219 research outputs found

    Wanderer Project

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    Fernando Casás: a note about the artist.www.fernandocasas.es  Fernando Casás [Vigo, Spain, 1946], lives between Brazil – where he spent most part of his life – and Spain, where he is professor of Sculpture at the University of Vigo. He is also professor in Doctorate courses at ESAD Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal. He began working and investigating with Art and Nature [Land Art, Eco Art, Earth Works] at the end of the sixties, influenced by the tropical environment. Since then he works in different, paralell and recurrent streams: a de-materialized side [like the Idiotic Projects, the capture of a fleeting moment];  the ephemeral works [like the Wanderer Project  or the Earth 100 / Latex, where he makes small and intimate incursions at random in the natural environment] ;  and finally what we could call the formal works, where evidenciation of the passing of time and investigation of new ways are the major concerns, and where he works with different techniques, procedures and materials, ranging from worn out raw material to new technologies, which result in works that can be seen in exhibitions, collections or public places [The Termite Cycle, Trees as Archaeology or Act / Impact]. Nowadays he is considered by art critics as a pioneer in the Art and Nature field.  Among public works: Lamed Vav / The 36 Justs together with R.Morris, R.Long, Hamilton Finlay. Island of Sculptures, and Memory of the River, both in Pontevedra, Spain, 1999 and 2006.Two Stones two University Botanic Graden, Jerusalem, Israel. 2000.Amazonia / Roots. Catacumba Sculpture Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 1989.Wood. Burgo das Nacións Square, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 1994.Big Snake. Seeff & Marks Community Center, Jerusalem, Israel. 1989.Threes as Archaeology together with R. Long, S.Armajani, U.Rükriem, D.Nash. Monegros Desert,  Huesca,  Spain. 2003.Ashé / The Curve of the 9 over Bayona sea, in the road that unites Galicia and Portugal. 2005.Apple trees for Carrazeda. Carrazeda de Ansiães, Portugal, 2009. Selected exhibitions:Solo Termites tunnels at Centro Cultural dos Correios. [Río de Janeiro, 2009]Intervention Blue in Tifariti  Sahara Desert, during the International Encounters of Art in the Free Territories of Sahara. [Argelia, 2009].Retrospective solo exhibition in the series Great Galician Artists [Caixanova, Vigo, 2006]Naturally Artificial. [Museo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, 2006]Archaeology of the non site. [Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 2004]A wood in works: Spanish vanguards in wood. [Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia y Sala de las Alhajas, Madrid, 2000]XXIª International Beinnial of São Paulo [Säo Paulo, Brasil, 1991]Brazilian work:  1964 – 1984 [Retrospectiva en la Fundación Luís Seoane, A Coruña, 2000]Fragments of America [Convento de San Francisco de la Habana Vieja, Cuba. 1999] Possible Dimension [Museu de Arte Moderna de Säo Paulo, Brasil, 1991]Manuscripten van de Amazon Rivier [EKWC Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum, den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1994]Amazonas, Série Negra [Galería Ibeu-Copacabana y Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, Río de Janeiro; Galeria Aquarela y Espaço Unicamp, Säo Paulo, 1988 y 1989]Camouflaged Earth  [Municipal Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel y Centre Culturel Bresilien, Ginebra, Suiza, 1987]De Huid van de Witte Dame [Phillips Headquarters, Eindhoven, Holanda, 1996]Intervention for Ecology  [Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1984). El Proyecto Errante fue llevado a Suiza, Francia, Israel, Holanda, entre otros paíse

