257 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the novel Um defeito de cor by Ana Maria Gonçalves, taking into account the relationship between the languages used in its prologue – called ‘Serendipity!’ – and the historiographic metafiction that emerges after it. While the first one arises from the “escrevivência” of Gonçalves’s authorial self-character, the other employs the self-awareness of a historical textuality, considered here as decolonial historiographic metafiction, since it stems from the first-person narrative of a black slaved woman, Kehinde. The contiguity between those two languages generates a ‘strange fruit’, which seems to demand a hybridized methodology between post-modern and decolonial approaches, given that a methodology that sees literature as a crystallized field would hardly cope with it. Thus, a method is proposed that examines literature as a post-autonomous field in order to question its role in concrete reality and to investigate fictionality as a shade of reality.Neste artigo, realizamos uma análise do romance Um defeito de cor, de Ana Maria Gonçalves, acerca da relação entre as linguagens do prólogo intitulado “Serendipidades!” e a metaficção historiográfica que o sucede. Enquanto o primeiro surge da escrevivência do eu-autoral-personagem criado por Gonçalves, a segunda se vale de uma autoconsciência da textualidade da história, a qual estamos chamando de metaficção historiográfica decolonial, pois emerge da narrativa em primeira pessoa de Kehinde, uma mulher negra escravizada no século XIX. A contiguidade entre essas duas linguagens acaba gerando um “fruto estranho”, que parece demandar uma metodologia hibridizada entre abordagens pós-modernas e decoloniais. uma vez que uma perspectiva que trate a literatura como um campo cristalizado dificilmente dará conta de elucidá-lo. Assim, propomos um método que aborda o literário como uma instância pós-autônoma, questionando o papel da literatura na realidade concreta e examinando a ficcionalidade como uma sombra dessa realidade

    Notes on the development of water treatment technologies: an analysis of patent applications between 2000 and 2020

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    This paper aims to analyze the research efforts carried out to develop new technological applications in the field of water and sanitation services. We use the Derwent Innovations platform to perform a search for global patent applications made between 2000 and 2020 that received the D15 technological classification ("treating water, industrial waste and sewage"). The survey identified 31,278 patent families, including 2,938 applications that were extended to Brazil. Our results suggest that General Electric (GE) owns the most technologically important water treatment patents. The company also stands out as the main holder of Brazilian patents, being closely followed by other multinationals such as Veolia and 3M. We conclude that large international companies are interested in spreading the main water treatment technologies to Brazil. Due to its large rivers and aquifers, Brazil poses as an attractive place for the development of new water treatment solutions. On the other hand, despite this favorable scenario, Brazilian organizations are staying out of the global race for patents in the field of water-related technologies

    An overview of the research and patenting activities that took place in Brazil during the 2010s

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    A National Innovation System is an interconnected network of public and private institutions that aims at the development and diffusion of new technologies. We use the Derwent Innovations platform to study the patent applications in Brazil between 2010 and 2020, and to identify the main technological areas that have benefited from the research conducted in the country. Our main methodological contribution is to present indicators that measure the technological importance and international scope of Brazilian patents. The results show that private companies rarely resort to intellectual property protection mechanisms and that public universities are responsible for most patent applications. This study concludes that private companies innovate little, and, as a result, academic research tends to act as a substitute for business investments in research and development, especially in software development, pharmaceutical outputs, and scientific instrumentation. On the other hand, Brazilian universities and companies are both being excluded from the global race for the Internet of Things patents that has characterized the fourth industrial revolution

