conques de l'interior d'Espanya durant la major part de l'interval de temps considerat. L'ambient al Vallès-Penedès sembla que fou més humit i boscós, assimilant-se a l'existent a zones més septentrionals. Al límit entre el Vallesià Inferior i el Superior (vers fa 9,7 milions d'anys) les paleocomunitats de rosegadors canvien bruscament a totes les conques. Aquest període és testimoni d'un canvi vers a associacions menys diverses i dominades per un o uns pocs gèneres. La diferenciació biogeogràfica existent a la Península Ibèrica es manté i fins hi tot incrementa durant el Vallesià Superior. Aquest canvi abrupte es coneix com la Crisi Vallesiana i també afectà a les comunitats de macromamífers, implicant en ambdós casos l'extinció de formes pròpies del Miocè Mitjà adaptades a ambients càlids i boscosos i resultant en un descens en la diversitat. Mitjançant diferents tècniques es mostra que aquest esdeveniment d'extinció no es va estendre a altres àrees d'Europa, on la diversitat es va mantenir estable o fins hi tot va incrementar.The Vallès-Penedès Basin is a crucial area for the study of the mammal succession of the European Miocene, since its abundant record covers nearly the totality of this period. Recently, thanks to the extension works of a rubbish dump, the so-called «Abocador de Can Mata» (ACM) at Els Hostalets de Pierola (l'Anoia, Barcelona), the number of known micro- and macromammal sites has doubled. The study of the micromammal faunas of the stratigraphic series of the ACM has added important data for the definition of the biozones MN 7 and MN 8, which now are based in isolated sites from France and Germany. We have also proposed biostratigraphic correlation for the Late Aragonian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin to other Iberian basins such as Calatayud-Teruel. Concerning the rodents of the ACM series, a new species of castorid is described: Chalicomys n. sp. This species already shows a mode of aquatic locomotion very similar to that of the extant beaver. A new site which has yielded an abundant sample of micro- and macrofauna, Barranc de Can Vila 1 (BCV1), was discovered during the extension works of the ACM. This site has also provided a remarkably complete skeleton of a new species of great ape: Pierolapithecus catalaunicus. The study of the rodents of BCV1 allows us to chronologically place this site in the lower part of MN 7+8, that is between 12.5 and 12 Ma. Accordingly this locality represents the oldest record of great apes in the Iberian Peninsula. The taphonomical study of the remains recovered at BCV1 reveals that different taphonomical agents were involved in the origin of the accumulation. Predation is recognized as the main accumulation agent in the case of the primate individual. In contrast, the accumulation of the rest of the fossils does not seem related to the action of predators and/or scavengers. The micromammal fauna from BCV1 indicates the presence of a humid subtropical forest environment as opposed to the clearly dryer an more open environment dominant in inner Spanish basins. This fact may account for the absence of great apes in those areas during the Miocene. Straight after that the composition and structure of rodent taxocenosis from the latest Aragonian and the Vallesian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin is compared with those of two Iberian basins (Calatayud-Teruel and Duero). The results of the multivariate statistic analyses show that the rodent paleocommunities of the Vallès-Penedès are markedly different from those of the inner Spanish basins during most of the considered time span. The environment in the Vallès-Penedès Basin appears to have been more humid and forested, being similar to that occurring at higher latitudes. At the Early/Late Vallesian boundary (at 9.7 Ma) an abrupt change in the rodent paleocommunities of all the basins is recorded. This period witnesses a shift towards lower-diversity faunas dominated by one or a few genera. The biogeographic differentiation existing in the Iberian Peninsula is retained and even increases during the Late Vallesian. This abrupt change is known as the Vallesian Crisis and also affected the macromammal communities, implying in both cases the extinction of forms of characteristic of the Middle Miocene and adapted to warm forest environments. That ultimately resulted in a decrease of diversity. By the means of different techniques we show that this extinction event did not affected other areas of Europe, where diversity remained stable or even increased

    An updated biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian and Vallesian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia)

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    The Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain) is a classical area for the study of the Miocene land mammal faunas and includes one of the densest and most continuous records in Eurasia. Furthermore, it is the type area for the Vallesian European land mammal age. After decades of study a huge amount of bio- and magnetostratigraphic data have been collected, allowing an unprecedented dating accuracy. Here we provide an updated local biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian, Vallesian and Turolian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin. This new biostratigraphic scheme is almost exclusively based on fossil rodents, which are the most abundant and one of the best known mammal orders in the area. Our proposal represents a significant refinement compared to previous attempts and provides a formal diagnosis and description of each zone, as well as clear definition of boundaries and a reference locality and section. The chronology of zone boundaries and main bioevents is based on detailed magnetostratigraphic data. The defined biozones allow for the correlation of the sites without associated magnetostratigraphical data. Finally, the correlation of the Vallès-Penedès local zones with other detailed local biostratigraphies, such as those of the Calatayud-Montalbán and Teruel basins (east-central Spain) is discussed. The sequence and chronology of the main bioevents is roughly comparable, although the rodent succession and the structure of the assemblage show important differences between these areas