    Trees as Archaeology

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    Fernando Casás: a note about the artist.www.fernandocasas.es  Fernando Casás [Vigo, Spain, 1946], lives between Brazil – where he spent most part of his life – and Spain, where he is professor of Sculpture at the University of Vigo. He is also professor in Doctorate courses at ESAD Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal. He began working and investigating with Art and Nature [Land Art, Eco Art, Earth Works] at the end of the sixties, influenced by the tropical environment. Since then he works in different, paralell and recurrent streams: a de-materialized side [like the Idiotic Projects, the capture of a fleeting moment];  the ephemeral works [like the Wanderer Project  or the Earth 100 / Latex, where he makes small and intimate incursions at random in the natural environment] ;  and finally what we could call the formal works, where evidenciation of the passing of time and investigation of new ways are the major concerns, and where he works with different techniques, procedures and materials, ranging from worn out raw material to new technologies, which result in works that can be seen in exhibitions, collections or public places [The Termite Cycle, Trees as Archaeology or Act / Impact]. Nowadays he is considered by art critics as a pioneer in the Art and Nature field.  Among public works: Lamed Vav / The 36 Justs together with R.Morris, R.Long, Hamilton Finlay. Island of Sculptures, and Memory of the River, both in Pontevedra, Spain, 1999 and 2006.Two Stones two University Botanic Graden, Jerusalem, Israel. 2000.Amazonia / Roots. Catacumba Sculpture Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 1989.Wood. Burgo das Nacións Square, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 1994.Big Snake. Seeff & Marks Community Center, Jerusalem, Israel. 1989.Threes as Archaeology together with R. Long, S.Armajani, U.Rükriem, D.Nash. Monegros Desert,  Huesca,  Spain. 2003.Ashé / The Curve of the 9 over Bayona sea, in the road that unites Galicia and Portugal. 2005.Apple trees for Carrazeda. Carrazeda de Ansiães, Portugal, 2009. Selected exhibitions:Solo Termites tunnels at Centro Cultural dos Correios. [Río de Janeiro, 2009]Intervention Blue in Tifariti  Sahara Desert, during the International Encounters of Art in the Free Territories of Sahara. [Argelia, 2009].Retrospective solo exhibition in the series Great Galician Artists [Caixanova, Vigo, 2006]Naturally Artificial. [Museo Esteban Vicente, Segovia, 2006]Archaeology of the non site. [Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 2004]A wood in works: Spanish vanguards in wood. [Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Esteban Vicente, Segovia y Sala de las Alhajas, Madrid, 2000]XXIª International Beinnial of São Paulo [Säo Paulo, Brasil, 1991]Brazilian work:  1964 – 1984 [Retrospectiva en la Fundación Luís Seoane, A Coruña, 2000]Fragments of America [Convento de San Francisco de la Habana Vieja, Cuba. 1999] Possible Dimension [Museu de Arte Moderna de Säo Paulo, Brasil, 1991]Manuscripten van de Amazon Rivier [EKWC Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum, den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1994]Amazonas, Série Negra [Galería Ibeu-Copacabana y Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, Río de Janeiro; Galeria Aquarela y Espaço Unicamp, Säo Paulo, 1988 y 1989]Camouflaged Earth  [Municipal Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel y Centre Culturel Bresilien, Ginebra, Suiza, 1987]De Huid van de Witte Dame [Phillips Headquarters, Eindhoven, Holanda, 1996]Intervention for Ecology  [Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1984). El Proyecto Errante fue llevado a Suiza, Francia, Israel, Holanda, entre otros países.  Selection of books and catalogues:Wagensberg, Jorge;  A.Ruiz de Samaniego et.al.: Fernando Casás: Archaeology of the non site, Hércules de Eciciones and Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid, 2004.Parreño, José María;  Pignatari, Décio: Fernando Casás: Retrospective at Caixanova. Vigo, 2006.Duque, Félix; Katz, Renina: Brazilian Works. Fundaçäo Luís Seoane, La Coruña, 2000.Maderuelo, Javier: Natürgeist. Diputación de Huesca, 1997.Garraud, Colette; Boël, Mickey: L’Artiste Contemporain et la Nature. Parcs et paysages européens. Éditions Hazan, Paris, 2007

    Reimplantación del impuesto a la transmisión gratuita de bienes

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    Fil: Casás, José Osvaldo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaOriginalmente publicada en Lecciones y Ensayos, N° 64 y 65, 1995/1996, esta obra fue reeditada y publicada en el presente con motivo del aniversario N° 60 de la revist

    Neurogenesis in the diencephalon of the adult zebrafish: an immunohistochemical study using the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as marker

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    [Resumen] La proliferación celular a lo largo de la vida de los vertebrados recae en células progenitoras que se agrupan en regiones conocidas como zonas de proliferación. Si bien en el encéfalo adulto de mamíferos la proliferación está bastante restringida, en peces teleósteos las zonas proliferativas están ampliamente distribuidas a lo largo del eje antero-posterior del encéfalo. En este trabajo se estudiará la proliferación celular en el diencéfalo del pez cebra adulto mediante técnicas inmunhistoquímicas empleando como marcador el antígeno nuclear de proliferación celular (PCNA). Los resultados obtenidos evidencian células en proliferación en zonas del área preóptica, tálamo, sinencéfalo, epitálamo e hipotálamo del diencéfalo del pez cebra. Asimismo se evaluará el papel de la PCNA como marcador y se discutirán los resultados obtenidos con otras especies de teleósteos y vertebrados.[Abstract] Lifelong proliferation in vertebrates relies on progenitor cells that are clustered in regions known as proliferative zones. Although in the adult brain of mammals this proliferation is greatly restricted, in teleost these proliferative zones are widespread through the anteroposterior axis of the encephalon. In this work is studied the cellular proliferation in the diencephalon of the adult zebrafish by means immunohistochemical techniques using the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as marker. The results show proliferation cells in regions of the preoptic area, thalamus, synencephalon, epithalamus and hypothalamus of the zebrafish diencephalon. Furthermore the role of the PCNA as marker and the results are assessed.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2014/201