    Avaliação do efeito de milho bt sobre artrópodos não alvo no Brasil

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    Embora não haja cultivos comerciais de milho geneticamente modificado no Brasil, o efeito de híbridos de milho Bt sobre inimigos naturais e artrópodos de solo deve ser avaliado antes da liberação aos produtores. Assim, ensaios foram conduzidos durante uma safra em duas localidades. Os híbridos de milho modificado geneticamente 7590-Bt11 e Avant-ICP4 foram comparados com seus respectivos isogênicos não transgênicos. Os artrópodes foram avaliados através de observação direta nas plantas e armadilhas de alçapão. De modo geral, não se observaram diferenças entre as populações de tesourinha (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), joaninhas (Coleptera: Coccinellidae), percevejo-pirata (Coleoptera: Anthocoridae), carabídeos (Carabidae), cicindelídeos (Cicindelidae) e aranhas (Araneae). Também não houve diferença no parasitismo de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) por Trichogramma sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Assim, milho geneticamente modificado expressando as proteínas inseticidas Cry1A(b) e VIP 3A não causa redução nas populações dos principais predadores e parasitóides.Although not yet available for cultivation in Brazil, the effect of Bt maize hybrids on natural enemies and soil dwelling arthropods should be assessed prior to its release to growers. Trials were carried out during one growing season in two different locations with the genetically modified maize hybrids 7590-Bt11 and Avant-ICP4, comparing with their respective non-Bt isogenic hybrids. Arthropods were evaluated through direct observation on plants and pitfall traps. In general, no differences were observed between populations of earwig (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), lady beetles (Coleptera: Coccinellidae), minute pirate bug (Coleoptera: Anthocoridae), ground beetles (Carabidae), tiger beetles (Cicindelidae), and spiders (Araneae). There was no difference in egg parasitism of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) by Trichogramma sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Thus, Bt maize hybrids expressing insecticide proteins Cry1A(b) and VIP 3A do not cause reduction of the main maize dweeling predators and parasitoids

    Factores relacionados con la pérdida y reprogramación de citas de atención farmacéutica por los pacientes ambulatorio mayores en un servicio brasileño de salud pública

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    The authors thank Adilmo Henrique do Nascimento, Celina Marques Vichinsky and Sandra Cristina Neto for helping in collecting dataObjectives. To uncover reasons why patients missed pharmaceutical care (PC) appointments, identify predictive factors to miss at least one appointment and to reschedule after a miss, and compare the re­scheduling behavior of patients receiving different types of PC. Methods. All elderly patients who had at least one scheduled appointment in the PC service of a health setting of São Paulo city, Brazil, from January to December/2011 were included. Chi-square analysis compared categorical data between groups; multivariate logistic regression models predicted attendance and rescheduling behavior. Results. We identified 421 patients, being 221 (52.5%) non-attenders. Forgetting the appointment was the most common patient-related reason (56.3%). Illiteracy was a risk factor to be a non-attender [OR(95%CI)=2.27(1.17:4.40), p=0.015]. Patients having previous knowledge of the pharmacist pre­ sented more chance to rescheduled an appointment after the first miss compared to those who had not [OR(95%CI)=3.57(1.90:6.71), p<0.001]. Further, non-attenders who had knowledge of the phar­macist and received Medication Review with Follow-up resched­uled more than the ones receiving other types of PC (p=0.035). Conclusion. Illiteracy predicted non-attendance in PC to aged out­patients and forgetfulness was the main reason for that. The pre­vious acquaintance of the pharmacist and the provision of phar­maceotherapeutic follow-up explained the rescheduling behavior, which indicates the establishment of a patient-centered patient-pharmacist relationship plays a pivotal role in the continuity of the PC.Objetivos. Descubrir razones por las que los pacientes perdieron la cita en atención farmacéutica (AF), identificar los factores predictivos de perder al menos una cita y reprogramar después de una ausencia, y comparar el comportamiento de reprogramación de los pacientes recibiendo diferentes tipos de AF. Métodos. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores que tenían al menos una cita programada en el ser­vicio de AF de un establecimiento de salud de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil, de enero a diciembre/2011. Análisis chi-cuadrado comparó datos categóricos entre los grupos; modelos de regresión logística multi­variante predijeron el comportamiento de presencia y de reprogramación. Resultados. Se identificaron 421 pacientes, siendo 221 (52,5%) ausentes. El olvido fue el motivo relacio­nado con el paciente más frecuente (56,3%). El analfabetismo fue un factor de riesgo para ser un ausente [OR (IC95%)=2,27(1,17:4,40), p=0,015]. Los pacientes que tenían conocimiento previo del farmacéutico presentaron más chance de reprogramar una cita después de la primera ausencia en comparación con los que no tenía [OR (IC95%)=3,57(1,90:6,71), p<0,001]. Además, ausentes que tenían conocimiento del farmacéutico y recibieron seguimiento farmacoterapéutico reprogramaron más de los que reciben otros tipos de PC (p=0,035). Conclusión. El analfabetismo predijo ausencia en pacientes ambulatorios mayores bajo PC y el olvido fue la principal razón para eso. El conocimiento previo del farmacéutico y la provisión del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico explicaron el comportamiento de reprogramación, lo que indica que el estableci­miento de una relación con el farmacéutico centrada en el paciente juega un papel fundamental en la continuidad de la AF