    An updated biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian and the Vallesian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia)

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    The Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia, Spain) is a classical area for the study of the Miocene land mammal faunas and includes one of the densest and most continuous records in Eurasia. Furthermore, it is the type area for the Vallesian European land mammal age. After decades of study a huge amount of bio- and magnetostratigraphic data have been collected, allowing an unprecedented dating accuracy. Here we provide an updated local biostratigraphy for the late Aragonian, Vallesian and Turolian of the Vallès-Penedès Basin. This new biostratigraphic scheme is almost exclusively based on fossil rodents, which are the most abundant and one of the best known mammal orders in the area. Our proposal represents a significant refinement compared to previous attempts and provides a formal diagnosis and description of each zone, as well as clear definition of boundaries and a reference locality and section. The chronology of zone boundaries and main bioevents is based on detailed magnetostratigraphic data. The defined biozones allow for the correlation of the sites without associated magnetostratigraphical data. Finally, the correlation of the Vallès-Penedès local zones with other detailed local biostratigraphies, such as those of the Calatayud-Montalbán and Teruel basins (east-central Spain) is discussed. The sequence and chronology of the main bioevents is roughly comparable, although the rodent succession and the structure of the assemblage show important differences between these areas

    Bio- and magnetostratigraphic correlation of the Miocene primate bearing site of Castell de Barber a to the earliest Vallesian

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    Castell de Barberà, located in the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), is one of the few European sites where pliopithecoids (Barberapithecus) and hominoids (cf. Dryopithecus) co-occur. The dating of this Miocene site has proven controversial. A latest Aragonian (MN7+8, ca. 11.88-11.18 Ma) age was long accepted by most authors, despite subsequent reports of hipparionin remains that signaled a Vallesian age. On the latter basis, Castell de Barberà was recently correlated to the early Vallesian (MN9, ca. 11.18-10.3 Ma) on tentative grounds. Uncertainties about the provenance of the Hippotherium material and the lack of magnetostratigraphic data precluded more accurate dating. After decades of inactivity, fieldwork was resumed in 2014-2015 at Castell de Barberà, including the original layer (CB-D) that in the past delivered most of the fossils. Here we report magnetostratigraphic results for the original outcrop and another nearby section. Our results indicate that CB-D is located in a normal polarity magnetozone at about midheight of a short (~20 m-thick) stratigraphic section. The composite magnetostratigraphic section (~50 m) has as many as four to six magnetozones. These multiple reversals, coupled with the in situ recovery of a Hippotherium humerus from CB-D in 2015, make it very unlikely the correlation of any of the sampled normal polarity magnetozones with the long normal polarity subchron C5n.2n (11.056-9.984 Ma), which is characteristic of the early Vallesian. Our results support instead a correlation of CB-D with C5r.1n (11.188-11.146 Ma), where the Aragonian/Vallesian boundary is situated, and therefore indicate an earliest Vallesian age of ~11.2 Ma for Castell de Barberà. Our results settle the longstanding debate about the Aragonian vs. Vallesian age of this site, which appears roughly coeval with the Creu de Conill 20 locality (11.18 Ma), where hipparionins are first recorded in the Vallès- Penedès Basi


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    The late Miocene continental successions of the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin (Grosseto), one of the longest and most continuous vertebrate-bearing continental successions in the Neogene Italian record, yielded at least four superimposed vertebrate assemblages bracketed in the time span 8.3 - 6.4 Ma. The Baccinello-Cinigiano basin is famous for recording endemic vertebrate assemblages that include the youngest European Miocene hominoid, Oreopithecus bambolii. The late Miocene endemic vertebrate fauna known as the Baccinello V0 assemblage is the oldest vertebrate fauna within the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin succession, being correlated to the European mammal Neogene unit MN11. Recent field surveys along the Trasubbie river allowed studying in detail the basal Baccinello-Cinigiano sedimentary succession, and sampling fossiliferous level bearing microvertebrates along the small creek Fosso della Fittaia. The sample “Fosso della Fittaia 2013” yielded about 170 fossil remains improving our documentation of the oldest vertebrate assemblages from the Baccinello-Cinigian basin. As far as rodents are concerned, in addition to the already recognized murid Huerzelerimys and glirid Anthracoglis, a few dental remains are assigned to a new genus and species of giant dormouse. It is further worth noting the occurrence in the sample of shrew remains (the first described from the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin) identified as cf. Lartetium. The latter attests the presence of a crocidosoricine in the Fosso della Fittaia 2013 assemblage, postdating the youngest known occurrences of the subfamily by at least 1 my. The vertebrate assemblage is completed by a diverse herpetofauna and the first fish remains reported from the basin

