816 research outputs found

    Forensic identification of urine samples: a comparison between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers

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    Urine samples from 20 male volunteers of European Caucasian origin were stored at 4°C over a 4-month period in order to compare the identification potential of nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. The amount of nDNA recovered from urines dramatically declined over time. Consequently, nDNA likelihood ratios (LRs) greater than 1,000 were obtained for 100, 70 and 55% of the urines analysed after 6, 60 and 120 days, respectively. For the mtDNA, HVI and HVII sequences were obtained for all samples tested, whatever the period considered. Nevertheless, the highest mtDNA LR of 435 was relatively low compared to its nDNA equivalent. Indeed, LRs obtained with only three nDNA loci could easily exceed this value and are quite easier to obtain. Overall, the joint use of nDNA and mtDNA markers enabled the 20 urine samples to be identified, even after the 4-month perio

    Bespoke Biomolecular Wires for Transmembrane Electron Transfer: Spontaneous Assembly of a Functionalized Multiheme Electron Conduit.

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    Shewanella oneidensis exchanges electrons between cellular metabolism and external redox partners in a process that attracts much attention for production of green electricity (microbial fuel cells) and chemicals (microbial electrosynthesis). A critical component of this pathway is the outer membrane spanning MTR complex, a biomolecular wire formed of the MtrA, MtrB, and MtrC proteins. MtrA and MtrC are decaheme cytochromes that form a chain of close-packed hemes to define an electron transfer pathway of 185 Å. MtrA is wrapped inside MtrB for solubility across the outer membrane lipid bilayer; MtrC sits outside the cell for electron exchange with external redox partners. Here, we demonstrate tight and spontaneous in vitro association of MtrAB with separately purified MtrC. The resulting complex is comparable with the MTR complex naturally assembled by Shewanella in terms of both its structure and rates of electron transfer across a lipid bilayer. Our findings reveal the potential for building bespoke electron conduits where MtrAB combines with chemically modified MtrC, in this case, labeled with a Ru-dye that enables light-triggered electron injection into the MtrC heme chain

    Threats posed by the fungal kingdom to humans, wildlife, and agriculture

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    The fungal kingdom includes at least 6 million eukaryotic species and is remarkable with respect to its profound impact on global health, biodiversity, ecology, agriculture, manufacturing, and biomedical research. Approximately 625 fungal species have been reported to infect vertebrates, 200 of which can be human associated, either as commensals and members of our microbiome or as pathogens that cause infectious diseases. These organisms pose a growing threat to human health with the global increase in the incidence of invasive fungal infections, prevalence of fungal allergy, and the evolution of fungal pathogens resistant to some or all current classes of antifungals. More broadly, there has been an unprecedented and worldwide emergence of fungal pathogens affecting animal and plant biodiversity. Approximately 8,000 species of fungi and Oomycetes are associated with plant disease. Indeed, across agriculture, such fungal diseases of plants include new devastating epidemics of trees and jeopardize food security worldwide by causing epidemics in staple and commodity crops that feed billions. Further, ingestion of mycotoxins contributes to ill health and causes cancer. Coordinated international research efforts, enhanced technology translation, and greater policy outreach by scientists are needed to more fully understand the biology and drivers that underlie the emergence of fungal diseases and to mitigate against their impacts. Here, we focus on poignant examples of emerging fungal threats in each of three areas: human health, wildlife biodiversity, and food security

    Gene expression analyses determine two different subpopulations in KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) patients

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    Introduction: There are limited findings available on KIT-negative GIST-like (KNGL) population. Also, KIT expression may be post-transcriptionally regulated by miRNA221 and miRNA222. Hence, the aim of this study is to characterize KNGL population, by differential gene expression, and to analyze miRNA221/222 expression and their prognostic value in KNGL patients. Methods: KIT, PDGFRA, DOG1, IGF1R, MIR221 and MIR222 expression levels were determined by qRT-PCR. We also analyzed KIT and PDGFRA mutations, DOG1 expression, by immunohistochemistry, along with clinical and pathological data. Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) differences were calculated using Log-rank test. Results: Hierarchical cluster analyses from gene expression data identified two groups: group I had KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA overexpression and IGF1R underexpression and group II had overexpression of IGF1R and low expression of KIT, DOG1 and PDGFRA. Group II had a significant worse OS (p = 0.013) in all the series, and showed a tendency for worse OS (p = 0.11), when analyzed only the localized cases. MiRNA222 expression was significantly lower in a control subset of KIT-positive GIST (p < 0.001). OS was significantly worse in KNGL cases with higher expression of MIR221 (p = 0.028) or MIR222 (p = 0.014). Conclusions: We identified two distinct KNGL subsets, with a different prognostic value. Increased levels of miRNA221/222, which are associated with worse OS, could explain the absence of KIT protein expression of most KNGL tumors

    Late-onset neutropenia following rituximab results from a hematopoietic lineage competition due to an excessive BAFF-induced B-cell recovery

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    Rituximab is used in the treatment of lymphoma and autoimmune diseases, for which late-onset neutropenia (LON) were reported. LON-related mechanisms remain unclear. To obtain insights into the mechanisms, we assessed serum, peripheral blood and bone marrow (BM) samples of a patient with LON. Factors classically associated with neutropenia such as anti-neutrophil antibodies, T-LGL, soluble Fas Ligand were not detectable. We then evaluated the kinetics of various cytokines involved in B-cell and granulocyte homeostasis. We found that LON is related to a lack of granulopoiesis in the BM that coincides with a very high level of BAFF, a strong stimulator of B-cell recovery, and hypothesized a hematopoietic lineage competition due to an excessive B-cell recovery in the BM by promotion of B-cell lymphopoiesis over granulopoiesis within common developmental niches. Assessment of serum BAFF levels following rituximab could detect patients at risk of developing LON