    In silico identification of essential proteins in Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis based on protein-protein interaction networks

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    Background Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Cp) is a gram-positive bacterium that is classified into equi and ovis serovars. The serovar ovis is the etiological agent of caseous lymphadenitis, a chronic infection affecting sheep and goats, causing economic losses due to carcass condemnation and decreased production of meat, wool, and milk. Current diagnosis or treatment protocols are not fully effective and, thus, require further research of Cp pathogenesis. Results Here, we mapped known protein-protein interactions (PPI) from various species to nine Cp strains to reconstruct parts of the potential Cp interactome and to identify potentially essential proteins serving as putative drug targets. On average, we predict 16,669 interactions for each of the nine strains (with 15,495 interactions shared among all strains). An in silico sanity check suggests that the potential networks were not formed by spurious interactions but have a strong biological bias. With the inferred Cp networks we identify 181 essential proteins, among which 41 are non-host homologous. Conclusions The list of candidate interactions of the Cp strains lay the basis for developing novel hypotheses and designing according wet-lab studies. The non-host homologous essential proteins are attractive targets for therapeutic and diagnostic proposes. They allow for searching of small molecule inhibitors of binding interactions enabling modern drug discovery. Overall, the predicted Cp PPI networks form a valuable and versatile tool for researchers interested in Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis


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    Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de pessoas atendidas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas. Método: pesquisa descritiva e transversal realizada no Sul do país. Participaram da pesquisa163 pacientes no período de janeiro a junho de 2012. Os dados foram coletados mediante aplicação de formulário estruturado e, posteriormente, codificados e armazenados em uma planilha eletrônica de dados e analisados pelo método quantitativo descritivo. Resultados: o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico mostrou que a maioria dos participantes era do sexo masculino, solteira, com ensino fundamental incompleto, desempregada, com renda familiar entre um e três salários mínimos, utilizava o álcool como substância de preferência e com histórico familiar de transtornos decorrentes do consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos ofertaram subsídios para o desenvolvimento de planos de cuidados mais condizentes com a realidade dessa clientela com vistas à promoção da saúde.Descritores: Saúde Mental; Perfil de Saúde; Transtornos Relacionados ao uso de Substâncias; Enfermagem

    Construction of soil moisture and irrigation IoT monitoring system using Project Based Learning

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    This article describes a project developed using principles of Project Based Learning (PBL) and aims to use an embedded system for soil monitoring, thus measuring soil moisture and implementing automatic irrigation, as well as, the temperature and humidity of the environment. The configuration data for irrigation time control and the lower and upper limits of soil moisture percentage can be adjusted through a PHP page, where also the monitoring of the variation of soil moisture through a graph can be done in real time. The proposed project is divided into two steps using PBL. Phase one focuses on developing a circuit with sensors capable of doing measurement of ambient parameters and soil moisture, and phase two, on developing an irrigation system to control soil moisture, both using Internet of Things (IoT) concepts

    A gestão de ideias no âmbito da gestão do conhecimento: catalisando a inovação nas organizações