    Genetic data from the extinct giant rat from Tenerife (Canary Islands) points to a recent divergence from mainland relatives

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    Evolution of vertebrate endemics in oceanic islands follows a predictable pattern, known as the island rule, according to which gigantism arises in originally small-sized species and dwarfism in large ones. Species of extinct insular giant rodents are known from all over the world. In the Canary Islands, two examples of giant rats, †Canariomys bravoi and †Canariomys tamarani, endemic to Tenerife and Gran Canaria, respectively, disappeared soon after human settlement. The highly derived morphological features of these insular endemic rodents hamper the reconstruction of their evolutionary histories. We have retrieved partial nuclear and mitochondrial data from †C. bravoi and used this information to explore its evolutionary affinities. The resulting dated phylogeny confidently places †C. bravoi within the African grass rat clade (Arvicanthis niloticus). The estimated divergence time, 650 000 years ago (95% higher posterior densities: 373 000-944 000), points toward an island colonization during the Günz-Mindel interglacial stage. †Canariomys bravoi ancestors would have reached the island via passive rafting and then underwent a yearly increase of mean body mass calculated between 0.0015 g and 0.0023 g; this corresponds to fast evolutionary rates (in darwins (d), ranging from 7.09 d to 2.78 d) that are well above those observed for non-insular mammals.For technical support, we thank the research service facilities of IJC and IGTP, the Crystallization Facility of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, the ICTS NMR facility from the Scientific and Technological Centres of the University of Barcelona and Biophysics Core Facility of BMC-LMU. I.G. was a fellow of the Marie Skłodowska Curie Training network ‘ChroMe’ (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675610, awarded to M.B. and A.G.L.). The project was further supported by national grants (nos. RTI2018-094005-B-I00 and BFU2015-66559-P from FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación—Agencia Estatal de Investigación to M.B.). Research in the participating labs was further supported by the following grants: the Marie Skłodowska Curie Training network ‘INTERCEPT-MDS’ no. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020-953407 (to M.B.), MINECO-ISCIII no. PIE16/00011 (to M.B.); the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung DJCLS (no. 14R/2018 to M.B.), AGAUR (no. 2017-SGR-305 to M.B.), Fundació La Marató de TV3 (no. 257/C/2019 to M.B.), German Research Foundation Project (ID 213249687—SFB 1064 and Project ID 325871075—SFB 1309 to A.G.L.), the Spanish Ministry of Science (PID2019-110183RB-C21 to A.R.M.), Community of Madrid (P2018/BAA-4343-ALIBIRD2020-CM to A.R.M), Ramón Areces Foundation (to A.R.M.), National Science Foundation (EF-1921402 to J.M.E.L.), 2015 International Doctoral Fellowship La Caixa-Severo Ochoa (to M.F.V.), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (no. 747789 to M.M.L.), Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (IJC2018-036657-I to M.M.L., ERC-2012-CoG-616960 to I.R.T.), MINECO (BFU2017-90114-P to I.R.T.), AGAUR (2017-SGR-324 to X.S.) and MINECO (BIO2015-70092-R and ERC-2014-CoG-648201 to X.S.). Research at the IJC is supported by the ‘La Caixa’ Foundation, Fundació Internacional Josep Carreras, Celgene Spain and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya

    Los vertebrados fosiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, l'Anoia, CataluÑa), una sucesion de localidades del Aragoniense superior (MN6 y MN7+8) de la cuenca del Valles-Penedes. CampaÑas 2002-2003, 2004-2005

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    Se presenta una síntesis del registro de vertebrados fósiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, cuenca neógena del Vallès-Penedès), con especial énfasis en los aspectos taxonómico y bioestratigráfico. Este macroyacimiento incluye por el momento una sucesión de 91 localidades de micro- y/o macrovertebrados muestreadas, repartidas a lo largo de unos 300 m de serie estratigráfica, abarcando un intervalo de tiempo de más de un millón de años correspondiente al Aragoniense superior. Durante los 28 meses de trabajo de campo desarrollados a lo largo de las campañas 2002-2003, 2004 y 2005, se han recuperado más de 15.000 restos de macrovertebrados fósiles y más de 1.300 dientes de micromamíferos (cantidad que se verá incrementada en el futuro cuando haya finalizado el lavado y triado de los sedimentos acumulados). Se presenta por primera vez una lista exhaustiva del conjunto de localidades y su contextualización estratigráfica, además de una lista faunística actualizada y una propuesta de biozonación local. La gran riqueza fosilífera de la zona y el enorme esfuerzo de muestreo, combinados con los requerimientos de la legislación vigente sobre protección del patrimonio paleontológico, explican el éxito de la intervención paleontológica. En conjunto, la ampliación del vertedero de Can Mata, con el adecuado control paleontológico, proporciona una oportunidad única para investigar la composición faunística de los ecosistemas terrestres del Aragoniense superior en el suroeste de Europa