    Ornithodoros quilinensis sp. nov. (Acari, Argasidae), a new tick species from the Chacoan region in Argentina

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    Ornithodoros quilinensis sp. nov. (Acari: Argasidae) is described from larvae collected on the small rodents Graomys centralis (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in Argentina. The diagnostic characters for this new species are a combination of small size (520-540 μm), a dorsal plate oval in shape with a length of approximately 200 μm, 14 pairs of dorsal setae, hypostome short and narrower at the base (length from Ph1 to apex 133 μm (120-141)) with dental formula 2/2 and apex blunt, and the capsule of the Haller's organ irregular in shape and without reticulations. The analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences available for the genus Ornithodoros indicate that, phylogenetically, O. quilinensis represents an independent lineage only related to a Bolivian tick species of the genus Ornithodoros yet not formally described.Fil: Venzal, José M.. Universidad de la Republica, Salto; UruguayFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Eea, Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Mangold, Atilio Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Eea, Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Mastropaolo, Mariano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Eea, Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Casás, Gustavo. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA REPUBLICA (UDELAR); . Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Guglielmone, Alberto Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Eea, Rafaela; Argentin

    Liquid–liquid equilibria of mixtures containing methyl acetate + methanol + hexane or heptane

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    This paper reports the results of a new experimental study of liquid–liquid equilibria for the mixtures methyl acetate + methanol + hexane or heptane at atmospheric pressure and at (268.15, 278.15, 288.15, and 298.15)K. The equilibrium compositions were measured by gas chromatography from samples split isothermally into a glass-stirred device, and phase diagrams are reported at each temperature. The experimentally determined liquid-liquid equilibria were satisfactorily correlated by the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations. A comparative analysis was performed by application of UNIFAC group contribution method and its modifications to predict experimental liquid–liquid equilibria (LLE) behavior of these ternary mixtures. A poor prediction was observed from these contribution methods

    Estimación de fuerzas musculares durante el movimiento del brazo humano mediante optimización estático-fisiológica

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría mecánica. Curso 2015/2016

    Semblanza del profesor José Antonio Terry

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    Fil: Casás, José Osvaldo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Finanzas Públicas y Derecho Tributario. Buenos Aires, Argentin

    CBM Challenges and Opportunities for O&M of the Johan Sverdrup Oil and Gas Field

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Paper describes the challenges and forward developments to face up on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) issues at the Johan Sverdrup field (Blocks: PL 501, PL 265 and PL 502), on the phases (Concept and Design, Construction and Hook-up, Commissioning, Operations and Maintenance, and Recycling), and a research study of the Oil&Gas profitability. Estimated reserves are between 1.8 billion to 2.8 billion bbl, so assessing the total risk of the field development is crucial. Although, development is estimated to cost up to 31billion,butthefulllifecyclepricetag,includingoperatingcoststhrough2068,isaround31 billion, but the full life-cycle price tag, including operating costs through 2068, is around 58.33 billion. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a conceptual methodology analysis framework, for understanding how analysis of cost and benefits, are carry out for assessment and implementation of the Condition Base Monitoring (CBM) and measure the total OPEX (Operate Expenditure/Operating Cost). As well as a specific maintenance philosophy and conceptual approach on the business cases studies of the project lead, to a cost-effective solution. Paper begins by providing a background for analyzing the life-cycle impacts during the life of the field (50 years), and describing measures to implement during the O&M strategies. Follows by targeting the expectations, which one rest on profitability and optimization of the field, with oil prices above $60 per barrel (proved on Case 3). The harvest will, therefore, be profitable even after the price crash. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis (Alternatives A and B) focuses and identifies “Cost Items” (Cost Drivers) that the project carries. Achieved a reliable “concept development” is the greatest ambition, but uncertainties on Maintenance strategies and programs, have showed high cost at early phases. The aim was to measure the actual costs against predicted LCC and to calculate the cumulative costs throughout a product's Life Cycle (LC) of the assets. Discussed and summarized the extent to which these costs and benefits may already take into account and how the CBM strategy mechanism should be works based on a model built. Finally, is demonstrated through calculating an ″downtime scenario″ that could happens, which one creates Deferred Production Costs. Also, has been estimate the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) might be applicable on the researched project development ratio (cost vs. benefit), with overall maintenance effectiveness strategy under study on the LCC Alternative 2. Therefore, describing the maintenance support functionality, based on input obtained from CBM systems and a predictive, periodic maintenance plan is indispensable, in order to cut off potential costs, target future benefits and guaranty a safety robust production installation. At the end, the paper addresses the future performance outlook development in the Oil&Gas Industry as whole, stating essential optimization valuable principles