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    O processo de inovação vem ganhando atenção crescente no ambiente corporativo. Além disso, empresas estão voltando cada vez mais suas ações para a captação de ideias e sugestões de seus colaboradores, com vistas à solução de seus desafios cotidianos. Além da necessidade de sistematização de ambos os processos nas empresas, defende-se que sua convergência pode contribuir não apenas para a melhoria continua, mas também para alavancar inovações de diferentes impactos no ambiente organizacional. A dificuldade reside na coleta de ideias geradas pelos colaboradores, na escolha do processo correto para selecioná-las e implementá-las, além de aspectos motivacionais intrínsecos à sua geração. Nesse âmbito, surge a gestão de ideias, ou idea management, que sistematiza esse processo, proporcionando a geração de resultados mais rápidos aos desafios cotidianos enfrentados pelas organizações. Por meio da revistão de literatura sobre modelos de gestão, inovação e gerenciamento de ideias, o presente artigo parte da integração de recomendações conceituais e abstratas de diversos modelos de referência à gestão e compara com softwares já oferecidos no mercado, para propor um sistema de gestão de ideias (SGI), que proporcione uma solução real e prática de gestão que possa ser efetivamente utilizada. Visando superar em parte as barreiras do compartilhamento de ideias e sugestões, adicionalmente é proposto um sistema de pontuação, premiação e recompensas a colaboradores que decidam contribuir para a alavancagem da inovação organizacional

    Antimicrobial Photodinamic Therapy Combined with Laser Photobiomodulation in the Treatment of Skin Wounds in a Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

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    Background: Laser photobiomodulation has been used in the treatment of various injuries and diseases. This promotes modulation of the inflammatory process, edema reduction and devitalized tissue regeneration. The advantages of Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy are its easy application and the absence of side effects. Other advantages are the cost of the therapy, minimal damage to animal tissue, the broad spectrum of action, and efficiency against strains resistant to antimicrobials. The aim of this study was to report the clinical and their resolution in a female dog with a traumatic, infected wound treated with laser phototherapy as an alternative therapy method.Case: A 3-year-old bitch Border Collie, weighing 18 kg, from the municipality of Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, waspresented for examination with a history of traumatic laceration of the left thoracic member. On the anamnesis, it was reported that the patient presented with laceration of the left thoracic member. The wound was cleaned and an antibiotic [30 mg/kg of 12/12 h] and anti-inflammatory [0.1 mg/kg every 24 h were prescribed, both for 5 days]. Twenty-four h after the surgical procedure, there was dehiscence of the sutures, with daily topical therapy based on zinc oxide for secondary intention healing. Upon physical examination, the wound was found to be contaminated with swollen and erythematous edges, an ulcerated area with devitalized tissue, serous exudate, and 8.8 cm2 of wounded area. Given the macroscopic characteristics of the lesion, phototherapy was associated with conventional therapy until complete healing of the wound, with three weekly applications at 48 h intervals. Initially, the wound was cleaned with saline solution at 0.9% and a single treatment with aPDT was scheduled due to the high degree of contamination. The dosimetry parameters of irradiation were calculated according to the wounded area with a diode laser of 0.1W of power, continuous emission, spot area of 0.028 cm2, and energy of 9 J per application point. A gauze imbibed with 1 mL of methylene blue aqueous solution (300 μM), which was the photosensitizer was applied to the lesion, with a pre-irradiation time of 5 min, after which it was irradiated with red laser (RL) (λ = 660nm) for 90 s per point, using the sweeping technique. The edge of the lesion was irradiated with infrared laser (IRL) (λ = 808 nm), total energy of 5 J, using the technique of specific points and 1 J of energy/point. After aPDT, low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) sessions were set up with RL and IRL, with energies of 0.5 J/point and 1 J/point, respectively. The wound was cleaned daily, protected with a bandage, and clinically evaluated until complete regression.Discussion: In the present case, methylene blue was used as a photosensitizer, but it is noteworthy that, apparently, each microorganism responds differently to photosensitizers. Thus, the therapy becomes specific for each application, for example: the type of photosensitizer, its concentration, pre-irradiation time, type of light used in photosensitization, wavelength, energy, power, mode delivery of light. Thus, for the best result, the specific protocol in each application should be used  Low-intensity laser therapy is an easily executed technique with effective results. The use of PDT associated with photobiomodulation therapy enabled rapid healing of the cutaneous wound, in addition to an improvement in clinical signs and pain caused by the lesion. The technique proved to be an efficient alternative in the treatment of wounds, whether used in isolation or associated with conventional therapy. Keywords: methylene blue, healing, wound, photobiomodulation, low-level laser.Título: Terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana combinada com a fotobiomodulação a laser no tratamento de ferida cutânea em cão (Canis lupus familiaris)