1,079 research outputs found

    La apariencia en Gracián

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    [Resumen] El artículo estudia el concepto de “apariencia”, en el ámbito de la Filosofía de la naturaleza, como una segunda naturaleza del ser, tras un repaso al marco general de la narrativa graciana. Se analiza la fábula del pavo real desde el ámbito moral y se muestra que la apariencia es una exigencia ontológica en el campo normativo y, en el campo táctico, un punto de partida del triunfo en la vida cortesana.[Sommaire] L’article étudie le concept d’“apparence” dans le domaine de la Philosophie de la nature, comme étant une deuxième nature de l’être, après avoir procédé à une révision du cadre général de la narration graciane. On analyse la fable du paon royal du point de vue moral et on montre que l’apparence est une exigence ontologique dans le champ normatif et, dans le champ tactique, un point de départ du triomphe dans la vie courtoise.[Abstract] The article focuses on the concept of “appearance”, in the area of the Philosophy of nature. After reviewing Gracián’s narrative, the author interprets the concept of appearance as the “second nature” of being. The fable of the royal turkey is analyzed from a moral perspective, and it is the author’s contention that “appearance” is an ontological exigency in the normative field and, in the tactical field, a point of departure in order to attain success in courtier life

    A geometric description of the extreme Khovanov cohomology

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    We prove that the hypothetical extreme Khovanov cohomology of a link is the cohomology of the independence simplicial complex of its Lando graph. We also provide a family of knots having as many non-trivial extreme Khovanov cohomology modules as desired, that is, examples of H-thick knots which are as far of being H-thin as desired.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool to study organic biradicals

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    Since -conjugated organic molecules were probed as potential semiconducting materials, suitable for replacing the widely used silicon technologies, their structural, optical and conductive properties have been under study to improve their application in organic electronics and to make possible their ad hoc synthesis. In this sense, the modification of the -electron delocalization path is one of the available tools to tune the properties of the molecules to obtain the desired characteristics for the fabrication of these devices. One of the parameters employed to tailor -conjugated organic molecules for organic electronics is the diradical character. A progressive change in the diradical contribution to the ground electronic state structure can tune some of the main system features, highlighting the HOMO-LUMO energy gap and the aggregation mode. The main drawback of this approach is the loss of chemical stability when increasing the diradical character of these molecules. On the other hand, the -electron delocalization can be interrupted introducing a perpendicularly conjugated path. The competition of these two cross-conjugated patterns leads to a new 2-dimensional delocalization scenario that changes the electronic properties of the studied materials. In this project, we present a stable quinoidal quaterthiophene diradical that possess outstanding stability and conductivity properties. [1] The combination of the diradical character together with the possibility to delocalize the electron density through two different perpendicular paths explain its exceptional behavior in comparison with the other members of the series, or with its linearly conjugated analogues. The balance between these two properties has been evaluated through UV-Vis-NIR electronic spectroscopy and Raman and IR vibrational spectroscopy in the neutral and charged forms of the target molecule and similar non-cross-conjugated samples.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El uso del N‐Vivo como apoyo al análisis de datos. Aplicación a la investigación sobre el Aula de Mayores de La Línea

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    Este artículo trata de sintetizar las características de un instrumento de análisis de datos cualitativos como es el N‐Vivo y las posibilidades de uso; con el fin de comentar entre los asistentes a las Jornadas si pudiera ser la herramienta que utilizáramos para la parte cualittiva de la investigación que estamos llevando a cabo dentro del JUTE.This article tries to synthesize the characteristics of an instrument of analysis of qualitative data as it is N‐Vivo and the possibilities of use, with the purpose of commenting with the assistants to the Days if it could be the tool that we used for the qualitative part of the investigation which we are carrying out within the JUTE

    ICT in the centres of compulsory education: towards learning communities

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    Muchos son los factores que intervienen en los entornos educativos para conseguir generar aprendizajes significativos y relevantes para los implicados. Uno de ellos, implantado en los últimos años, ha sido el uso del ordenador e Internet en los centros educativos, no siempre con el éxito esperado. Esto está suponiendo, en muchos casos, un acicate para el cambio en las formas organizativas y de construir ‗escuela‘ por su efecto aglutinador. Es vivido por algunos como una amenaza, por otros como una oportunidad, pero para ambos grupos supone un elemento para la discusión y la acción en uno u otro sentido. Las TIC, sentidas como aliadas o como enemigas, se han introducido en los centros educativos y han generado lazos de dependencia y colaboración entre los distintos grupos implicados, a esto nos referimos cuando hablamos de efecto aglutinador. El presente artículo recoge el análisis de los datos recogidos en dos centros educativos identificados como centros generadores de buenas prácticas con TIC, que a su vez, forman parte de un Proyecto de Excelencia (P07-HUM-03035) financiado por la Junta de Andalucía y coordinado por el profesor de la Universidad de Huelva Dr. Ángel Boza Carreño. En estos centros se han desarrollado unas dinámicas que apuntan al reforzamiento de la idea de que las TIC han favorecido la aparición de indicios de que se está construyendo una Comunidad de Aprendizaje.There are numerous factors that intervene in educational environments in order to generate and significant and relevant learning for those implied. One of them, established in recent years, has been the use of the computer and Internet in primary and secondary schools, not always with the success anticipated. This is supposing, in many cases, a driving force for changes in the organizing methods and to build 'school' by its agglutinative effect. For some, this is considered a threat, for others an opportunity, but for both groups it offers an element for discussion and action in one way or another. ICT, felt as allies or hostilities, has been introduced in primary and secondary schools and has generated ties of dependence and contribution among the different groups implied, which is what to we refer to when we speak of agglutinative effect. The current article presents the analysis of the data collected in two identifying educational centres identified as centres generating good ICT practices, which at the same time, form part of an Project of Excellence (P07-HUM-03035) financed by the Junta de Andalucía and coordinated by Dr. Angel Boza Carreño, lecturer from Huelva University. In these centres certain dynamics have been developed which reinforce the idea that ICT has favoured indications that a Learning Community is being established